mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:04:49 +01:00
1187 lines
38 KiB
1187 lines
38 KiB
// Generated at 2020-10-11 11:48:54 (313ms) for vnull+
#region metatype
globalvar gif_std_haxe_type_markerValue; gif_std_haxe_type_markerValue = [];
globalvar mt_Gif; mt_Gif = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "Gif");
globalvar mt_GifFrame; mt_GifFrame = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "GifFrame");
globalvar mt_GifReader; mt_GifReader = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "GifReader");
globalvar mt_format_gif_Block; mt_format_gif_Block = new gif_std_haxe_enum(-1, "format_gif_Block");
globalvar mt_format_gif_Extension; mt_format_gif_Extension = new gif_std_haxe_enum(-1, "format_gif_Extension");
globalvar mt_format_gif_ApplicationExtension; mt_format_gif_ApplicationExtension = new gif_std_haxe_enum(-1, "format_gif_ApplicationExtension");
globalvar mt_format_gif_Version; mt_format_gif_Version = new gif_std_haxe_enum(-1, "format_gif_Version");
globalvar mt_format_gif_DisposalMethod; mt_format_gif_DisposalMethod = new gif_std_haxe_enum(-1, "format_gif_DisposalMethod");
globalvar mt_gif_std_haxe_class; mt_gif_std_haxe_class = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "gif_std_haxe_class");
globalvar mt_gif_std_haxe_enum; mt_gif_std_haxe_enum = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "gif_std_haxe_enum");
globalvar mt_gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes; mt_gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes");
globalvar mt_haxe_io_Input; mt_haxe_io_Input = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "haxe_io_Input");
globalvar mt_haxe_io_BytesInput; mt_haxe_io_BytesInput = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "haxe_io_BytesInput");
mt_haxe_io_BytesInput.superClass = mt_haxe_io_Input;
globalvar mt_haxe_io_Output; mt_haxe_io_Output = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "haxe_io_Output");
globalvar mt_haxe_io_BytesOutput; mt_haxe_io_BytesOutput = new gif_std_haxe_class(-1, "haxe_io_BytesOutput");
mt_haxe_io_BytesOutput.superClass = mt_haxe_io_Output;
function gif_std_enum_toString() { return gif_std_Std_stringify(self); }
function gif_std_enum_getIndex() { return __enumIndex__; }
#region Gif
function Gif() constructor { #region
static frames = undefined;
static width = undefined;
static height = undefined;
static loops = undefined;
static destroy = function() { #region
var __g = 0;
var __g1 = self.frames;
var len = array_length(__g1);
while (__g < len) {
var _frame = __g1[__g];
} #endregion
reader_data = undefined;
static readBegin = function(_gif_buffer) { #region
var _n = buffer_get_size(_gif_buffer);
var _bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(_n, 0));
for (var _i = 0; _i < _n; _i++) {
var _v = buffer_peek(_gif_buffer, _i, buffer_u8);
_bytes.b[@_i] = (_v & 255);
var _input = new haxe_io_BytesInput(_bytes, 0, _n);
reader_data = new GifReader(_input);
} #endregion
static reading = function() { #region
var res = reader_data.reading(self);
if(res) readComplete();
return res;
} #endregion
static readComplete = function() { #region
width = reader_data.logicalScreenDescriptor.width;
height = reader_data.logicalScreenDescriptor.height;
var _gce = undefined;
var _globalColorTable = undefined;
if (reader_data.globalColorTable != undefined)
_globalColorTable = _Gif_GifTools_colorTableToVector(reader_data.globalColorTable, reader_data.logicalScreenDescriptor.globalColorTableSize);
var __g = 0;
var __g1 = reader_data.blocks;
var __break = false;
while (__g < array_length(__g1)) {
var _block = __g1[__g];
switch (_block.__enumIndex__) { // format_gif_Block
case 0 : // BFrame
var _f = _block.frame;
var _gf = new GifFrame();
var _transparentIndex = -1;
if (_gce != undefined) {
_gf.delay = _gce.delay;
if (_gce.hasTransparentColor) _transparentIndex = _gce.transparentIndex;
switch (_gce.disposalMethod.__enumIndex__) { // format_gif_DisposalMethod
case 2/* FILL_BACKGROUND */: _gf.disposalMethod = 1; break;
case 3/* RENDER_PREVIOUS */: _gf.disposalMethod = 2; break;
_gf.x = _f.x;
_gf.y = _f.y;
_gf.width = _f.width;
_gf.height = _f.height;
var _colorTable = _globalColorTable;
if (_f.colorTable != undefined) _colorTable = _Gif_GifTools_colorTableToVector(_f.colorTable, _f.localColorTableSize);
var _buf = buffer_create(_f.width * _f.height * 4, buffer_fixed, 1);
var _i = 0;
for (var __g3 = array_length(_f.pixels.b); _i < __g3; _i++) {
