mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 00:15:46 +01:00
562 lines
16 KiB
562 lines
16 KiB
function valueKey(_time, _value, _anim = noone, _in = 0, _ot = 0) constructor {
#region ---- main ----
time = _time;
ratio = time / (TOTAL_FRAMES - 1);
value = _value;
anim = _anim;
ease_y_lock = true;
ease_in = is_array(_in)? _in : [_in, 1];
ease_out = is_array(_ot)? _ot : [_ot, 0];
var _int = anim? anim.prop.key_inter : CURVE_TYPE.linear;
ease_in_type = _int;
ease_out_type = _int;
dopesheet_x = 0;
static setTime = function(time) { #region
self.time = time;
ratio = time / (TOTAL_FRAMES - 1);
} #endregion
static clone = function(target = noone) { #region
var key = new valueKey(time, value, target);
key.ease_in = ease_in;
key.ease_out = ease_out;
key.ease_in_type = ease_in_type;
key.ease_out_type = ease_out_type;
return key;
} #endregion
static cloneAnimator = function(shift = 0, anim = noone, removeDup = true) { #region
if(anim != noone) { //check value compat between animator
if(value_bit(self.anim.prop.type) & value_bit(anim.prop.type) == 0) {
noti_warning("Type incompatible");
return noone;
if(typeArray(self.anim.prop.display_type) != typeArray(anim.prop.display_type)) {
noti_warning("Type incompatible");
return noone;
if(anim == noone) anim = self.anim;
var key = new valueKey(time + shift, value, anim);
key.ease_in = ease_in;
key.ease_out = ease_out;
key.ease_in_type = ease_in_type;
key.ease_out_type = ease_out_type;
ds_list_add(anim.values, key);
anim.setKeyTime(key, time + shift, removeDup);
return key;
} #endregion
static toString = function() { return $"[Keyframe] {time}: {value}"; }
function valueAnimator(_val, _prop, _sep_axis = false) constructor {
#region ---- main ----
suffix = "";
values = ds_list_create();
sep_axis = _sep_axis;
index = 0;
prop = _prop;
y = 0;
animate_frames = [];
if(_prop.type != VALUE_TYPE.trigger)
ds_list_add(values, new valueKey(0, _val, self));
static refreshAnimation = function() { #region
animate_frames = array_verify(animate_frames, TOTAL_FRAMES);
var _anim = false;
var _fr = noone;
for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(values); i < n; i++ ) {
var _key = values[| i];
if(_fr == noone) {
array_fill(animate_frames, 0, _key.time, 0);
} else {
if(array_equals(_fr.ease_out, [0, 0]) && array_equals(_fr.ease_in, [0, 1]) && isEqual(_fr.value, _key.value))
array_fill(animate_frames, _fr.time, _key.time, 0);
array_fill(animate_frames, _fr.time, _key.time, 1);
_fr = _key;
if(_fr) array_fill(animate_frames, _fr.time, TOTAL_FRAMES, 0);
} #endregion
static interpolate = function(from, to, rat) { #region
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.boolean)
return 0;
if(to.ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.linear && from.ease_out_type == CURVE_TYPE.linear)
return rat;
if(to.ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.cut)
return 0;
if(from.ease_out_type == CURVE_TYPE.cut)
return 1;
if(rat == 0 || rat == 1)
return rat;
var eox = clamp(from.ease_out[0], 0, 0.9);
var eix = clamp(to.ease_in[0], 0, 0.9);
var eoy = from.ease_out[1];
var eiy = to.ease_in[1];
var bz = [0, eox, eoy, 1. - eix, eiy, 1];
return eval_curve_segment_x(bz, rat);
} #endregion
static lerpValue = function(from, to, _lrp) { #region
var _f = from.value;
var _t = to.value;
if(is_struct(_f)) {
if(!struct_has(_f, "lerpTo")) return _f;
return _f.lerpTo(_t, _lrp);
if(prop.display_type == VALUE_DISPLAY.d3quarternion) {
if(prop.display_data.angle_display == 0) {
var _qf = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_f[0], _f[1], _f[2], _f[3]);
var _qt = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_t[0], _t[1], _t[2], _t[3]);
var _ql = _qf.Slerp(_qt, _lrp);
return _ql.ToArray();
} else {
return [
lerp(_f[0], _t[0], _lrp),
lerp(_f[1], _t[1], _lrp),
lerp(_f[2], _t[2], _lrp),
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.color) {
if(is_array(_f) && is_array(_t)) {
var _len = ceil(lerp(array_length(_f), array_length(_t), _lrp));
var res = array_create(_len);
for( var i = 0; i < _len; i++ ) {
var rat = i / (_len - 1);
var rf = rat * (array_length(_f) - 1);
var rt = rat * (array_length(_t) - 1);
var cf = array_get_decimal(_f, rf, true);
var ct = array_get_decimal(_t, rt, true);
res[i] = merge_color(cf, ct, _lrp);
return res;
return processType(merge_color(_f, _t, _lrp));
if(is_array(_f) || is_array(_t)) {
var _len = max(array_safe_length(_f), array_safe_length(_t));
var _vec = array_create(_len);
for(var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
_vec[i] = processType(
is_array(_f)? array_safe_get(_f, i, 0) : _f,
is_array(_t)? array_safe_get(_t, i, 0) : _t,
return _vec;
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.text)
return processType(_f);
return processType(lerp(_f, _t, _lrp));
} #endregion
static getName = function() { return prop.name + suffix; }
static getValue = function(_time = CURRENT_FRAME) { #region
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.trigger) {
if(ds_list_size(values) == 0)
