mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 23:13:53 +01:00
1354 lines
49 KiB
1354 lines
49 KiB
function Node_Tile_Tileset(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "Tileset";
renaming = noone;
rename_text = "";
tb_rename = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(_name) {
if(renaming == noone) return;
renaming.name = _name;
renaming = noone;
tb_rename.font = f_p2;
tb_rename.hide = true;
newInput( 0, nodeValue_Surface("Texture", self, noone));
newInput( 1, nodeValue_Vec2("Tile size", self, [ 16, 16 ]));
newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Tileset", self, VALUE_TYPE.tileset, self));
#region ++++ tile selector ++++
tile_selector_surface = 0;
tile_selector_mask = 0;
tile_selector_h = ui(320);
tile_selector_x = 0;
tile_selector_y = 0;
tile_selector_s = 2;
tile_selector_s_to = 2;
tile_dragging = false;
tile_drag_sx = 0;
tile_drag_sy = 0;
tile_drag_mx = 0;
tile_drag_my = 0;
tile_selecting = false;
tile_select_ss = [ 0, 0 ];
selecting_surface = noone;
selecting_surface_tile = noone;
autotile_selector_mask = 0;
grid_draw = true;
brush = new tiler_brush(self);
tile_selector = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus, _panel = noone) {
var _tileSet = getInputData(0);
var _tileSiz = getInputData(1);
var _pd = ui(4);
var _yy = _y;
var _tsh = tile_selector.fixHeight > 0? tile_selector.fixHeight - ui(24 + 4 + 48 + 8) : tile_selector_h;
var _h = _tsh;
var bx = _x;
var by = _yy;
var bs = ui(24);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "Clear selection", THEME.canvas_tools_selection_rectangle, 0, COLORS._main_icon_light) == 2) {
brush.brush_indices = [[]];
brush.brush_width = 0;
brush.brush_height = 0;
bx = _x + _w - bs;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "Zoom to fit", THEME.path_tools_transform, 0, COLORS._main_icon_light) == 2) {
if(is_surface(_tileSet)) {
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
var _sw = _w - _pd * 2;
var _sh = _tsh - _pd * 2;
var _ss = min(_sw / (_tdim[0] + 16), _sh / (_tdim[1] + 16));
tile_selector_s = _ss;
tile_selector_s_to = _ss;
tile_selector_x = _w / 2 - _tdim[0] * _ss / 2;
tile_selector_y = _tsh / 2 - _tdim[1] * _ss / 2;
_h += bs + ui(4);
_yy += bs + ui(4);
var _sx = _x + _pd;
var _sy = _yy + _pd;
var _sw = _w - _pd * 2;
var _sh = _tsh - _pd * 2;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x, _yy, _w, _tsh, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
tile_selector_surface = surface_verify(tile_selector_surface, _sw, _sh);
tile_selector_mask = surface_verify(tile_selector_mask, _sw, _sh);
autotile_selector_mask = surface_verify(autotile_selector_mask, _sw, _sh);
if(!is_surface(_tileSet)) return _h;
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
var _tileAmo = [ floor(_tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0]), floor(_tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1]) ];
var _tileSel_w = _tileSiz[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _tileSel_h = _tileSiz[1] * tile_selector_s;
var _msx = _m[0] - _sx - tile_selector_x;
var _msy = _m[1] - _sy - tile_selector_y;
var _mtx = floor(_msx / tile_selector_s / _tileSiz[0]);
var _mty = floor(_msy / tile_selector_s / _tileSiz[1]);
var _mid = _mtx >= 0 && _mtx < _tileAmo[0] && _mty >= 0 && _mty < _tileAmo[1]? _mty * _tileAmo[0] + _mtx : noone;
var _tileHov_x = tile_selector_x + _mtx * _tileSiz[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _tileHov_y = tile_selector_y + _mty * _tileSiz[1] * tile_selector_s;
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _x, _yy, _x + _w, _yy + _tsh);
#region surface_set_target(tile_selector_surface);
draw_clear(colorMultiply(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend));
draw_sprite_tiled_ext(s_transparent, 0, tile_selector_x, tile_selector_y, tile_selector_s, tile_selector_s, colorMultiply(COLORS.panel_preview_transparent, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend), 1);
draw_surface_ext(_tileSet, tile_selector_x, tile_selector_y, tile_selector_s, tile_selector_s, 0, c_white, 1);
if(grid_draw) {
var _gw = _tileSiz[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _gh = _tileSiz[1] * tile_selector_s;
var gw = _tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0];
var gh = _tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1];
var cx = tile_selector_x;
var cy = tile_selector_y;
for( var i = 1; i < gw; i++ ) {
var _lxx = cx + i * _gw;
draw_line(_lxx, cy, _lxx, cy + _tdim[1] * tile_selector_s);
for( var i = 1; i < gh; i++ ) {
var _lyy = cy + i * _gh;
draw_line(cx, _lyy, cx + _tdim[0] * tile_selector_s, _lyy);
draw_rectangle(tile_selector_x, tile_selector_y, tile_selector_x + _tdim[0] * tile_selector_s - 1, tile_selector_y + _tdim[1] * tile_selector_s - 1, true);
if(_hov && _mid > noone) {
draw_rectangle_width(_tileHov_x - 1, _tileHov_y - 1, _tileHov_x + _tileSel_w, _tileHov_y + _tileSel_h, 1);
