
1057 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc.
# To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail,
# you may find current contact information at
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;
use Fcntl;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX 'setsid';
use Time::Local;
use File::Tail;
use Immunix::Severity;
# locations
my $productname = "apparmor";
my $cfgdir = "/etc/$productname";
my $dbdir = "/var/log/$productname";
my $cfgfile = "$cfgdir/notify.cfg";
my $errlog = "$dbdir/event-dispatch.log";
my $logfile = "/var/log/audit/audit.log";
my $syslogfile = "/var/log/messages";
# options variables
my $pidfile = '';
'pidfile|p=s' => \$pidfile
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $config;
my $verbose = { last_notify => 0 };
my $summary = { last_notify => 0 };
my $terse = { last_notify => 0 };
# we don't want to call str2time on every line and also batch up event dbs
# a month at a time, so we need to keep track of a few extra things
my $timestamp = 0;
my $lasttime = "";
my $counter = 0;
my $thismonth = 0;
my $nextmonth = 0;
# pop open a connection to the severity database
my $sevdb = new Immunix::Severity("$cfgdir/severity.db", -1);
my $REdate = '\w{3}\s+\d+\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}';
my $last_inserted_time;
my $last_inserted_counter;
# commit how often?
my $timeout = 5;
# keep track of when we commited last
my $last_flush_time = 0;
# keep track of some statistics
my $max = 0;
my $inserts = 0;
my $total = 0;
my @commit_buffer;
my @verbose_buffer;
my @summary_buffer;
my @terse_buffer;
my $date_module = "None";
my %templates = (
"path" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,mode,resource,prog,pid,severity) VALUES(?,?,'path',?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
"link" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,resource,target,prog,pid,severity) VALUES(?,?,'link',?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
"chattr" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,resource,mode,prog,pid,severity) VALUES(?,?,'chattr',?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
"capability" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,resource,prog,pid,severity) VALUES(?,?,'capability',?,?,?,?,?,?)",
"unknown_hat" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,resource,pid) VALUES(?,?,'unknown_hat',?,?,?,?)",
"fork" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,pid,resource) VALUES(?,?,'fork',?,?,?,?)",
"changing_profile" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,pid) VALUES(?,?,'changing_profile',?,?,?)",
"profile_replacement" => "(time,counter,type,profile,sdmode,prog,pid,severity) VALUES(?,?,'profile_replacement',?,?,?,?,?)",
"removed" => "(time,counter,type,severity) VALUES(?,?,'removed',?)",
"initialized" => "(time,counter,type,resource,severity) VALUES(?,?,'initialized',?,?)",
"ctrl_var" => "(time,counter,type,resource,mode,severity) VALUES(?,?,'ctrl_var',?,?,?)",
# generic functions
sub errlog ($) {
my $mesg = shift;
my $localtime = localtime(time);
print ERRLOG "[$localtime] $mesg\n";
sub readconfig () {
my $cfg = { };
# record when we read the config file
$cfg->{load_time} = time;
if(open(CFG, $cfgfile)) {
# yank in the values we need
while (<CFG>) {
$cfg->{$1} = $2 if /^(\S+)\s+(.+)\s*$/;
return $cfg;
sub daemonize {
chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
exit if $pid;
setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
sub parsedate ($) {
my $time = shift;
my $timestamp = 0;
if ($date_module eq 'TimeDate') {
$timestamp = Date::Parse::str2time($time);
} elsif ($date_module eq 'DateManip') {
$timestamp = Date::Manip::UnixDate(Date::Manip::ParseDateString($time), '%s');
} else {
errlog "No date module found, exiing";
kill HUP => -$$;
return $timestamp;
# database handling functions
sub connect_database ($) {
my $dbdir = shift;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbdir/events.db","","");
# we'll do the commits ourselves so performance doesn't suck
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
# bump up our cache size a little
$dbh->do("PRAGMA cache_size = 20000;");
# figure out if the tables already exist or not
my %existing_tables;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;");
while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$existing_tables{$row[0]} = 1;
# create the info table and fill in the appropriate values for this db
unless($existing_tables{info}) {
my $host = `hostname -f`;
chomp $host;
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE info (name,value)");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO info(name,value) VALUES(?,?)");
$sth->execute("version", "0.1");
$sth->execute("host", "$host");
# create the events table
unless($existing_tables{events}) {
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE events (
severity INTEGER
# set up the indexes we want
my @indexes = qw(time type sdmode mode resource profile prog severity);
for my $index (@indexes) {
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX " . $index . "_idx ON events($index)");
# make sure our changes actually get saved
$dbh->commit || errlog "Error commiting changes: $!";
# mark the db as up to date as of now
$last_flush_time = time;
return $dbh;
sub verbose_notify_handler {
my ($email, $file, $last, $level, $unknown) = @_;
$last = localtime($last);
my $now = time;
my $host = `hostname -f`;
chomp $host;
my $subj = "Verbose Security Report for $host.";
my $mesg = "The following security events occured since $last:\n\n";
my @events;
if(open(V, $file)) {
while(<V>) {
if(/^(\d+) (\d+) (.+)$/) {
my ($timestamp, $counter, $logmsg) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @events, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
$mesg .= "$logmsg\n";
if(@events) {
if($DEBUG) {
my $count = scalar @events;
errlog "[$count events] sending verbose notification to $email.";
