mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 07:23:52 +01:00
189 lines
6.6 KiB
189 lines
6.6 KiB
/// @description init
#region base UI
#region draw TB
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text_add(dialog_x + ui(16), dialog_y + ui(32), __txt("Name"));
t_desc.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
t_auth.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
t_cont.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
t_tags.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
t_alias.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
tb_name.interactable = !STEAM_UGC_ITEM_UPLOADING;
tb_name.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
tb_name.draw(dialog_x + ui(72), dialog_y + ui(16), dialog_w - ui(164), ui(32), meta.name, mouse_ui);
var bx = dialog_x + dialog_w - ui(84);
var by = dialog_y + ui(16);
var bw = ui(32);
var bh = ui(32);
var txt = __txtx("new_collection_create", "Create collection");
var icon = THEME.accept;
var clr = COLORS._main_value_positive;
if(updating != noone)
txt = __txtx("new_collection_update", "Update collection");
if(ugc == 1) {
txt = __txtx("panel_inspector_workshop_upload", "Upload to Steam Workshop");
icon = THEME.workshop_upload;
clr = c_white;
} else if(ugc == 2) {
txt = __txtx("panel_inspector_workshop_update", "Update Steam Workshop");
icon = THEME.workshop_update;
clr = c_white;
if(ugc_loading) {
steam_ugc_get_item_update_progress(STEAM_UGC_UPDATE_HANDLE, STEAM_UGC_UPDATE_MAP);
destroy_on_click_out = false;
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.loading_s, 0, bx + ui(16), by + ui(16),,, current_time / 5, COLORS._main_icon);
} else {
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bw, bh, mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, txt, icon, 0, clr) == 2) {
if(meta.author_steam_id == 0)
meta.author_steam_id = STEAM_USER_ID;
if(updating == noone && node != noone) {
saveCollection(node, data_path, meta.name, true, meta);
} else {
var _map = json_load_struct(updating.path);
var _meta = meta.serialize();
_map.metadata = _meta;
json_save_struct(updating.path, _map);
json_save_struct(updating.meta_path, _meta);
var _newPath = $"{filename_dir(updating.path)}/{meta.name}.pxcc";
var _newMeta = $"{filename_dir(updating.meta_path)}/{meta.name}.meta";
var _oldSpr = $"{filename_dir(updating.path)}/{filename_name_only(updating.path)}.png";
var _newSpr = $"{filename_dir(updating.path)}/{meta.name}.png";
if(_newPath != updating.path) {
file_rename(updating.path, _newPath);
file_rename(updating.meta_path, _newMeta);
if(file_exists_empty(_oldSpr)) file_rename(_oldSpr, _newSpr);
updating.path = _newPath;
updating.meta_path = _newMeta;
updating.spr_path[0] = _newSpr;
updating.meta = meta;
if(ugc == 1) {
ugc_loading = true;
} else if(ugc == 2) {
saveCollection(node, data_path, updating.path, false, updating.meta);
steam_ugc_update_collection(updating, false, update_note);
ugc_loading = true;
} else
bx += bw + ui(4);
var txt = __txtx("new_collection_meta_edit", "Edit metadata");
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bw, bh, mouse_ui, sFOCUS, sHOVER, txt, THEME.hamburger) == 2)
#region display
dialog_h = ui(64);
if(meta_expand) {
var yy = dialog_y + ui(56);
if(ugc == 2) {
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Update note"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = ui(160);
t_update.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
t_update.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, update_note, mouse_ui);
yy += wd_h + ui(8);
dialog_h += wd_h + ui(8);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Description"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = ugc == 2? ui(100) : ui(200);
t_desc.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
t_desc.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, meta.description, mouse_ui);
yy += wd_h + ui(8);
dialog_h += wd_h + ui(8);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Author"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT;
t_auth.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
t_auth.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, meta.author, mouse_ui);
yy += wd_h + ui(8);
dialog_h += wd_h + ui(8);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Contact info"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT;
t_cont.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
t_cont.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, meta.contact, mouse_ui);
yy += wd_h + ui(8);
dialog_h += wd_h + ui(8);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Alias"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT;
t_alias.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
t_alias.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, meta.alias, mouse_ui);
yy += wd_h + ui(8);
dialog_h += wd_h + ui(8);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_icon);
draw_text(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, __txt("Tags"));
yy += line_get_height() + ui(4);
dialog_h += line_get_height() + ui(4);
var wd_h = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT;
t_tags.setFocusHover(sFOCUS, sHOVER);
var hh = t_tags.draw(dialog_x + ui(16), yy, dialog_w - ui(32), wd_h, mouse_ui);
yy += hh + ui(8);
dialog_h += hh + ui(8);
dialog_y = clamp(dialog_y, ui(16), WIN_H - ui(16) - dialog_h);
#endregion |