draw_rectangle_width(_tileHov_x, _tileHov_y, _tileHov_x + _tileSel_w - 1, _tileHov_y + _tileSel_h - 1, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
if(autotile_subtile_selecting == noone) {
autotile_selecting = noone;
animated_selecting = noone;
tile_selecting = true;
tile_select_ss = [ _mtx, _mty ];
} else {
autotiles[autotile_selecting].index[autotile_subtile_selecting] = _mid;
if(autotile_subtile_selecting >= array_length(autotiles[autotile_selecting].index))
autotile_subtile_selecting = noone;
palette_using = false;
#region surface_set_target(tile_selector_mask);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(brush.brush_indices); i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(brush.brush_indices[i]); j < m; j++ ) {
var _bindex = floor(brush.brush_indices[i][j][0]);
var _tileSel_row = floor(_bindex / _tileAmo[0]);
var _tileSel_col = safe_mod(_bindex, _tileAmo[0]);
var _tileSel_x = tile_selector_x + _tileSel_col * _tileSiz[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _tileSel_y = tile_selector_y + _tileSel_row * _tileSiz[1] * tile_selector_s;
draw_rectangle(_tileSel_x, _tileSel_y, _tileSel_x + _tileSel_w, _tileSel_y + _tileSel_h, false);
if(tile_selecting) { // tile selection
var _ts_sx = clamp(min(tile_select_ss[0], _mtx), 0, _tileAmo[0] - 1);
var _ts_sy = clamp(min(tile_select_ss[1], _mty), 0, _tileAmo[1] - 1);
var _ts_ex = clamp(max(tile_select_ss[0], _mtx), 0, _tileAmo[0] - 1);
var _ts_ey = clamp(max(tile_select_ss[1], _mty), 0, _tileAmo[1] - 1);
brush.brush_indices = [];
brush.brush_width = _ts_ex - _ts_sx + 1;
brush.brush_height = _ts_ey - _ts_sy + 1;
var _ind = 0;
for( var i = _ts_sy; i <= _ts_ey; i++ )
for( var j = _ts_sx; j <= _ts_ex; j++ )
brush.brush_indices[i - _ts_sy][j - _ts_sx] = [ i * _tileAmo[0] + j, 0 ];
tile_selecting = false;
#region pan zoom
if(tile_dragging) {
var _tdx = _m[0] - tile_drag_mx;
var _tdy = _m[1] - tile_drag_my;
tile_selector_x = tile_drag_sx + _tdx;
tile_selector_y = tile_drag_sy + _tdy;
tile_dragging = false;
if(_hov) {
if(mouse_press(mb_middle, _focus)) {
tile_dragging = true;
tile_drag_sx = tile_selector_x;
tile_drag_sy = tile_selector_y;
tile_drag_mx = _m[0];
tile_drag_my = _m[1];
var _s = tile_selector_s;
if(key_mod_press(CTRL) || tile_selector.popupPanel != noone) {
if(mouse_wheel_up()) { tile_selector_s_to = clamp(tile_selector_s_to * 1.2, 0.5, 4); }
if(mouse_wheel_down()) { tile_selector_s_to = clamp(tile_selector_s_to / 1.2, 0.5, 4); }
tile_selector_s = lerp_float(tile_selector_s, tile_selector_s_to, 2);
if(_s != tile_selector_s) {
var _ds = tile_selector_s - _s;
tile_selector_x -= _msx * _ds / _s;
tile_selector_y -= _msy * _ds / _s;
var _tdim_ws = _tdim[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _tdim_hs = _tdim[1] * tile_selector_s;
var _minx = -(_tdim_ws - _w) - 32;
var _miny = -(_tdim_hs - _tsh) - 32;
var _maxx = 32;
var _maxy = 32;
if(_minx > _maxx) { _minx = (_minx + _maxx) / 2; _maxx = _minx; }
if(_miny > _maxy) { _miny = (_miny + _maxy) / 2; _maxy = _miny; }
tile_selector_x = clamp(tile_selector_x, _minx, _maxx);
tile_selector_y = clamp(tile_selector_y, _miny, _maxy);
draw_surface(tile_selector_surface, _sx, _sy);
var _brush_tiles = brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height;
var _cc = c_white;
if(_brush_tiles == 9 || _brush_tiles == 15 || _brush_tiles == 48 || _brush_tiles == 55) _cc = COLORS._main_value_positive;
shader_set_f("dimension", _sw, _sh);
draw_surface_ext(tile_selector_mask, _sx, _sy, 1, 1, 0, _cc, 1);
if(autotile_selecting != noone) { // autotile
var _att = autotiles[autotile_selecting];
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_att.index); j < m; j++ ) {
var _bindex = _att.index[j];
var _tileSel_row = floor(_bindex / _tileAmo[0]);
var _tileSel_col = safe_mod(_bindex, _tileAmo[0]);
var _tileSel_x = tile_selector_x + _tileSel_col * _tileSiz[0] * tile_selector_s;
var _tileSel_y = tile_selector_y + _tileSel_row * _tileSiz[1] * tile_selector_s;
draw_rectangle(_tileSel_x, _tileSel_y, _tileSel_x + _tileSel_w, _tileSel_y + _tileSel_h, false);
shader_set_f("dimension", _sw, _sh);
draw_surface_ext(autotile_selector_mask, _sx, _sy, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
#region varients
var _bw = 1;
var _bh = 1;
var _sel_sw = _tileSiz[0];
var _sel_sh = _tileSiz[1];
selecting_surface = surface_verify(selecting_surface, _bw, _bh, surface_rgba16float);
selecting_surface_tile = surface_verify(selecting_surface_tile, _sel_sw, _sel_sh);
var _ty = _yy + _tsh + ui(8);
var _th = ui(48);
_h += ui(8) + _th;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x, _ty, _w, _th, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
if(brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height != 1)
return _h;
var _bb = brush.brush_indices[0][0];
var _sx = _x + ui(8);
var _variences = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 16 ];
for( var v = 0, p = array_length(_variences); v < p; v++ ) {