return false;
return values[| 0].value;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++) { //Find trigger
var _key = values[| i];
if(_key.time == _time)
return _key.value;
return false;
if(ds_list_size(values) == 0) return processTypeDefault();
if(ds_list_size(values) == 1) return processType(values[| 0].value);
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.path) return processType(values[| 0].value);
if(!prop.is_anim) return processType(values[| 0].value);
var _time_first = prop.loop_range == -1? values[| 0].time : values[| ds_list_size(values) - 1 - prop.loop_range].time;
var _time_last = values[| ds_list_size(values) - 1].time;
var _time_dura = _time_last - _time_first;
if(_time > _time_last) { //loop
switch(prop.on_end) {
case KEYFRAME_END.loop :
_time = _time_first + safe_mod(_time - _time_last, _time_dura + 1);
case KEYFRAME_END.ping :
var time_in_loop = safe_mod(_time - _time_first, _time_dura * 2);
if(time_in_loop < _time_dura)
_time = _time_first + time_in_loop;
_time = _time_first + _time_dura * 2 - time_in_loop;
if(_time < values[| 0].time) { //Wrap begin
if(prop.on_end == KEYFRAME_END.wrap) {
var from = values[| ds_list_size(values) - 1];
var to = values[| 0];
var fTime = from.time;
var tTime = to.time;
var prog = TOTAL_FRAMES - fTime + _time;
var totl = TOTAL_FRAMES - fTime + tTime;
var rat = prog / totl;
var _lrp = interpolate(from, to, rat);
return lerpValue(from, to, _lrp);
return processType(values[| 0].value); //First frame
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++) { //In between
var _key = values[| i];
if(_key.time <= _time) continue;
var rat = (_time - values[| i - 1].time) / (values[| i].time - values[| i - 1].time);
var from = values[| i - 1];
var to = values[| i];
var _lrp = interpolate(from, to, rat);
return lerpValue(from, to, _lrp);
if(prop.on_end == KEYFRAME_END.wrap) { //Wrap end
var from = values[| ds_list_size(values) - 1];
var to = values[| 0];
var prog = _time - from.time;
var totl = TOTAL_FRAMES - from.time + to.time;
var rat = prog / totl;
var _lrp = interpolate(from, to, rat);
return lerpValue(from, to, _lrp);
return processType(values[| ds_list_size(values) - 1].value); //Last frame
} #endregion
static processTypeDefault = function() { #region
if(!sep_axis && typeArray(prop.display_type)) return [];
return 0;
} #endregion
static processType = function(_val) { #region
if(!sep_axis && typeArray(prop.display_type) && is_array(_val)) {
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(_val); i++)
_val[i] = processValue(_val[i]);
return _val;
return processValue(_val);
} #endregion
static processValue = function(_val) { #region
if(is_array(_val)) return _val;
if(is_struct(_val)) return _val;
if(is_undefined(_val)) return 0;
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.integer && prop.unit.mode == VALUE_UNIT.constant)
return round(_val);
switch(prop.type) {
case VALUE_TYPE.integer :
case VALUE_TYPE.float : return _val;
case VALUE_TYPE.text : return string_real(_val);
case VALUE_TYPE.surface :
return get_asset(_val);
return _val;
return _val;
} #endregion
static insertKey = function(_key, _index) { ds_list_insert(values, _index, _key); }
static setKeyTime = function(_key, _time, _replace = true, record = false) { #region
if(!ds_list_exist(values, _key)) return 0;
if(_key.time == _time && !_replace) return 0;
if(!LOADING) PROJECT.modified = true;
var _prevTime = _key.time;
_time = max(_time, 0);
ds_list_remove(values, _key);
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++ ) {
if(values[| i].time != _time) continue;
if(record) {
var act = new Action(ACTION_TYPE.custom, function(data) {
if(data.undo) insertKey(data.overKey, data.index);
return { overKey : data.overKey, index : data.index, undo : !data.undo };
}, { overKey : values[| i], index : i, undo : true });
values[| i] = _key;
return 2;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++ ) {
if(values[| i].time < _time) continue;
if(record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.custom, function(data) {
var _prevTime = data.key.time;
setKeyTime(data.key, data.time, false);
return { key : data.key, time : _prevTime }
}, { key : _key, time : _prevTime });
ds_list_insert(values, i, _key);
return 1;
if(record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.custom, function(data) {
var _prevTime = data.key.time;
setKeyTime(data.key, data.time, false);
return { key : data.key, time : _prevTime }
}, { key : _key, time : _prevTime });
ds_list_add(values, _key);
return 1;
} #endregion
static setValue = function(_val = 0, _record = true, _time = CURRENT_FRAME, ease_in = 0, ease_out = 0) { #region
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.trigger) {
if(!prop.is_anim) {
values[| 0] = new valueKey(0, _val, self);
return true;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++) { //Find trigger
var _key = values[| i];
if(_key.time == _time) {
if(!global.FLAG.keyframe_override) return false;
_key.value = _val;
