mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 20:27:50 +01:00
371 lines
11 KiB
371 lines
11 KiB
function Panel_Collection() : PanelContent() constructor {
expandable = false;
group_w = ui(180);
function initSize() {
content_w = w - ui(24) - group_w;
content_h = h - ui(40) - ui(16);
min_w = group_w + ui(40);
min_h = ui(40);
roots = [ ["Collections", COLLECTIONS] , ["Assets", global.ASSETS] ];
mode = 0;
root = roots[mode][1];
context = root;
search_list = ds_list_create();
file_dragging = noone;
_menu_node = noone;
contentMenu = [
[ "Replace with selected", function() {
saveCollection(_menu_node.path, false);
} ],
[ "Delete", function() {
} ],
search_string = "";
tb_search = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) {
search_string = string(str);
searchCollection(search_list, search_string);
tb_search.auto_update = true;
//function onFocusBegin() {
// TEXTBOX_ACTIVE = tb_search;
//function onFocusEnd() {
// if(TEXTBOX_ACTIVE == tb_search)
// TEXTBOX_ACTIVE = noone;
// search_string = "";
// tb_search._input_text = search_string;
contentView = 0;
contentPane = new scrollPane(content_w, content_h, function(_y, _m) {
draw_clear_alpha(c_white, 0);
var nodes = search_string == ""? context.content : search_list;
var node_count = ds_list_size(nodes);
var hh = 0;
var frame = current_time * PREF_MAP[? "collection_preview_speed"] / 3000;
if(contentView == 0) {
var grid_size = ui(64);
var grid_width = ui(80);
var grid_space = ui(12);
var col = max(1, floor(content_w / (grid_width + grid_space)));
var row = ceil(node_count / col);
var yy = _y + grid_space;
var name_height = 0;
hh += grid_space;
for(var i = 0; i < row; i++) {
name_height = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < col; j++) {
var index = i * col + j;
if(index < node_count) {
var _node = nodes[| index];
var _nx = grid_space + (grid_width + grid_space) * j;
var _boxx = _nx + (grid_width - grid_size) / 2;
draw_sprite_stretched(s_node_bg, 0, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size);
if(point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _nx, yy, _nx + grid_width, yy + grid_size)) {
draw_sprite_stretched(s_node_active, 0, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size);
file_dragging = _node;
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
_menu_node = _node;
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8);
if(_node.spr) {
var sw = sprite_get_width(_node.spr);
var sh = sprite_get_height(_node.spr);
var ss = ui(32) / max(sw, sh);
var xo = (sprite_get_xoffset(_node.spr) - sw / 2) * ss;
var yo = (sprite_get_yoffset(_node.spr) - sh / 2) * ss;
var sx = _boxx + grid_size / 2 + xo;
var sy = yy + grid_size / 2 + yo;
draw_sprite_ext(_node.spr, frame, sx, sy, ss, ss, 0, c_white, 1);
} else {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_group_24, 0, _boxx + grid_size / 2, yy + grid_size / 2, 1, c_white);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, c_white);
name_height = max(name_height, string_height_ext(_node.name, -1, grid_size) + 8);
draw_text_ext(_boxx + grid_size / 2, yy + grid_size + ui(4), _node.name, -1, grid_width);
var hght = grid_size + grid_space + name_height;
hh += hght;
yy += hght;
} else {
var list_width = content_w - ui(12);
var list_height = ui(28);
var yy = _y + list_height / 2;
hh += list_height;
for(var i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
var _node = nodes[| i];
if(!_node) continue;
if(i % 2) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_node_bg, 0, ui(4), yy, list_width - 8, list_height, c_white, 0.2);
if(point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, list_width, yy + list_height - 1)) {
draw_sprite_stretched(s_node_active, 0, ui(4), yy, list_width - ui(8), list_height);
file_dragging = _node;
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
_menu_node = _node;
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, mouse_mx + ui(8), mouse_my + ui(8));
var spr_x = list_height / 2 + ui(14);
var spr_y = yy + list_height / 2;
var spr_s = list_height - ui(8);
if(variable_struct_exists(_node, "spr") && sprite_exists(_node.spr)) {
var sw = sprite_get_width(_node.spr);
var sh = sprite_get_height(_node.spr);
var ss = spr_s / max(sw, sh);
var xo = (sprite_get_xoffset(_node.spr) - sw / 2) * ss;
var yo = (sprite_get_yoffset(_node.spr) - sh / 2) * ss;
var sx = spr_x + xo;
var sy = spr_y + yo;
draw_sprite_ext(_node.spr, frame, sx, sy, ss, ss, 0, c_white, 1);
} else
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_group_24, 0, spr_x, spr_y, 0.75, c_white);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, c_white);
draw_text(list_height + ui(20), yy + list_height / 2, _node.name);
yy += list_height;
hh += list_height;
return hh;
folderPane = new scrollPane(group_w - ui(8), content_h, function(_y, _m) {
var hh = ui(8);
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(root.subDir); i++) {
var hg = root.subDir[| i].draw(self, ui(8), _y, _m, folderPane.w - ui(16), pHOVER, pFOCUS, root);
hh += hg;
_y += hg;
return hh;
function onResize() {
content_w = w - ui(24) - group_w;
content_h = h - ui(40) - ui(16);
contentPane.resize(content_w, content_h);
folderPane.resize(group_w - ui(8), content_h);
function setContext(cont) {
context = cont;
contentPane.scroll_y_raw = 0;
contentPane.scroll_y_to = 0;
function refreshContext() {
context.scan([".json", ".pxcc"]);
function saveCollection(_path, save_surface = true) {