var _var = _variences[v];
surface_set_shader(selecting_surface, sh_draw_tile_brush, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_f("index", _bb[0]);
shader_set_f("varient", _var);
draw_point(0, 0);
var _tileSetDim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
surface_set_shader(selecting_surface_tile, sh_draw_tile_map, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_2("dimension", [ _sel_sw, _sel_sh ]);
shader_set_surface("indexTexture", selecting_surface);
shader_set_2("indexTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(selecting_surface));
var _sy = _ty + ui(8);
var _ss = (_th - ui(16)) / _sel_sh;
var _sw = _ss * _sel_sw;
var _sh = _ss * _sel_sh;
var _shov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _sx, _sy, _sx + _sw, _sy + _sh);
var _aa = _bb[1] == _var? 1 : 0.5 + 0.5 * _shov;
draw_surface_ext(selecting_surface_tile, _sx, _sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, _aa);
if(_bb[1] == _var) {
draw_rectangle(_sx, _sy, _sx + _sw, _sy + _sh, true);
if(_shov && mouse_press(mb_left, _focus))
_bb[1] = _var;
_sx += _sw + ui(8);
return _h;
#region ++++ auto tile ++++
autotiles = [];
autotile_selecting = noone;
autotile_selector_h = 0;
autotile_subtile_selecting = noone;
autotile_selector = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus, _panel = noone) {
var _yy = _y;
var _h = 0;
var _tileSet = getInputData(0);
var _tileSiz = getInputData(1);
if(!is_surface(_tileSet)) return _h;
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
var _tileAmo = [ floor(_tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0]), floor(_tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1]) ];
var bx = _x;
var by = _yy;
var bs = ui(24);
var _brush_tiles = brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height;
var _fromSel = (_brush_tiles == 9 || _brush_tiles == 15 || _brush_tiles == 48 || _brush_tiles == 55);
if(!_fromSel) {
draw_sprite_uniform(THEME.add_16, 0, bx + bs / 2, by + bs / 2, 1, COLORS._main_icon);
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], bx, by, bx + bs, by + bs))
TOOLTIP = "Select region with valid size for autotiling (3x3, 5x3, 12x4, 11x5).";
} else if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "New autotile from selection", THEME.add_16, 0, COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) {
var _new_at = noone;
var _indx = array_create(brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height);
for( var i = 0, n = brush.brush_height; i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = brush.brush_width; j < m; j++ )
_indx[i * brush.brush_width + j] = brush.brush_indices[i][j][0];
if(_brush_tiles == 9) _new_at = new tiler_brush_autotile(AUTOTILE_TYPE.box9, _indx);
else if(_brush_tiles == 15) _new_at = new tiler_brush_autotile(AUTOTILE_TYPE.side15, _indx);
else if(_brush_tiles == 48) _new_at = new tiler_brush_autotile(AUTOTILE_TYPE.top48, _indx);
else if(_brush_tiles == 55) _new_at = new tiler_brush_autotile(AUTOTILE_TYPE.top55, _indx);
if(_new_at != noone) {
autotile_selecting = array_length(autotiles);
animated_selecting = noone;
array_push(autotiles, _new_at);
brush.brush_indices = [[ [ _new_at.index[0], 0 ] ]];
brush.brush_width = 1;
brush.brush_height = 1;
_h += bs + ui(4);
_yy += bs + ui(4);
var _pd = ui(4);
var _ah = _pd * 2;
var del = -1;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x, _yy, _w, autotile_selector_h, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
_yy += _pd;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(autotiles); i < n; i++ ) {
var _hg = ui(32);
var _at = autotiles[i];
var _pw = ui(24);
var _ph = ui(24);
var _px = _x + ui(8);
var _py = _yy + ui(4);
var _prin = array_safe_get(_at.index, 0, noone);
if(_prin == noone) {
draw_rectangle(_px, _py, _px + _pw, _py + _ph, true);
} else {
var _prc = safe_mod(_prin, _tileAmo[0]);
var _prr = floor(_prin / _tileAmo[0]);
var _pr_tx = _prc * _tileSiz[0];
var _pr_ty = _prr * _tileSiz[1];
var _pr_sx = _pw / _tileSiz[0];
var _pr_sy = _ph / _tileSiz[1];
draw_surface_part_ext(_tileSet, _pr_tx, _pr_ty, _tileSiz[0], _tileSiz[1], _px, _py, _pr_sx, _pr_sy, c_white, 1);
var _tx = _px + _pw + ui(8);
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _x, _yy, _x + _w, _yy + _hg - 1);
var _cc = i == autotile_selecting? COLORS._main_accent : (_hov? COLORS._main_text : COLORS._main_text_sub);
if(renaming == _at) {
tb_rename.setFocusHover(_focus, _hover);
tb_rename.draw(_tx, _yy, _w - _pw - ui(8), _hg, rename_text, _m);
} else {
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, _cc);
draw_text_add(_tx, _yy + _hg / 2, _at.name);
var bs = ui(24);
var bx = _w - bs;
var by = _yy + _hg / 2 - bs / 2;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "", THEME.minus_16, 0, _hov? COLORS._main_value_negative : COLORS._main_icon) == 2)
del = i;
if(_hov && _m[0] < _x + _w - ui(32)) {
if(DOUBLE_CLICK && _focus) {
renaming = _at;
