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synced 2024-11-14 06:23:48 +01:00
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154 lines
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import asyncio
import logging
import disnake
from guilddata import GuildData
from disnake.ext import commands
import bcrypt
from datetime import datetime
from removequeue import RemoveQueue
def success_embed(message: str) -> disnake.Embed:
return disnake.Embed(
description=":white_check_mark: " + message,
def error_embed(message: str) -> disnake.Embed:
return disnake.Embed(
description=":x: " + message,
def warn_embed(message: str) -> disnake.Embed:
return disnake.Embed(
description=":warning: " + message,
def hash_salt_password(password: bytes) -> str:
salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
pw_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt)
return pw_hash.hex() # note: bcryprt lib stores the salt with the hash
class Bot:
logger = logging.getLogger("superuserbot")
def __init__(self, token, guild_data: GuildData, remove_queue: RemoveQueue) -> None:
intents = disnake.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
client = commands.InteractionBot(intents=intents)
self.client = client
self.data: GuildData = guild_data
self.rq = remove_queue
self.initialized = False
async def on_ready():
self.logger.info(f"Successfully logged in to Discord with username {client.user}")
self.initialized = True
description='Gives you the sudo role for a certain period of time.',
async def sudo_command(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
password: str = commands.Param(default="", name="password", description="Your password. Leave empty if you do not have a password on this guild yet."),
duration: int = commands.Param(default=5, name="duration", description="The time you receive the administrator role for in minutes.", gt=1)):
pw_bytes = password.encode('utf-8')
del password
pw_hash = self.data.get_user_password_hashsalt(inter.guild_id, inter.user.id)
pw_hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(self.data.get_user_password_hashsalt(inter.guild_id, inter.user.id))
if not pw_hash or bcrypt.checkpw(pw_bytes, pw_hash_bytes):
sudoer_role = self.data.get_guild_sudoer_role(inter.guild_id)
has_sudoer_role = any([r.id == sudoer_role for r in inter.user.roles])
if not has_sudoer_role:
await inter.response.send_message(embed=error_embed(f"<@{inter.user.id}> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."), ephemeral=True)
sudo_role_id = self.data.get_guild_role(inter.guild_id)
sudo_role = inter.guild.get_role(sudo_role_id)
if not sudo_role:
inter.response.send_message(embed=error_embed("Misconfigured sudo role. Please contact an administrator."), ephemeral=True)
await inter.user.add_roles(sudo_role)
del_time = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()) + duration
self.rq.add(del_time, inter.user.id, inter.guild_id, sudo_role_id)
await inter.response.send_message(embed=success_embed("You are now in sudo mode."), ephemeral=True)
await inter.response.send_message(embed=error_embed("Incorrect password."), ephemeral=True, delete_after=4)
description='Set your password on this guild. DO NOT use the same password elsewhere.',
async def set_password_command(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
password: str = commands.Param(default="", name="password", description="The password to set.")):
pw = self.data.get_user_password_hashsalt(inter.guild_id, inter.user.id)
sudo_role = self.data.get_guild_role(inter.guild_id)
has_sudo_role = any([r.id == sudo_role for r in inter.user.roles])
if pw and not has_sudo_role:
await inter.response.send_message(embed=warn_embed("Please enter sudo mode using `/sudo` to change your password."), ephemeral=True)
if not password.strip():
self.data.set_user_password_hash(inter.guild_id, inter.user.id, "")
await inter.response.send_message(embed=warn_embed("You have set an empty password. This is not recommended."), ephemeral=True)
pw_bytes = password.encode('utf-8')
del password
pw_hash = hash_salt_password(pw_bytes)
self.data.set_user_password_hash(inter.guild_id, inter.user.id, pw_hash)
await inter.response.send_message(embed=success_embed("Successfully set your password."), ephemeral=True)
description='Sets the sudoers role. This role allows the bearer to use `/sudo`.',
async def set_sudoers_role(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
role: disnake.Role = commands.Param(description="The sudoers rule.")):
self.data.set_guild_sudoer_role(inter.guild_id, role.id)
await inter.response.send_message(embed=success_embed(f"Set the sudoers role to **{role.name}**."))
description='Sets the sudo role. This is the role someone is given then running `/sudo`.',
async def set_sudo_role_command(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
role: disnake.Role = commands.Param(description="The role someone is given when running `/sudo`.")):
self.data.set_guild_role(inter.guild_id, role.id)
await inter.response.send_message(embed=success_embed(f"Set the sudo role to **{role.name}**."))
async def wrap():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
cur_time = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
while self.rq.get_min_time() <= cur_time and self.rq.queue:
(_, user, guild, role) = self.rq.pop()
guild = client.get_guild(guild)
if not guild: continue
user = guild.get_member(user)
if not user: continue
role = user.get_role(role)
if not role: continue
await user.remove_roles(role)