2024-03-27 17:51:14 +07:00

588 lines
15 KiB

group = 1,
loop = 2
function groupNodes(nodeArray, _group = noone, record = true, check_connect = true) { #region
#region check inline
var _ctx_nodes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodeArray); i++) {
var node = nodeArray[i];
var ctx = node.inline_context;
if(ctx == noone) continue;
array_push_unique(_ctx_nodes, ctx);
for( var k = 0, n = array_length(ctx.members); k < n; k++ ) {
if(array_exists(nodeArray, ctx.members[k])) continue;
noti_warning("Grouping incomplete inline group is not allowed.");
if(_group == noone) {
var cx = 0;
var cy = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodeArray); i++) {
var _node = nodeArray[i];
cx += _node.x;
cy += _node.y;
cx = value_snap(cx / array_length(nodeArray), 32);
cy = value_snap(cy / array_length(nodeArray), 32);
_group = new Node_Group(cx, cy, PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext());
var _content = [];
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodeArray); i++) {
_content[i] = nodeArray[i];
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_ctx_nodes); i < n; i++ ) {
_content[i] = _ctx_nodes[i];
var _io = { inputs: {}, outputs: {}, map: {} };
if(check_connect) { #region IO creation
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodeArray); i++)
var _in = _io.inputs;
var _inKey = struct_get_names(_in);
var _x, _y, m;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_inKey); i < n; i++ ) {
var _frm = _io.map[$ _inKey[i]];
var _tos = _in[$ _inKey[i]];
_x = 0
_y = 0;
m = array_length(_tos);
for( var j = 0; j < m; j++ ) {
var _to = _tos[j];
_x = min(_x, _to.node.x);
_y += _to.node.y;
_x = value_snap(_x - 64 - 128, 32);
_y = value_snap(_y / m, 32);
var _n = new Node_Group_Input(_x, _y, _group);
_n.inputs[| 2].setValue(_frm.type);
for( var j = 0; j < m; j++ ) {
var _to = _tos[j];
_to.setFrom(_n.outputs[| 0]);
var _ot = _io.outputs;
var _otKey = struct_get_names(_ot);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_otKey); i < n; i++ ) {
var _frm = _io.map[$ _otKey[i]];
var _tos = _ot[$ _otKey[i]];
_x = value_snap(_frm.node.x + _frm.node.w + 64, 32);
_y = value_snap(_frm.node.y, 32);
m = array_length(_tos);
var _n = new Node_Group_Output(_x, _y, _group);
_n.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_frm);
for( var j = 0; j < m; j++ ) {
var _to = _tos[j];
} #endregion
if(record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.group, _group, { content: _content });
return _group;
} #endregion
function upgroupNode(collection, record = true) { #region
var _content = [];
var node_list = collection.getNodeList();
while(!ds_list_empty(node_list)) {
var remNode = node_list[| 0];
array_push(_content, remNode);
if(record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.ungroup, collection, { content: _content });
} #endregion
function Node_Collection(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
nodes = ds_list_create();
ungroupable = true;
auto_render_time = false;
combine_render_time = true;
previewable = true;
w = 128;
h = 128;
min_h = 128;
reset_all_child = false;
isInstancer = false;
instanceBase = noone;
input_display_list_def = [];
custom_input_index = 0;
custom_output_index = 0;
metadata = new MetaDataManager();
attributes.input_display_list = [];
attributes.output_display_list = [];
attributes.w = 128;
attributes.h = 128;
managedRenderOrder = false;
input_dummy = nodeValue("Add to group", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.any, 0);
draw_dummy = false;
input_dummy.onSetFrom = function(juncFrom) { #region
array_remove(juncFrom.value_to, input_dummy);
input_dummy.value_from = noone;
var input = nodeBuild("Node_Group_Input", 0, 0, self);
var _type = juncFrom.type;
var _tind = array_find(input.data_type_map, juncFrom.type);
input.attributes.inherit_type = false;
if(_tind != -1)
input.inputs[| 2].setValue(_tind);
if(onNewInputFromGraph != noone) onNewInputFromGraph(juncFrom);
} #endregion
onNewInputFromGraph = noone;
tool_node = noone;
draw_input_overlay = true;
array_push(attributeEditors, ["Edit Input Display", function() { return 0; },
button(function() { dialogCall(o_dialog_group_input_order).setNode(self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input); }) ]);
array_push(attributeEditors, ["Edit Output Display", function() { return 0; },
button(function() { dialogCall(o_dialog_group_input_order).setNode(self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output); }) ]);
insp1UpdateTooltip = __txtx("panel_inspector_execute", "Execute node contents");
insp1UpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ];
insp2UpdateTooltip = "Clear cache";
insp2UpdateIcon = [ THEME.cache, 0, COLORS._main_icon ];
static inspector1Update = function() { onInspector1Update(); }