rename_text = _at.name;
tb_rename._current_text = _at.name;
} else if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
if(_m[0] > _tx) {
autotile_selecting = autotile_selecting == i? noone : i;
animated_selecting = noone;
brush.brush_indices = [[ [ _prin, 0 ] ]];
brush.brush_width = 1;
brush.brush_height = 1;
palette_using = false;
} else {
_at.open = !_at.open;
_yy += _hg;
_ah += _hg;
if(_at.open) {
_yy += ui(4);
_ah += ui(4);
var _atIdx = _at.index;
var _coll = floor(_w - ui(16)) / _tileSiz[0];
switch(_at.type) {
case AUTOTILE_TYPE.box9 : _coll = 3; break;
case AUTOTILE_TYPE.side15 : _coll = 5; break;
case AUTOTILE_TYPE.top48 : _coll = 8; break;
case AUTOTILE_TYPE.top55 : _coll = 11; break;
var _roww = ceil(array_length(_atIdx) / _coll);
var _pre_sx = _x + ui(8);
var _pre_sy = _yy;
var _pre_sw = _coll * _tileSiz[0];
var _pre_sh = _roww * _tileSiz[1];
var _ss = (_w - ui(16)) / _pre_sw;
var _bw = power(2, ceil(log2(_coll)));
var _bh = power(2, ceil(log2(_roww)));
_at.preview_surface = surface_verify(_at.preview_surface, _bw, _bh, surface_rgba16float);
_at.preview_surface_tile = surface_verify(_at.preview_surface_tile, _pre_sw, _pre_sh);
surface_set_shader(_at.preview_surface, sh_draw_tile_brush, true, BLEND.over);
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_atIdx); j < m; j++ ) {
var _til_row = floor(j / _coll);
var _til_col = j % _coll;
var _bindex = _atIdx[j];
shader_set_f("index", _bindex);
shader_set_f("varient", 0);
draw_point(_til_col, _til_row);
var _tileSetDim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
surface_set_shader(_at.preview_surface_tile, sh_draw_tile_map, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_2("dimension", surface_get_dimension(_at.preview_surface_tile));
shader_set_surface("indexTexture", _at.preview_surface);
shader_set_2("indexTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(_at.preview_surface));
draw_surface_ext(_at.preview_surface_tile, _pre_sx, _pre_sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, 1);
draw_rectangle(_pre_sx, _pre_sy, _pre_sx + _pre_sw * _ss, _pre_sy + _pre_sh * _ss, true);
var _dtile_w = _tileSiz[0] * _ss;
var _dtile_h = _tileSiz[1] * _ss;
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _pre_sx, _pre_sy, _pre_sx + _pre_sw * _ss, _pre_sy + _pre_sh * _ss)) {
var _at_cx = clamp(floor((_m[0] - _pre_sx) / _dtile_w), 0, _coll - 1);
var _at_cy = clamp(floor((_m[1] - _pre_sy) / _dtile_h), 0, _roww - 1);
var _at_id = _at_cy * _coll + _at_cx;
if(_at_id >= 0 && _at_id < array_length(_atIdx)) {
var _at_c_sx = _pre_sx + _at_cx * _dtile_w;
var _at_c_sy = _pre_sy + _at_cy * _dtile_h;
draw_rectangle(_at_c_sx, _at_c_sy, _at_c_sx + _dtile_w, _at_c_sy + _dtile_h, true);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
autotile_selecting = i;
animated_selecting = noone;
autotile_subtile_selecting = autotile_subtile_selecting == _at_id? noone : _at_id;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, _focus))
_at.index[_at_id] = -1;
if(autotile_selecting == i && autotile_subtile_selecting != noone) {
var _at_sl_x = autotile_subtile_selecting % _coll;
var _at_sl_y = floor(autotile_subtile_selecting / _coll);
var _at_c_sx = _pre_sx + _at_sl_x * _dtile_w;
var _at_c_sy = _pre_sy + _at_sl_y * _dtile_h;
draw_rectangle(_at_c_sx, _at_c_sy, _at_c_sx + _dtile_w, _at_c_sy + _dtile_h, true);
_yy += _pre_sh * _ss + ui(4);
_ah += _pre_sh * _ss + ui(4);
if(del != -1) {
array_delete(autotiles, del, 1);
autotile_selecting = noone;
autotile_selector_h = max(ui(12), _ah);
return _h + _ah;
#region ++++ brush palette ++++
brush_palette_h = ui(320);
brush_palette = surface_create(16, 16, surface_rgba16float);
brush_palette_buffer = noone;
brush_palette_tile = noone;
brush_palette_prev = noone;
brush_palette_prev_tile = noone;
palette_selector_surface = 0;
palette_selector_mask = 0;
palette_selector_x = 0;
palette_selector_y = 0;
palette_selector_s = 2;
palette_selector_s_to = 2;
palette_dragging = false;
palette_drag_sx = 0;
palette_drag_sy = 0;
palette_drag_mx = 0;
palette_drag_my = 0;
palette_selecting = false;
palette_select_ss = [ 0, 0 ];
palette_bbox = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
palette_tool = 0;
palette_tool_using = false;
palette_using = false;
palette_viewer = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus, _panel = noone) {
var _yy = _y;
var _h = 0;
var _pd = ui(4);
var _tileSet = getInputData(0);
var _tileSiz = getInputData(1);
var bx = _x;
var by = _yy;
var bs = ui(24);
var _tsh = palette_viewer.fixHeight > 0? palette_viewer.fixHeight - ui(24 + 4) : brush_palette_h;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "Pencil", THEME.canvas_tools_pencil, 0, palette_tool == 1? COLORS._main_accent : c_white) == 2)
palette_tool = palette_tool == 1? 0 : 1;
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.canvas_tools_pencil, 1, bx + bs / 2, by + bs / 2, 1, palette_tool == 1? COLORS._main_accent : c_white);
