mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:34:48 +01:00
299 lines
9.9 KiB
299 lines
9.9 KiB
/// @description init
if !ready exit;
#region dropper
if(dropper_active) {
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
current_color = dropper_color;
dropper_active = false;
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
if(dropper_active == 2) instance_destroy();
var dx = mouse_mx + ui(36);
var dy = mouse_my + ui(36);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_color_picker_sample, 0, dx - ui(20), dy - ui(20), ui(40), ui(40));
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_color_picker_sample, 0, dx - ui(18), dy - ui(18), ui(36), ui(36), dropper_color, 1);
#region base UI
var presets_x = dialog_x;
var presets_w = ui(240);
var content_x = dialog_x + presets_w + ui(16);
var content_w = dialog_w - presets_w - ui(16);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_dialog_bg, 0, presets_x, dialog_y, presets_w, dialog_h);
if(sFOCUS) draw_sprite_stretched(s_dialog_active, 0, presets_x, dialog_y, presets_w, dialog_h);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_dialog_bg, 0, content_x, dialog_y, content_w, dialog_h);
if(sFOCUS) draw_sprite_stretched(s_dialog_active, 0, content_x, dialog_y, content_w, dialog_h);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, c_ui_blue_ltgrey);
draw_text(presets_x + ui(24), dialog_y + ui(16), "Presets");
draw_text(content_x + ui(24), dialog_y + ui(16), name);
#region presets
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, presets_x + ui(16), dialog_y + ui(44), ui(240 - 32), dialog_h - ui(60));
sp_presets.active = sFOCUS;
sp_presets.draw(presets_x + ui(16 + 8), dialog_y + ui(44));
var bx = presets_x + presets_w - ui(44);
var by = dialog_y + ui(12);
var _b = buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(28), ui(28), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER);
if(_b) TOOLTIP = "Add to preset";
if(_b == 2) {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_file_name, mouse_mx + ui(8), mouse_my + ui(8));
dia.onModify = function (txt) {
var file = file_text_open_write(txt + ".txt");
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(gradient); i++) {
var gr = gradient[| i];
var cc = gr.value;
var tt = gr.time;
file_text_write_string(file, cc);
file_text_write_string(file, tt);
dia.path = DIRECTORY + "Gradients/"
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_add_24, 0, bx + ui(14), by + ui(14), 1, c_ui_blue_grey);
bx -= ui(32);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(28), ui(28), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, "Refresh", s_refresh_24) == 2)
bx -= ui(32);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(28), ui(28), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, "Open gradient folder", s_folder_24) == 2) {
var _realpath = environment_get_variable("LOCALAPPDATA") + "\\Pixels_Composer\\Gradients";
var _windir = environment_get_variable("WINDIR") + "\\explorer.exe";
execute_shell_simple(_windir, _realpath);
bx -= ui(32);
#region gradient
var gr_x = content_x + ui(22);
var gr_y = dialog_y + ui(54);
var gr_w = content_w - ui(44);
var gr_h = ui(20);
#region tools
var bx = content_x + content_w - ui(50);
var by = dialog_y + ui(16);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(28), ui(28), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, "Key blending", s_grad_blend) == 2) {
if(grad_data != noone)
grad_data[| 0] = (grad_data[| 0] + 1) % 3;
bx -= ui(32);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_textbox, 0, gr_x - ui(6), gr_y - ui(6), gr_w + ui(12), gr_h + ui(12));
draw_gradient(gr_x, gr_y, gr_w, gr_h, gradient, grad_data[| 0]);
var hover = noone;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(gradient); i++) {
var _k = gradient[| i];
var _c = _k.value;
var _kx = gr_x + _k.time * gr_w;
var _in = _k == key_selecting? 1 : 0;
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_prop_gradient, _in, _kx, gr_y + gr_h / 2, 1, _c);
if(sHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, _kx - ui(6), gr_y, _kx + ui(6), gr_y + gr_h)) {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_prop_gradient, _in, _kx, gr_y + gr_h / 2, 1.2, _c);
hover = _k;
if(key_dragging) {
var tt = clamp((mouse_mx - gr_x) / gr_w, 0, 1);
setKeyPosition(key_dragging, tt);
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
key_dragging = noone;
if(sFOCUS) {
if(point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, gr_x - ui(6), gr_y - ui(6), gr_x + gr_w + ui(12), gr_y + gr_h + ui(12))) {
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
if(hover) {
key_selecting = hover;
key_dragging = hover;
current_color = key_dragging.value;
} else {
key_selecting = noone;
var tt = clamp((mouse_mx - gr_x) / gr_w, 0, 1);
var cc = gradient_eval(gradient, tt);
var _newkey = new valueKey(tt, cc);
gradient_add(gradient, _newkey, true);
key_selecting = _newkey;
key_dragging = _newkey;
current_color = key_dragging.value;
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
if(hover && ds_list_size(gradient) > 1) {
var _index = ds_list_find_index(gradient, hover);
ds_list_delete(gradient, _index);
var op_x = content_x + ui(20);
