mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:25:42 +01:00
870 lines
27 KiB
870 lines
27 KiB
function Node_create_Export(_x, _y, _group = noone) { #region
var path = "";
path = get_save_filename_pxc(@"Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|
Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)|*.jpg|
Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)|*.gif|
Animated WebP (.webp)|*.webp|
MPEG-4 (.mp4)|*.mp4",
var node = new Node_Export(_x, _y, _group).skipDefault();
node.inputs[| 1].setValue(path);
if(NODE_NEW_MANUAL) node.extensionCheck();
return node;
function exportAll() {
if(IS_RENDERING) return;
for (var i = 0, n = array_length(PROJECT.allNodes); i < n; i++) {
var node = PROJECT.allNodes[i];
if(!node.active) continue;
if(!is_instanceof(node, Node_Export)) continue;
} #endregion
function Node_Export(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "Export";
preview_channel = 0;
playing = false;
played = 0;
_format_still = { filter: "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)|*.jpg" };
_format_anim = { filter: "Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)|*.gif|Animated WebP (.webp)|*.webp" };
inputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Surface", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone);
inputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Paths", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.path, "")
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.path_save, _format_still)
inputs[| 2] = nodeValue("Template", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.text, "%d%n")
inputs[| 2].editWidget.format = TEXT_AREA_FORMAT.path_template;
inputs[| 2].editWidget.auto_update = true;
format_single = ["Single image", "Image sequence", "Animation"];
format_array = ["Multiple images", "Image sequences", "Animations"];
inputs[| 3] = nodeValue("Type", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll, { data: format_single, update_hover: false })
inputs[| 4] = nodeValue("Template guides", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
@"%d Directory
%1d Goes up 1 level
%n File name
%f Frame
%i Array index" );
inputs[| 5] = nodeValue("Loop", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, true)
inputs[| 6] = nodeValue("Frame optimization", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false)
inputs[| 7] = nodeValue("Color merge", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0.02)
inputs[| 8] = nodeValue("Framerate", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 30)
format_image = [ ".png", ".jpg", ".webp" ];
format_animation = [ ".gif", ".apng", ".webp", ".mp4" ];
inputs[| 9] = nodeValue("Format", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll, { data: format_image, update_hover: false })
inputs[| 10] = nodeValue("Quality", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 23)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [ 0, 100, 0.1 ] })
inputs[| 11] = nodeValue("Sequence begin", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0);
inputs[| 12] = nodeValue("Frame range", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, [0, -1])
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider_range, { range: [0, TOTAL_FRAMES, 0.1] });
png_format = [ "INDEX4", "INDEX8", "Default (PNG32)" ];
inputs[| 13] = nodeValue("Subformat", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 2)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll, { data: png_format, update_hover: false });
inputs[| 14] = nodeValue("Frame step", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 1);
inputs[| 15] = nodeValue("Custom Range", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false)
inputs[| 16] = nodeValue("Export on Save", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false)
outputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Preview", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone);
template_guide = [
["%d", "Directory"],
["%1d", "Goes up 1 level"],
["%n", "File name"],
