.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.9 .\" .TH "aa-log" "8" "September 2024" "" "" .SH NAME aa-log \[em] Review AppArmor generated messages in a colorful way. .SH SYNOPSIS \f[B]aa-log\f[R] [\f[I]options\&...\f[R]] [\f[I]profile\f[R]] .SH DESCRIPTION Review AppArmor generated messages in a colourful way. Support logs from \f[I]auditd\f[R], \f[I]systemd\f[R], \f[I]syslog\f[R] as well as \f[I]dbus session\f[R] events. .PP It can be given an optional profile name to filter the output with. .PP It can be used to generate AppArmor rules from the logs and it therefore an alternative to \f[CR]aa-logprof(8)\f[R]. The generated rules should be manually reviewed and inserted into the profile. .PP Default logs are read from \f[CR]/var/log/audit/audit.log\f[R]. Other files in \f[CR]/var/log/audit/\f[R] can easily be checked: \f[B]aa-log -f 1\f[R] parses \f[CR]audit.log.1\f[R] .SH OPTIONS \f[B]aa-log\f[R] [\f[I]options\&...\f[R]] [\f[I]profile\f[R]] .TP [\f[I]profile\f[R]] Optional profile name to filter the output with. .TP \f[CR]--file\f[R], \f[CR]-f\f[R] Set a logfile or a suffix to the default log file. .TP \f[CR]--systemd\f[R], \f[CR]-s\f[R] Parse systemd logs from journalctl. Provides all AppArmor logs since the last boot. .TP \f[CR]--rules\f[R], \f[CR]-r\f[R] Convert the log into AppArmor rules. .TP \f[CR]--raw\f[R], \f[CR]-R\f[R] Print the raw log without any formatting. Useful for reporting logs. .TP \f[CR]--help\f[R], \f[CR]-h\f[R] Print the program usage. .SH USAGE To read the AppArmor log from \f[CR]/var/log/audit/audit.log\f[R]: .IP .EX aa-log .EE .PP To optionally filter a given profile name: \f[CR]aa-log \f[R] (your shell will autocomplete the profile name): .IP .EX $ aa-log dnsmasq DENIED dnsmasq open /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease comm=dnsmasq requested_mask=r denied_mask=r DENIED dnsmasq open /proc/1/environ comm=dnsmasq requested_mask=r denied_mask=r DENIED dnsmasq open /proc/cmdline comm=dnsmasq requested_mask=r denied_mask=r .EE .PP To generate AppArmor rule: .IP .EX $ aa-log -r dnsmasq profile dnsmasq { \[at]{PROC}/\[at]{pid}/environ r, \[at]{PROC}/cmdline r, \[at]{PROC}/sys/kernel/osrelease r, } .EE .SH SEE ALSO \f[CR]aa-logprof(8)\f[R], \f[CR]apparmor(7)\f[R], \f[CR]apparmor.d(5)\f[R], \f[CR]aa-genprof(1)\f[R], \f[CR]aa-enforce(1)\f[R], \f[CR]aa-complain(1)\f[R], \f[CR]aa-disable(1)\f[R], and https://apparmor.pujol.io. .SH AUTHORS aa-log was written by Alexandre Pujol (alexandre\[at]pujol.io).