{{- /* apparmor.d - Full set of apparmor profiles */ -}} {{- /* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Alexandre Pujol <alexandre@pujol.io> */ -}} {{- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ -}} {{- define "dbus" -}} {{- template "qualifier" . -}} {{- "dbus" -}} {{- $access := "" -}} {{- if .Access -}} {{- $access = index .Access 0 -}} {{- end -}} {{- if eq $access "bind" -}} {{ " bind bus=" }}{{ .Bus }}{{ " name=" }}{{ .Name }} {{- else -}} {{- with .Access -}} {{ " " }}{{ cjoin . }} {{- end -}} {{- with .Bus -}} {{ " bus=" }}{{ . }} {{- end -}} {{- with .Path -}} {{ " path=" }}{{ . }} {{- end -}} {{- with .Interface -}} {{ "\n" }}{{ overindent "interface=" }}{{ . }} {{- end -}} {{- with .Member -}} {{ "\n" }}{{ overindent "member=" }}{{ . }} {{- end -}} {{- if and .PeerName .PeerLabel -}} {{ "\n" }}{{ overindent "peer=(name=" }}{{ .PeerName }}{{ ", label="}}{{ .PeerLabel }}{{ ")" }} {{- else -}} {{- with .PeerName -}} {{ "\n" }}{{ overindent "peer=(name=" }}{{ . }}{{ ")" }} {{- end -}} {{- with .PeerLabel -}} {{ "\n" }}{{ overindent "peer=(label=" }}{{ . }}{{ ")" }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- "," -}} {{- template "comment" . -}} {{- end -}}