var _col = _f.pixels.b[_i];
if (_col == _transparentIndex) buffer_write(_buf, buffer_s32, 0); else buffer_write(_buf, buffer_s32, _colorTable[_col]);
_gf.buffer = _buf;
var _sf = surface_create_valid(_f.width, _f.height);
buffer_set_surface(_buf, _sf, 0);
_gf.surface = _sf;
_gce = undefined;
array_push(self.frames, _gf);
case 1 : // BExtension
var __g4 = _block.extension;
switch (__g4.__enumIndex__) { // format_gif_Extension
case 3 : // EApplicationExtension
var __g5 = __g4.ext;
if (__g5.__enumIndex__ /* format_gif_ApplicationExtension */ == 0 /* AENetscapeLooping */) {
var _n = __g5.loops;
self.loops = _n;
case 0 : // EGraphicControl
_gce = __g4.gce;
case 2 : // BEOF
__break = true;
if (__break) break;
} #endregion
self.loops = -1;
self.height = 0;
self.width = 0;
self.frames = [];
static __class__ = mt_Gif;
} #endregion
mt_Gif.i_constructor = Gif;
function sprite_add_gif(_path, _return_func, _error_message = "") { #region
if (false) throw _error_message;
var _buf = buffer_load(_path);
var _gif = new Gif();
ds_list_add(GIF_READER, [_gif, _buf, _return_func] );
} #endregion
function __gif_sprite_builder(_gif) constructor { #region
gif = _gif;
_sf = surface_create_valid(gif.width, gif.height);
//show_debug_message($"gif creation: {gif.width}, {gif.height}");
_restoreBuf = -1;
_spr = -1;
spr_size = 0;
_white32 = Gif_white32;
if (_white32 == -1) {
var _ws = surface_create_valid(32, 32);
_white32 = sprite_create_from_surface(_ws, 0, 0, surface_get_width_safe(_ws), surface_get_height_safe(_ws), false, false, 0, 0);
Gif_white32 = _white32;
__color = draw_get_color();
__alpha = draw_get_alpha();
_firstDelay = 0;
__g = 0;
__g1 = gif.frames;
amo = array_length(__g1);
static building = function() { #region
var _frame = __g1[__g++];
if (_frame.disposalMethod == 2) {
if (_restoreBuf == -1) _restoreBuf = buffer_create(gif.width * gif.height * 4, buffer_fixed, 1);
buffer_get_surface(_restoreBuf, _sf, 0);
surface_copy(_sf, _frame.x, _frame.y, _frame.surface);
var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(_sf);
var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(_sf);
if (_spr == -1) _spr = sprite_create_from_surface(_sf, 0, 0, _sw, _sh, false, false, 0, 0);
else sprite_add_from_surface(_spr, _sf, 0, 0, _sw, _sh, false, false);
var _fdelay = _frame.delay;
if (_firstDelay <= 0 && _fdelay > 0) _firstDelay = _fdelay;
switch (_frame.disposalMethod) {
case 2:
buffer_set_surface(_restoreBuf, _sf, 0);
case 1:
var _mode = bm_subtract;
draw_sprite_stretched(_white32, 0, _frame.x, _frame.y, _frame.width, _frame.height);
var _mode1 = bm_normal;
if(__g >= amo) {
return true;
return false;
} #endregion
static buildComplete = function() { #region
if (_firstDelay > 0) sprite_set_speed(_spr, 100 / _firstDelay, spritespeed_framespersecond);
if (_restoreBuf != -1) buffer_delete(_restoreBuf);
} #endregion
} #endregion
function __gif_create_sprite(_gif) { #region
var _sf = surface_create_valid(_gif.width, _gif.height);
//show_debug_message("gif creation: width = " + string(_gif.width));
var _restoreBuf = -1;
var _spr = -1;
var spr_size = 0;
var _white32 = Gif_white32;
if (_white32 == -1) {
var _ws = surface_create_valid(32, 32);
_white32 = sprite_create_from_surface(_ws, 0, 0, surface_get_width_safe(_ws), surface_get_height_safe(_ws), false, false, 0, 0);
Gif_white32 = _white32;
var __color = draw_get_color();
var __alpha = draw_get_alpha();
var _firstDelay = 0;
var __g1 = _gif.frames;
var amo = array_length(__g1);
for( var __g = 0; __g < amo; __g++ ) {
var _frame = __g1[__g];
if (_frame.disposalMethod == 2) {
if (_restoreBuf == -1) _restoreBuf = buffer_create(_gif.width * _gif.height * 4, buffer_fixed, 1);
buffer_get_surface(_restoreBuf, _sf, 0);
surface_copy(_sf, _frame.x, _frame.y, _frame.surface);
if (_spr == -1) {
_spr = sprite_create_from_surface(_sf, 0, 0, surface_get_width_safe(_sf), surface_get_height_safe(_sf), false, false, 0, 0);
} else {
//show_debug_message(sprite_get_width(_spr) * sprite_get_height(_spr) * sprite_get_number(_spr));
sprite_add_from_surface(_spr, _sf, 0, 0, surface_get_width_safe(_sf), surface_get_height_safe(_sf), false, false);
var _fdelay = _frame.delay;
if (_firstDelay <= 0 && _fdelay > 0) _firstDelay = _fdelay;
switch (_frame.disposalMethod) {
case 2:
buffer_set_surface(_restoreBuf, _sf, 0);
case 1:
var _mode = bm_subtract;
draw_sprite_stretched(_white32, 0, _frame.x, _frame.y, _frame.width, _frame.height);