["%f", "Frame"],
["%i", "Array index"],
export_template = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus) { #region
var _tx = _x + ui(10);
var _ty = _y;
var _tw = _w - ui(8);
var rawpath = getInputData(1);
if(is_array(rawpath)) rawpath = array_safe_get_fast(rawpath, 0, "");
var _ext = getInputData(9);
var path = pathString(rawpath);
var pathA = pathString(rawpath,, true);
path = string_replace(path, ".png", array_safe_get_fast(inputs[| 9].display_data.data, _ext, ""));
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text);
var _th = ui(12) + string_height_ext(path, -1, _tw - ui(16), true);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _tx, _ty, _tw, _th, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
var lw = 0;
var lx = _tx + ui(8);
var ly = _ty + ui(6);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(pathA); i < n; i++ ) {
var _txt = pathA[i];
if(is_array(_txt)) {
switch(_txt[0]) {
case "d" : draw_set_color(COLORS.widget_text_dec_d); break;
case "n" : draw_set_color(COLORS.widget_text_dec_n); break;
case "f" : draw_set_color(COLORS.widget_text_dec_f); break;
case "i" : draw_set_color(COLORS.widget_text_dec_i); break;
case "ext" : draw_set_color(COLORS._main_text_sub); break;
_txt = _txt[1];
} else
for( var j = 1; j <= string_length(_txt); j++ ) {
var ch = string_char_at(_txt, j);
var ww = string_width(ch);
if(lw + ww > _tw - ui(16)) {
lw = 0;
lx = _tx + ui(8);
ly += string_height("M");
draw_text(lx, ly, ch);
lw += ww;
lx += ww;
var hh = _th + ui(116);
var _cy = _y + _th + ui(8);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(template_guide); i < n; i++ ) {
var _yy = _cy + ui(20) * i;
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(_x + ui(16 + 16), _yy, template_guide[i][0]);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_right, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(_x + _w - ui(4 + 16), _yy, template_guide[i][1]);
return hh;
}); #endregion
input_display_list = [
["Export", false], 0, 1, 2, export_template, 16,
["Format", false], 3, 9, 6, 7, 10, 13,
["Custom Range", true, 15], 12,
["Animation", false], 8, 5, 11, 14,
render_process_id = 0;
render_type = "";
render_target = "";
exportLog = true;
directory = TEMPDIR + string(irandom_range(100000, 999999));
converter = filepath_resolve(PREFERENCES.ImageMagick_path) + "convert.exe";
magick = filepath_resolve(PREFERENCES.ImageMagick_path) + "magick.exe";
webp = filepath_resolve(PREFERENCES.webp_path) + "webpmux.exe";
gifski = filepath_resolve(PREFERENCES.gifski_path) + "win/gifski.exe";
ffmpeg = filepath_resolve(PREFERENCES.ffmpeg_path) + "bin/ffmpeg.exe";
if(OS == os_windows) {
if(!file_exists_empty(converter) || !file_exists_empty(magick)) noti_warning($"No ImageMagick detected at {magick}, please make sure the installation is complete and ImageMagick path is set properly in preference.");
if(!file_exists_empty(webp)) noti_warning($"No webp detected at {webp}, please make sure the installation is complete and webp path is set properly in preference.");
if(!file_exists_empty(gifski)) noti_warning($"No gifski detected at {gifski}, please make sure the installation is complete and gifski path is set properly in preference.");
if(!file_exists_empty(ffmpeg)) noti_warning($"No FFmpeg detected at {ffmpeg}, please make sure the installation is complete and FFmpeg path is set properly in preference.");
} else if(OS == os_macosx) {
var check_convert = ExecutedProcessReadFromStandardOutput(shell_execute("convert", ""));
if(string_pos(check_convert, "not found")) noti_warning($"No ImageMagick installed, please install imagemagick with homebrew or use the provided 'mac-libraries-installer.command'.");
var check_webp = ExecutedProcessReadFromStandardOutput(shell_execute("webp", ""));
if(string_pos(check_webp, "not found")) noti_warning($"No webp installed, please install webp with homwbrew or use the provided 'mac-libraries-installer.command'.");
var check_ffmpeg = ExecutedProcessReadFromStandardOutput(shell_execute("ffmpeg", ""));
