mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 17:05:40 +01:00
611 lines
17 KiB
611 lines
17 KiB
addHotkey("Node_Text", "Output Dimension > Toggle", "D", MOD_KEY.none, function() /*=>*/ { PANEL_GRAPH_FOCUS_STR _n.inputs[9].setValue((_n.inputs[9].getValue() + 1) % 2); });
function Node_Text(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_Processor(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "Draw Text";
font = f_p0;
dimension_index = -1;
newInput(0, nodeValue_Text("Text", self, ""))
.setVisible(true, true);
newInput(1, nodeValue_Path("Font", self, ""))
.setVisible(true, false);
newInput(2, nodeValue_Int("Size", self, 16));
newInput(3, nodeValue_Bool("Anti-aliasing ", self, false));
newInput(4, nodeValue_Vec2("Character Range", self, [ 32, 128 ]));
newInput(5, nodeValue_Color("Color", self, cola(c_white)));
newInput(6, nodeValue_Vec2("Fixed Dimension", self, DEF_SURF ))
.setVisible(true, false);
newInput(7, nodeValue_Enum_Button("H Align", self, 0, [ THEME.inspector_text_halign, THEME.inspector_text_halign, THEME.inspector_text_halign]));
newInput(8, nodeValue_Enum_Button("V Align", self, 0, [ THEME.inspector_text_valign, THEME.inspector_text_valign, THEME.inspector_text_valign ]));
newInput(9, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Output Dimension", self, 1, [ "Fixed", "Dynamic" ]));
newInput(10, nodeValue_Padding("Padding", self, [0, 0, 0, 0]));
newInput(11, nodeValue_Float("Letter Spacing", self, 0));
newInput(12, nodeValue_Float("Line Height", self, 0));
newInput(13, nodeValue_PathNode("Path", self, noone))
.setVisible(true, true);
newInput(14, nodeValue_Float("Path Shift", self, 0));
newInput(15, nodeValue_Bool("Scale to Fit", self, false));
newInput(16, nodeValue_Bool("Render Background", self, false));
newInput(17, nodeValue_Color("BG Color", self, cola(c_black)));
newInput(18, nodeValue_Bool("Wave", self, false));
newInput(19, nodeValue_Float("Wave Amplitude", self, 4));
newInput(20, nodeValue_Float("Wave Scale", self, 30));
newInput(21, nodeValue_Rotation("Wave Phase", self, 0));
newInput(22, nodeValue_Float("Wave Shape", self, 0))
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [ 0, 3, 0.01 ] });
newInput(23, nodeValue_Bool("Typewriter", self, false));
newInput(24, nodeValue_Slider_Range("Range", self, [ 0, 1 ]));
newInput(25, nodeValue_Enum_Button("Trim Type", self, 0 , [ "Character", "Word", "Line" ]));
newInput(26, nodeValue_Bool("Use Full Text Size", self, true ));
newInput(27, nodeValue_Int("Max Line Width", self, 0 ));
newInput(28, nodeValue_Bool("Round Position", self, true ));
input_display_list = [ 0,
["Output", true], 9, 6, 10,
["Alignment", false], 13, 14, 7, 8, 27,
["Font", false], 1, 2, 15, 3, 11, 12,
["Rendering", false], 5,
["Background", true, 16], 17,
["Wave", true, 18], 22, 19, 20, 21,
["Trim", true, 23], 25, 24, 26,
newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Surface Out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone));
_font_current = "";
_size_current = 0;
_aa_current = false;
seed = seed_random();
draw_data = [];
draw_font_data = [];
#region tool
tools = [
new NodeTool( "Edit Text", THEME.text_tools_edit ).setOnToggle(function() /*=>*/ {
var _currStr = getSingleValue(0);
edit_cursor = 0;
edit_cursor_sel = string_length(_currStr);
edit_cursor_hov = noone;
edit_cursor = noone;
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
edit_typing = false;
static generateFont = function(_path, _size, _aa) {
if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) return;
if(font_exists(font) && _path == _font_current && _size == _size_current && _aa == _aa_current) return;
_font_current = _path;
_size_current = _size;
_aa_current = _aa;
if(!file_exists_empty(_path)) return;
if(font != f_p0 && font_exists(font)) font_delete(font);
font = font_add(_path, _size, false, false, 0, 127);
static step = function() {
var _font = getSingleValue(1);
