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/// @func BBMOD_Matrix([_raw])
/// @desc A matrix.
/// @param {Array<Real>} [_raw] A raw GameMaker matrix. If `undefined`, then an
/// identity matrix is created.
function BBMOD_Matrix(_raw=undefined) constructor
/// @var {Array<Real>} A raw GameMaker matrix.
Raw = _raw ?? matrix_build_identity();
/// @func Copy(_dest)
/// @desc Copies the matrix to another matrix.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} _dest The destination matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static Copy = function (_dest) {
array_copy(_dest.Raw, 0, Raw, 0, 16);
return self;
/// @func Clone()
/// @desc Creates a clone of the matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The clone of the matrix.
static Clone = function () {
var _clone = new BBMOD_Matrix();
return _clone;
/// @func Set(_index, _value)
/// @desc Sets matrix value at specific index.
/// @param {Real} _index The index to change the value at.
/// @param {Real} _value The new value.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static Set = function (_index, _value) {
Raw[@ _index] = _value;
return self;
/// @func FromArray(_array[, _index])
/// @desc Initializes the matrix from an array.
/// @param {Array<Real>} _array The array to read values from.
/// @param {Real} [_index] The index to start reading at. Defaults to 0.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromArray = function (_array, _index=0) {
array_copy(Raw, 0, _array, _index, 16);
return self;
/// @func ToArray([_array[, _index]])
/// @desc Writes the matrix into an array.
/// @param {Array<Real>} [_array] The array to write the matrix to. If
/// `undefined`, then a new one is created.
/// @param {Real} [_index] The index to start writing at. Defaults to 0.
/// @return {Array<Real>} The destination array.
static ToArray = function (_array=undefined, _index=0) {
_array ??= array_create(16, 0.0);
array_copy(_array, _index, Raw, 0, 16);
return _array;
/// @func FromBuffer(_buffer, _type)
/// @desc Initializes the matrix from a buffer.
/// @param {Id.Buffer} _buffer The buffer to read values from.
/// @param {Constant.BufferDataType} _type The type of values. Use one of
/// the `buffer_` constants.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromBuffer = function (_buffer, _type) {
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
Raw[_index++] = buffer_read(_buffer, _type);
return self;
/// @func ToBuffer(_buffer, _type)
/// @desc Writes the matrix into a buffer.
/// @param {Id.Buffer} _buffer The buffer to write to.
/// @param {Real} _type The type of values. Use one of the `buffer_` constants.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static ToBuffer = function (_buffer, _type) {
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
buffer_write(_buffer, _type, Raw[_index++]);
return self;
/// @func FromColumns(_c1, _c2, _c3, _c4)
/// @desc Initializes the matrix from columns.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _c1 A vector containing the first column.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _c2 A vector containing the second column.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _c3 A vector containing the third column.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _c4 A vector containing the fourth column.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromColumns = function (_c1, _c2, _c3, _c4) {
Raw = [
_c1.X, _c2.X, _c3.X, _c4.X,
_c1.Y, _c2.Y, _c3.Y, _c4.Y,
_c1.Z, _c2.Z, _c3.Z, _c4.Z,
_c1.W, _c2.W, _c3.W, _c4.W,
return self;
/// @func FromRows(_r1, _r2, _r3, _r4)
/// @desc Initializes the matrix from rows.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _r1 A vector containing the first row.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _r2 A vector containing the second row.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _r3 A vector containing the third row.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _r4 A vector containing the fourth row.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromRows = function (_r1, _r2, _r3, _r4) {
Raw = [
_r1.X, _r1.Y, _r1.Z, _r1.W,
_r2.X, _r2.Y, _r2.Z, _r2.W,
_r3.X, _r3.Y, _r3.Z, _r3.W,
_r4.X, _r4.Y, _r4.Z, _r4.W,
return self;
/// @func FromLookAt(_from, _to, _up)
/// @desc Initializes a look-at matrix.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _from The position of the camera.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _to The position where the camera is looking at.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _up The direction up.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromLookAt = function (_from, _to, _up) {
Raw = matrix_build_lookat(
_from.X, _from.Y, _from.Z,
_to.X, _to.Y, _to.Z,
_up.X, _up.Y, _up.Z);
return self;
/// @func FromWorld()
/// @desc Initializes the matrix using the current world matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromWorld = function () {
Raw = matrix_get(matrix_world);
return self;
/// @func FromView()
/// @desc Initializes the matrix using the current view matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromView = function () {
Raw = matrix_get(matrix_view);
return self;
/// @func FromProjection()
/// @desc Initializes the matrix using the current projection matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromProjection = function () {
Raw = matrix_get(matrix_projection);
return self;
/// @func FromWorldViewProjection()
/// @desc Initializes the matrix using the current `world * view * projection`
/// matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static FromWorldViewProjection = function () {
Raw = matrix_multiply(
matrix_multiply(matrix_get(matrix_world), matrix_get(matrix_view)),
return self;
/// @func ApplyWorld()
/// @desc Changes the current world matrix to this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static PushMatrix = function () {
return self;
/// @func ApplyWorld()
/// @desc Changes the current world matrix to this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static ApplyWorld = function () {
matrix_set(matrix_world, Raw);
return self;
/// @func ApplyView()
/// @desc Changes the view world matrix to this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static ApplyView = function () {
matrix_set(matrix_view, Raw);
return self;
/// @func ApplyProjection()
/// @desc Changes the current projeciton matrix to this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} Returns `self`.
