mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 08:45:17 +01:00
715 lines
25 KiB
715 lines
25 KiB
function Inspector_Custom_Renderer(draw) : widget() constructor {
h = 64;
self.draw = draw;
function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
context_str = "Inspector";
inspecting = noone;
top_bar_h = ui(96);
prop_hover = noone;
prop_selecting = noone;
function initSize() {
content_w = w - ui(28);
content_h = h - top_bar_h - ui(12);
keyframe_dragging = noone;
keyframe_drag_st = 0;
anim_toggling = false;
min_w = ui(160);
lineBreak = true;
tb_node_name = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(txt) {
if(inspecting) inspecting.display_name = txt;
tb_prop_filter = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(txt) {
filter_text = txt;
tb_prop_filter.no_empty = false;
tb_prop_filter.auto_update = true;
tb_prop_filter.font = f_p0;
tb_prop_filter.color = COLORS._main_text_sub;
tb_prop_filter.align = fa_center;
tb_prop_filter.hide = true;
filter_text = "";
current_meta = -1;
meta_tb[0] = new textArea(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) { current_meta.description = str; });
meta_tb[1] = new textArea(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) { current_meta.author = str; });
meta_tb[2] = new textArea(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) { current_meta.contact = str; });
meta_tb[3] = new textArea(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) { current_meta.alias = str; });
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(meta_tb); i++ )
meta_tb[i].hide = true;
meta_display = [ [ "Metadata", false ], [ "Variables", false ] ];
var_editing = false;
addHotkey("Inspector", "Copy property", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { propSelectCopy(); });
addHotkey("Inspector", "Paste property", "V", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { propSelectPaste(); });
addHotkey("Inspector", "Toggle animation", "I", MOD_KEY.none, function() { anim_toggling = true; });
group_menu = [
[ "Expand all", function() {
if(inspecting == noone) return;
if(inspecting.input_display_list == -1) return;
var dlist = inspecting.input_display_list;
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(dlist); i++ ) {
if(!is_array(dlist[i])) continue;
dlist[i][@ 1] = false;
[ "Collapse all", function() {
if(inspecting == noone) return;
if(inspecting.input_display_list == -1) return;
var dlist = inspecting.input_display_list;
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(dlist); i++ ) {
if(!is_array(dlist[i])) continue;
dlist[i][@ 1] = true;
function onResize() {
contentPane.resize(content_w, content_h);
static drawMeta = function(_y, _m) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
var _hover = pHOVER && contentPane.hover;
var context = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext();
var meta = context == -1? METADATA : context.metadata;
if(meta == noone) return 0;
var hh = ui(8);
var yy = _y + ui(8);
for( var i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) {
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, con_w, yy + ui(32))) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
meta_display[i][1] = !meta_display[i][1];
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.arrow, meta_display[i][1]? 0 : 3, ui(16), yy + ui(32) / 2, 1, 1, 0, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text(ui(32), yy + ui(32) / 2, meta_display[i][0]);
yy += ui(32 + 8);
hh += ui(32 + 8);
if(meta_display[i][1]) {
yy += ui(4);
hh += ui(4);
if(i == 0) {
var is_author = meta.author_steam_id == 0 || meta.author_steam_id == STEAM_USER_ID;
meta.displays[1][1].interactable = is_author;
current_meta = meta;
for( var j = 0; j < array_length(meta.displays); j++ ) {
var display = meta.displays[j];
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_over(ui(16), yy, display[0]);
yy += line_height() + ui(6);
hh += line_height() + ui(6);
meta_tb[j].setActiveFocus(pFOCUS, _hover);
if(pFOCUS) meta_tb[j].register(contentPane);
var wh = meta_tb[j].draw(ui(16), yy, w - ui(16 + 48), display[2], display[1](meta), _m);
yy += wh + ui(8);
hh += wh + ui(8);
} else if (i == 1) {
var bw = con_w - ui(8);
var bh = ui(36);
var bx = ui(4);
var by = yy + ui(8);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, bw, bh, _m, pFOCUS, _hover) == 2)
var_editing = !var_editing;