return false;
} else if(_key.time > _time) {
ds_list_insert(values, i, new valueKey(_time, _val, self));
return true;
ds_list_add(values, new valueKey(_time, _val, self));
return true;
if(!prop.is_anim) {
if(isEqual(values[| 0].value, _val))
return false;
if(_record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, values[| 0], [ values[| 0].value, "value", prop.name ]);
values[| 0].value = _val;
return true;
if(ds_list_size(values) == 0) { // Should not be called normally
var k = new valueKey(_time, _val, self, ease_in, ease_out);
ds_list_add(values, k);
if(_record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, values, [ k, ds_list_size(values) - 1, $"add {prop.name} keyframe" ]);
return true;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++) {
var _key = values[| i];
if(_key.time == _time) {
if(!global.FLAG.keyframe_override) return false;
if(_key.value != _val) {
if(_record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, _key, [ _key.value, "value", prop.name ]);
_key.value = _val;
return true;
return false;
} else if(_key.time > _time) {
var k = new valueKey(_time, _val, self, ease_in, ease_out);
ds_list_insert(values, i, k);
if(_record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, values, [k, i, $"add {prop.name} keyframe" ]);
return true;
var k = new valueKey(_time, _val, self, ease_in, ease_out);
if(_record) recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, values, [ k, ds_list_size(values), $"add {prop.name} keyframe" ]);
ds_list_add(values, k);
return true;
} #endregion
static removeKey = function(key) { #region
if(ds_list_size(values) > 1)
ds_list_remove(values, key);
prop.is_anim = false;
} #endregion
static serialize = function(scale = false) { #region
var _data = [];
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(values); i++) {
var _value_list = [];
_value_list[0] = values[| i].time / (TOTAL_FRAMES - 1);
_value_list[0] = values[| i].time;
var val = values[| i].value;
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.struct)
_value_list[1] = json_stringify(val);
else if(is_struct(val))
_value_list[1] = val.serialize();
else if(!sep_axis && typeArray(prop.display_type) && is_array(val)) {
var __v = [];
for(var j = 0; j < array_length(val); j++) {
if(is_struct(val[j]) && struct_has(val[j], "serialize"))
array_push(__v, val[j].serialize());
array_push(__v, val[j]);
_value_list[1] = __v;
} else
_value_list[1] = values[| i].value;
_value_list[2] = values[| i].ease_in;
_value_list[3] = values[| i].ease_out;
_value_list[4] = values[| i].ease_in_type;
_value_list[5] = values[| i].ease_out_type;
_value_list[6] = values[| i].ease_y_lock;
array_push(_data, _value_list);
return _data;
} #endregion
static deserialize = function(_data, scale = false) { #region
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.gradient && PROJECT.version < 1340 && !CLONING) { //backward compat: Gradient
var _val = [];
var value = _data[0][1];
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(value); i++) {
var _keyframe = value[i];
var _t = struct_try_get(_keyframe, "time");
var _v = struct_try_get(_keyframe, "value");
array_push(_val, new gradientKey(_t, _v));
var grad = new gradientObject();
grad.keys = _val;
ds_list_add(values, new valueKey(0, grad, self));
var base = prop.def_val;
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(_data); i++) {
var _keyframe = _data[i];
var _time = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 0);
if(scale && _time <= 1)
_time = round(_time * (TOTAL_FRAMES - 1));
var value = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 1);
var ease_in = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 2);
var ease_out = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 3);
var ease_in_type = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 4);
var ease_out_type = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 5);
var ease_y_lock = array_safe_get(_keyframe, 6, true);
var _val = value;
if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.struct)
_val = json_try_parse(value);
else if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.path && prop.display_type == VALUE_DISPLAY.path_array) {
for(var j = 0; j < array_length(value); j++)
_val[j] = value[j];
} else if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.gradient) {
var grad = new gradientObject();
_val = grad.deserialize(value);
} else if(!sep_axis && typeArray(prop.display_type)) {
_val = [];
if(is_array(value)) {
for(var j = 0; j < array_length(value); j++)
_val[j] = processValue(value[j]);
} else if(is_array(base)) {
for(var j = 0; j < array_length(base); j++)
_val[j] = processValue(value);
//print($"Deserialize {prop.node.name}:{prop.name} = {_val} ");
var vk = new valueKey(_time, _val, self, ease_in, ease_out);
vk.ease_in_type = ease_in_type;
vk.ease_out_type = ease_out_type;
vk.ease_y_lock = ease_y_lock;
ds_list_add(values, vk);
} #endregion
static cleanUp = function() { #region
} #endregion
} |