if(string_pos(check_ffmpeg, "not found")) noti_warning($"No FFmpeg installed, please install FFmpeg with homebrew or use the provided 'mac-libraries-installer.command'.");
var _opt = "/opt/homebrew/bin/";
converter = _opt + "convert";
magick = _opt + "magick";
webp = _opt + "webp";
ffmpeg = _opt + "ffmpeg";
static onValueUpdate = function(_index) { #region
var form = getInputData(3);
if(_index == 3) {
if(NOT_LOAD) inputs[| 9].setValue(0);
switch(form) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
inputs[| 1].display_data = _format_still;
case 2 :
inputs[| 1].display_data = _format_anim;
if(NOT_LOAD && _index == 3 && form == 1)
inputs[| 2].setValue("%d%n%3f%i");
if(NOT_LOAD && _index == 1) {
var _path = getInputData(1);
var _ext = filename_ext(_path);
switch(_ext) {
case ".png" : inputs[| 9].setValue(0); break;
case ".jpg" : inputs[| 9].setValue(1); break;
case ".gif" : inputs[| 9].setValue(0); break;
case ".webp" : inputs[| 9].setValue(1); break;
} #endregion
static extensionCheck = function() { #region
var _path = getInputData(1);
var _ext = filename_ext(_path);
switch(_ext) {
case ".png" :
inputs[| 3].setValue(0);
inputs[| 9].setValue(0);
case ".jpg" :
inputs[| 3].setValue(0);
inputs[| 9].setValue(1);
case ".gif" :
inputs[| 3].setValue(2);
inputs[| 9].setValue(0);
case ".webp" :
inputs[| 3].setValue(2);
inputs[| 9].setValue(1);
} #endregion
static renderWebp = function(temp_path, target_path) { #region
var _path = file_find_first(temp_path + "*.png", 0);
var frames = [];
while(_path != "") {
var _frame = string_quote(temp_path + string_replace_all(_path, ".png", "") + ".webp");
var _pathTemp = string_quote(temp_path + _path);
var shell_cmd = _pathTemp + " -define webp:lossless=true " + _frame;
array_push(frames, _frame);
shell_execute_async(magick, shell_cmd, self, false);
_path = file_find_next();
var rate = getInputData(8);
if(rate == 0) rate = 1;
var framerate = round(1 / rate * 1000);
var cmd = "";
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(frames); i < n; i++ )
cmd += $"-frame {frames[i]} +{framerate}+0+0+1 ";
cmd += "-bgcolor 0,0,0,0 ";
cmd += "-o " + string_quote(target_path);
render_process_id = shell_execute_async(webp, cmd, self);
render_type = "webp";
render_target = target_path;
} #endregion
static renderGif = function(temp_path, target_path) { #region
var loop = getInputData( 5);
var opti = getInputData( 6);
var fuzz = getInputData( 7);
var rate = max(1, getInputData( 8));
var qual = getInputData(10);
temp_path = string_replace_all(temp_path, "/", "\\");
target_path = string_replace_all(target_path, "/", "\\");
var framerate = 100 / rate;
var loop_str = loop? 0 : 1;
var use_gifski = false;
var shell_cmd = $"-delay {framerate} -alpha set -dispose 2 -loop {loop_str}";
if(opti) shell_cmd += $" -fuzz {fuzz * 100}% -layers OptimizeFrame -layers OptimizeTransparency";
shell_cmd += $" {string_quote(temp_path)} {string_quote(target_path)}";
render_process_id = shell_execute_async(converter, shell_cmd, self);
render_type = "gif";
render_target = target_path;
} #endregion
static renderMp4 = function(temp_path, target_path) { #region
var rate = getInputData( 8);
var qual = getInputData(10); qual = clamp(qual, 0, 51);
if(rate == 0) rate = 1;
if(file_exists_empty(target_path)) file_delete(target_path);
temp_path = string_replace_all(temp_path, "/", "\\");
temp_path = string_trim(temp_path, ["*.png"]) + "%05d.png";
target_path = string_replace_all(target_path, "/", "\\");
var shell_cmd = $"-hide_banner -loglevel quiet -framerate {rate} -i \"{temp_path}\" -c:v libx264 -r {rate} -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf {qual} {string_quote(target_path)}";
render_process_id = shell_execute_async(ffmpeg, shell_cmd, self);
render_type = "mp4";
render_target = target_path;
} #endregion
static renderApng = function(temp_path, target_path) { #region
var rate = getInputData( 8);
if(rate == 0) rate = 1;
if(file_exists_empty(target_path)) file_delete(target_path);
temp_path = string_replace_all(temp_path, "/", "\\");