# actually send out the notification...
open(MAIL, "| sendmail -F 'AppArmor Security Notification' $email");
print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n\n";
print MAIL "$mesg\n";
print MAIL ".\n";
# delete the verbose notification logfile once we've processed it
sub summary_notify_handler {
my ($email, $file, $last, $level, $unknown) = @_;
$last = localtime($last);
my $now = time;
my $host = `hostname -f`;
chomp $host;
my $subj = "Summary Security Report for $host.";
my $mesg = "The following security events occured since $last:\n\n";
my @events;
if(open(V, $file)) {
while(<V>) {
if(/^(\d+) (\d+) (.+)$/) {
my ($timestamp, $counter, $logmsg) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @events, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
$mesg .= "$logmsg\n";
if(@events) {
if($DEBUG) {
my $count = scalar @events;
errlog "[$count events] sending summary notification to $email.";
# actually send out the notification...
open(MAIL, "| sendmail -F 'AppArmor Security Notification' $email");
print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n\n";
print MAIL "$mesg\n";
print MAIL ".\n";
# delete the verbose notification logfile once we've processed it
sub terse_notify_handler {
my ($email, $file, $last, $level, $unknown) = @_;
$last = localtime($last);
my $now = time;
my $host = `hostname -f`;
chomp $host;
my @events;
my $count = 0;
if(open(V, $file)) {
while(<V>) {
if(/^(\d+) (\d+) (.+)$/) {
my ($timestamp, $counter, $logmsg) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @events, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
if($count) {
if($DEBUG) {
errlog "[$count events] sending terse notification to $email.";
my $subj = "Security Report for $host.";
my $mesg = "$host has had $count security events since $last.";
# actually send out the notification...
open(MAIL, "| sendmail -F 'AppArmor Security Notification' $email");
print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n\n";
print MAIL "$mesg\n";
print MAIL ".\n";
# delete the terse notification logfile once we've processed it
sub fork_into_background {
my ($name, $func, @args) = @_;
my $pid = fork;
if(not defined $pid) {
# something bad happened, just log it...
errlog "couldn't fork for \"$name\": $!"
} elsif($pid == 0) {
# we're in the child process now...
# set our process name
$0 = $name;
# call our subroutine
my $ret = &$func(@args);
return $pid;
sub process_event ($$) {
my $dbh = shift;
my $logmsg = shift;
my $sth;
my ($time, $mesg);
if($logmsg =~ /^(?:type=(?:APPARMOR|UNKNOWN\[1500\]) msg=|$REdate\s+\S+\s+(?:kernel:\s+)*)audit\((\d+).\d+:\d+\): (.+)$/) {
($time, $mesg) = ($1, $2);
# have we rolled over to another second yet?
if($time ne $lasttime) {
$counter = 0;
$timestamp = $time;
$lasttime = $time;
} elsif ($logmsg =~ /^\s*($REdate)\s+\S+\s+(?:kernel:\s+)*(SubDomain|AppArmor):\s+(.+)$/) {
($time, $mesg) = ($1, $3);
# have we rolled over to another second yet?
if($time ne $lasttime) {
$counter = 0;
$timestamp = parsedate($time);
$lasttime = $time;
} else {
# not one of ours, just return
# some statistics...
$max = $counter if $counter > $max;
# if we already have events in the db, make sure we don't try to re-enter
# duplicates if we start up again and parse the same logfile over again
if($last_inserted_time) {
return if $timestamp < $last_inserted_time;
if($timestamp == $last_inserted_time) {
return if $counter <= $last_inserted_counter;
$last_inserted_time = undef;