var op_y = gr_y + gr_h + ui(12);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_ui_blue_white);
draw_text(op_x, op_y + TEXTBOX_HEIGHT / 2, "Position")
var txt = key_selecting? key_selecting.time * 100 : "-";
sl_position.active = sFOCUS;
sl_position.hover = sHOVER;
sl_position.draw(op_x + ui(100), op_y, ui(content_w - 140), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, txt, mouse_ui);
#region color surface
var col_x = content_x + ui(20);
var col_y = dialog_y + ui(136);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, col_x - ui(8), col_y - ui(8), ui(256 + 16), ui(256 + 16));
if(!is_surface(color_surface)) color_surface = surface_create_valid(ui(256), ui(256));
draw_sprite_ext(s_fx_pixel, 0, 0, 0, ui(256), ui(256), 0, c_white, 1);
var h = shader_get_uniform(sh_color_picker, "hue");
shader_set_uniform_f(h, hue / 256);
draw_surface_safe(color_surface, col_x, col_y);
#region selector
var hue_x = content_x + ui(300);
var hue_y = col_y;
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, hue_x - ui(8), hue_y - ui(8), ui(32), ui(256 + 16));
for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
draw_set_color(make_color_hsv(i, 255, 255));
draw_rectangle(hue_x, hue_y + ui(i), hue_x + ui(16), hue_y + ui(i + 1), false);
var hy = hue_y + ui(hue);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_base_white, 0, hue_x - ui(3), hy - ui(6), ui(24), ui(10), make_color_hsv(hue, 255, 255), 1);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_base_white, 0, col_x + ui(sat - 6), col_y + ui(256 - val - 6), ui(12), ui(12), current_color, 1);
if(sFOCUS) {
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
if(point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, hue_x, hue_y, hue_x + ui(16), hue_y + ui(256))) {
hue_dragging = true;
} else if(point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, col_x, col_y, col_x + ui(256), col_y + ui(256))) {
value_draggin = true;
if(hue_dragging) {
hue = clamp((mouse_my - hue_y) / UI_SCALE, 0, 256);
hue_dragging = false;
if(value_draggin) {
sat = clamp((mouse_mx - col_x) / UI_SCALE, 0, 256);
val = 256 - clamp((mouse_my - col_y) / UI_SCALE, 0, 256);
value_draggin = false;
#region data
var data_x = hue_x + ui(40);
var data_y = col_y;
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, c_white);
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 0 + 17), "Hue");
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 1 + 17), "Saturation")
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 2 + 17), "Value");
tb_hue.active = sFOCUS; tb_hue.hover = sHOVER;
tb_sat.active = sFOCUS; tb_sat.hover = sHOVER;
tb_val.active = sFOCUS; tb_val.hover = sHOVER;
tb_hue.draw(data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 0), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, round(color_get_hue(current_color)), mouse_ui);
tb_sat.draw(data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 1), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, round(color_get_saturation(current_color)), mouse_ui);
tb_val.draw(data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 2), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, round(color_get_value(current_color)), mouse_ui);
data_y = data_y + ui(44 * 3 + 8);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, c_white);
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 0 + 17), "Red");
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 1 + 17), "Green");
draw_text(data_x, data_y + ui(40 * 2 + 17), "Blue");
tb_red.active = sFOCUS; tb_red.hover = sHOVER;
tb_green.active = sFOCUS; tb_green.hover = sHOVER;
tb_blue.active = sFOCUS; tb_blue.hover = sHOVER;
tb_red.draw (data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 0), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, color_get_red(current_color), mouse_ui);
tb_green.draw(data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 1), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, color_get_green(current_color), mouse_ui);
tb_blue.draw (data_x + ui(80), data_y + ui(44 * 2), ui(100), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, color_get_blue(current_color), mouse_ui);
tb_hex.active = sFOCUS; tb_hex.hover = sHOVER;
tb_hex.draw(hue_x - ui(128), data_y + ui(44 * 3), ui(108), TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, color_get_hex(current_color), mouse_ui);
#region controls
var cx = content_x + ui(36);
var cy = dialog_y + dialog_h - ui(36);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_color_picker_sample, 0, cx - ui(20), cy - ui(20), ui(40), ui(40));
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_color_picker_sample, 0, cx - ui(18), cy - ui(18), ui(36), ui(36), current_color, 1);
var bx = content_x + content_w - ui(36);
var by = dialog_y + dialog_h - ui(36);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_lime, bx - ui(18), by - ui(18), ui(36), ui(36), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, "", s_icon_accept_24, 0, c_ui_blue_black) == 2) {
var bx = content_x + ui(80);
var by = dialog_y + dialog_h - ui(36);
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx - ui(18), by - ui(18), ui(36), ui(36), mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, "", s_color_picker_dropper, 0, c_white) == 2) {
dropper_active = true;
#endregion |