static ApplyProjection = function () {
matrix_set(matrix_projection, Raw);
return self;
/// @func ToEuler([_array[, _index]])
/// @desc Retrieves euler angles from the matrix.
/// @param {Array<Real>} [_array] An array to write the X,Y,Z angles to.
/// If `undefined`, a new one is created.
/// @param {Real} [_index] The index to start writing at.
/// @return {Array<Real>} The destination array.
static ToEuler = function (_array=undefined, _index=0) {
_array ??= array_create(3, 0.0);
var _thetaX, _thetaY, _thetaZ;
var _m = Raw;
var _m6 = _m[6];
if (_m6 < 1.0)
if (_m6 > -1.0)
_thetaX = arcsin(-_m6);
_thetaY = arctan2(_m[2], _m[10]);
_thetaZ = arctan2(_m[4], _m[5]);
_thetaX = pi * 0.5;
_thetaY = -arctan2(-_m[1], _m[0]);
_thetaZ = 0.0;
_thetaX = -pi * 0.5;
_thetaY = arctan2(-_m[1], _m[0]);
_thetaZ = 0.0;
_array[@ _index] = (360.0 + radtodeg(_thetaX)) mod 360.0;
_array[@ _index + 1] = (360.0 + radtodeg(_thetaY)) mod 360.0;
_array[@ _index + 2] = (360.0 + radtodeg(_thetaZ)) mod 360.0;
return _array;
/// @func Determinant()
/// @desc Computes the determinant of the matrix.
/// @return {Real} The determinant.
static Determinant = function () {
var _m = Raw;
var _m0 = _m[ 0];
var _m1 = _m[ 1];
var _m2 = _m[ 2];
var _m3 = _m[ 3];
var _m4 = _m[ 4];
var _m5 = _m[ 5];
var _m6 = _m[ 6];
var _m7 = _m[ 7];
var _m8 = _m[ 8];
var _m9 = _m[ 9];
var _m10 = _m[10];
var _m11 = _m[11];
var _m12 = _m[12];
var _m13 = _m[13];
var _m14 = _m[14];
var _m15 = _m[15];
return (0.0
+ (_m3 * _m6 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m2 * _m7 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m5 * _m10 * _m12) + (_m1 * _m7 * _m10 * _m12)
+ (_m2 * _m5 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m1 * _m6 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m6 * _m8 * _m13) + (_m2 * _m7 * _m8 * _m13)
+ (_m3 * _m4 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m0 * _m7 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m2 * _m4 * _m11 * _m13) + (_m0 * _m6 * _m11 * _m13)
+ (_m3 * _m5 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m1 * _m7 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m3 * _m4 * _m9 * _m14) + (_m0 * _m7 * _m9 * _m14)
+ (_m1 * _m4 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m0 * _m5 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m2 * _m5 * _m8 * _m15) + (_m1 * _m6 * _m8 * _m15)
+ (_m2 * _m4 * _m9 * _m15) - (_m0 * _m6 * _m9 * _m15) - (_m1 * _m4 * _m10 * _m15) + (_m0 * _m5 * _m10 * _m15));
/// @func Inverse()
/// @desc Creates a matrix that is inverse to this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The inverse matrix.