var _mode1 = bm_normal;
if (_firstDelay > 0) sprite_set_speed(_spr, 100 / _firstDelay, spritespeed_framespersecond);
if (_restoreBuf != -1) buffer_delete(_restoreBuf);
return _spr;
} #endregion
function GifFrame() constructor { #region
static delay = undefined;
static surface = undefined;
static buffer = undefined;
/* static */x = undefined;
/* static */y = undefined;
static width = undefined;
static height = undefined;
static disposalMethod = undefined;
static destroy = function() {
if (surface_exists(self.surface))
self.disposalMethod = 0;
self.delay = 0;
static __class__ = mt_GifFrame;
} mt_GifFrame.i_constructor = GifFrame; #endregion
function _Gif_GifTools_colorTableToVector(_pal, _num) { #region
var _r, _g, _b;
var _p = 0;
var _a = 255;
var _vec = array_create(_num, undefined);
for (var _i = 0; _i < _num; _i++) {
_r = _pal.b[_p];
_g = _pal.b[_p + 1];
_b = _pal.b[_p + 2];
var _val = ((((_a << 24) | (_b << 16)) | (_g << 8)) | _r);
_vec[@ _i] = _val;
_p += 3;
return _vec;
} #endregion
#region GifReader
function GifReader(_i) constructor {
static i = undefined;
block_index = 0;
blocks = [];
static readBegin = function() { #region
if (self.i.readByte() != 71) throw string("Gif loader: Invalid header");
if (self.i.readByte() != 73) throw string("Gif loader: Invalid header");
if (self.i.readByte() != 70) throw string("Gif loader: Invalid header");
var _gifVer = self.i.readString(3);
var _version = format_gif_Version_GIF89a;
switch (_gifVer) {
case "87a": _version = format_gif_Version_GIF87a; break;
case "89a": _version = format_gif_Version_GIF89a; break;
default: _version = format_gif_Version_Unknown(_gifVer);
var _width = self.i.readUInt16();
var _height = self.i.readUInt16();
var _packedField = self.i.readByte();
var _bgIndex = self.i.readByte();
var _pixelAspectRatio = self.i.readByte();
if (_pixelAspectRatio != 0) _pixelAspectRatio = (_pixelAspectRatio + 15) / 64;
else _pixelAspectRatio = 1;
var _lsd = {
width: _width,
height: _height,
hasGlobalColorTable: (_packedField & 128) == 128,
colorResolution: ((((_packedField & 112) & $FFFFFFFF) >> 4)),
sorted: (_packedField & 8) == 8,
globalColorTableSize: (2 << (_packedField & 7)),
backgroundColorIndex: _bgIndex,
pixelAspectRatio: _pixelAspectRatio
var _gct = undefined;
if (_lsd.hasGlobalColorTable) _gct = self.readColorTable(_lsd.globalColorTableSize);
version = _version;
logicalScreenDescriptor = _lsd;
globalColorTable = _gct;
} #endregion
static reading = function(_gif) { #region
var _b = self.readBlock();
blocks[@ block_index++] = _b;
if (_b == format_gif_Block_BEOF)
return true;
return false;
} #endregion
static readBlock = function() { #region
var _blockID = self.i.readByte();
switch (_blockID) {
case 44: return self.readImage();
case 33: return self.readExtension();
case 59: return format_gif_Block_BEOF;
return format_gif_Block_BEOF;
} #endregion
static readImage = function() { #region
var _x = self.i.readUInt16();
var _y = self.i.readUInt16();
var _width = self.i.readUInt16();
var _height = self.i.readUInt16();
var _packed = self.i.readByte();
var _sorted = (_packed & 32) == 32;
var _interlaced = (_packed & 64) == 64;
var _localColorTable = (_packed & 128) == 128;
var _localColorTableSize = (2 << (_packed & 7));
var _lct = _localColorTable? self.readColorTable(_localColorTableSize) : undefined;
return format_gif_Block_BFrame({
x: _x,
y: _y,
width: _width,
height: _height,
localColorTable: _localColorTable,
interlaced: _interlaced,
sorted: _sorted,
localColorTableSize: _localColorTableSize,
pixels: self.readPixels(_width, _height, _interlaced),
colorTable: _lct
} #endregion
static readPixels = function(_width, _height, _interlaced) { #region
var _input = self.i;
var _pixelsCount = _width * _height;
var _pixels = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(_pixelsCount, 0));
var _minCodeSize = _input.readByte();
var _blockSize = _input.readByte() - 1;
var _bits = _input.readByte();
var _bitsCount = 8;
var _clearCode = (1 << _minCodeSize);
var _eoiCode = _clearCode + 1;
var _codeSize = _minCodeSize + 1;
var _codeSizeLimit = (1 << _codeSize);
var _codeMask = _codeSizeLimit - 1;
var _baseDict = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < _clearCode; _i++)
_baseDict[@_i] = [_i];
var _dict = [];
var _dictLen = _clearCode + 2;
var _code = 0;
var _i = 0;
var _newRecord;
var _last;
while (_i < _pixelsCount) {
_last = _code;
while (_bitsCount < _codeSize) {
if (_blockSize == 0) break;