if(PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting == noone) return;
if(ds_list_empty(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_select_list)) {
SAVE_COLLECTION(PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting, _path, save_surface);
} else {
SAVE_COLLECTIONS(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_select_list, _path, save_surface);
function drawContent(panel) {
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
var content_y = ui(48);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, group_w, content_y, content_w + ui(16), content_h);
contentPane.active = pHOVER;
contentPane.draw(group_w + ui(8), content_y, mx - group_w - ui(8), my - content_y);
folderPane.active = pHOVER;
folderPane.draw(0, content_y, mx, my - content_y);
var _x = ui(16);
var _y = ui(24);
var bh = line_height(f_p0b, 8);
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(roots); i++ ) {
var r = roots[i];
var b = buttonInstant(s_button_hide_fill, _x - ui(8), _y - bh / 2, string_width(r[0]) + ui(20), bh, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER);
if(b == 2) {
mode = i;
root = r[1];
context = root;
draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_left, fa_center, i == mode? c_ui_blue_white : c_ui_blue_dkgrey);
draw_text(_x, _y, r[0]);
_x += string_width(r[0]) + ui(20);
var bx = w - ui(40);
var by = ui(12);
//tb_search.hover = pHOVER;
//tb_search.focus = pFOCUS;
// TEXTBOX_ACTIVE = tb_search;
//else if(TEXTBOX_ACTIVE == tb_search)
// TEXTBOX_ACTIVE = noone;
if(search_string == "") {
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(24), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, contentView? "Grid view" : "List view", s_view_mode, contentView) == 2) {
contentView = !contentView;
bx -= ui(32);
if(mode == 0) {
if(context != root) {
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(24), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Add selecting node as collection", s_add_24, 0, c_ui_lime) == 2) {
if(PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting != noone) {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_file_name, mouse_mx + ui(8), mouse_my + ui(8));
data_path = context.path;
dia.tb_name._input_text = PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting.name;
dia.onModify = function (txt) {
var _pre_name = data_path + "/" + txt;
var _name = _pre_name + ".pxcc";
var _i = 0;
while(file_exists(_name)) {
_name = _pre_name + string(_i) + ".pxcc";
} else {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_add_24, 0, bx + ui(12), by + ui(12), 1, c_ui_blue_dkgrey);
bx -= ui(32);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(24), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Add folder") == 2) {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_file_name, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8);
dia.onModify = function (txt) {
dia.path = context.path + "\\";
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_folder_add, 0, bx + ui(12), by + ui(12), 1, c_ui_blue_grey);
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_folder_add, 1, bx + ui(12), by + ui(12), 1, c_ui_lime);
bx -= ui(32);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(24), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Open in file explorer", s_folder_24) == 2) {
var _contPath = context.path;
var _windir = environment_get_variable("WINDIR") + "/explorer.exe";
execute_shell_simple(_windir, _contPath);
bx -= ui(32);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(24), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Refresh", s_refresh_16) == 2)
bx -= ui(32);
} else {
var tb_w = ui(200);
var tb_x = w - ui(10) - tb_w;
var tb_y = ui(10);
tb_search.draw(tb_x, tb_y, tb_w, TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, search_string, [mx, my]);
if(file_dragging) {
draw_sprite_ext(file_dragging.spr, 0, mx, my, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 0.5);
file_dragging = noone;
static dragToGraph = function() {
var path = file_dragging.path;
if(filename_ext(path) == ".png") {
var app = Node_create_Image_path(0, 0, path);
PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = app;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_dragging = app;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sx = app.x;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sy = app.y;
} else {
var app = APPEND(file_dragging.path);
if(!is_struct(app) && ds_exists(app, ds_type_list)) {
PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = noone;
ds_list_copy(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_select_list, app);
if(!ds_list_empty(app)) {
PANEL_GRAPH.node_dragging = app[| 0];
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sx = app[| 0].x;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sy = app[| 0].y;
} else {
PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = app;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_dragging = app;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sx = app.x;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_sy = app.y;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_mx = 0;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_my = 0;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_ox = 0;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_drag_oy = 0;
file_dragging = false;
} |