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# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc.
# To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail,
# you may find current contact information at
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
package Immunix::SubDomain;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Cwd qw(cwd realpath);
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
use Locale::gettext;
use POSIX;
use Immunix::Severity;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(%sd $filename $profiledir $parser %qualifiers %include %helpers $UI_Mode which getprofilefilename getprofileflags setprofileflags complain enforce autodep reload UI_GetString UI_GetFile UI_YesNo UI_Important UI_Info getkey do_logprof_pass readconfig loadincludes check_for_subdomain UI_PromptUser $running_under_genprof GetDataFromYast SendDataToYast setup_yast shutdown_yast readprofile readprofiles writeprofile get_full_path fatal_error);
no warnings 'all';
our $confdir = "/etc/apparmor";
our $running_under_genprof = 0;
our $finishing = 0;
our $unimplemented_warning = 0;
# keep track of if we're running under yast or not - default to text mode
our $UI_Mode = "text";
our $sevdb;
# initialize Term::ReadLine if it's available
our $term;
eval {
require Term::ReadLine;
import Term::ReadLine;
$term = new Term::ReadLine 'AppArmor';
# initialize the local poo
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
# where do we get our log messages from?
our $filename;
if(-f "/var/log/audit/audit.log") {
$filename = "/var/log/audit/audit.log";
} elsif(-f "/etc/slackware-version") {
$filename = "/var/log/syslog";
} else {
$filename = "/var/log/messages";
our $profiledir = "/etc/apparmor.d";
# we keep track of the included profile fragments with %include
my %include;
my %existing_profiles;
our $ldd = "/usr/bin/ldd";
our $parser = "/sbin/subdomain_parser";
$parser = "/sbin/apparmor_parser" if -f "/sbin/apparmor_parser";
our $seenevents = 0;
# behaviour tweaking
our %qualifiers;
our %required_hats;
our %defaulthat;
our %globmap;
# these are globs that the user specifically entered. we'll keep track of
# them so that if one later matches, we'll suggest it again.
our @userglobs;
our %t;
our %transitions;
our %sd; # we keep track of the original profiles in %sd
my %seen;
my %profilechanges;
my %prelog;
my %log;
my %changed;
my %skip;
our %helpers; # we want to preserve this one between passes
my %variables; # variables in config files
sub debug ($) {
my $message = shift;
print DEBUG "$message\n" if $DEBUGGING;
use POSIX qw(:termios_h);
my ($term, $oterm, $echo, $noecho, $fd_stdin);
$fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN);
$term = POSIX::Termios->new();
$oterm = $term->getlflag();
$echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON;
$noecho = $oterm & ~$echo;
sub cbreak {
$term->setcc(VTIME, 1);
$term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);
sub cooked {
$term->setcc(VTIME, 0);
$term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);
sub getkey {
my $key = '';
sysread(STDIN, $key, 1);
return $key;
# set things up to log extra info if they want...
open(DEBUG, ">/tmp/logprof_debug_$$.log");
my $oldfd = select(DEBUG);
$| = 1;
} else {
# reset the terminal state
$DEBUGGING && debug "Exiting...";
# close the debug log if necessary
# returns true if the specified program contains references to LD_PRELOAD or
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH to give the PX/UX code better suggestions
sub check_for_LD_XXX ($) {
my $file = shift;
return undef unless -f $file;
# limit our checking to programs/scripts under 10k to speed things up a bit
my $size = -s $file;
return undef unless ($size && $size < 10000);
my $found = undef;
if(open(F, $file)) {
while(<F>) {
$found = 1 if /LD_(PRELOAD|LIBRARY_PATH)/;
return $found;
sub fatal_error ($) {
my $message = shift;
my $details = "$message\n";