var txt = var_editing? get_text("apply", "Apply") : get_text("edit", "Edit");
var icon = var_editing? THEME.accept : THEME.gear;
var colr = var_editing? COLORS._main_value_positive : COLORS._main_icon;
draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_left, fa_center, colr)
var bxc = bx + bw / 2 - (string_width(txt) + ui(48)) / 2;
var byc = by + bh / 2;
draw_sprite_ui(icon, 0, bxc + ui(24), byc,,,, colr);
draw_text(bxc + ui(48), byc, txt);
yy += bh + ui(16);
hh += bh + ui(16);
var lb_h = line_height(f_p0) + ui(8);
var padd = ui(8);
if(var_editing) {
} else {
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(VARIABLE.inputs); i++ ) {
var widg = drawWidget(yy, _m, VARIABLE.inputs[| i]);
var widH = widg[0];
var mbRight = widg[1];
yy += lb_h + widH + padd;
hh += lb_h + widH + padd;
yy += ui(8);
hh += ui(8);
return hh;
static drawWidget = function(yy, _m, jun) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
var _hover = pHOVER && contentPane.hover;
var xc = con_w / 2;
var lb_h = line_height(f_p0) + ui(8);
var lb_y = yy + lb_h / 2;
var butx = ui(16);
if(jun.isAnimable()) {
var index = jun.value_from == noone? jun.animator.is_anim : 2;
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.animate_clock, index, butx, lb_y, 1,, 0.8);
if(_hover && point_in_circle(_m[0], _m[1], butx, lb_y, ui(10))) {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.animate_clock, index, butx, lb_y, 1,, 1);
TOOLTIP = jun.value_from == noone? get_text("panel_inspector_toggle_anim", "Toggle animation") : get_text("panel_inspector_remove_link", "Remove link");
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) {
if(jun.value_from != noone)
else {
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, jun.animator, [ jun.animator.is_anim, "is_anim", jun.name + " animation" ]);
jun.animator.is_anim = !jun.animator.is_anim;
butx += ui(20);
index = jun.visible;
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.junc_visible, index, butx, lb_y, 1,, 0.8);
if(_hover && point_in_circle(_m[0], _m[1], butx, lb_y, ui(10))) {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.junc_visible, index, butx, lb_y, 1,, 1);
TOOLTIP = get_text("visibility", "Visibility");
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
jun.visible = !jun.visible;
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_over(ui(56), lb_y - ui(2), jun.name);
var lb_w = string_width(jun.name) + ui(32);
#region tooltip
if(jun.tooltip != "") {
var tx = ui(56) + string_width(jun.name) + ui(16);
var ty = lb_y - ui(1);
if(point_in_circle(_m[0], _m[1], tx, ty, ui(10))) {
TOOLTIP = jun.tooltip;
else if(mouse_click(mb_left, pFOCUS))
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.info, 0, tx, ty,,,, COLORS._main_icon_light, 1);
} else
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.info, 0, tx, ty,,,, COLORS._main_icon_light, 0.75);
#region anim
if(lineBreak && jun.animator.is_anim) {
var bx = w - ui(64);
var by = lb_y;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, _hover, "", THEME.prop_keyframe, 2) == 2) {
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) {
var _key = jun.animator.values[| j];
if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
bx -= ui(26);
var cc = COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_unselected;
var kfFocus = false;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) {
if(jun.animator.values[| j].time == ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
cc = COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_selected;
kfFocus = true;
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, _hover, kfFocus? get_text("panel_inspector_remove_key", "Remove keyframe") :
get_text("panel_inspector_add_key", "Add keyframe"), THEME.prop_keyframe, 1, cc) == 2) {
var _add = false;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) {
var _key = jun.animator.values[| j];
if(_key.time == ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
if(ds_list_size(jun.animator.values) > 1)
ds_list_delete(jun.animator.values, j);
_add = true;
} else if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
ds_list_insert(jun.animator.values, j, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, jun.showValue(), jun.animator));
_add = true;
if(!_add) ds_list_add(jun.animator.values, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, jun.showValue(), jun.animator));
