2015-10-11 20:19:35 +02:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
import re
2015-12-09 23:19:57 +01:00
from apparmor.common import convert_regexp, AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
from apparmor.aare import AARE, convert_expression_to_aare
2015-10-11 20:19:35 +02:00
class TestConvert_regexp(AATest):
tests = [
('/foo', '^/foo$'),
('/{foo,bar}', '^/(foo|bar)$'),
# ('/\{foo,bar}', '^/\{foo,bar}$'), # XXX gets converted to ^/\(foo|bar)$
('/fo[abc]', '^/fo[abc]$'),
('/foo bar', '^/foo bar$'),
('/x\y', '^/x\y$'),
('/x\[y', '^/x\[y$'),
('/x\\y', '^/x\\y$'),
('/fo?', '^/fo[^/\000]$'),
('/foo/*', '^/foo/(((?<=/)[^/\000]+)|((?<!/)[^/\000]*))$'),
('/foo/**.bar', '^/foo/(((?<=/)[^\000]+)|((?<!/)[^\000]*))\.bar$'),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.assertEqual(convert_regexp(params), expected)
2015-12-09 23:19:57 +01:00
class Test_convert_expression_to_aare(AATest):
tests = [
# note that \ always needs to be escaped in python, so \\ is actually just \ in the string
('/foo', '/foo' ),
('/foo?', '/foo\\?' ),
('/foo*', '/foo\\*' ),
('/foo[bar]', '/foo\\[bar\\]' ),
('/foo{bar}', '/foo\\{bar\\}' ),
('/foo{', '/foo\\{' ),
('/foo\\', '/foo\\\\' ),
('/foo"', '/foo\\"' ),
('}]"\\[{', '\\}\\]\\"\\\\\\[\\{' ),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.assertEqual(convert_expression_to_aare(params), expected)
class TestConvert_regexpAndAAREMatch(AATest):
2015-10-11 20:19:35 +02:00
tests = [
# aare path to check match expected?
(['/foo/**/bar/', '/foo/user/tools/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/**/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/**/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/bar' ], False),
(['/foo/**/bar/', '/a/foo/apparmor/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/**/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/bar/baz' ], False),
(['/foo/*/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/*/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/tools/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/*/bar/', '/foo/apparmor/bar' ], False),
(['/foo/user/ba?/', '/foo/user/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/user/ba?/', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/' ], False),
(['/foo/user/ba?/', '/foo/user/ba/' ], False),
(['/foo/user/ba?/', '/foo/user/ba//' ], False),
(['/foo/user/bar/**', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor' ], True),
(['/foo/user/bar/**', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools' ], True),
(['/foo/user/bar/**', '/foo/user/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/user/bar/*', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor' ], True),
(['/foo/user/bar/*', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools' ], False),
(['/foo/user/bar/*', '/foo/user/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/user/bar/*', '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/bar/baz/foobar.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/bar/foobar.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/bar/*.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/bar.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/**.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/*.jpg' ], True),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/barjpg' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/.*' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/bar.jpg' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/**.jpg' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/*.jpg' ], False),
(['/foo/**.jpg', '/foo/*.bar' ], False),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/foo/' ], True),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/foo/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/foo/bar/baz' ], True),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/foo/bar/baz/' ], True),
(['/foo/{**,}', '/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/foo/' ], True),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/foo/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/foo/bar/baz' ], True),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/foo/bar/baz/' ], True),
(['/foo/{,**}', '/bar/' ], False),
2015-10-14 13:03:16 +02:00
(['/foo/a[bcd]e', '/foo/abe' ], True),
(['/foo/a[bcd]e', '/foo/abend' ], False),
(['/foo/a[bcd]e', '/foo/axe' ], False),
(['/foo/a[b-d]e', '/foo/abe' ], True),
(['/foo/a[b-d]e', '/foo/ace' ], True),
(['/foo/a[b-d]e', '/foo/abend' ], False),
(['/foo/a[b-d]e', '/foo/axe' ], False),
(['/foo/a[^bcd]e', '/foo/abe' ], False),
(['/foo/a[^bcd]e', '/foo/abend' ], False),
(['/foo/a[^bcd]e', '/foo/axe' ], True),
2015-10-11 20:19:35 +02:00
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/', '/foo/user/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/', '/foo/bar/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/', '/foo/wrong/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/', '/foo/user/test,ca}se/aa/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/', '/foo/bar/test,ca}se/sd/bar/' ], True),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/', '/foo/wrong/user/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/', '/foo/user/wrong/bar/' ], False),
(['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/', '/foo/wrong/aa/bar/' ], False),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
regex, path = params
parsed_regex = re.compile(convert_regexp(regex))
self.assertEqual(bool(parsed_regex.search(path)), expected, 'Incorrectly Parsed regex: %s' %regex)
2015-12-09 23:19:57 +01:00
aare_obj = AARE(regex, True)
self.assertEqual(aare_obj.match(path), expected, 'Incorrectly parsed AARE object: %s' % regex)
def test_multi_usage(self):
aare_obj = AARE('/foo/*', True)
def test_match_against_AARE_1(self):
aare_obj_1 = AARE('@{foo}/[a-d]**', True)
aare_obj_2 = AARE('@{foo}/[a-d]**', True)
def test_match_against_AARE_2(self):
aare_obj_1 = AARE('@{foo}/[a-d]**', True)
aare_obj_2 = AARE('@{foo}/*[a-d]*', True)
def test_match_invalid_1(self):
aare_obj = AARE('@{foo}/[a-d]**', True)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
class TestAAREMatchFromLog(AATest):
tests = [
# AARE log event match expected?
(['/foo/bar', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/foo/*', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/**', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/foo/*', '/bar/foo' ], False),
(['/foo/*', '/foo/"*' ], True),
(['/foo/bar', '/foo/*' ], False),
(['/foo/?', '/foo/(' ], True),
(['/foo/{bar,baz}', '/foo/bar' ], True),
(['/foo/{bar,baz}', '/foo/bars' ], False),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
regex, log_event = params
aare_obj_1 = AARE(regex, True)
aare_obj_2 = AARE(log_event, True, log_event=True)
self.assertEqual(aare_obj_1.match(aare_obj_2), expected)
class TestAAREIsEqual(AATest):
tests = [
# regex is path? check for expected
(['/foo', True, '/foo' ], True ),
(['@{foo}', True, '@{foo}' ], True ),
(['/**', True, '/foo' ], False),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
regex, is_path, check_for = params
aare_obj_1 = AARE(regex, is_path)
aare_obj_2 = AARE(check_for, is_path)
self.assertEqual(expected, aare_obj_1.is_equal(check_for))
self.assertEqual(expected, aare_obj_1.is_equal(aare_obj_2))
def test_is_equal_invalid_1(self):
aare_obj = AARE('/foo/**', True)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
class TestAAREIsPath(AATest):
tests = [
# regex is path? match for expected
(['/foo*', True, '/foobar' ], True ),
(['@{PROC}/', True, '/foobar' ], False),
(['foo*', False, 'foobar' ], True ),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
regex, is_path, check_for = params
aare_obj = AARE(regex, is_path)
self.assertEqual(expected, aare_obj.match(check_for))
def test_path_missing_slash(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
AARE('foo*', True)
class TestAARERepr(AATest):
def test_repr(self):
obj = AARE('/foo', True)
self.assertEqual(str(obj), "AARE('/foo')")
2015-10-11 20:19:35 +02:00
if __name__ == '__main__':