# we'll include the stack backtrace if we're debugging...
$details = Carp::longmess($message);
# write the error to the log
print DEBUG $details;
# we'll just shoot ourselves in the head if it was one of the yast
# interface functions that ran into an error. it gets really ugly if
# the yast frontend goes away and we try to notify the user of that
# problem by trying to send the yast frontend a pretty dialog box
my $caller = (caller(1))[3];
exit 1 if $caller =~ /::(Send|Get)Data(To|From)Yast$/;
# tell the user what the hell happened
# make sure the frontend exits cleanly...
# die a horrible flaming death
exit 1;
sub setup_yast {
# set up the yast connection if we're running under yast...
# load the yast module if available.
eval { require Immunix::Ycp; };
unless($@) {
import Immunix::Ycp;
no warnings 'all';
$UI_Mode = "yast";
# let the frontend know that we're starting
SendDataToYast( { type => "initial_handshake", status => "backend_starting" } );
# see if the frontend is just starting up also...
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
unless($yarg &&
(ref($yarg) eq "HASH") &&
($yarg->{type} eq "initial_handshake") &&
($yarg->{status} eq "frontend_starting")) {
# something's broken, die a horrible, painful death
fatal_error "Yast frontend is out of sync from backend agent.";
# the yast connection seems to be working okay
return 1;
# couldn't init yast
return 0;
sub shutdown_yast {
if($UI_Mode eq "yast") {
SendDataToYast( { type => "final_shutdown" } );
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
sub check_for_subdomain () {
my ($support_subdomainfs, $support_securityfs);
if(open(MOUNTS, "/proc/filesystems")) {
while(<MOUNTS>) {
$support_subdomainfs = 1 if m/subdomainfs/;
$support_securityfs = 1 if m/securityfs/;
my $sd_mountpoint;
if(open(MOUNTS, "/proc/mounts")) {
while(<MOUNTS>) {
if($support_subdomainfs) {
$sd_mountpoint = $1 if m/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+subdomainfs\s/;
} elsif($support_securityfs) {
if ( m/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+securityfs\s/ ) {
if ( -e "$1/apparmor" ) {
$sd_mountpoint = "$1/apparmor";
} elsif ( -e "$1/subdomain" ) {
$sd_mountpoint = "$1/subdomain";
# make sure that subdomain is actually mounted there
$sd_mountpoint = undef unless -f "$sd_mountpoint/profiles";
return $sd_mountpoint;
sub which ($) {
my $file = shift;
foreach my $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
return "$dir/$file" if -x "$dir/$file";
return undef;
# we need to convert subdomain regexps to perl regexps
sub convert_regexp ($) {
my $regexp = shift;
# escape regexp-special characters we don't support
$regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)(\+|\$)/\\$1/g;
# escape . characters
$regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)\./SDPROF_INTERNAL_DOT/g;
# convert ** globs to match anything
$regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)\*\*/.SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/g;
# convert * globs to match anything at current path level
$regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)\*/[^\/]SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/g;
# convert ? globs to match a single character at current path level
$regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)\?/[^\/]/g;
# convert {foo,baz} to (foo|baz)
$regexp =~ y/\{\}\,/\(\)\|/ if $regexp =~ /\{.*\,.*\}/;
# twiddle the escaped * chars back
$regexp =~ s/SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/\*/g;
# twiddle the escaped . chars back
$regexp =~ s/SDPROF_INTERNAL_DOT/\\./g;
return $regexp;
sub get_full_path ($) {
my $originalpath = shift;
my $path = $originalpath;
# keep track so we can break out of loops
my $linkcount = 0;
# if we don't have any directory foo, look in the current dir
$path = cwd() . "/$path" if $path !~ m/\//;
# beat symlinks into submission
while(-l $path) {
if($linkcount++ > 64) {
fatal_error "Followed too many symlinks resolving $originalpath";
# split out the directory/file components
if($path =~ m/^(.*)\/(.+)$/) {
my ($dir, $file) = ($1, $2);