bx -= ui(26);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, _hover, "", THEME.prop_keyframe, 0) == 2) {
var _t = -1;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) {
var _key = jun.animator.values[| j];
if(_key.time < ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
_t = _key.time;
if(_t > -1) ANIMATOR.setFrame(_t);
var lhf = lb_h / 2 - 4;
draw_line(bx - ui(20), by - lhf, bx - ui(20), by + lhf);
draw_line(bx - ui(20), by - lhf, bx - ui(20), by + lhf);
bx -= ui(26 + 12);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, _hover, get_text("panel_animation_looping_mode", "Looping mode") + " " + ON_END_NAME[jun.on_end], THEME.prop_on_end, jun.on_end) == 2)
jun.on_end = safe_mod(jun.on_end + 1, sprite_get_number(THEME.prop_on_end));
var _hsy = yy + lb_h;
var padd = ui(8);
var labelWidth = max(lb_w, min(ui(80) + w * 0.2, ui(200)));
var editBoxW = w - ui(16 + 48) - !lineBreak * labelWidth;
var editBoxH = lineBreak? TEXTBOX_HEIGHT : lb_h;
var editBoxX = ui(16) + !lineBreak * labelWidth;
var editBoxY = lineBreak? _hsy : yy;
var widH = lineBreak? editBoxH : 0;
var mbRight = true;
if(jun.editWidget) {
jun.editWidget.setInteract(jun.value_from == noone);
jun.editWidget.setActiveFocus(pFOCUS, _hover);
if(pFOCUS) jun.editWidget.register(contentPane);
switch(jun.display_type) {
case VALUE_DISPLAY.button :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, _m);
default :
switch(jun.type) {
case VALUE_TYPE.float :
case VALUE_TYPE.integer :
switch(jun.display_type) {
case VALUE_DISPLAY._default :
case VALUE_DISPLAY.range :
case VALUE_DISPLAY.vector :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.vector_range :
var ebH = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
widH = lineBreak? ebH : ebH - lb_h;
case VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, array_safe_get(jun.display_data, jun.showValue()), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_button :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.padding :
jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy + ui(32), jun.showValue(), _m);
widH = ui(192);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.rotation :
case VALUE_DISPLAY.rotation_range :
jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy, jun.showValue(), _m);
widH = ui(96);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.slider :
case VALUE_DISPLAY.slider_range :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.area :
jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy + ui(40), jun.showValue(), jun.extra_data, _m);
widH = ui(204);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.puppet_control :
widH = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, jun.showValue(), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.kernel :
var ebH = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
widH = lineBreak? ebH : ebH - lb_h;
case VALUE_TYPE.boolean :
editBoxX = lineBreak? editBoxX : (labelWidth + con_w) / 2;
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, jun.showValue(), _m, editBoxH);
case VALUE_TYPE.color :
switch(jun.display_type) {
case VALUE_DISPLAY.gradient :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), jun.extra_data, _m);
default :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
case VALUE_TYPE.path :
switch(jun.display_type) {
case VALUE_DISPLAY.path_load :
case VALUE_DISPLAY.path_save :
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
case VALUE_DISPLAY.path_array :
var val = jun.showValue(), txt = "";
var pathExist = jun.value_validation == VALIDATION.pass;
if(is_array(val) && array_length(val))
txt = "[" + string(array_length(val)) + "] " + val[0];
txt = string(val);
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, _m,, pathExist? COLORS._main_text : COLORS._main_value_negative);
var icx = editBoxX + editBoxW - ui(16);
var icy = editBoxY + editBoxH / 2;
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(pathExist? THEME.button_path_icon : THEME.button_path_not_found_icon, 0, icx, icy, 1,, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_cut(editBoxX + ui(8), editBoxY + editBoxH / 2, txt, editBoxW - ui(60));
if(!pathExist && _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], icx - ui(17), icy - ui(17), icx + ui(17), icy + ui(17)))
TOOLTIP = get_text("panel_inspector_file_not_exist", "File not exist");