_bits |= (_input.readByte() << _bitsCount);
_bitsCount += 8;
if (_blockSize == 0)
_blockSize = _input.readByte();
_code = (_bits & _codeMask);
_bits = _bits >> _codeSize;
_bitsCount -= _codeSize;
if (_code == _clearCode) {
_dict = gif_std_gml_internal_ArrayImpl_copy(_baseDict);
_dictLen = _clearCode + 2;
_codeSize = _minCodeSize + 1;
_codeSizeLimit = (1 << _codeSize);
_codeMask = _codeSizeLimit - 1;
if (_code == _eoiCode) break;
if (_code < _dictLen) {
if (_last != _clearCode) {
_newRecord = gif_std_gml_internal_ArrayImpl_copy(_dict[_last]);
array_push(_newRecord, _dict[_code][0]);
_dict[@_dictLen++] = _newRecord;
} else {
if (_code != _dictLen) throw string($"Invalid LZW code. Excepted: {_dictLen}, got: {_code}");
_newRecord = gif_std_gml_internal_ArrayImpl_copy(_dict[_last]);
array_push(_newRecord, _newRecord[0]);
_dict[@_dictLen++] = _newRecord;
_newRecord = _dict[_code];
var __g = 0;
while (__g < array_length(_newRecord)) {
var _item = _newRecord[__g];
_pixels.b[@ _i++] = (_item & 255);
if (_dictLen == _codeSizeLimit && _codeSize < 12) {
_codeSizeLimit = (1 << _codeSize);
_codeMask = _codeSizeLimit - 1;
while (_blockSize > 0) {
if (_blockSize == 0)
_blockSize = _input.readByte();
while (_i < _pixelsCount) {
_pixels.b[@_i++] = 0;
if (_interlaced) {
var _buffer1 = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(_pixelsCount, 0));
var _offset = self.deinterlace(_pixels, _buffer1, 8, 0, 0, _width, _height);
_offset = self.deinterlace(_pixels, _buffer1, 8, 4, _offset, _width, _height);
_offset = self.deinterlace(_pixels, _buffer1, 4, 2, _offset, _width, _height);
self.deinterlace(_pixels, _buffer1, 2, 1, _offset, _width, _height);
_pixels = _buffer1;
return _pixels;
} #endregion
static deinterlace = function(_input, _output, _step, _y, _offset, _width, _height) { #region
while (_y < _height) {
array_copy(_output.b, _y * _width, _input.b, _offset, _width);
_offset += _width;
_y += _step;
return _offset;
} #endregion
static readExtension = function() { #region
var _subId = self.i.readByte();
switch (_subId) {
case 249:
if (self.i.readByte() != 4) throw string("Incorrect Graphic Control Extension block size!");
var _packed = self.i.readByte();
var _disposalMethod;
switch ((_packed & 28) >> 2) {
case 2: _disposalMethod = format_gif_DisposalMethod_FILL_BACKGROUND; break;
case 3: _disposalMethod = format_gif_DisposalMethod_RENDER_PREVIOUS; break;
case 1: _disposalMethod = format_gif_DisposalMethod_NO_ACTION; break;
case 0: _disposalMethod = format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNSPECIFIED; break;
default: _disposalMethod = format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNDEFINED(((_packed & 28) >> 2));
var _delay = self.i.readUInt16();
var _b = format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EGraphicControl({
disposalMethod: _disposalMethod,
userInput: (_packed & 2) == 2,
hasTransparentColor: (_packed & 1) == 1,
delay: _delay,
transparentIndex: self.i.readByte()
return _b;
case 1:
if (self.i.readByte() != 12) throw string("Incorrect size of Plain Text Extension introducer block.");
var _textGridX = self.i.readUInt16();
var _textGridY = self.i.readUInt16();
var _textGridWidth = self.i.readUInt16();
var _textGridHeight = self.i.readUInt16();
var _charCellWidth = self.i.readByte();
var _charCellHeight = self.i.readByte();
var _textForegroundColorIndex = self.i.readByte();
var _textBackgroundColorIndex = self.i.readByte();
var _buffer1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput();
var _bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(255, 0));
for (var _len = self.i.readByte(); _len != 0; _len = self.i.readByte()) {
self.i.readBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_buffer1.writeBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(_buffer1.data);
return format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EText({
textGridX: _textGridX,
textGridY: _textGridY,
textGridWidth: _textGridWidth,
textGridHeight: _textGridHeight,
charCellWidth: _charCellWidth,
charCellHeight: _charCellHeight,
textForegroundColorIndex: _textForegroundColorIndex,
textBackgroundColorIndex: _textBackgroundColorIndex,
text: haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_getString(_bytes.b, 0, array_length(_bytes.b))
case 254:
var _buffer1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput();
var _bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(255, 0));