temp_path = string_trim(temp_path, ["*.png"]) + "%05d.png";
target_path = string_replace_all(target_path, "/", "\\");
var shell_cmd = $"-hide_banner -loglevel quiet -framerate {rate} -i \"{temp_path}\" -plays 0 {string_quote(target_path)}";
render_process_id = shell_execute_async(ffmpeg, shell_cmd, self);
render_type = "apng";
render_target = target_path;
} #endregion
static pathString = function(path, index = 0, _array = false) { #region
var suff = getInputData( 2);
var form = getInputData( 3);
var strt = getInputData(11);
path = string_replace_all(path, "\\", "/");
var s = _array? [] : "";
var i = 1;
var ch, ch_s;
var len = string_length(suff);
while(i <= len) {
ch = string_char_at(suff, i);
if(ch == "%") {
var res = false, str = "";
do {
ch_s = string_char_at(suff, i);
switch(ch_s) {
case "f" :
var _txt = "";
var float_str = string_digits(str);
if(float_str != "") {
var float_val = string_digits(float_str);
var str_val = max(float_val - string_length(string(CURRENT_FRAME + 1 + strt)), 0);
_txt += "0";
_txt += string(CURRENT_FRAME + 1 + strt);
if(_array) array_push(s, [ "f", _txt ]);
else s += _txt;
res = true;
case "i" :
var _txt = "";
var float_str = string_digits(str);
if(float_str != "") {
var float_val = string_digits(float_str);
var str_val = max(float_val - string_length(string(index)), 0);
_txt += "0";
_txt += string(index);
if(_array) array_push(s, [ "i", _txt ]);
else s += _txt;
res = true;
case "d" :
var dir = filename_dir(path) + "/";
var _txt = "";
var float_str = string_digits(str);
if(float_str != "") {
var float_val = toNumber(string_digits(float_str)) + 1;
var dir_s = "";
var sep = string_splice(dir, "/");
for(var j = 0; j < array_length(sep) - float_val; j++)
dir_s += sep[j] + "/";
_txt += dir_s;
} else
_txt += dir;
if(_array) array_push(s, [ "d", _txt ]);
else s += _txt;
res = true;
case "n" :
var ext = filename_ext(path);
var _txt = string_replace(filename_name(path), ext, "");
if(_array) array_push(s, [ "n", _txt ]);
else s += _txt;
res = true;
default :
str += ch_s;
} until(i > string_length(suff) || res);
} else {
if(_array) array_push(s, ch);
else s += ch;
var _e = getInputData(9);
var _ext = array_safe_get_fast(inputs[| 9].display_data.data, _e, ".png");
if(_array) array_push(s, ["ext", _ext]);
else s += _ext;
return s;
} #endregion
static save_surface = function(_surf, _path) { #region
var form = getInputData(3);
// print($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> save surface {_surf} - {_path} <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
if(form == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation) {
surface_save_safe(_surf, _path);
return _path;
var extd = getInputData( 9);
var qual = getInputData(10);
var indx = getInputData(13);
var ext = array_safe_get_fast(format_image, extd, ".png");
var _pathOut = _path;
var _pathTemp = $"{directory}/{irandom_range(10000, 99999)}.png";
switch(ext) {
case ".png":
switch(indx) {
case 0 :
surface_save_safe(_surf, _pathTemp);
var shell_cmd = $"convert {string_quote(_pathTemp)} {string_quote(_pathOut)}";
shell_execute_async(magick, shell_cmd, self);
case 1 :
surface_save_safe(_surf, _pathTemp);
var shell_cmd = $"convert {string_quote(_pathTemp)} PNG8:{string_quote(_pathOut)}";
shell_execute_async(magick, shell_cmd, self);
case 2 :
surface_save_safe(_surf, _pathOut);
case ".jpg":
surface_save_safe(_surf, _pathTemp);
_pathOut = $"\"{string_replace_all(_path, ".png", "")}.jpg\"";
var shell_cmd = $"{string_quote(_pathTemp)} -quality {qual} {string_quote(_pathOut)}";
shell_execute_async(magick, shell_cmd, self);
case ".webp":
surface_save_safe(_surf, _pathTemp);
_pathOut = $"\"{string_replace_all(_path, ".png", "")}.webp\"";
var shell_cmd = $"{string_quote(_pathTemp)} -quality {qual} -define webp:lossless=true {string_quote(_pathOut)}";
shell_execute_async(magick, shell_cmd, self);
return _pathOut;
} #endregion
static export = function(log = true) { #region
// print($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export {CURRENT_FRAME} <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