case VALUE_DISPLAY.path_font :
var val = jun.showValue();
val = filename_name(val);
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, val, _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y);
case VALUE_TYPE.surface :
editBoxH = ui(96);
jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y);
widH = lineBreak? editBoxH : editBoxH - lb_h;
case VALUE_TYPE.curve :
editBoxH = ui(160);
jun.editWidget.draw(ui(32), _hsy, w - ui(80), editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m);
if(point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], ui(32), _hsy, ui(32) + w - ui(80), _hsy + editBoxH))
mbRight = false;
widH = editBoxH;
case VALUE_TYPE.text :
var _hh = 0;
if(instanceof(jun.editWidget) == "textBox")
_hh = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, jun.display_type);
else if(instanceof(jun.editWidget) == "textArea")
_hh = jun.editWidget.draw(ui(16), _hsy, w - ui(16 + 48), editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, jun.display_type);
widH = _hh;
} else if(jun.display_type == VALUE_DISPLAY.label) {
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_over(ui(32), _hsy, jun.display_data);
widH = string_height(jun.display_data);
} else
widH = 0;
if(false) {
var __hsy = yy;
draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + lb_h, 0); __hsy += lb_h;
draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + widH, 0); __hsy += widH;
draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + padd, 0);
return [ widH, mbRight ];
contentPane = new scrollPane(content_w, content_h, function(_y, _m) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
var _hover = pHOVER && contentPane.hover;
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0);
if(point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, 0, con_w, content_h) && mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
prop_selecting = noone;
if(inspecting == noone) // metadata
return drawMeta(_y, _m);
inspecting.inspecting = true;
prop_hover = noone;
var jun = noone;
var amo = inspecting.input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inspecting.inputs) : array_length(inspecting.input_display_list);
var hh = ui(40);
tb_prop_filter.active = pFOCUS;
tb_prop_filter.hover = pHOVER;
tb_prop_filter.draw(ui(32), _y + ui(4), con_w - ui(64), ui(28), filter_text, _m);
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.search, 0, ui(32 + 16), _y + ui(4 + 14), 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_icon, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) {
var xc = con_w / 2;
var yy = hh + _y;
if(inspecting.input_display_list == -1) {
jun = inspecting.inputs[| i];
} else {
if(i >= array_length(inspecting.input_display_list)) break;
var jun_disp = inspecting.input_display_list[i];
if(is_array(jun_disp)) {
var txt = jun_disp[0];
var coll = jun_disp[1] && filter_text == "";
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, con_w, yy + ui(32))) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
jun_disp[@ 1] = !coll;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS))
menuCall(, , group_menu);
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
if(filter_text == "") {
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.arrow, 0, ui(16), yy + ui(32) / 2, 1, 1, -90 + coll * 90, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text(ui(32), yy + ui(32) / 2, txt);
hh += ui(32 + 8);
if(coll) {
var j = i + 1;
while(j < amo) {
if(j >= array_length(inspecting.input_display_list)) break;
var j_jun = inspecting.input_display_list[j];
i = j - 1;
} else if(is_struct(jun_disp) && instanceof(jun_disp) == "Inspector_Custom_Renderer") {
if(pFOCUS) jun_disp.register(contentPane);
jun_disp.rx = ui(16) + x;
jun_disp.ry = top_bar_h + y;
hh += jun_disp.draw(ui(6), yy, con_w - ui(12), _m, _hover, pFOCUS) + ui(8);
jun = inspecting.inputs[| inspecting.input_display_list[i]];
if(!is_struct(jun)) continue;
if(instanceof(jun) != "NodeValue") continue;
if(!jun.show_in_inspector || jun.type == VALUE_TYPE.object) continue;
if(filter_text != "") {
var pos = string_pos(filter_text, string_lower(jun.name));
if(pos == 0) continue;
var lb_h = line_height(f_p0) + ui(8);
var padd = ui(8);
var widg = drawWidget(yy, _m, jun);
var widH = widg[0];
var mbRight = widg[1];
hh += lb_h + widH + padd;
var _selY = yy - ui(0);