for (var _len = self.i.readByte(); _len != 0; _len = self.i.readByte()) {
self.i.readBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_buffer1.writeBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(_buffer1.data);
return format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EComment(haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_getString(_bytes.b, 0, array_length(_bytes.b))));
case 255:
return self.readApplicationExtension();
var _buffer1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput();
var _bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(255, 0));
for (var _len = self.i.readByte(); _len != 0; _len = self.i.readByte()) {
self.i.readBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_buffer1.writeBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(_buffer1.data);
return format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EUnknown(_subId, _bytes));
} #endregion
static readApplicationExtension = function() { #region
if (self.i.readByte() != 11) throw string("Incorrect size of Application Extension introducer block.");
var _name = self.i.readString(8);
var _version = self.i.readString(3);
var _buffer1 = new haxe_io_BytesOutput();
var _bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(255, 0));
for (var _len = self.i.readByte(); _len != 0; _len = self.i.readByte()) {
self.i.readBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_buffer1.writeBytes(_bytes, 0, _len);
_bytes = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(_buffer1.data);
if (_name == "NETSCAPE" && _version == "2.0" && _bytes.b[0] == 1)
return format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EApplicationExtension(format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AENetscapeLooping((_bytes.b[1] | (_bytes.b[2] << 8)))));
return format_gif_Block_BExtension(format_gif_Extension_EApplicationExtension(format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AEUnknown(_name, _version, _bytes)));
} #endregion
static readColorTable = function(_size) { #region
_size *= 3;
var _output = new gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(array_create(_size, 0));
for (var _c = 0; _c < _size; _c += 3) {
var _v = self.i.readByte();
_output.b[@_c] = (_v & 255);
var _v1 = self.i.readByte();
_output.b[@_c + 1] = (_v1 & 255);
var _v2 = self.i.readByte();
_output.b[@_c + 2] = (_v2 & 255);
return _output;
} #endregion
self.i = _i;
_i.bigEndian = false;
static __class__ = mt_GifReader;
mt_GifReader.i_constructor = GifReader;
#region gif_std.Std
function gif_std_Std_stringify(_value) {
if (_value == undefined) return "null";
if (is_string(_value)) return _value;
var _n, _i, _s;
if (is_struct(_value)) {
var _e = variable_struct_get(_value, "__enum__");
if (_e == undefined) return string(_value);
var _ects = _e._constructor;
if (_ects != undefined) {
_i = _value.__enumIndex__;
_s = (_i >= 0 && _i < array_length(_ects))? _ects[_i] : "?";
} else {
_s = instanceof(_value);
if (string_copy(_s, 1, 3) == "mc_")
_s = string_delete(_s, 1, 3);
_n = string_length(_e.name);
if (string_copy(_s, 1, _n) == _e.name)
_s = string_delete(_s, 1, _n + 1);
_s += "(";
var _fields = _value.__enumParams__;
_n = array_length(_fields);
for (_i = -1; ++_i < _n; _s += gif_std_Std_stringify(variable_struct_get(_value, _fields[_i]))) {
if (_i > 0) _s += ", ";
return _s + ")";
if (is_real(_value)) {
_s = string(_value);
if (os_browser != -1) {
_n = string_length(_s);
_i = _n;
while (_i > 0) {
switch (string_ord_at(_s, _i)) {
case 48: _i--; continue;
case 46: _i--; break;
} else {
_n = string_byte_length(_s);
_i = _n;
while (_i > 0) {
switch (string_byte_at(_s, _i)) {
case 48: _i--; continue;
case 46: _i--; break;
return string_copy(_s, 1, _i);
return string(_value);
#region format.gif
function mc_format_gif_Block() constructor { #region
static getIndex = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_getIndex);
static toString = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_toString);
static __enum__ = mt_format_gif_Block;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Block_BFrame() : mc_format_gif_Block() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["frame"];
static __enumIndex__ = 0;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Block_BFrame(_frame) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Block_BFrame();
this.frame = _frame;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Block_BExtension() : mc_format_gif_Block() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["extension"];
