UI_Important("Can't find subdomain profiles in $profiledir.");
exit 1;
# read the settings in /etc/logprof.conf
# what are we profiling?
my @profiling = @ARGV;
unless(@profiling) {
@profiling = ( UI_GetString(gettext("Please enter the program to switch to enforce mode: "), "") );
for my $profiling (@profiling) {
next unless $profiling;
my $fqdbin;
if(-e $profiling) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($profiling);
} else {
if($profiling !~ /\//) {
my $which = which($profiling);
if($which) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($which);
if(-e $fqdbin) {
my $filename;
if($fqdbin =~ /^$profiledir\//) {
$filename = $fqdbin;
} else {
$filename = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
# argh, skip directories
next unless -f $filename;
# skip rpm backup files
next if $filename =~ /\.rpm(save|new)$/;
printf(gettext('Setting %s to enforce mode.'), $fqdbin);
print "\n";
setprofileflags($filename, "");
system("cat $filename | $parser -I$profiledir -r >/dev/null 2>&1") if check_for_subdomain();
} else {
if($profiling =~ /^[^\/]+$/) {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Can\'t find %s in the system path list. If the name of the application is correct, please run \'which %s\' as a user with the correct PATH environment set up in order to find the fully-qualified path.'), $profiling, $profiling));
exit 1;
} else {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('%s does not exist, please double-check the path.'). $profiling));
exit 1;
exit 0;
sub usage {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext("usage: \%s [ -d /path/to/profiles ] [ program to switch to enforce mode ]"), $0));