var _selY1 = yy + lb_h + widH + ui(2);
var _selH = _selY1 - _selY;
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 4, _selY, contentPane.surface_w - ui(4), _selY + _selH)) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.prop_selecting, 0, 4, _selY, contentPane.surface_w - ui(8), _selH, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
if(anim_toggling) {
jun.animator.is_anim = !jun.animator.is_anim;
anim_toggling = false;
prop_hover = jun;
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
prop_selecting = jun;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS && mbRight)) {
__dialog_junction = jun;
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, mouse_mx, mouse_my);
var menuItem = [
[ get_text("panel_inspector_reset", "Reset value"), function() {
[ __dialog_junction.animator.is_anim? get_text("panel_inspector_remove", "Remove animation") : get_text("panel_inspector_add", "Add animation"), function() {
__dialog_junction.animator.is_anim = !__dialog_junction.animator.is_anim;
[ get_text("copy", "Copy"), function() {
}, ["Inspector", "Copy property"]],
[ get_text("paste", "Paste"), function() {
}, ["Inspector", "Paste property"]],
if(jun.extract_node != "") {
array_insert(menuItem, 2, [ get_text("panel_inspector_extract", "Extract to node"), function() {
dia.setMenu( menuItem );
return hh;
function propSelectCopy() {
if(!prop_selecting) return;
function propSelectPaste() {
if(!prop_selecting) return;
function drawInspectingNode() {
tb_node_name.font = f_h5;
tb_node_name.hide = true;
tb_node_name.active = pFOCUS;
tb_node_name.hover = pHOVER;
tb_node_name.align = fa_center;
var txt = inspecting.display_name == ""? inspecting.name : inspecting.display_name;
tb_node_name.draw(ui(64), ui(14), w - ui(128), ui(32), txt, [mx, my], VALUE_DISPLAY.node_title);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text(w / 2, ui(56), inspecting.name);
var bx = ui(8);
var by = ui(12);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, get_text("presets", "Presets"), THEME.preset, 1) == 2)
dialogCall(o_dialog_preset, x + bx, y + by + ui(36), { "node": inspecting });
by += ui(36);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, get_text("panel_inspector_out_visible", "Outputs visibility"), THEME.node_output_visible, 1) == 2)
dialogCall(o_dialog_output_visibility, x + bx, y + by + ui(36), { "node": inspecting });
var bx = w - ui(44);
var by = ui(12);
if(inspecting.hasInspectorUpdate()) {
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, inspecting.inspUpdateTooltip, inspecting.inspUpdateIcon[0], inspecting.inspUpdateIcon[1], inspecting.inspUpdateIcon[2]) == 2)
} else
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.sequence_control, 1, bx + ui(16), by + ui(16),,,, COLORS._main_icon_dark);
if(inspecting.hasInspector2Update()) {
by += ui(36);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, inspecting.insp2UpdateTooltip, inspecting.insp2UpdateIcon[0], inspecting.insp2UpdateIcon[1], inspecting.insp2UpdateIcon[2]) = 2)
function drawContent(panel) {
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0);
lineBreak = w < PREF_MAP[? "inspector_line_break_width"];
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, ui(8), top_bar_h - ui(8), w - ui(16), h - top_bar_h);
else {
var txt = "Untitled";
var context = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext();
if(context == -1 && file_exists(CURRENT_PATH))
txt = string_replace(filename_name(CURRENT_PATH), filename_ext(CURRENT_PATH), "");
else if(context != -1)
txt = context.name;
draw_set_text(f_h5, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_over(w / 2, ui(30), txt);
var bx = w - ui(44);
var by = ui(12);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, get_text("panel_inspector_set_default", "Set as default"), THEME.save, 0, COLORS._main_icon) == 2) {
var path = DIRECTORY + "meta.json";
var f = file_text_open_write(path);
file_text_write_string(f, json_encode_minify(METADATA.serialize()));
contentPane.active = pHOVER;
contentPane.draw(ui(16), top_bar_h, mx - ui(16), my - top_bar_h);
if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus && inspecting != PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus) {
inspecting = PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus;
if(inspecting != noone)
contentPane.scroll_y = 0;
contentPane.scroll_y_to = 0;
} |