var _dimt = getSingleValue(9);
var _path = getSingleValue(13);
var _use_path = _path != noone && struct_has(_path, "getPointDistance");
inputs[ 6].setVisible(_dimt == 0 || _use_path);
inputs[ 7].setVisible(_dimt == 0 || _use_path);
inputs[ 8].setVisible(_dimt == 0 || _use_path);
inputs[ 9].setVisible(!_use_path);
inputs[14].setVisible( _use_path);
inputs[15].setVisible(_dimt == 0 && !_use_path && _font != "");
inputs[ 2].setVisible(_font != "");
inputs[ 3].setVisible(_font != "");
static waveGet = function(_ind) {
var _x = __wave_phase + _ind * __wave_scale;
var _sine = dsin(_x) * __wave_ampli;
var _squr = sign(_sine) * __wave_ampli;
_squr = _squr != 0? _squr : __wave_ampli;
var _taup = abs(_x + 90) % 360;
var _tria = _taup > 180? 360 - _taup : _taup;
_tria = (_tria / 180 * 2 - 1) * __wave_ampli;
if(__wave_shape < 0) return _sine;
else if(__wave_shape < 1) return lerp(_sine, _tria, frac(__wave_shape));
else if(__wave_shape < 2) return lerp(_tria, _squr, frac(__wave_shape));
else if(__wave_shape < 3) return abs(_x) % 360 > 360 * (0.5 - frac(__wave_shape) / 2)? -__wave_ampli : __wave_ampli;
return random_range_seed(-1, 1, _x + seed) * __wave_ampli;
static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {
var _hov = false;
var _pth = getSingleValue(13);
if(struct_has(_pth, "drawOverlay")) { var hv = _pth.drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny); _hov |= bool(hv); }
if(isNotUsingTool()) return _hov;
var _dat = array_safe_get(draw_data, preview_index, 0);
var _dft = array_safe_get(draw_font_data, preview_index, 0);
if(_dat == 0) return _hov;
var _cr_hover = noone;
var _currStr = getSingleValue(0);
var _crx0 = 0, _cry0 = 0;
var _crx1 = 0, _cry1 = 0;
var _crmin = min(edit_cursor, edit_cursor_sel);
var _crmax = max(edit_cursor, edit_cursor_sel);
draw_set_text(_dft[0], _dft[1], _dft[2], _dft[3]);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_dat); i < n; i++ ) {
var _tdat = _dat[i];
var _tx = _tdat[0];
var _ty = _tdat[1];
var _tchr = _tdat[2];
var _tsw = _tdat[3];
var _tsh = _tdat[4];
var _trot = _tdat[5];
var _tw = _tsw * string_width(_tchr);
var _th = _tsh * string_height(_tchr);
var _tbx0 = _x + _s * (_tx);
var _tby0 = _y + _s * (_ty);
var _tbx1 = _x + _s * (_tx + _tw);
var _tby1 = _y + _s * (_ty + _th);
var _tbxc = (_tbx0 + _tbx1) / 2;
if(hover && point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, _tbx0, _tby0, _tbxc, _tby1)) {
_cr_hover = i;
draw_set_color(COLORS._main_icon); draw_set_alpha(.5); draw_line_width(_tbx0, _tby0, _tbx0, _tby1, 2); draw_set_alpha(1);
} else if(hover && point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, _tbxc, _tby0, _tbx1, _tby1)) {
_cr_hover = i + 1;
draw_set_color(COLORS._main_icon); draw_set_alpha(.5); draw_line_width(_tbx1, _tby0, _tbx1, _tby1, 2); draw_set_alpha(1);
if(edit_cursor_sel != noone && i >= _crmin && i < _crmax) {
draw_rectangle(_tbx0, _tby0, _tbx1 - 1, _tby1 - 1, false);
// draw cursor
if(i == edit_cursor) {
_crx0 = _tbx0; _cry0 = _tby0;
_crx1 = _tbx0; _cry1 = _tby1;
} else if(i + 1 == edit_cursor && i + 1 == n) {
_crx0 = _tbx1; _cry0 = _tby0;
_crx1 = _tbx1; _cry1 = _tby1;
edit_cursor_hov = _cr_hover;
var _out = getSingleValue(0, preview_index, true);
draw_surface_ext_safe(_out, _x, _y, _s, _s);
if(edit_cursor != noone) {
draw_set_alpha((edit_typing || current_time % (PREFERENCES.caret_blink * 2000) > PREFERENCES.caret_blink * 1000) * 0.75 + 0.25);
draw_line_width(_crx0, _cry0, _crx1, _cry1, 2);
if(isUsingTool("Edit Text")) {
if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
edit_cursor = _cr_hover;
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
} else if(_cr_hover != noone && mouse_click(mb_left, active)) {
if(_cr_hover != edit_cursor) edit_cursor_sel = _cr_hover;
if(keyboard_check_pressed(ord("A")) && key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
edit_cursor = 0;
edit_cursor_sel = string_length(_currStr);