# workaround for syslog uglyness.
$mesg =~ s/%%/%/g;
if($mesg =~ /(PERMITTING|REJECTING|AUDITING) (\S+) access to (.+?) \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $mode, $resource, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank($resource, $mode);
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "path", $prog, $mode, $resource ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "dummy" ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "path", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $mode, $resource, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(PERMITTING|REJECTING|AUDITING) link access from (.+?) to (.+?) \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $link, $target, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank($target, "l");
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "link", $prog, $link, $target ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "link", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $link, $target, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(PERMITTING|REJECTING|AUDITING) attribute \((\S*)\) change to (.+)? \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $attrch, $resource, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank($resource, "w");
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "attrch", $prog, $resource, $attrch ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "chattr", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $resource, $attrch, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) (?:mk|rm)dir on (.+) \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $resource, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $mode = "w";
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank($resource, $mode);
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "path", $prog, $mode, $resource ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "dummy" ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "path", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $mode, $resource, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif(/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) xattr (\S+) on (.+) \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $xattr_op, $resource, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $mode;
if($xattr_op eq "get" || $xattr_op eq "list") {
$mode = "r";
} elsif($xattr_op eq "set" || $xattr_op eq "remove") {
$mode = "w";
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank($resource, $mode);
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "path", $prog, $mode, $resource ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "dummy" ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "path", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $mode, $resource, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(PERMITTING|REJECTING|AUDITING) access to capability '(.+?)' \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $capability, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $severity = "";
if($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
$severity = $sevdb->rank(uc("cap_$capability"));
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "capability", $prog, $capability ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "capability", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $capability, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /LOGPROF-HINT unknown_hat (\S+) pid=(\d+) profile=(\S+) active=(\S+)/) {
my ($uhat, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
push @commit_buffer, [ "unknown_hat", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, "PERMITTING", $uhat, $pid ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /LOGPROF-HINT fork pid=(\d+) child=(\d+) profile=(\S+) active=(\S+)/) {
my ($pid, $child, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
push @commit_buffer, [ "fork", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, "PERMITTING", $pid, $child ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /LOGPROF-HINT changing_profile pid=(\d+) newprofile=(\S+)/) {
my ($pid, $newprofile) = ($1, $2);
push @commit_buffer, [ "changing_profile", $timestamp, $counter, $newprofile, "PERMITTING", $pid ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /LOGPROF-HINT fork pid=(\d+) child=(\d+)/) {
my ($pid, $child) = ($1, $2);
push @commit_buffer, [ "fork", $timestamp, $counter, "null-complain-profile", "PERMITTING", $pid, $child ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /LOGPROF-HINT changing_profile pid=(\d+)/) {
my $pid = $1;
push @commit_buffer, [ "changing_profile", $timestamp, $counter, "null-complain-profile", "PERMITTING", $pid ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(PERMITTING|REJECTING|AUDITING) access to profile replacement \((\S+)\((\d+)\) profile (\S+) active (\S+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$profile .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
my $severity = 10;
# we only do notification for enforce mode events
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{verbose_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{verbose_unknown})) {
push @verbose_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, $logmsg ];
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{summary_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{summary_unknown})) {
push @summary_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter, "profile_replacement", $prog ];
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($severity >= $config->{terse_level}) ||
(($severity == -1) && $config->{terse_unknown})) {
push @terse_buffer, [ $timestamp, $counter ];
push @commit_buffer, [ "profile_replacement", $timestamp, $counter, $profile, $sdmode, $prog, $pid, $severity ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(SubDomain|AppArmor) protection removed/) {
push @commit_buffer, [ "removed", $timestamp, $counter, 10 ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /(SubDomain|AppArmor) \(version (\S+)\) initialized/) {
my $version = $1;
push @commit_buffer, [ "initialized", $timestamp, $counter, $version, 10 ];
} elsif($mesg =~ /Control variable '(\S+)' changed to (\S+)/) {
my ($variable, $value) = ($1, $2);
push @commit_buffer, [ "ctrl_var", $timestamp, $counter, $variable, $value, 10 ];
} else {
errlog "Unhandled log message: $logmsg";
sub dump_events {
my ($which, @events) = @_;
if($DEBUG) {
my $count = scalar @events;
errlog "dumping $count events to $which db.";
if(open(F, ">>$dbdir/$which.db")) {
for my $event (@events) {
my @event = @$event;
print F "@event\n";
} else {
errlog "can't write to $dbdir/$which.db: $!";
sub check_timers ($) {
my $dbh = shift;
# what time is it right... NOW
my $now = time;
# make sure we commit periodically
if(($inserts > 10000) || ($now >= ($last_flush_time + $timeout))) {
my $last_prepare = "";
my $sth;
for my $event ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @commit_buffer ) {
my @event = @{$event};
my $type = shift @event;
if($type ne $last_prepare) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO events $templates{$type};");
$last_prepare = $type;
$dbh->commit || errlog "Error commiting changes: $!";
# need to get the time again to include how much time it takes to
# actually write all this crap to the db
$now = time;
if($DEBUG && $inserts) {
$total += $inserts;
my $delta = $now - $last_flush_time;
my $rate = int($inserts / $delta);
errlog "$rate/s $inserts in ${delta}s total=$total max=$max";
$last_flush_time = $now;
@commit_buffer = ( );
$max = 0;
$inserts = 0;
if(@verbose_buffer) {
# if we've got verbose events, dump them
dump_events("verbose", @verbose_buffer);
# and clear out our buffer
@verbose_buffer = ( );
if(@terse_buffer) {
# if we've got terse events, dump them
dump_events("terse", @terse_buffer);
# and clear out our buffer
@terse_buffer = ( );
# bail out if we don't have notification configured
return unless -f $cfgfile;