# figure out where the link is pointing...
my $link = readlink($path);
if($link =~ /^\//) {
$path = $link; # if it's an absolute link, just replace it
} else {
$path = $dir . "/$link"; # if it's relative, let abs_path handle it
if(-f $path) {
my ($dir, $file) = $path =~ m/^(.*)\/(.+)$/;
$path = realpath($dir) . "/$file";
} else {
$path = realpath($path);
return $path;
sub findexecutable ($) {
my $bin = shift;
my $fqdbin;
if(-e $bin) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($bin);
} else {
if($bin !~ /\//) {
my $which = which($bin);
if($which) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($which);
unless($fqdbin && -e $fqdbin) {
return undef;
return $fqdbin;
sub complain ($) {
my $bin = shift;
my $fqdbin = findexecutable($bin) or fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('Can\'t find %s.'), $bin));
# skip directories
return unless -f $fqdbin;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Setting %s to complain mode.'), $fqdbin));
my $filename = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
setprofileflags($filename, "complain");
sub enforce ($) {
my $bin = shift;
my $fqdbin = findexecutable($bin) or fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('Can\'t find %s.'), $bin));
# skip directories
return unless -f $fqdbin;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Setting %s to enforce mode.'), $fqdbin));
my $filename = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
setprofileflags($filename, "");
sub head ($) {
my $file = shift;
my $first = "";
if(open(FILE, $file)) {
$first = <FILE>;
return $first;
sub get_output (@) {
my ($program, @args) = @_;
my $ret = -1;
my $pid;
my @output;
if(-x $program) {
$pid = open(KID_TO_READ, "-|");
unless (defined $pid) {
fatal_error "can't fork: $!";
if ($pid) {
while (<KID_TO_READ>) {
push @output, $_;
$ret = $?;
} else {
($>, $)) = ($<, $();
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || fatal_error "can't dup stdout to stderr";
exec($program, @args) || fatal_error "can't exec program: $!";
return ($ret, @output);
sub get_reqs ($) {
my $file = shift;
my @reqs;
my ($ret, @ldd) = get_output($ldd, $file);
if($ret == 0) {
for my $line (@ldd) {
last if $line =~ /not a dynamic executable/;
last if $line =~ /cannot read header/;
last if $line =~ /statically linked/;
next if $line =~ /linux-(gate|vdso(32|64)).so/; # avoid new kernel 2.6 poo
if($line =~ /^\s*\S+ => (\/\S+)/) {
push @reqs, $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\/\S+)/) {
push @reqs, $1;
return @reqs;
sub handle_binfmt ($$) {
my ($profile, $fqdbin) = @_;
my %reqs;
my @reqs = get_reqs($fqdbin);
while (my $library = shift @reqs) {
$library = get_full_path($library);
push @reqs, get_reqs($library) unless $reqs{$library}++;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
my $combinedmode = matchincludes($profile, $library);
# if we found any matching entries, do the modes match?
next if $combinedmode;
$library = globcommon($library);
chomp $library;
next unless $library;
if($library =~ /\/lib\/ld-.+/) {
$profile->{path}->{$library} = "mpx";
} else {
$profile->{path}->{$library} = "mr";
return $profile;
sub autodep ($) {
my $bin = shift;
# findexecutable() might fail if we're running on a different system
# than the logs were collected on. ugly. we'll just hope for the best.
my $fqdbin = findexecutable($bin) || $bin;
# try to make sure we have a full path in case findexecutable failed
return unless $fqdbin =~ /^\//;
# ignore directories
return if -d $fqdbin;
my $profile = { flags => "complain",
include => { "abstractions/base" => 1 },
path => { $fqdbin => "mr" } };
# if the executable exists on this system, pull in extra dependencies
if(-f $fqdbin) {
my $hashbang = head($fqdbin);
if($hashbang =~ /^#!\s*(\S+)/) {
my $interpreter = get_full_path($1);
$profile->{path}->{$interpreter} = "ix";
if($interpreter =~ /perl/) {
$profile->{include}->{"abstractions/perl"} = 1;
} elsif ($interpreter =~ m/\/bin\/(bash|sh)/) {
$profile->{include}->{"abstractions/bash"} = 1;
$profile = handle_binfmt($profile, $interpreter);
} else {
$profile = handle_binfmt($profile, $fqdbin);
