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// Simple passthrough vertex shader
attribute vec3 in_Position; // (x,y,z)
//attribute vec3 in_Normal; // (x,y,z) unused in this shader.
attribute vec4 in_Colour; // (r,g,b,a)
attribute vec2 in_TextureCoord; // (u,v)
varying vec2 v_vTexcoord;
varying vec4 v_vColour;
void main()
vec4 object_space_pos = vec4( in_Position.x, in_Position.y, in_Position.z, 1.0);
gl_Position = gm_Matrices[MATRIX_WORLD_VIEW_PROJECTION] * object_space_pos;
v_vColour = in_Colour;
v_vTexcoord = in_TextureCoord;
// Simple passthrough fragment shader
varying vec2 v_vTexcoord;
varying vec4 v_vColour;
//Texel size (1/resolution)
uniform vec2 dimension;
uniform float cornerDis;
uniform float mixAmo;
#define SPAN_MAX (8.0) //Maximum texel span
//These are more technnical and probably don't need changing:
#define REDUCE_MIN (1.0 / 128.0) //Minimum "dir" reciprocal
#define REDUCE_MUL (1.0 / 32.0) //Luma multiplier for "dir" reciprocal
vec4 textureFXAA(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {
vec2 u_texel = 1. / dimension;
//Sample center and 4 corners
vec3 rgbCC = texture2D(tex, uv).rgb;
vec3 rgb00 = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2( -cornerDis, -cornerDis) * u_texel).rgb;
vec3 rgb10 = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2( +cornerDis, -cornerDis) * u_texel).rgb;
vec3 rgb01 = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2( -cornerDis, +cornerDis) * u_texel).rgb;
vec3 rgb11 = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2( +cornerDis, +cornerDis) * u_texel).rgb;
//Luma coefficients
const vec3 luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
//Get luma from the 5 samples
float lumaCC = dot(rgbCC, luma);
float luma00 = dot(rgb00, luma);
float luma10 = dot(rgb10, luma);
float luma01 = dot(rgb01, luma);
float luma11 = dot(rgb11, luma);
//Compute gradient from luma values
vec2 dir = vec2((luma01 + luma11) - (luma00 + luma10), (luma00 + luma01) - (luma10 + luma11));
//Diminish dir length based on total luma
float dirReduce = max((luma00 + luma10 + luma01 + luma11) * REDUCE_MUL, REDUCE_MIN);
//Divide dir by the distance to nearest edge plus dirReduce
float rcpDir = 1.0 / (min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + dirReduce);
//Multiply by reciprocal and limit to pixel span
dir = clamp(dir * rcpDir, -SPAN_MAX, SPAN_MAX) * u_texel.xy;
vec4 O = texture2D(tex, uv);
//Average middle texels along dir line
vec4 A = 0.5 * (
texture2D(tex, uv - dir * (1.0 / 6.0)) +
texture2D(tex, uv + dir * (1.0 / 6.0)));
//Average with outer texels along dir line
vec4 B = A * 0.5 + 0.25 * (
texture2D(tex, uv - dir * (0.5)) +
texture2D(tex, uv + dir * (0.5)));
//Get lowest and highest luma values
float lumaMin = min(lumaCC, min(min(luma00, luma10), min(luma01, luma11)));
float lumaMax = max(lumaCC, max(max(luma00, luma10), max(luma01, luma11)));
//Get average luma
float lumaB = dot(B.rgb, luma);
//If the average is outside the luma range, using the middle average
return mix(O, ((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax)) ? A : B, mixAmo);
void main() {
vec4 base = texture2D( gm_BaseTexture, v_vTexcoord );
vec4 fxaa = textureFXAA( gm_BaseTexture, v_vTexcoord );
gl_FragData[0] = fxaa;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(abs(base.rgb - fxaa.rgb), 1.);