bx += bs + ui(4);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "Eraser", THEME.canvas_tools_eraser, 0, palette_tool == 2? COLORS._main_accent : c_white) == 2)
palette_tool = palette_tool == 2? 0 : 2;
bx = _x + _w - bs;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "Zoom to fit", THEME.path_tools_transform, 0, COLORS._main_icon_light) == 2) {
if(is_surface(brush_palette_tile)) {
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(brush_palette_tile);
var _sw = _w - _pd * 2;
var _sh = _tsh - _pd * 2;
var _ss = min(_sw / (_tdim[0] + 16), _sh / (_tdim[1] + 16));
palette_selector_s = _ss;
palette_selector_s_to = _ss;
palette_selector_x = _w / 2 - _tdim[0] * _ss / 2;
palette_selector_y = _tsh / 2 - _tdim[1] * _ss / 2;
_h += bs + ui(4);
_yy += bs + ui(4);
var _sx = _x + _pd;
var _sy = _yy + _pd;
var _sw = _w - _pd * 2;
var _sh = _tsh - _pd * 2;
_h += _tsh;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x, _yy, _w, _tsh, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
palette_selector_surface = surface_verify(palette_selector_surface, _sw, _sh);
palette_selector_mask = surface_verify(palette_selector_mask, _sw, _sh);
if(!is_surface(_tileSet)) return _h;
if(!is_surface(brush_palette)) {
if(brush_palette_buffer && buffer_exists(brush_palette_buffer))
brush_palette = surface_from_buffer(brush_palette_buffer);
brush_palette = surface_create(16, 16, surface_rgba16float);
var _bpdim = surface_get_dimension(brush_palette);
var _tileSetDim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
var _bptw = _bpdim[0] * _tileSiz[0];
var _bpth = _bpdim[1] * _tileSiz[1];
brush_palette_tile = surface_verify(brush_palette_tile, _bptw, _bpth);
brush_palette_prev = surface_verify(brush_palette_prev, _bpdim[0], _bpdim[1], surface_rgba16float);
brush_palette_prev_tile = surface_verify(brush_palette_prev_tile, _bptw, _bpth);
surface_set_shader(brush_palette_tile, sh_draw_tile_map, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_2("dimension", [ _bptw, _bpth ]);
shader_set_surface("indexTexture", brush_palette);
shader_set_2("indexTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(brush_palette));
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(brush_palette_tile);
var _tileAmo = [ floor(_tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0]), floor(_tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1]) ];
var _tileSel_w = _tileSiz[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _tileSel_h = _tileSiz[1] * palette_selector_s;
var _msx = _m[0] - _sx - palette_selector_x;
var _msy = _m[1] - _sy - palette_selector_y;
var _mtx = floor(_msx / palette_selector_s / _tileSiz[0]);
var _mty = floor(_msy / palette_selector_s / _tileSiz[1]);
var _mid = _mtx >= 0 && _mtx < _tileAmo[0] && _mty >= 0 && _mty < _tileAmo[1]? _mty * _tileAmo[0] + _mtx : noone;
var _tileHov_x = palette_selector_x + _mtx * _tileSiz[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _tileHov_y = palette_selector_y + _mty * _tileSiz[1] * palette_selector_s;
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _x, _yy, _x + _w, _yy + _tsh);
#region surface_set_target(palette_selector_surface);
draw_clear(colorMultiply(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend));
draw_sprite_tiled_ext(s_transparent, 0, palette_selector_x, palette_selector_y, palette_selector_s, palette_selector_s,
colorMultiply(COLORS.panel_preview_transparent, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend), 1);
if(palette_tool) draw_surface_ext(brush_palette_prev_tile, palette_selector_x, palette_selector_y, palette_selector_s, palette_selector_s, 0, c_white, 1);
else draw_surface_ext(brush_palette_tile, palette_selector_x, palette_selector_y, palette_selector_s, palette_selector_s, 0, c_white, 1);
if(grid_draw) {
var _gw = _tileSiz[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _gh = _tileSiz[1] * palette_selector_s;
var gw = _tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0];
var gh = _tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1];
var cx = palette_selector_x;
var cy = palette_selector_y;
for( var i = 1; i < gw; i++ ) {
var _xx = cx + i * _gw;
draw_line(_xx, cy, _xx, cy + _tdim[1] * palette_selector_s);
for( var i = 1; i < gh; i++ ) {
var _yy = cy + i * _gh;
draw_line(cx, _yy, cx + _tdim[0] * palette_selector_s, _yy);
draw_rectangle(palette_selector_x, palette_selector_y, palette_selector_x + _tdim[0] * palette_selector_s - 1, palette_selector_y + _tdim[1] * palette_selector_s - 1, true);
if(_hov && _mid > noone) {
if(palette_tool != 1) {
draw_rectangle_width(_tileHov_x - 1, _tileHov_y - 1, _tileHov_x + _tileSel_w, _tileHov_y + _tileSel_h, 1);
draw_rectangle_width(_tileHov_x, _tileHov_y, _tileHov_x + _tileSel_w - 1, _tileHov_y + _tileSel_h - 1, 1);
if(palette_tool == 0 && mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
autotile_selecting = noone;
animated_selecting = noone;
palette_selecting = true;