static onInspector1Update = function() { RenderList(nodes, true); }
static hasInspector1Update = function(group = false) { #region
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++ ) {
if(nodes[| i].hasInspector1Update())
return true;
return false;
} #endregion
static inspector2Update = function() { onInspector2Update(); }
static onInspector2Update = function() { #region
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++ ) {
if(nodes[| i].hasInspector2Update())
nodes[| i].inspector2Update();
} #endregion
static hasInspector2Update = function(group = false) { #region
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++ ) {
if(nodes[| i].hasInspector2Update())
return true;
return false;
} #endregion
static getNodeBase = function() { #region
if(instanceBase == noone) return self;
return instanceBase.getNodeBase();
} #endregion
static getNodeList = function() { #region
if(instanceBase == noone) return nodes;
return instanceBase.getNodeList();
} #endregion
static setHeight = function() { #region
var _hi = ui(32);
var _ho = ui(32);
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ )
if(inputs[| i].isVisible()) _hi += 24;
if(active_draw_index == 1) _hi += 24;
draw_dummy = active_draw_index == 1;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ )
if(outputs[| i].isVisible()) _ho += 24;
var preH = (preview_surface && previewable)? 128 : 0;
h = max(min_h, preH, _hi, _ho);
} #endregion
static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { #region
if(!draw_input_overlay) return;
for(var i = custom_input_index; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) {
var _in = inputs[| i];
var _show = _in.from.getInputData(6);
if(!_show) continue;
var _hov = _in.drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny);
if(_hov != undefined) active &= !_hov;
} #endregion
static getOutputNodes = function() { #region
var nodes = [];
for( var i = custom_output_index; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) {
var _junc = outputs[| i];
for( var j = 0; j < array_length(_junc.value_to); j++ ) {
var _to = _junc.value_to[j];
if(_to.value_from != _junc) continue;
array_push_unique(nodes, _to.node);
return nodes;
} #endregion
static getInput = function(junc = noone) { #region
return input_dummy;
} #endregion
static getNextNodes = function() { return getNextNodesInternal(); }
static getNextNodesInternal = function() { #region //get node inside the group
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"→→→→→ Call get next node from group: {INAME}");
var nodes = [];
if(isRenderActive()) {
var allReady = true;
for(var i = custom_input_index; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) {
var _in = inputs[| i].from;
if(!_in.isRenderActive()) continue;
if(!_in.isRenderable()) {
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Node {_in.internalName} not ready, loop skip.");
return [];
nodes = __nodeLeafList(getNodeList());
return nodes;
} #endregion
static getNextNodesExternal = function() { #region //get node connected to the parent object
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Checking next node external for {INAME}");
var nodes = [];
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) {
var _ot = outputs[| i];
if(!_ot.forward) continue;
if(_ot.type == VALUE_TYPE.node) continue;
var _tos = _ot.getJunctionTo();
for( var j = 0, n = array_length(_tos); j < n; j++ ) {
var _to = _tos[j];
var _node = _to.node;
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Checking node {_node.internalName} : {_node.isRenderable()}");
if(!_node.isRenderable()) continue;
array_push(nodes, _to.node);
return nodes;
} #endregion
static setRenderStatus = function(result) { #region
if(rendered == result) return;
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Set render status for {INAME} : {result}");
rendered = result;
for( var i = custom_output_index, n = ds_list_size(outputs); i < n; i++ ) {
var _o = outputs[| i];
if(_o.from.rendered) continue;
LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Set fail because {_o.from.internalName} is not rendered.");
rendered = false;
if(rendered) exitGroup();
if(!result && group != noone)
} #endregion
static isActiveDynamic = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { #region
if(update_on_frame) return true;
for( var i = custom_input_index, n = ds_list_size(inputs); i < n; i++ )
if(inputs[| i].isActiveDynamic(frame) || !inputs[| i].from.rendered) return true;
return false;
} #endregion
static exitGroup = function() {}
static add = function(_node) { #region
ds_list_add(getNodeList(), _node);
var list = _node.group == noone? PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list : _node.group.getNodeList();
ds_list_remove(list, _node);
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.group_added, self, _node);