static Inverse = function () {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _m = Raw;
var _m0 = _m[ 0];
var _m1 = _m[ 1];
var _m2 = _m[ 2];
var _m3 = _m[ 3];
var _m4 = _m[ 4];
var _m5 = _m[ 5];
var _m6 = _m[ 6];
var _m7 = _m[ 7];
var _m8 = _m[ 8];
var _m9 = _m[ 9];
var _m10 = _m[10];
var _m11 = _m[11];
var _m12 = _m[12];
var _m13 = _m[13];
var _m14 = _m[14];
var _m15 = _m[15];
var _determinant = (0.0
+ (_m3 * _m6 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m2 * _m7 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m5 * _m10 * _m12) + (_m1 * _m7 * _m10 * _m12)
+ (_m2 * _m5 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m1 * _m6 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m6 * _m8 * _m13) + (_m2 * _m7 * _m8 * _m13)
+ (_m3 * _m4 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m0 * _m7 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m2 * _m4 * _m11 * _m13) + (_m0 * _m6 * _m11 * _m13)
+ (_m3 * _m5 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m1 * _m7 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m3 * _m4 * _m9 * _m14) + (_m0 * _m7 * _m9 * _m14)
+ (_m1 * _m4 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m0 * _m5 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m2 * _m5 * _m8 * _m15) + (_m1 * _m6 * _m8 * _m15)
+ (_m2 * _m4 * _m9 * _m15) - (_m0 * _m6 * _m9 * _m15) - (_m1 * _m4 * _m10 * _m15) + (_m0 * _m5 * _m10 * _m15));
var _s = 1.0 / _determinant;
_res.Raw = [
_s * ((_m6 * _m11 * _m13) - (_m7 * _m10 * _m13) + (_m7 * _m9 * _m14) - (_m5 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m6 * _m9 * _m15) + (_m5 * _m10 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m3 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m2 * _m11 * _m13) - (_m3 * _m9 * _m14) + (_m1 * _m11 * _m14) + (_m2 * _m9 * _m15) - (_m1 * _m10 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m2 * _m7 * _m13) - (_m3 * _m6 * _m13) + (_m3 * _m5 * _m14) - (_m1 * _m7 * _m14) - (_m2 * _m5 * _m15) + (_m1 * _m6 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m3 * _m6 * _m9) - (_m2 * _m7 * _m9) - (_m3 * _m5 * _m10) + (_m1 * _m7 * _m10) + (_m2 * _m5 * _m11) - (_m1 * _m6 * _m11)),
_s * ((_m7 * _m10 * _m12) - (_m6 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m7 * _m8 * _m14) + (_m4 * _m11 * _m14) + (_m6 * _m8 * _m15) - (_m4 * _m10 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m2 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m10 * _m12) + (_m3 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m0 * _m11 * _m14) - (_m2 * _m8 * _m15) + (_m0 * _m10 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m3 * _m6 * _m12) - (_m2 * _m7 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m4 * _m14) + (_m0 * _m7 * _m14) + (_m2 * _m4 * _m15) - (_m0 * _m6 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m2 * _m7 * _m8) - (_m3 * _m6 * _m8) + (_m3 * _m4 * _m10) - (_m0 * _m7 * _m10) - (_m2 * _m4 * _m11) + (_m0 * _m6 * _m11)),
_s * ((_m5 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m7 * _m9 * _m12) + (_m7 * _m8 * _m13) - (_m4 * _m11 * _m13) - (_m5 * _m8 * _m15) + (_m4 * _m9 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m3 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m1 * _m11 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m8 * _m13) + (_m0 * _m11 * _m13) + (_m1 * _m8 * _m15) - (_m0 * _m9 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m1 * _m7 * _m12) - (_m3 * _m5 * _m12) + (_m3 * _m4 * _m13) - (_m0 * _m7 * _m13) - (_m1 * _m4 * _m15) + (_m0 * _m5 * _m15)),
_s * ((_m3 * _m5 * _m8) - (_m1 * _m7 * _m8) - (_m3 * _m4 * _m9) + (_m0 * _m7 * _m9) + (_m1 * _m4 * _m11) - (_m0 * _m5 * _m11)),
_s * ((_m6 * _m9 * _m12) - (_m5 * _m10 * _m12) - (_m6 * _m8 * _m13) + (_m4 * _m10 * _m13) + (_m5 * _m8 * _m14) - (_m4 * _m9 * _m14)),
_s * ((_m1 * _m10 * _m12) - (_m2 * _m9 * _m12) + (_m2 * _m8 * _m13) - (_m0 * _m10 * _m13) - (_m1 * _m8 * _m14) + (_m0 * _m9 * _m14)),
_s * ((_m2 * _m5 * _m12) - (_m1 * _m6 * _m12) - (_m2 * _m4 * _m13) + (_m0 * _m6 * _m13) + (_m1 * _m4 * _m14) - (_m0 * _m5 * _m14)),
_s * ((_m1 * _m6 * _m8) - (_m2 * _m5 * _m8) + (_m2 * _m4 * _m9) - (_m0 * _m6 * _m9) - (_m1 * _m4 * _m10) + (_m0 * _m5 * _m10)),
return _res;
/// @func Mul(_matrix, ...)