# what time did we last read the config file?
my $load_time = $config->{load_time};
# check when the config file was last modified...
my $mtime = (stat($cfgfile))[9];
# if it's been changed since we last read the config file, we need to
# load the new settings
if($load_time < $mtime) {
errlog "Reloading changed config file.";
$config = readconfig();
# bail out if we don't have notification configured
return unless -f $cfgfile;
if($config->{terse_freq}) {
if(($terse->{last_notify} + $config->{terse_freq}) <= $now) {
if(-f "$dbdir/terse.db") {
$DEBUG && errlog "doing terse notification...";
# get a temporary filename...
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("terseXXXXXX", DIR => $dbdir);
# overwrite the temp file we just created...
rename("$dbdir/terse.db", $filename);
if($DEBUG) {
errlog "terse file is $filename";
# do the actual notification in the background
# ...keep track of when we last sent out a notify
$terse->{last_notify} = $now;
if($config->{summary_freq}) {
if(($summary->{last_notify} + $config->{summary_freq}) <= $now) {
if(-f "$dbdir/summary.db") {
$DEBUG && errlog "doing summary notification...";
# get a temporary filename...
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("summaryXXXXXX", DIR => $dbdir);
# overwrite the temp file we just created...
rename("$dbdir/summary.db", $filename);
# do the actual notification in the background
# ...keep track of when we last sent out a notify
$summary->{last_notify} = $now;
if($config->{verbose_freq}) {
if(($verbose->{last_notify} + $config->{verbose_freq}) <= $now) {
if(-f "$dbdir/verbose.db") {
$DEBUG && errlog "doing verbose notification...";
# get a temporary filename...
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("verboseXXXXXX", DIR => $dbdir);
# overwrite the temp file we just created...
rename("$dbdir/verbose.db", $filename);
if($DEBUG) {
errlog "verbose file is $filename";
# do the actual notification in the background
# ...keep track of when we last sent out a notify
$verbose->{last_notify} = $now;
sub get_last_event {
my $dbh = shift;
my ($time, $counter);
# get the oldest timestamp...
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(time) FROM events');
my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array || ( 0 );
$time = $row[0];
if($time) {
# get the highest counter for this timestamp...
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(counter) FROM events WHERE time = $time");
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array || ( 0 );
$counter = $row[0];
return ($time, $counter);
# start the real magic...
my $finished;
# make sure we exit if someone sends us the right signal
sub sig_handler {
my $signame = shift;
errlog("Caught signal '$signame'. Exiting...");
$finished = 1;
# set up our error log without buffering
open(ERRLOG, ">>$dbdir/event-dispatch.log");
my $oldfd = select(ERRLOG); $| = 1; select($oldfd);
errlog "Starting...";
$config = readconfig();
# fork off into the background. we need to do this before we connect to
# the db, otherwise, we'll get an ugly error about rolling back a
# connection that's being destroyed
# automagically reap child processes
$SIG{INT} = \&sig_handler;
$SIG{TERM} = \&sig_handler;
# Sigh, portable dates in perl sucks
eval "use Date::Parse";
if (!$@) {
$date_module = 'TimeDate'
} else {
eval "use Date::Manip";
if (!$@) {
$date_module = 'DateManip'
} else {
errlog "Unable to load Date module; use either TimeDate or Date::Manip";
$finished = 1;
# if they want us to write a pid, do it
if($pidfile) {
if(open(PIDFILE, ">$pidfile")) {
print PIDFILE "$$\n";
my $dbh = connect_database($dbdir);
($last_inserted_time, $last_inserted_counter) = get_last_event($dbh);
my $auditlog=File::Tail->new(name=>$logfile, debug=>1, tail=>-1, interval=>1, maxinterval=>5, adjustafter=>20, errmode=>"return", ignore_noexistant=>1);
my $syslog=File::Tail->new(name=>$syslogfile, debug=>1, tail=>-1, interval=>1, maxinterval=>5, adjustafter=>20, errmode=>"return", ignore_noexistant=>1);
my $line = '';
# process complete lines from the buffer...
while (not $finished) {
my ($nfound, $timeleft, @pending) =
File::Tail::select(undef, undef, undef, $timeout, ($auditlog, $syslog));
foreach(@pending) {
process_event($dbh, $_->read);
# see if we should flush pending entries to disk and/or do notification
# make sure we don't exit with any pending events not written to the db
$dbh->commit || errlog "Error commiting changes: $!";
$dbh->disconnect || errlog "Error disconnecting from db: $!";
# close our error/debugging log file
unlink($pidfile) if $pidfile;
exit 0;