palette_using = true;
palette_select_ss = [ _mtx, _mty ];
if(palette_selecting) { //tile selection
var _ts_sx = clamp(min(palette_select_ss[0], _mtx), 0, _tileAmo[0] - 1);
var _ts_sy = clamp(min(palette_select_ss[1], _mty), 0, _tileAmo[1] - 1);
var _ts_ex = clamp(max(palette_select_ss[0], _mtx), 0, _tileAmo[0] - 1);
var _ts_ey = clamp(max(palette_select_ss[1], _mty), 0, _tileAmo[1] - 1);
brush.brush_indices = [];
brush.brush_width = _ts_ex - _ts_sx + 1;
brush.brush_height = _ts_ey - _ts_sy + 1;
var _ind = 0;
palette_bbox = [ _ts_sx, _ts_ex, _ts_sy, _ts_ey ];
for( var i = _ts_sy; i <= _ts_ey; i++ )
for( var j = _ts_sx; j <= _ts_ex; j++ ) {
var _pal_c = surface_getpixel_ext(brush_palette, j, i);
brush.brush_indices[i - _ts_sy][j - _ts_sx] = [ _pal_c[0] - 1, _pal_c[1] ];
palette_selecting = false;
#region pan zoom
if(palette_dragging) {
var _tdx = _m[0] - palette_drag_mx;
var _tdy = _m[1] - palette_drag_my;
palette_selector_x = palette_drag_sx + _tdx;
palette_selector_y = palette_drag_sy + _tdy;
palette_dragging = false;
if(_hov) {
if(mouse_press(mb_middle, _focus)) {
palette_dragging = true;
palette_drag_sx = palette_selector_x;
palette_drag_sy = palette_selector_y;
palette_drag_mx = _m[0];
palette_drag_my = _m[1];
var _s = palette_selector_s;
if(key_mod_press(CTRL) || palette_viewer.popupPanel != noone) {
if(mouse_wheel_up()) { palette_selector_s_to = clamp(palette_selector_s_to * 1.2, 0.5, 4); }
if(mouse_wheel_down()) { palette_selector_s_to = clamp(palette_selector_s_to / 1.2, 0.5, 4); }
palette_selector_s = lerp_float(palette_selector_s, palette_selector_s_to, 2);
if(_s != palette_selector_s) {
var _ds = palette_selector_s - _s;
palette_selector_x -= _msx * _ds / _s;
palette_selector_y -= _msy * _ds / _s;
var _tdim_ws = _tdim[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _tdim_hs = _tdim[1] * palette_selector_s;
var _minx = -(_tdim_ws - _w) - 32;
var _miny = -(_tdim_hs - _tsh) - 32;
var _maxx = 32;
var _maxy = 32;
if(_minx > _maxx) { _minx = (_minx + _maxx) / 2; _maxx = _minx; }
if(_miny > _maxy) { _miny = (_miny + _maxy) / 2; _maxy = _miny; }
palette_selector_x = clamp(palette_selector_x, _minx, _maxx);
palette_selector_y = clamp(palette_selector_y, _miny, _maxy);
if(palette_tool == 1) {
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(brush.brush_indices); i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(brush.brush_indices[i]); j < m; j++ ) {
var _tileSel_x = palette_selector_x + (_mtx + j) * _tileSiz[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _tileSel_y = palette_selector_y + (_mty + i) * _tileSiz[1] * palette_selector_s;
draw_rectangle(_tileSel_x, _tileSel_y, _tileSel_x + _tileSel_w, _tileSel_y + _tileSel_h, false);
draw_surface(brush_palette, 0, 0);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(brush.brush_indices); i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(brush.brush_indices[i]); j < m; j++ ) {
var _b = brush.brush_indices[i][j];
shader_set_f("index", _b[0]);
shader_set_f("varient", _b[1]);
draw_point(_mtx + j, _mty + i);
if(mouse_click(mb_left, _hov && _focus)) {
palette_tool_using = true;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(brush.brush_indices); i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(brush.brush_indices[i]); j < m; j++ ) {
var _b = brush.brush_indices[i][j];
shader_set_f("index", _b[0]);
shader_set_f("varient", _b[1]);
draw_point(_mtx + j, _mty + i);
if(palette_tool_using && mouse_release(mb_left)) {
palette_tool_using = false;
brush_palette_buffer = buffer_from_surface(brush_palette);
} else if(palette_tool == 2) {
draw_surface(brush_palette, 0, 0);
shader_set_f("index", 0);
shader_set_f("varient", 0);
draw_point(_mtx, _mty);
if(mouse_click(mb_left, _focus && _hov)) {
palette_tool_using = true;
shader_set_f("index", 0);
shader_set_f("varient", 0);
draw_point(_mtx, _mty);
if(palette_tool_using && mouse_release(mb_left)) {
palette_tool_using = false;
brush_palette_buffer = buffer_from_surface(brush_palette);
} else if(palette_using) {
for( var i = palette_bbox[0]; i <= palette_bbox[1]; i++ )
for( var j = palette_bbox[2]; j <= palette_bbox[3]; j++ ) {
var _tileSel_x = palette_selector_x + i * _tileSiz[0] * palette_selector_s;
var _tileSel_y = palette_selector_y + j * _tileSiz[1] * palette_selector_s;
draw_rectangle(_tileSel_x, _tileSel_y, _tileSel_x + _tileSel_w, _tileSel_y + _tileSel_h, false);
if(palette_tool) {
surface_set_shader(brush_palette_prev_tile, sh_draw_tile_map, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_2("dimension", [ _bptw, _bpth ]);
shader_set_surface("indexTexture", brush_palette_prev);
shader_set_2("indexTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(brush_palette_prev));
draw_surface(palette_selector_surface, _sx, _sy);
shader_set_f("dimension", _sw, _sh);
draw_surface_ext(palette_selector_mask, _sx, _sy, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1);
return _h;
