mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 14:45:12 +01:00
267 lines
6.6 KiB
267 lines
6.6 KiB
/// @description init
#region data
dialog_w = 640;
dialog_h = 480;
destroy_on_click_out = true;
destroy_on_escape = false;
#region resize
dialog_resizable = true;
dialog_w_min = 640;
dialog_h_min = 400;
dialog_w_max = 1200;
dialog_h_max = 800;
onResize = function() {
sp_pref.resize(dialog_w - 160 - 32, dialog_h - 56 - 28);
sp_hotkey.resize(dialog_w - 160 - 32, dialog_h - 56 - 28);
#region pages
page_current = 0;
page[0] = "Global data";
page[1] = "Node data";
page[2] = "Hotkeys";
pref_global = ds_list_create();
pref_node = ds_list_create();
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Show welcome screen",
new checkBox(function() {
PREF_MAP[? "show_splash"] = !PREF_MAP[? "show_splash"];
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Reset preview on focus",
new checkBox(function() {
PREF_MAP[? "reset_display"] = !PREF_MAP[? "reset_display"];
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Curve connection line",
new checkBox(function() {
PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"] = !PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"];
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Double click delay",
new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(str) {
PREF_MAP[? "double_click_delay"] = real(str);
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Default surface size",
new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(str) {
PREF_MAP[? "default_surface_side"] = max(1, round(real(str)));
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Node snapping (set to 1 for no snap)",
new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(str) {
PREF_MAP[? "node_snapping"] = max(1, round(real(str)));
ds_list_add(pref_global, [
"Show node render time",
new checkBox(function() {
PREF_MAP[? "node_show_time"] = !PREF_MAP[? "node_show_time"];
ds_list_add(pref_node, [
"[Particle] Max particles",
new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(str) {
PREF_MAP[? "part_max_amount"] = real(str);
ds_list_add(pref_node, [
"[Separate shape] Max shapes",
new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(str) {
PREF_MAP[? "shape_separation_max"] = real(str);
current_list = pref_global;
sp_pref = new scrollPane(dialog_w - 160 - 32, dialog_h - 64 - 28, function(_y, _m) {
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
var hh = 0;
var th = 34;
var x1 = dialog_w - 160 - 32 - 8;
var yy = _y + 8;
var padd = 6;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(current_list); i++) {
var _pref = current_list[| i];
var name = _pref[0];
if(search_text == "" || string_pos(string_lower(search_text), string_lower(name)) > 0) {
if(i % 2 == 0) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, yy - padd, dialog_w - 200, th + padd * 2, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, c_white);
draw_text(8, yy + 17, _pref[0]);
_pref[2].active = FOCUS == self;
_pref[2].hover = HOVER == self;
switch(instanceof(_pref[2])) {
case "textBox" :
_pref[2].draw(x1 - 100, yy, 96, 34, PREF_MAP[? _pref[1]], _m);
case "checkBox" :
_pref[2].draw(x1 - 36, yy + 2, PREF_MAP[? _pref[1]], _m);
yy += th + padd + 8;
hh += th + padd + 8;
return hh;
#region search
tb_search = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) {
search_text = str;
search_text = "";
#region hotkey
vk_list = [ vk_left, vk_right, vk_up, vk_down, vk_space, vk_backspace, vk_tab, vk_home, vk_end, vk_delete, vk_insert,
vk_pageup, vk_pagedown, vk_pause, vk_printscreen,
vk_f1, vk_f2, vk_f3, vk_f4, vk_f5, vk_f6, vk_f7, vk_f8, vk_f9, vk_f10, vk_f11, vk_f12,
hk_editing = noone;
sp_hotkey = new scrollPane(dialog_w - 160 - 32, dialog_h - 64 - 28, function(_y, _m) {
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
var padd = 8;
var hh = 0;
var currGroup = -1;
var x1 = dialog_w - 160 - 32;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(HOTKEY_CONTEXT); j++) {
var ll = HOTKEYS[? HOTKEY_CONTEXT[| j]];
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(ll); i++) {
var key = ll[| i];
var group = key.context;
var name = key.name;
var pkey = key.key;
//var modi = key.modi;
if(search_text != "" && string_pos(string_lower(search_text), string_lower(name)) == 0)
if(group != currGroup) {
if(group != "") hh += 12;
draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_left, fa_top, c_ui_blue_grey);
draw_text(32, _y + hh, group == ""? "Global" : group);
hh += string_height("l") + 16;
currGroup = group;
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, c_white);
var th = string_height("l");
if(i % 2 == 0) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, _y + hh - padd,
dialog_w - 160 - 32, th + padd * 2, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, c_white);
draw_text(16, _y + hh, name);
var dk = key_get_name(key.key, key.modi);
var kw = string_width(dk);
if(hk_editing == key) {
var _mod_prs = 0;
if(keyboard_check(vk_control)) _mod_prs |= MOD_KEY.ctrl;
if(keyboard_check(vk_shift)) _mod_prs |= MOD_KEY.shift;
if(keyboard_check(vk_alt)) _mod_prs |= MOD_KEY.alt;
if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_escape)) {
key.key = "";
key.modi = 0;
} else if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey)) {
var press = false;
for(var a = 32; a <= 126; a++) {
if(keyboard_check_pressed(a)) {
key.key = ord(string_upper(ansi_char(a)));
press = true;
if(!press) {
for(var a = 0; a < array_length(vk_list); a++) {
if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_list[a])) {
key.key = vk_list[a];
press = true;
if(press) key.modi = _mod_prs;
draw_sprite_stretched(s_button_hide, 2, x1 - 24 - kw - 16, _y + hh - 6, kw + 32, th + 12);
} else {
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, x1 - 24 - kw - 16, _y + hh - 6, kw + 32, th + 12, _m, FOCUS == self, HOVER == self) == 2) {
hk_editing = key;
keyboard_lastchar = pkey;
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_right, fa_top, hk_editing == key? c_ui_orange : c_white);
draw_text(x1 - 24, _y + hh, dk);
hh += th + padd * 2;
return hh;
#endregion |