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// apparmor.d - Full set of apparmor profiles
// Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Alexandre Pujol <alexandre@pujol.io>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
package prebuild
import (
// Build the profiles with the following directive applied
var (
Directives = []DirectiveFunc{
DirectiveMsg = map[string]string{
"DirectiveDbus": "DBus directive applied",
"DirectiveStack": "Stack directive applied",
var (
regDbus = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m) # dbus: (.*)$`)
regStack = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m) # stack: (.*)$`)
regRules = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^profile.*{$((.|\n)*)}`)
regEndOfRules = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)([\t ]*include if exists <.*>\n)+}`)
regCleanStakedRules = util.ToRegexRepl([]string{
`(?m)^.*include <abstractions/base>.*$`, ``,
`(?m)^.*@{exec_path}.*$`, ``,
`(?m)^.*(|P|p)(|U|u)(|i)x,.*$`, ``,
`(?m)^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n))+`, ``,
type DirectiveFunc func(*paths.Path, string) string
// Apply dbus directive
// Example of supported dbus directive:
// # dbus: own bus=session name=org.freedesktop.FileManager1
// # dbus: talk name=org.freedesktop.login1 label=systemd-logind
func DirectiveDbus(file *paths.Path, profile string) string {
var p *aa.AppArmorProfile
for _, match := range regDbus.FindAllStringSubmatch(profile, -1) {
origin := match[0]
rules := map[string]string{}
fields := strings.Fields(match[1])
action, fields := fields[0], fields[1:]
for _, t := range fields {
tmp := strings.Split(t, "=")
rules[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
rules = sanitizeDbusRule(file, action, rules)
switch action {
case "own":
p = dbusOwn(rules)
case "talk":
p = dbusTalk(rules)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown dbus directive: %s in %s", action, file))
generatedDbus := p.String()
lenDbus := len(generatedDbus)
generatedDbus = generatedDbus[:lenDbus-1]
profile = strings.Replace(profile, origin, generatedDbus, -1)
return profile
func sanitizeDbusRule(file *paths.Path, action string, rules map[string]string) map[string]string {
// Sanity check
if _, present := rules["name"]; !present {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Missing name for 'dbus: %s' in %s", action, file))
if _, present := rules["bus"]; !present {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Missing bus for '%s' in %s", rules["name"], file))
if _, present := rules["label"]; !present && action == "talk" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Missing label for '%s' in %s", rules["name"], file))
// Set default values
if _, present := rules["path"]; !present {
rules["path"] = "/" + strings.Replace(rules["name"], ".", "/", -1) + "{,/**}"
if _, present := rules["interface"]; !present {
rules["interface"] = "org.freedesktop.DBus.{Properties,ObjectManager}"
rules["name"] += "{,.*}"
return rules
func dbusOwn(rules map[string]string) *aa.AppArmorProfile {
interfaces := []string{rules["name"], rules["interface"]}
p := &aa.AppArmorProfile{}
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "bind", Bus: rules["bus"], Name: rules["name"],
for _, iface := range interfaces {
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "receive",
Bus: rules["bus"],
Path: rules["path"],
Interface: iface,
Name: `":1.@{int}"`,
for _, iface := range interfaces {
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "send",
Bus: rules["bus"],
Path: rules["path"],
Interface: iface,
Name: `"{:1.@{int},org.freedesktop.DBus}"`,
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "receive",
Bus: rules["bus"],
Path: rules["path"],
Interface: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable",
Member: "Introspect",
Name: `":1.@{int}"`,
return p
func dbusTalk(rules map[string]string) *aa.AppArmorProfile {
interfaces := []string{rules["name"], rules["interface"]}
p := &aa.AppArmorProfile{}
for _, iface := range interfaces {
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "send",
Bus: rules["bus"],
Path: rules["path"],
Interface: iface,
Name: `"{:1.@{int},` + rules["name"] + `}"`,
Label: rules["label"],
for _, iface := range interfaces {
p.Rules = append(p.Rules, &aa.Dbus{
Access: "receive",
Bus: rules["bus"],
Path: rules["path"],
Interface: iface,
Name: `"{:1.@{int},` + rules["name"] + `}"`,
Label: rules["label"],
return p
// Apply stack directive
// The stacked profiles are appended at the end of the current profile.
// Arguments: list of profiles to stack on the current profile
// Example of supported dbus directive:
// # stack: pipewire pipewire-media-session
func DirectiveStack(file *paths.Path, profile string) string {
for _, match := range regStack.FindAllStringSubmatch(profile, -1) {
res := ""
origin := match[0]
profilesToStack := strings.Fields(match[1])
for _, name := range profilesToStack {
tmp, err := RootApparmord.Join(name).ReadFile()
if err != nil {
stackedProfile := string(tmp)
m := regRules.FindStringSubmatch(stackedProfile)
if len(m) < 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No profile found in %s", name))
stackedRules := m[1]
stackedRules = regCleanStakedRules.Replace(stackedRules)
res += " # Stacked profile: " + name + "\n" + stackedRules + "\n"
// Insert the stacked profile at the end of the current profile, remove the stack directive
m := regEndOfRules.FindStringSubmatch(profile)
if len(m) <= 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No end of rules found in %s", file))
profile = strings.Replace(profile, m[0], res+m[0], -1)
profile = strings.Replace(profile, origin, "", -1)
return profile