#region ++++ animated tiles ++++
animatedTiles = [];
animated_selecting = noone;
animated_selector_h = 0;
animated_subtile_selecting = noone;
aTiles = [];
aTilesIndex = [];
aTilesLength = [];
function refreshAnimatedData() {
aTiles = [];
aTilesIndex = array_create(array_length(animatedTiles));
aTilesLength = array_create(array_length(animatedTiles));
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(animatedTiles); i < n; i++ ) {
var _at = animatedTiles[i];
aTilesIndex[i] = array_length(aTiles);
aTilesLength[i] = array_length(_at.index);
array_append(aTiles, _at.index);
animated_viewer = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus, _panel = noone) {
var _yy = _y;
var _h = 0;
var _tileSet = getInputData(0);
var _tileSiz = getInputData(1);
if(!is_surface(_tileSet)) return _h;
var _tdim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
var _tileAmo = [ floor(_tdim[0] / _tileSiz[0]), floor(_tdim[1] / _tileSiz[1]) ];
var bx = _x;
var by = _yy;
var bs = ui(24);
var _brush_tiles = brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height;
if(_brush_tiles < 1)
draw_sprite_uniform(THEME.add_16, 0, bx + bs / 2, by + bs / 2, 1, COLORS._main_icon);
else if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "New animated tiles", THEME.add_16, 0, COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) {
var _new_at = noone;
var _indx = array_create(brush.brush_width * brush.brush_height);
for( var i = 0, n = brush.brush_height; i < n; i++ )
for( var j = 0, m = brush.brush_width; j < m; j++ )
_indx[i * brush.brush_width + j] = brush.brush_indices[i][j][0];
_new_at = new tiler_brush_animated(_indx);
if(_new_at != noone) {
animated_selecting = array_length(animatedTiles);
autotile_selecting = noone;
array_push(animatedTiles, _new_at);
brush.brush_indices = [[ [ -(animated_selecting + 2), 0 ] ]];
brush.brush_width = 1;
brush.brush_height = 1;
_h += bs + ui(4);
_yy += bs + ui(4);
var _pd = ui(4);
var _ah = _pd * 2;
var del = -1;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x, _yy, _w, animated_selector_h, COLORS.node_composite_bg_blend, 1);
_yy += _pd;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(animatedTiles); i < n; i++ ) {
var _hg = ui(32);
var _at = animatedTiles[i];
var _pw = ui(24);
var _ph = ui(24);
var _px = _x + ui(8);
var _py = _yy + ui(4);
var _prin = array_safe_get(_at.index, safe_mod(current_time / 1000 * 2, array_length(_at.index)), noone);
if(_prin == noone) {
draw_rectangle(_px, _py, _px + _pw, _py + _ph, true);
} else {
var _prc = safe_mod(_prin, _tileAmo[0]);
var _prr = floor(_prin / _tileAmo[0]);
var _pr_tx = _prc * _tileSiz[0];
var _pr_ty = _prr * _tileSiz[1];
var _pr_sx = _pw / _tileSiz[0];
var _pr_sy = _ph / _tileSiz[1];
draw_surface_part_ext(_tileSet, _pr_tx, _pr_ty, _tileSiz[0], _tileSiz[1], _px, _py, _pr_sx, _pr_sy, c_white, 1);
var _tx = _px + _pw + ui(8);
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _x, _yy, _x + _w, _yy + _hg - 1);
var _cc = i == animated_selecting? COLORS._main_accent : (_hov? COLORS._main_text : COLORS._main_text_sub);
if(renaming == _at) {
tb_rename.setFocusHover(_focus, _hover);
tb_rename.draw(_tx, _yy, _w - _pw - ui(8), _hg, rename_text, _m);
} else {
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, _cc);
draw_text_add(_tx, _yy + _hg / 2, _at.name);
var bs = ui(24);
var bx = _w - bs;
var by = _yy + _hg / 2 - bs / 2;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bs, bs, _m, _focus, _hover, "", THEME.minus_16, 0, _hov? COLORS._main_value_negative : COLORS._main_icon) == 2)
del = i;
if(_hov && _m[0] < _x + _w - ui(32)) {
if(DOUBLE_CLICK && _focus) {
renaming = _at;
rename_text = _at.name;
tb_rename._current_text = _at.name;
} else if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
if(_m[0] > _tx) {
animated_selecting = animated_selecting == i? noone : i;
autotile_selecting = noone;
brush.brush_indices = [[ [ - (i + 2), 0 ] ]];
brush.brush_width = 1;
brush.brush_height = 1;
palette_using = false;
} else {
_at.open = !_at.open;
_yy += _hg;
_ah += _hg;
if(_at.open) {
_yy += ui(4);
_ah += ui(4);
var _atIdx = _at.index;
var _coll = floor(_w - ui(16)) / max(32, _tileSiz[0]);
var _roww = ceil(array_length(_atIdx) / _coll);
var _pre_sx = _x + ui(8);
var _pre_sy = _yy;
var _pre_sw = _coll * _tileSiz[0];
var _pre_sh = _roww * _tileSiz[1];
var _ss = (_w - ui(16)) / _pre_sw;
var _bw = power(2, ceil(log2(_coll)));
var _bh = power(2, ceil(log2(_roww)));
_at.preview_surface = surface_verify(_at.preview_surface, _bw, _bh, surface_rgba16float);
_at.preview_surface_tile = surface_verify(_at.preview_surface_tile, _pre_sw, _pre_sh);
surface_set_shader(_at.preview_surface, sh_draw_tile_brush, true, BLEND.over);
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_atIdx); j < m; j++ ) {
var _til_row = floor(j / _coll);
var _til_col = j % _coll;
var _bindex = _atIdx[j];
shader_set_f("index", _bindex);
shader_set_f("varient", 0);