exportLog = log;
var surf = getInputData( 0);
var path = getInputData( 1);
var suff = getInputData( 2);
var form = getInputData( 3);
var rang = getInputData(12);
var stps = getInputData(14);
var user = getInputData(15);
if(form >= 1 && user) {
var rng_s = rang[0];
var rng_e = rang[1];
var rng_st = stps >= 1? (CURRENT_FRAME - rng_s) % stps : 0;
if(CURRENT_FRAME < rng_s - 1) return;
if(CURRENT_FRAME > rng_e - 1) return;
if(rng_st != 0) return;
if(is_array(surf)) {
var p = "";
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(surf); i++) {
var _surf = surf[i];
if(!is_surface(_surf)) continue;
if(form == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation) {
p = $"{directory}/{i}/{string_lead_zero(CURRENT_FRAME, 5)}.png";
} else {
if(is_array(path) && array_length(path) == array_length(surf))
p = pathString(array_safe_get_fast(path, i), i);
p = pathString(path, i);
p = save_surface(_surf, p);
if(exportLog && form != NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation && !IS_CMD) {
var _txt = $"Export {array_length(surf)} images complete.";
var noti = log_message("EXPORT", _txt, THEME.noti_icon_tick, COLORS._main_value_positive, false);
noti.path = filename_dir(p);
noti.setOnClick(function() { shellOpenExplorer(self.path); }, "Open in explorer", THEME.explorer);
} else if(is_surface(surf)) {
var p = path;
if(is_array(path)) p = path[0];
if(form == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation) {
p = $"{directory}/{string_lead_zero(CURRENT_FRAME, 5)}.png";
} else {
p = pathString(p);
p = save_surface(surf, p);
if(exportLog && form != NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation && !IS_CMD) {
var _txt = $"Export image as {p}";
var noti = log_message("EXPORT", _txt, THEME.noti_icon_tick, COLORS._main_value_positive, false);
noti.path = filename_dir(p);
noti.setOnClick(function() { shellOpenExplorer(self.path); }, "Open in explorer", THEME.explorer);
// print($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export {CURRENT_FRAME} complete <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
} #endregion
static renderCompleted = function() { #region
var surf = getInputData( 0);
var path = getInputData( 1);
var suff = getInputData( 2);
var extd = getInputData( 9);
var temp_path, target_path;
update_on_frame = false;
if(is_array(surf)) {
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(surf); i++) {
temp_path = $"{directory}/{i}/*.png";
if(is_array(path)) target_path = pathString(array_safe_get_fast(path, i), i);
else target_path = pathString(path, i);
switch(format_animation[extd]) {
case ".gif" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".gif");
renderGif(temp_path, target_path);
case ".webp" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".webp");
renderWebp(temp_path, target_path);
case ".mp4" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".mp4");
renderMp4(temp_path, target_path);
case ".apng" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".apng");
renderApng(temp_path, target_path);
} else {
target_path = pathString(path);
switch(format_animation[extd]) {
case ".gif" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".gif");
renderGif(directory + "/*.png", target_path);
case ".webp" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".webp");
renderWebp(directory + "/", target_path);
case ".mp4" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".mp4");
renderMp4(directory + "/", target_path);
case ".apng" :
target_path = string_replace(target_path, ".png", ".apng");
renderApng(directory + "/", target_path);
} #endregion
insp1UpdateTooltip = "Export";
insp1UpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ];
insp2UpdateTooltip = "Export All";
insp2UpdateIcon = [ THEME.play_all, 0, COLORS._main_value_positive ];
static onInspector1Update = function(_fromValue = false) { #region
if(IS_RENDERING) return;
if(_fromValue) {
if(isInLoop()) RENDER_ALL
else doInspectorAction();
} #endregion
static onInspector2Update = function(_fromValue = false) { #region
