--- title: Installation --- ## Development Install !!! warning Do **not** install this project *"manually"* (with `make`, `sudo make install`). The distribution specific packages are intended to be used in development as they include additional rule to ensure compatibility with upstream. You have been warned! See `debian/`, `PKGBUILD` and `dists/apparmor.d.spec`. === ":material-arch: Archlinux" ```sh make pkg ``` === ":material-ubuntu: Ubuntu" ```sh make dpkg ``` === ":material-debian: Debian" ```sh make dpkg ``` === ":simple-suse: openSUSE" ```sh make rpm ``` === ":material-docker: Docker" For any system with docker installed you can simply build the package with: ```sh make package dist=<distribution> ``` Then you can install the package with `dpkg`, `pacman` or `rpm`. ## Profile flags Flags for all profiles in this project are tracked under the [`dists/flags`](https://github.com/roddhjav/apparmor.d/tree/main/dists/flags) directory. It is used for profile that are not considered stable. Files in this directory should respect the following format: `<profile> <flags>`, flags should be comma separated. For instance, to move `adb` in complain mode, edit **[`dists/flags/main.flags`](https://github.com/roddhjav/apparmor.d/blob/main/dists/flags/main.flags)** and add the following line: ```sh adb complain ``` Beware, flags defined in this file overwrite flags in the profile. So you may need to add other flags. Example for `gnome-shell`: ```sh gnome-shell attach_disconnected,mediate_deleted,complain ``` ## Ignore profiles It can be handy to not install a profile for a given distribution. Profiles and directories to ignore are tracked under the [`dists/ignore`](https://github.com/roddhjav/apparmor.d/tree/main/dists/ignore) directory. Files in this directory should respect the following format: `<profile or path>`. One ignore by line. It can be a profile name or a directory to ignore (relative to the project root).