draw_point(_til_col, _til_row);
var _tileSetDim = surface_get_dimension(_tileSet);
surface_set_shader(_at.preview_surface_tile, sh_draw_tile_map, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_2("dimension", surface_get_dimension(_at.preview_surface_tile));
shader_set_surface("indexTexture", _at.preview_surface);
shader_set_2("indexTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(_at.preview_surface));
draw_surface_ext(_at.preview_surface_tile, _pre_sx, _pre_sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, 1);
draw_rectangle(_pre_sx, _pre_sy, _pre_sx + _pre_sw * _ss, _pre_sy + _pre_sh * _ss, true);
var _dtile_w = _tileSiz[0] * _ss;
var _dtile_h = _tileSiz[1] * _ss;
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _pre_sx, _pre_sy, _pre_sx + _pre_sw * _ss, _pre_sy + _pre_sh * _ss)) {
var _at_cx = clamp(floor((_m[0] - _pre_sx) / _dtile_w), 0, _coll - 1);
var _at_cy = clamp(floor((_m[1] - _pre_sy) / _dtile_h), 0, _roww - 1);
var _at_id = _at_cy * _coll + _at_cx;
if(_at_id >= 0 && _at_id < array_length(_atIdx)) {
var _at_c_sx = _pre_sx + _at_cx * _dtile_w;
var _at_c_sy = _pre_sy + _at_cy * _dtile_h;
draw_rectangle(_at_c_sx, _at_c_sy, _at_c_sx + _dtile_w, _at_c_sy + _dtile_h, true);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) {
animated_selecting = i;
autotile_selecting = noone;
animated_subtile_selecting = animated_subtile_selecting == _at_id? noone : _at_id;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, _focus))
_at.index[_at_id] = -1;
if(animated_selecting == i && animated_subtile_selecting != noone) {
var _at_sl_x = animated_subtile_selecting % _coll;
var _at_sl_y = floor(animated_subtile_selecting / _coll);
var _at_c_sx = _pre_sx + _at_sl_x * _dtile_w;
var _at_c_sy = _pre_sy + _at_sl_y * _dtile_h;
draw_rectangle(_at_c_sx, _at_c_sy, _at_c_sx + _dtile_w, _at_c_sy + _dtile_h, true);
_yy += _pre_sh * _ss + ui(4);
_ah += _pre_sh * _ss + ui(4);
if(del != -1) {
array_delete(animatedTiles, del, 1);
animated_selecting = noone;
animated_selector_h = max(ui(12), _ah);
return _h + _ah;
texture = noone;
tileSize = [ 1, 1 ];
tile_selector_toggler = button(function() /*=>*/ { tile_selector.togglePopup("Tileset"); }).setIcon(THEME.node_goto, 0, COLORS._main_icon, .75);
autotile_selector_toggler = button(function() /*=>*/ { autotile_selector.togglePopup("Autotile"); }).setIcon(THEME.node_goto, 0, COLORS._main_icon, .75);
palette_viewer_toggler = button(function() /*=>*/ { palette_viewer.togglePopup("Tile Palette"); }).setIcon(THEME.node_goto, 0, COLORS._main_icon, .75);
animated_viewer_toggler = button(function() /*=>*/ { animated_viewer.togglePopup("Animated Tile"); }).setIcon(THEME.node_goto, 0, COLORS._main_icon, .75);
input_display_list = [ 1, 0,
["Tileset", false, noone, tile_selector_toggler ], tile_selector,
["Autotiles", true, noone, autotile_selector_toggler ], autotile_selector,
["Palette", true, noone, palette_viewer_toggler ], palette_viewer,
["Animated", true, 2, animated_viewer_toggler ], animated_viewer,
static shader_submit = function() {
shader_set_2("tileSize", tileSize);
shader_set_surface("tileTexture", texture);
shader_set_2("tileTextureDim", surface_get_dimension(texture));
shader_set_f("animatedTiles", aTiles);
shader_set_f("animatedTilesIndex", aTilesIndex);
shader_set_f("animatedTilesLength", aTilesLength);
static step = function() {
tile_selector_toggler.icon_blend = tile_selector.popupPanel == noone? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent;
autotile_selector_toggler.icon_blend = autotile_selector.popupPanel == noone? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent;
palette_viewer_toggler.icon_blend = palette_viewer.popupPanel == noone? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent;
animated_viewer_toggler.icon_blend = animated_viewer.popupPanel == noone? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent;
static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) {
texture = inputs[0].getValue();
tileSize = inputs[1].getValue();
static getPreviewValues = function() { return texture; }
static getGraphPreviewSurface = function() { return texture; }
static attributeSerialize = function() {
var _attr = {
autotiles, animatedTiles,
palette: buffer_from_surface(brush_palette),
return _attr;
static attributeDeserialize = function(attr) {
var _auto = struct_try_get(attr, "autotiles", []);
var _anim = struct_try_get(attr, "animatedTiles", []);
var _palt = struct_try_get(attr, "palette", noone);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_auto); i < n; i++ ) {
autotiles[i] = new tiler_brush_autotile(_auto[i].type, _auto[i].index);
autotiles[i].name = _auto[i].name;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_anim); i < n; i++ ) {
animatedTiles[i] = new tiler_brush_animated(_anim[i].index);
animatedTiles[i].name = _anim[i].name;
if(_palt) {
brush_palette_buffer = _palt;
brush_palette = surface_from_buffer(_palt);
} |