if(IS_RENDERING) return;
} #endregion
static doInspectorAction = function() { #region
if(!IS_CMD && (LOADING || APPENDING)) return;
var path = getInputData(1);
if(path == "") return;
var form = getInputData(3);
if(form == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.single) {
update_on_frame = true;
playing = true;
played = 0;
if(IS_CMD) array_push(PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS._exporting, node_id);
} #endregion
static step = function() { #region
insp1UpdateActive = !IS_RENDERING;
insp2UpdateActive = !IS_RENDERING;
var surf = getInputData( 0);
var pngf = getInputData(13);
var expo = getInputData(16);
if(is_array(surf)) {
inputs[| 3].display_data.data = format_array;
inputs[| 3].editWidget.data_list = format_array;
} else {
inputs[| 3].display_data.data = format_single;
inputs[| 3].editWidget.data_list = format_single;
outputs[| 0].setValue(surf);
var anim = getInputData(3); // single, sequence, animation
var extn = getInputData(9);
var user = getInputData(15);
if(expo && anim == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.single && IS_SAVING)
inputs[| 11].setVisible(anim == 1);
inputs[| 16].setVisible(anim == 0);
inputs[| 12].editWidget.minn = FIRST_FRAME + 1;
inputs[| 12].editWidget.maxx = LAST_FRAME + 1;
if(!user) inputs[| 12].setValueDirect([ FIRST_FRAME + 1, LAST_FRAME + 1], noone, false, 0, false);
inputs[| 14].setVisible(anim > 0);
if(anim == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation) {
var _fmt = array_safe_get_fast(format_animation, extn);
inputs[| 5].setVisible(_fmt == ".gif");
inputs[| 6].setVisible(_fmt == ".gif");
inputs[| 7].setVisible(_fmt == ".gif");
inputs[| 8].setVisible(true);
inputs[| 9].display_data.data = format_animation;
inputs[| 9].editWidget.data_list = format_animation;
inputs[| 13].setVisible(false);
if(_fmt == ".mp4") {
inputs[| 10].setName("CRF value");
inputs[| 10].tooltip = "Quality of the output, with 0 being the highest (and largest file size), and 51 being the lowest.";
inputs[| 10].setVisible(true);
inputs[| 10].editWidget.minn = 0;
inputs[| 10].editWidget.maxx = 51;
} else
inputs[| 10].setVisible(false);
} else {
var _fmt = array_safe_get_fast(format_image, extn);
inputs[| 5].setVisible(false);
inputs[| 6].setVisible(false);
inputs[| 7].setVisible(false);
inputs[| 8].setVisible(false);
inputs[| 9].display_data.data = format_image;
inputs[| 9].editWidget.data_list = format_image;
inputs[| 13].setVisible(_fmt == ".png");
if(_fmt == ".jpg" || _fmt == ".webp") {
inputs[| 10].setName("Quality");
inputs[| 10].tooltip = "Quality of the output.";
inputs[| 10].setVisible(true);
inputs[| 10].editWidget.minn = 0;
inputs[| 10].editWidget.maxx = 100;
} else
inputs[| 10].setVisible(false);
if(render_process_id != 0) {
var res = ProcIdExists(render_process_id);
if(res == 0 || OS == os_macosx) {
if(!IS_CMD) {
var noti = log_message("EXPORT", $"Export {render_type} as {render_target}", THEME.noti_icon_tick, COLORS._main_value_positive, false);
noti.path = filename_dir(render_target);
noti.setOnClick(function() { shellOpenExplorer(self.path); }, "Open in explorer", THEME.explorer);
render_process_id = 0;
if(IS_CMD) array_remove(PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS._exporting, node_id);
} #endregion
static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { #region
var anim = getInputData(3);
if(anim == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.single) {
if(isInLoop()) export(false);
if(!PROJECT.animator.is_playing) {
playing = false;
if(!playing) return;
if(IS_LAST_FRAME && anim == NODE_EXPORT_FORMAT.animation)
} #endregion
static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover, _focus) { #region
graph_preview_alpha = 1;
if(render_process_id != 0) {
graph_preview_alpha = 0.5;
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.loading, 0, xx + w * _s / 2, yy + h * _s / 2, _s, _s, current_time / 2, COLORS._main_icon, 1);
} #endregion
static doApplyDeserialize = function() { onValueUpdate(3); }
} |