} else if(edit_cursor != noone) {
var _edit = false;
if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_left) {
edit_cursor = max(0, edit_cursor - 1);
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
} else if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_right) {
edit_cursor = min(edit_cursor + 1, string_length(_currStr));
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
} else if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_escape) {
PANEL_PREVIEW.tool_current = noone;
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
} else if(edit_cursor_sel != noone && (KEYBOARD_STRING != "" || KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_backspace || KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_delete)) {
_currStr = string_delete(_currStr, _crmin + 1, _crmax - _crmin);
_edit = true;
edit_cursor = _crmin;
edit_cursor_sel = noone;
} else if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_backspace) {
_currStr = string_delete(_currStr, edit_cursor, 1);
_edit = true;
edit_cursor = max(0, edit_cursor - 1);
} else if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_delete) {
_currStr = string_delete(_currStr, edit_cursor + 1, 1);
_edit = true;
} else if(KEYBOARD_PRESSED == vk_enter) {
_currStr = string_insert("\n", _currStr, edit_cursor + 1);
_edit = true;
edit_cursor += 1;
} else if(KEYBOARD_STRING != "") {
_currStr = string_insert(KEYBOARD_STRING, _currStr, edit_cursor + 1);
_edit = true;
edit_cursor += string_length(KEYBOARD_STRING);
if(_edit) inputs[0].setValue(_currStr);
return _hov;
static getTool = function() {
var _path = getInputData(13);
return is_instanceof(_path, Node)? _path : self;
static processData = function(_outSurf, _data, _output_index, _array_index) {
var str = _data[ 0];
var strRaw = str;
var _font = _data[ 1];
var _size = _data[ 2];
var _aa = _data[ 3];
var _col = _data[ 5];
var _dim = _data[ 6];
var _hali = _data[ 7];
var _vali = _data[ 8];
var _dimt = _data[ 9];
var _padd = _data[10];
var _trck = _data[11];
var _line = _data[12];
var _path = _data[13];
var _pthS = _data[14];
var _scaF = _data[15];
var _ubg = _data[16];
var _bgc = _data[17];
var _wave = _data[18];
var _waveA = _data[19];
var _waveS = _data[20];
var _waveP = _data[21];
var _waveH = _data[22];
var _type = _data[23];
var _typeR = _data[24];
var _typeC = _data[25];
var _typeF = _data[26];
var _lineW = _data[27];
__rnd_pos = _data[28];
__dwData = array_create(string_length(str));
__dwDataI = 0;
generateFont(_font, _size, _aa);
#region typewritter
if(_type) {
var _typAmo = 0;
var _typSpa = [];
switch(_typeC) {
case 0 : _typAmo = string_length(str);
case 1 : _typSpa = string_splice(str, [" ", "\n"], true);
_typAmo = array_length(_typSpa);
case 2 : _typSpa = string_splice(str, "\n", true);
_typAmo = array_length(_typSpa);
var _typS = round(_typeR[0] * _typAmo);
var _typE = round(_typeR[1] * _typAmo);
var _typStr = "";
switch(_typeC) {
case 0 : _typStr = string_copy( str, _typS, _typE - _typS); break;
case 1 : _typStr = string_concat_ext(_typSpa, _typS, _typE - _typS); break;
case 2 : _typStr = string_concat_ext(_typSpa, _typS, _typE - _typS); break;
str = _typStr;
if(_typeF == false) strRaw = str;
#region cut string
var _cut_lines = string_splice(str, "\n");
var _str_lines = [];
var _line_widths = [];
var _ind = 0;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_cut_lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var _str_line = _cut_lines[i];
if(_lineW == 0) {
_str_lines[_ind] = _str_line;
_line_widths[_ind] = string_width(_str_line) + _trck * (string_length(_str_line) - 1);
} else {
var _lw = 0;
var _lne = "";
for( var j = 1; j <= string_length(_str_line); j++ ) {
var _chr = string_char_at(_str_line, j);
var _chw = string_width(_chr) + _trck;
if(_lw + _chw >= _lineW) {
_str_lines[_ind] = _lne;
_line_widths[_ind] = _lw - _trck;
_lne = "";
_lw = 0;
_lne += _chr;
_lw += _chw;
if(_lne != "") {
