#cloud-config # Based on https://github.com/canonical/autoinstall-desktop hostname: ${hostname} locale: en_IE keyboard: layout: ie ssh_pwauth: true users: - name: ${username} plain_text_passwd: ${password} shell: /bin/bash ssh_authorized_keys: - ${ssh_key} lock_passwd: false sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL package_update: true package_upgrade: true package_reboot_if_required: false packages: - ubuntu-desktop - linux-generic-hwe-22.04 - qemu-guest-agent - spice-vdagent - terminator - apparmor-profiles - build-essential - config-package-dev - debhelper - devscripts - golang-go - rsync snap: commands: - install firefox - install gtk-common-themes - install snap-store - install snapd-desktop-integration runcmd: # Let NetworkManager handle network - rm /etc/netplan/* - >- printf "network:\n version: 2\n renderer: NetworkManager" > /etc/netplan/01-network-manager.yaml # Remove default filesystem and related tools not used with the suggested # storage layout. These may yet be required if different partitioning schemes # are used. - apt-get -y remove btrfs-progs cryptsetup* lvm2 xfsprogs # Remove other packages present by default in Ubuntu Server but not # normally present in Ubuntu Desktop. - >- apt-get -y remove ubuntu-server ubuntu-server-minimal binutils byobu curl dmeventd finalrd gawk kpartx mdadm ncurses-term needrestart open-iscsi sg3-utils ssh-import-id sssd thin-provisioning-tools tmux sosreport screen open-vm-tools motd-news-config lxd-agent-loader landscape-common fonts-ubuntu-console ethtool # Keep cloud-init, as it performs some of the installation on first boot. - apt-get -y install cloud-init # Finally, remove things only installed as dependencies of other things # we have already removed. - apt-get -y autoremove