static __enumIndex__ = 1;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Block_BExtension(_extension) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Block_BExtension();
this.extension = _extension;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Block_BEOF() : mc_format_gif_Block() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 2;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_Block_BEOF; format_gif_Block_BEOF = new mc_format_gif_Block_BEOF();
function mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static getIndex = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_getIndex);
static toString = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_toString);
static __enum__ = mt_format_gif_Extension;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Extension_EGraphicControl() : mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["gce"];
static __enumIndex__ = 0;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Extension_EGraphicControl(_gce) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Extension_EGraphicControl();
this.gce = _gce;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Extension_EComment() : mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["text"];
static __enumIndex__ = 1;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Extension_EComment(_text) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Extension_EComment();
this.text = _text;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Extension_EText() : mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["pte"];
static __enumIndex__ = 2;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Extension_EText(_pte) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Extension_EText();
this.pte = _pte;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Extension_EApplicationExtension() : mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["ext"];
static __enumIndex__ = 3;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Extension_EApplicationExtension(_ext) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Extension_EApplicationExtension();
this.ext = _ext;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Extension_EUnknown() : mc_format_gif_Extension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["id", "data"];
static __enumIndex__ = 4;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Extension_EUnknown(_id, _data) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Extension_EUnknown();
this.id = _id;
this.data = _data;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension() constructor { #region
static getIndex = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_getIndex);
static toString = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_toString);
static __enum__ = mt_format_gif_ApplicationExtension;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AENetscapeLooping() : mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["loops"];
static __enumIndex__ = 0;
} #endregion
function format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AENetscapeLooping(_loops) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AENetscapeLooping();
this.loops = _loops;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AEUnknown() : mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["name", "version", "data"];
static __enumIndex__ = 1;
} #endregion
function format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AEUnknown(_name, _version, _data) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_ApplicationExtension_AEUnknown();
this.name = _name;
this.version = _version;
this.data = _data;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Version() constructor { #region
static getIndex = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_getIndex);
static toString = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_toString);
static __enum__ = mt_format_gif_Version;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_Version_GIF87a() : mc_format_gif_Version() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 0;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_Version_GIF87a; format_gif_Version_GIF87a = new mc_format_gif_Version_GIF87a();
function mc_format_gif_Version_GIF89a() : mc_format_gif_Version() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 1;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_Version_GIF89a; format_gif_Version_GIF89a = new mc_format_gif_Version_GIF89a();