_str_lines[_ind] = _lne;
_line_widths[_ind] = _lw - _trck;
var _max_ww = 0;
var _max_hh = 0;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_str_lines); i < n; i++ ) {
_max_ww = max(_max_ww, _line_widths[i]);
_max_hh += string_height(_str_lines[i]);
if(i) _max_hh += _line
#region dimension
var ww = 0, _sw = 0;
var hh = 0, _sh = 0;
ww = _max_ww;
hh = _max_hh;
var _use_path = _path != noone && struct_has(_path, "getPointDistance");
var _ss = 1;
if(_use_path) {
_sw = _dim[0];
_sh = _dim[1];
} else if (_dimt == 0) {
_sw = _dim[0];
_sh = _dim[1];
if(_scaF) _ss = min(_sw / ww, _sh / hh);
} else {
_sw = ww;
_sh = hh;
if(_wave) _sh += abs(_waveA) * 2;
_sw += _padd[PADDING.left] + _padd[PADDING.right];
_sh += _padd[PADDING.top] + _padd[PADDING.bottom];
_outSurf = surface_verify(_outSurf, _sw, _sh, attrDepth());
#region position
var tx = 0, ty = _padd[PADDING.top], _ty = 0;
if(_dimt == 0) {
switch(_vali) {
case 0 : ty = _padd[PADDING.top]; break;
case 1 : ty = (_sh - hh * _ss) / 2; break;
case 2 : ty = _sh - _padd[PADDING.bottom] - hh * _ss; break;
if(_wave) ty += abs(_waveA);
#region wave
__wave = _wave;
__wave_ampli = _waveA;
__wave_scale = _waveS;
__wave_phase = -_waveP;
__wave_shape = _waveH;
surface_set_shader(_outSurf, noone,, BLEND.alpha);
if(_ubg) {
__temp_pt = _path;
__temp_ss = _ss;
__temp_trck = _trck;
if(_use_path) {
var _pthl = _path.getLength(0), va;
switch(_vali) {
case 0 : ty = 0; va = fa_top; break;
case 1 : ty = (_max_hh - line_get_height(font)) / 2; va = fa_center; break;
case 2 : ty = _max_hh; va = fa_top; break;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_str_lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var _str_line = _str_lines[i];
var _line_width = _line_widths[i];
draw_set_text(font, fa_left, va, _col);
draw_font_data[_array_index] = [font, fa_left, va, _col];
switch(_hali) {
case 0 : tx = 0; break;
case 1 : tx = _pthl / 2 - _line_width / 2; break;
case 2 : tx = _pthl - _line_width; break;
__temp_tx = tx + _pthS;
__temp_ty = ty;
__temp_p0 = new __vec2P();
__temp_p1 = new __vec2P();
string_foreach(_str_line, function(_chr, _ind) {
var _p1 = __temp_pt.getPointDistance(__temp_tx, 0, __temp_p0);
var _p2 = __temp_pt.getPointDistance(__temp_tx + .1, 0, __temp_p1);
var _nor = point_direction(_p1.x, _p1.y, _p2.x, _p2.y);
var _line_ang = _nor + 90;
var _dx = lengthdir_x(__temp_ty, _line_ang);
var _dy = lengthdir_y(__temp_ty, _line_ang);
var _tx = _p1.x + _dx;
var _ty = _p1.y + _dy;
if(__wave) {
var _wd = waveGet(_ind);
_tx += lengthdir_x(_wd, _line_ang + 90);
_ty += lengthdir_y(_wd, _line_ang + 90);
if(__rnd_pos) { _tx = round(_tx); _ty = round(_ty); }
draw_text_transformed(_tx, _ty, _chr, 1, 1, _nor);
__dwData[__dwDataI++] = [_tx, _ty, _chr, 1, 1, _nor];
__temp_tx += string_width(_chr) + __temp_trck;
ty -= string_height(_str_line) + _line;
} else {
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_str_lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var _str_line = _str_lines[i];
var _line_width = _line_widths[i];
draw_set_text(font, fa_left, fa_top, _col);
draw_font_data[_array_index] = [font, fa_left, fa_top, _col];
tx = _padd[PADDING.left];
if(_dimt == 0)
switch(_hali) {
case 0 : tx = _padd[PADDING.left]; break;
case 1 : tx = (_sw - _line_width * _ss) / 2; break;
case 2 : tx = _sw - _padd[PADDING.right] - _line_width * _ss; break;
__temp_tx = tx;
__temp_ty = ty;
string_foreach(_str_line, function(_chr, _ind) {
var _tx = __temp_tx;
var _ty = __temp_ty;
if(__wave) {
var _wd = waveGet(_ind);
_ty += _wd;
if(__rnd_pos) { _tx = round(_tx); _ty = round(_ty); }
draw_text_transformed(_tx, _ty, _chr, __temp_ss, __temp_ss, 0);
__dwData[__dwDataI++] = [_tx, _ty, _chr, __temp_ss, __temp_ss, 0];
__temp_tx += (string_width(_chr) + __temp_trck) * __temp_ss;
ty += (string_height(_str_line) + _line) * _ss;
array_resize(__dwData, __dwDataI);
draw_data[_array_index] = __dwData;
return _outSurf;
} |