/// @desc Multiplies matrices.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} _matrix The first matrix to multiply with.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
/// @example
/// ```gml
/// var _world = new BBMOD_Matrix().FromWorld();
/// var _view = new BBMOD_Matrix().FromView();
/// var _projection = new BBMOD_Matrix().FromProjection();
/// var _worldViewProjection = _world.Mul(_view, _projection);
/// ```
/// Please note that this example only shows that you can pass multiple
/// matrices to this method. If you would actually like to get the
/// `world * view * projection` matrix, you can simply call
/// {@link BBMOD_Matrix.FromWorldViewProjection}.
static Mul = function (_matrix) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _raw = matrix_multiply(Raw, _matrix.Raw);
var _index = 1;
repeat (argument_count - 1)
_raw = matrix_multiply(_raw, argument[_index++]);
_res.Raw = _raw;
return _res;
/// @func MulComponentwise(_matrix)
/// @desc Multiplies each component of the matrix with corresponding
/// component of other matrix.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} _matrix The matrix to multiply componentwise
/// with.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static MulComponentwise = function (_matrix) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _selfRaw = Raw;
var _otherRaw = _matrix.Raw;
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
_res.Raw[@ _index] = _selfRaw[_index] * _otherRaw[_index];
return _res;
/// @func AddComponentwise(_matrix)
/// @desc Adds each component of the matrix to corresponding component of
/// other matrix.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} _matrix The matrix to add componentwise with.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static AddComponentwise = function (_matrix) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _selfRaw = Raw;
var _otherRaw = _matrix.Raw;
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
_res.Raw[@ _index] = _selfRaw[_index] + _otherRaw[_index];
return _res;
/// @func SubComponentwise(_matrix)
/// @desc Subtracts each component of a matrix from corresponding component
/// of this matrix.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} _matrix The matrix that subtracts
/// componentwise from this one.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static SubComponentwise = function (_matrix) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _selfRaw = Raw;
var _otherRaw = _matrix.Raw;
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
_res.Raw[@ _index] = _selfRaw[_index] - _otherRaw[_index];
return _res;
/// @func Transform(_vector)
/// @desc Transforms a vector by the matrix and returns the result as a new
/// vector.
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} _vector The vector to transform.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Vec4} The tranformed vector.
static Transform = function (_vector) {
return _vector.Transform(Raw);
/// @func Transpose()
/// @desc Creates a transpose of this matrix.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The transposed matrix.
static Transpose = function () {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _m = Raw;
_res.Raw = [
_m[0], _m[4], _m[ 8], _m[12],
_m[1], _m[5], _m[ 9], _m[13],
_m[2], _m[6], _m[10], _m[14],
_m[3], _m[7], _m[11], _m[15],
return _res;
/// @func Translate(_x[, _y, _z])
/// @desc Translates the matrix.
/// @param {Real, Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _x Translation on the X axis or a
/// vector with translations on all axes.
/// @param {Real} [_y] Translation on the Y axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is
/// a vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @param {Real} [_z] Translation on the Z axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is
/// a vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static Translate = function (_x, _y=undefined, _z=undefined) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
? matrix_build(_x.X, _x.Y, _x.Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
: matrix_build(_x, _y, _z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func TranslateX(_x)
/// @desc Translates the matrix on the X axis.
/// @param {Real} _x Translation on the X axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static TranslateX = function (_x) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(_x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func TranslateY(_y)
/// @desc Translates the matrix on the Y axis.
/// @param {Real} _y Translation on the Y axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static TranslateY = function (_y) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, _y, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func TranslateZ(_z)
/// @desc Translates the matrix on the Z axis.
/// @param {Real} _z Translation on the Z axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static TranslateZ = function (_z) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, _z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func RotateEuler(_x[, _y, _z])
/// @desc Rotates the matrix using euler angles.
/// @param {Real, Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _x Rotation on the X axis or a vector
/// with rotations on all axes.
/// @param {Real} [_y] Rotation on the Y axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is a
/// vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @param {Real} [_z] Rotation on the Z axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is a
/// vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
/// @note The order of rotations is YXZ, same as in `matrix_build`.
static RotateEuler = function (_x, _y=undefined, _z=undefined) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
? matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x.X, _x.Y, _x.Z, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
: matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x, _y, _z, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func RotateQuat(_quat)
/// @desc Rotates the matrix using a quaternion
/// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} _quat The quaternion to rotate the
/// matrix with.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static RotateQuat = function (_quat) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw, _quat.ToMatrix());
return _res;
/// @func RotateX(_x)
/// @desc Rotates the matrix on the X axis.