function mc_format_gif_Version_Unknown() : mc_format_gif_Version() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["version"];
static __enumIndex__ = 2;
} #endregion
function format_gif_Version_Unknown(_version) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_Version_Unknown();
this.version = _version;
return this;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static getIndex = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_getIndex);
static toString = method(undefined, gif_std_enum_toString);
static __enum__ = mt_format_gif_DisposalMethod;
} #endregion
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNSPECIFIED() : mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 0;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNSPECIFIED; format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNSPECIFIED = new mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNSPECIFIED();
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_NO_ACTION() : mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 1;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_DisposalMethod_NO_ACTION; format_gif_DisposalMethod_NO_ACTION = new mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_NO_ACTION();
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_FILL_BACKGROUND() : mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 2;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_DisposalMethod_FILL_BACKGROUND; format_gif_DisposalMethod_FILL_BACKGROUND = new mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_FILL_BACKGROUND();
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_RENDER_PREVIOUS() : mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = [];
static __enumIndex__ = 3;
} #endregion
globalvar format_gif_DisposalMethod_RENDER_PREVIOUS; format_gif_DisposalMethod_RENDER_PREVIOUS = new mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_RENDER_PREVIOUS();
function mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNDEFINED() : mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod() constructor { #region
static __enumParams__ = ["index"];
static __enumIndex__ = 4;
} #endregion
function format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNDEFINED(_index) { #region
var this = new mc_format_gif_DisposalMethod_UNDEFINED();
this.index = _index;
return this;
} #endregion
#region gif.std
function gif_std_haxe_class(_id, _name) constructor { #region
static superClass = undefined;
static i_constructor = undefined;
static marker = undefined;
static index = undefined;
static name = undefined;
self.superClass = undefined;
self.marker = gif_std_haxe_type_markerValue;
self.index = _id;
self.name = _name;
static __class__ = "class";
} mt_gif_std_haxe_class.i_constructor = gif_std_haxe_class; #endregion
function gif_std_haxe_enum(_id, _name, _constructor) constructor { #region
static _constructor = undefined;
static marker = undefined;
static index = undefined;
static name = undefined;
if (false) throw argument[2];
self.marker = gif_std_haxe_type_markerValue;
self.index = _id;
self.name = _name;
self._constructor = _constructor;
static __class__ = "enum";
} mt_gif_std_haxe_enum.i_constructor = gif_std_haxe_enum; #endregion
function gif_std_gml_internal_ArrayImpl_copy(_arr) { #region
var _out = [];
var _len = array_length(_arr);
if (_len > 0)
array_copy(_out, 0, _arr, 0, _len);
return _out;
} #endregion
function gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes(_b) constructor { #region
static b = undefined;
self.b = _b;
static __class__ = mt_gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes;
} mt_gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes.i_constructor = gif_std_haxe_io_Bytes; #endregion
#region haxe.io
function haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_getString(_d, _pos, _len) { #region
var _b = haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_buffer;
buffer_seek(_b, buffer_seek_start, 0);
while (--_len >= 0) {
buffer_write(_b, buffer_u8, _d[_pos++]);
buffer_write(_b, buffer_u8, 0);
buffer_seek(_b, buffer_seek_start, 0);
return buffer_read(_b, buffer_string);
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Input_new() { #region
self.bigEndian = false;
self.dataPos = 0;
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Input() constructor { #region
static data = undefined;
static dataPos = undefined;