_node.group = self;
} #endregion
static remove = function(_node) { #region
var node_list = getNodeList();
var _pos = ds_list_find_index(node_list, _node);
ds_list_delete(node_list, _pos);
var list = group == noone? PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list : group.getNodeList();
ds_list_add(list, _node);
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.group_removed, self, _node);
if(struct_has(_node, "ungroup"))
_node.group = group;
} #endregion
static clearCache = function() { #region
var node_list = getNodeList();
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node_list); i++) {
node_list[| i].clearCache();
} #endregion
static stepBegin = function() { doStepBegin(); }
static step = function() { #region
if(combine_render_time) {
render_time = 0;
var node_list = getNodeList();
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node_list); i++)
render_time += node_list[| i].render_time;
w = attributes.w;
} #endregion
static onStep = function() {}
static onPreDraw = function(_x, _y, _s, _iny, _outy) { #region
var xx = x * _s + _x;
var yy = y * _s + _y;
input_dummy.x = xx;
input_dummy.y = _iny;
} #endregion
static preConnect = function() { #region
deserialize(load_map, load_scale);
} #endregion
static onDrawJunctions = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { #region
input_dummy.visible = false;
if(draw_dummy) {
input_dummy.visible = true;
input_dummy.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my);
draw_dummy = false;
} #endregion
static sortIO = function() { #region
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ )
array_push_unique(attributes.input_display_list, i);
input_display_list = attributes.input_display_list;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ )
array_push_unique(attributes.output_display_list, i);
output_display_list = attributes.output_display_list;
} #endregion
static getTool = function() { #region
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++) {
var _node = nodes[| i];
if(_node.isTool) return _node.getTool();
return self;
} #endregion
static onClone = function(_newNode, target = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) { #region
if(instanceBase != noone) {
_newNode.instanceBase = instanceBase;
var dups = ds_list_create();
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++) {
var _node = nodes[| i];
var _cnode = _node.clone(target);
ds_list_add(dups, _cnode);
APPEND_MAP[? _node.node_id] = _cnode.node_id;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(dups); i++) {
var _node = dups[| i];
APPENDING = false;
} #endregion
static enable = function() { #region
active = true;
var node_list = getNodeList();
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node_list); i++ )
node_list[| i].enable();
} #endregion
static disable = function() { #region
active = false;
var node_list = getNodeList();
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node_list); i++ )
node_list[| i].disable();
} #endregion
static resetRender = function(_clearCache = false) { #region
LOG_LINE_IF(global.FLAG.render == 1, $"Reset Render for {INAME}");
if(_clearCache) clearInputCache();
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes); i++ )
nodes[| i].resetRender(_clearCache);
} #endregion
static setInstance = function(node) { #region
instanceBase = node;
} #endregion
static resetInstance = function() { #region
instanceBase = noone;
} #endregion
static onDoubleClick = function(panel) { #region
__temp_panel = panel;
run_in(1, function() { __temp_panel.openGroupTab(self) });
if(ononDoubleClick != noone)
} #endregion
static ononDoubleClick = noone;
static getGraphPreviewSurface = function() { #region
var _output_junc = outputs[| preview_channel];
for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(nodes); i < n; i++ ) {
if(!nodes[| i].active) continue;
if(is_instanceof(nodes[| i], Node_Group_Thumbnail))
_output_junc = nodes[| i].inputs[| 0];
if(!is_instanceof(_output_junc, NodeValue)) return noone;
switch(_output_junc.type) {
case VALUE_TYPE.surface :
case VALUE_TYPE.dynaSurface :
return _output_junc.getValue();
return noone;
} #endregion
static enable = function() { #region
active = true; timeline_item.active = true;
for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(nodes); i < n; i++ ) nodes[| i].enable();
} #endregion
static disable = function() { #region
active = false; timeline_item.active = false;
for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(nodes); i < n; i++ ) nodes[| i].disable();
} #endregion
static processSerialize = function(_map) { #region
_map[? "instance_base"] = instanceBase? instanceBase.node_id : noone;
} #endregion
static preConnect = function() { #region
instanceBase = GetAppendID(struct_try_get(load_map, "instance_base", noone));
} #endregion