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synced 2025-01-27 05:19:08 +01:00
354 lines
9.3 KiB
354 lines
9.3 KiB
#region data
global.EQUATION_PRES = ds_map_create();
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "+"] = 1;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "-"] = 1;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "∸"] = 9; //unary negative
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "*"] = 2;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "/"] = 2;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "$"] = 3;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "&"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "|"] = 4;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "^"] = 3;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "<"] = 3;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "»"] = 6;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "«"] = 6;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "~"] = 9;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "="] = -1; //==
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "≠"] = -1; //!=
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "<"] = 0;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? ">"] = 0;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "≤"] = 0;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "≥"] = 0;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "@"] = 5; //array accerssor symbol
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "sin"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "cos"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "tan"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "abs"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "round"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "ceil"] = 5;
global.EQUATION_PRES[? "floor"] = 5;
function functionStringClean(fx) {
//fx = string_replace_all(fx, " ", "");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "\n", "");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "**", "$");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "<<", "«");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, ">>", "»");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "==", "=");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "!=", "≠");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "<>", "≠");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, ">=", "≥");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "<=", "≤");
fx = string_replace_all(fx, "[", "@["); //add array accessor symbol arr[i] = arr@[i] = arr @ (i)
return fx;
#region evaluator
function __funcTree(symbol, l = noone, r = noone) constructor {
self.symbol = symbol;
self.l = l;
self.r = r;
isFunc = false;
static _string = function(str) {
return string_char_at(str, 1) == "\"" &&
string_char_at(str, string_length(str)) == "\"";
static _string_trim = function(str) {
return _string(str)? string_copy(str, 2, string_length(str) - 2) : string(str);
static getVal = function(val, params = {}, getStr = false) {
if(is_struct(val)) return val.eval();
if(is_real(val)) return val;
if(struct_has(params, val))
return struct_try_get(params, val);
return val;
return string_trim(val);
return nodeGetData(val);
static _validate = function(val) {
if(is_real(val)) return true;
if(is_string(val)) return true;
if(is_struct(val)) return val.validate();
if(val == "value") return true;
if(PROJECT.globalNode.inputExist(val)) return true;
var strs = string_splice(val, ".");
if(array_length(strs) < 2) return false;
if(strs[0] == "Project") {
switch(strs[1]) {
case "frame" :
case "frameTotal" :
case "fps" :
return true;
return false;
var key = strs[0];
return ds_map_exists(PROJECT.nodeNameMap, key);
static validate = function() {
switch(symbol) {
case "@": return _validate(l);
return _validate(l) && _validate(r);
static _isAnimated = function(val) {
if(is_real(val)) return EXPRESS_TREE_ANIM.none;
if(is_struct(val)) return val._isAnimated();
if(val == "value") return EXPRESS_TREE_ANIM.base_value;
if(PROJECT.globalNode.inputExist(val)) {
var _inp = PROJECT.globalNode.getInput(val);
if(_inp.is_anim) return EXPRESS_TREE_ANIM.animated;
return EXPRESS_TREE_ANIM.none;
static isAnimated = function() {
var anim = EXPRESS_TREE_ANIM.none;
anim = max(anim, _isAnimated(l));
if(symbol != "@")
anim = max(anim, _isAnimated(r));
return anim;
static eval = function(params = {}) {
var v1 = getVal(l, params);
var v2 = getVal(r, params, symbol == "@");
//print($"symbol : {symbol}");
//print($"l : {l}");