static dataLen = undefined;
static bigEndian = undefined;
static readByte = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readByte);
static readUInt16 = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readUInt16);
static readBytes = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readBytes);
static readString = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readString);
method(self, haxe_io_Input_new)();
static __class__ = mt_haxe_io_Input;
} mt_haxe_io_Input.i_constructor = haxe_io_Input; #endregion
function haxe_io_Input_readByte() { #region
var _d = self.data;
return _d[self.dataPos++];
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Input_readUInt16() { #region
var _d = self.data;
var _p = self.dataPos;
var _c1 = _d[_p++];
var _c2 = _d[_p++];
self.dataPos = _p;
if (self.bigEndian) return ((_c1 << 8) | _c2); else return (_c1 | (_c2 << 8));
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Input_readBytes(_to, _pos, _len) { #region
var _start = self.dataPos;
var _avail = self.dataLen - _start;
if (_len > _avail) _len = _avail;
array_copy(_to.b, _pos, self.data, _start, _len);
self.dataPos = _start + _len;
return _len;
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Input_readString(_count) { #region
var _pos = self.dataPos;
var _data = self.data;
var _maxLen = self.dataLen - _pos;
if (_count > _maxLen) _count = _maxLen;
var _buf = haxe_io_Input_buffer;
buffer_seek(_buf, buffer_seek_start, 0);
repeat (_count) buffer_write(_buf, buffer_u8, _data[_pos++]);
buffer_write(_buf, buffer_u8, 0);
buffer_seek(_buf, buffer_seek_start, 0);
self.dataPos = _pos;
return buffer_read(_buf, buffer_string);
} #endregion
function haxe_io_BytesInput(_sourceBytes, _sourcePos, _sourceLen) constructor { #region
static data = undefined;
static dataPos = undefined;
static dataLen = undefined;
static bigEndian = undefined;
static readByte = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readByte);
static readUInt16 = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readUInt16);
static readBytes = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readBytes);
static readString = method(undefined, haxe_io_Input_readString);
_sourcePos ??= 0;
if (false) throw argument[2];
method(self, haxe_io_Input_new)();
_sourceLen ??= array_length(_sourceBytes.b) - _sourcePos;
self.data = _sourceBytes.b;
self.dataPos = _sourcePos;
self.dataLen = _sourceLen;
static __class__ = mt_haxe_io_BytesInput;
} mt_haxe_io_BytesInput.i_constructor = haxe_io_BytesInput; #endregion
function haxe_io_Output_new() { #region
self.dataLen = 32;
self.dataPos = 0;
self.data = array_create(32);
} #endregion
function haxe_io_Output() constructor { #region
static data = undefined;
static dataPos = undefined;
static dataLen = undefined;
static flush = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_flush);
static close = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_close);
static writeBytes = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_writeBytes);
method(self, haxe_io_Output_new)();
static __class__ = mt_haxe_io_Output;
} mt_haxe_io_Output.i_constructor = haxe_io_Output; #endregion
function haxe_io_Output_flush() {}
function haxe_io_Output_close() {}
function haxe_io_Output_writeBytes(_b, _pos, _len) { #region
var _bd = _b.b;
var _p0 = self.dataPos;
var _p1 = _p0 + _len;
var _d = self.data;
var _dlen = self.dataLen;
if (_p1 > _dlen) {
while (true) {
_dlen *= 2;
if (!(_p1 > _dlen)) break;
_dlen *= 2;
_d[@_dlen - 1] = 0;
self.dataLen = _dlen;
array_copy(_d, _p0, _bd, _pos, _len);
self.dataPos = _p1;
return _len;
} #endregion
function haxe_io_BytesOutput() constructor { #region
static data = undefined;
static dataPos = undefined;
static dataLen = undefined;
static flush = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_flush);
static close = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_close);
static writeBytes = method(undefined, haxe_io_Output_writeBytes);
method(self, haxe_io_Output_new)();
static __class__ = mt_haxe_io_BytesOutput;
} mt_haxe_io_BytesOutput.i_constructor = haxe_io_BytesOutput; #endregion
// Gif:
globalvar Gif_white32; Gif_white32 = -1;
// haxe.io._Bytes.BytesImpl:
globalvar haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_buffer; haxe_io__Bytes_BytesImpl_buffer = buffer_create(128, buffer_grow, 1);
// haxe.io.Input:
globalvar haxe_io_Input_buffer; haxe_io_Input_buffer = buffer_create(32, buffer_grow, 1);