/// @param {Real} _x Rotation on the X axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static RotateX = function (_x) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func RotateY(_y)
/// @desc Rotates the matrix on the Y axis.
/// @param {Real} _y Rotation on the Y axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static RotateY = function (_y) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _y, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func RotateZ(_z)
/// @desc Rotates the matrix on the Z axis.
/// @param {Real} _z Rotation on the Z axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static RotateZ = function (_z) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _z, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func Scale(_x[, _y, _z])
/// @desc Scales the matrix.
/// @param {Real, Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _x Scale on the X axis or a vector with
/// scale on all axes.
/// @param {Real} [_y] Scale on the Y axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is a
/// vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @param {Real} [_z] Scale on the Z axis. Use `undefined` if `_x` is a
/// vector. Defaults to `undefined`.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static Scale = function (_x, _y=undefined, _z=undefined) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
? matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x.X, _x.Y, _x.Z)
: matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x, _y, _z));
return _res;
/// @func ScaleComponentwise(_s)
/// @desc Scales each component of the matrix.
/// @param {Real} _s The value to scale the components with.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static ScaleComponentwise = function (_s) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
var _selfRaw = Raw;
var _index = 0;
repeat (16)
_res.Raw[@ _index] = _selfRaw[_index] * _s;
return _res;
/// @func ScaleX(_x)
/// @desc Scales the matrix on the X axis.
/// @param {Real} _x Scale on the X axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static ScaleX = function (_x) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _x, 1.0, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func ScaleY(_y)
/// @desc Scales the matrix on the Y axis.
/// @param {Real} _y Scale on the Y axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static ScaleY = function (_y) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, _y, 1.0));
return _res;
/// @func ScaleZ(_z)
/// @desc Scales the matrix on the Z axis.
/// @param {Real} _z Scale on the Z axis.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Matrix} The resulting matrix.
static ScaleZ = function (_z) {
var _res = new BBMOD_Matrix();
_res.Raw = matrix_multiply(Raw,
matrix_build(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, _z));
return _res;
/// @func bbmod_matrix_build_normalmatrix(_m[, _dest[, _index]])
/// @desc Creates a matrix using which you can safely transform normal vectors.
/// @param {Array<Real>} _m A matrix to build the normal matrix from.
/// @param {Array} [_dest] An array to store the resulting matrix to. Defaults
/// to a new array empty array.
/// @param {Real} [_index] An index to start writing the result at. Defaults to
/// 0.
/// @return {Array} The destination array.
function bbmod_matrix_build_normalmatrix(_m, _dest=[], _index=0)
var _m0 = _m[ 0];
var _m1 = _m[ 1];
var _m2 = _m[ 2];
var _m4 = _m[ 4];
var _m5 = _m[ 5];
var _m6 = _m[ 6];
var _m8 = _m[ 8];
var _m9 = _m[ 9];
var _m10 = _m[10];
var _determinant = (0.0
+ _m0 * ((_m5 * _m10) - (_m6 * _m9))
+ _m4 * ((_m9 * _m2) - (_m1 * _m10))
+ _m8 * ((_m1 * _m6) - (_m5 * _m2)));
var _s = 1.0 / _determinant;
_dest[@ _index + 0] = _s * ((_m5 * _m10) - (_m6 * _m9));
_dest[@ _index + 1] = _s * ((_m8 * _m6) - (_m4 * _m10));
_dest[@ _index + 2] = _s * ((_m4 * _m9) - (_m8 * _m5));
_dest[@ _index + 3] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 4] = _s * ((_m9 * _m2) - (_m1 * _m10));
_dest[@ _index + 5] = _s * ((_m0 * _m10) - (_m8 * _m2));
_dest[@ _index + 6] = _s * ((_m1 * _m8) - (_m0 * _m9));
_dest[@ _index + 7] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 8] = _s * ((_m1 * _m6) - (_m2 * _m5));
_dest[@ _index + 9] = _s * ((_m2 * _m4) - (_m0 * _m6));
_dest[@ _index + 10] = _s * ((_m0 * _m5) - (_m1 * _m4));
_dest[@ _index + 11] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 12] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 13] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 14] = 0.0;
_dest[@ _index + 15] = 1.0;
return _dest;