//print($"r : {r}");
switch(symbol) {
case "+":
if(_string(v1) || _string(v2))
return _string_trim(v1) + _string_trim(v2);
if(is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))
return v1 + v2;
return 0;
case "-": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 - v2 : 0;
case "∸": return is_real(v1)? -v1 : 0;
case "*": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 * v2 : 0;
case "$": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? power(v1, v2) : 0;
case "/": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 / v2 : 0;
case "&": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 & v2 : 0;
case "|": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 | v2 : 0;
case "^": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 ^ v2 : 0;
case "«": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 << v2 : 0;
case "»": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 >> v2 : 0;
case "~": return is_real(v1)? ~v1 : 0;
case "=": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 == v2 : 0;
case "≠": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 != v2 : 0;
case "≤": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 <= v2 : 0;
case "≥": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 >= v2 : 0;
case ">": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 > v2 : 0;
case "<": return (is_real(v1) && is_real(v2))? v1 < v2 : 0;
case "@":
var val = is_real(v2)? array_safe_get(v1, v2) : 0;
return val;
case "sin" : return is_real(v1)? sin(v1) : 0;
case "cos" : return is_real(v1)? cos(v1) : 0;
case "tan" : return is_real(v1)? tan(v1) : 0;
case "abs" : return is_real(v1)? abs(v1) : 0;
case "round" : return is_real(v1)? round(v1) : 0;
case "ceil" : return is_real(v1)? ceil(v1) : 0;
case "floor" : return is_real(v1)? floor(v1) : 0;
return v1;
function evaluateFunctionTree(fx) {
static __BRACKETS = [ "(", ")", "[", "]" ];
var pres = global.EQUATION_PRES;
var vl = ds_stack_create();
var op = ds_stack_create();
fx = functionStringClean(fx);
var len = string_length(fx);
var l = 1;
var ch = "";
var cch = "";
var _ch = "";
var in_str = false;
while(l <= len) {
ch = string_char_at(fx, l);
if(ch == " ") {
if(ds_map_exists(pres, ch)) { //symbol is operator
if(ds_stack_empty(op)) ds_stack_push(op, ch);
else {
if(pres[? ch] > pres[? ds_stack_top(op)] || ds_stack_top(op) == "(") ds_stack_push(op, ch);
else {
if(ch == "-" && ds_map_exists(pres, _ch)) ch = "∸"; //unary negative
while(pres[? ch] <= pres[? ds_stack_top(op)] && !ds_stack_empty(op))
ds_stack_push(vl, buildFuncTree(ds_stack_pop(op), vl));
ds_stack_push(op, ch);
} else if (ch == "(") {
ds_stack_push(op, ch);
} else if (ch == ")") {
while(ds_stack_top(op) != "(" && !ds_stack_empty(op)) {
ds_stack_push(vl, buildFuncTree(ds_stack_pop(op), vl));
//} else if (ch == "\"") {
// l++;
// var str = "";
// while(l <= len) {
// cch = string_char_at(fx, l);
// if(cch == "\"") break;
// str += cch;
// l++;
// }
// ds_stack_push(vl, str);
} else if (ch == "[") {
ds_stack_push(op, ch);
} else if (ch == "]") {
while(ds_stack_top(op) != "[" && !ds_stack_empty(op))
ds_stack_push(vl, buildFuncTree(ds_stack_pop(op), vl));
} else {
var vsl = "";
while(l <= len) {
cch = string_char_at(fx, l);
if(ds_map_exists(pres, cch) || array_exists(__BRACKETS, cch)) break;
vsl += cch;
if(vsl == "") continue;
if(ds_map_exists(pres, vsl)) {
ds_stack_push(op, vsl);
} else {
switch(vsl) {
case "e" : ds_stack_push(vl, 2.71828); break;
case "pi": ds_stack_push(vl, pi); break;
default : ds_stack_push(vl, isNumber(vsl)? toNumber(vsl) : vsl); break;
_ch = ch;
ds_stack_push(vl, buildFuncTree(ds_stack_pop(op), vl));
var tree = ds_stack_empty(vl)? noone : ds_stack_pop(vl)
tree = new __funcTree("", tree);
return tree;
function buildFuncTree(operator, vl) {
if(ds_stack_empty(vl)) return noone;
switch(operator) {
case "-": //deal with preceeding negative number -5
if(ds_stack_size(vl) >= 2) {
var _v1 = ds_stack_pop(vl);
var _v2 = ds_stack_pop(vl);
return new __funcTree("-", _v2, _v1);
} else
return new __funcTree("-", ds_stack_pop(vl), 0);
case "+": //binary operators
case "*":
case "$":
case "/":
case "@":
case "|":
case "&":
case "^":
case "»":
case "«":
case "=":
case "≠":
case "≤":
case "≥":
case "<":
case ">":
if(ds_stack_size(vl) >= 2) {
var _v1 = ds_stack_pop(vl);
var _v2 = ds_stack_pop(vl);
return new __funcTree(operator, _v2, _v1);
default: return new __funcTree(operator, ds_stack_pop(vl));
return noone;
function evaluateFunction(fx, params = {}) {
if(isNumber(fx)) return toNumber(fx);
return evaluateFunctionTree(fx).eval(params);
#endregion |