# stick the profile into our data structure.
$sd{$fqdbin}{$fqdbin} = $profile;
# instantiate the required infrastructure hats for this changehat application
for my $hatglob (keys %required_hats) {
if($fqdbin =~ /$hatglob/) {
for my $hat (split(/\s+/, $required_hats{$hatglob})) {
$sd{$fqdbin}{$hat} = { flags => "complain" };
if (-f "$profiledir/tunables/global") {
my $file = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
unless (exists $variables{$file}) {
$variables{$file} = { };
$variables{$file}{"#tunables/global"} = 1; # sorry
# write out the profile...
sub getprofilefilename ($) {
my $profile = shift;
my $filename = $profile;
$filename =~ s/\///; # strip leading /
$filename =~ s/\//./g; # convert /'s to .'s
return "$profiledir/$filename";
sub setprofileflags ($$) {
my $filename = shift;
my $newflags = shift;
if(open(PROFILE, "$filename")) {
if(open(NEWPROFILE, ">$")) {
while(<PROFILE>) {
if(m/^\s*("??\/.+?"??)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$/) {
my ($binary, $flags) = ($1, $2);
if($newflags) {
$_ = "$binary flags=($newflags) {\n";
} else {
$_ = "$binary {\n";
} elsif(m/^(\s*\^\S+)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$/) {
my ($hat, $flags) = ($1, $2);
if($newflags) {
$_ = "$hat flags=($newflags) {\n";
} else {
$_ = "$hat {\n";
rename("$", "$filename");
sub profile_exists($) {
my $program = shift || return 0;
# if it's already in the cache, return true
return 1 if $existing_profiles{$program};
# if the profile exists, mark it in the cache and return true
my $profile = getprofilefilename($program);
if(-e $profile) {
$existing_profiles{$program} = 1;
return 1
# couldn't find a profile, so we'll return false
return 0;
# Here are the console/yast interface functions
sub UI_Info ($) {
my $text = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_Info: $UI_Mode: $text";
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
print "$text\n";
} else {
sub UI_Important ($) {
my $text = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_Important: $UI_Mode: $text";
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
print "\n$text\n";
} else {
SendDataToYast( { type => "dialog-error", message => $text } );
my ($path, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
sub UI_YesNo ($$) {
my $text = shift;
my $default = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_YesNo: $UI_Mode: $text $default";
my $ans;
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
my $yes = gettext("(Y)es");
my $no = gettext("(N)o");
# figure out our localized hotkeys
$yes =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for '$yes'";
my $yeskey = lc($1);
$no =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for '$no'";
my $nokey = lc($1);
print "\n$text\n";
if($default eq "y") {
print "\n[$yes] / $no\n";
} else {
print "\n$yes / [$no]\n";
$ans = getkey() || (($default eq "y") ? $yeskey : $nokey);
# convert back from a localized answer to english y or n
$ans = (lc($ans) eq $yeskey) ? "y" : "n";
} else {
SendDataToYast( { type => "dialog-yesno", question => $text } );
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
$ans = $yarg->{answer} || $default;
return $ans;
sub UI_YesNoCancel ($$) {
my $text = shift;
my $default = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_YesNoCancel: $UI_Mode: $text $default";
my $ans;
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
my $yes = gettext("(Y)es");
my $no = gettext("(N)o");
my $cancel = gettext("(C)ancel");
# figure out our localized hotkeys
$yes =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for '$yes'";
my $yeskey = lc($1);
$no =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for '$no'";
my $nokey = lc($1);
$cancel =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for '$cancel'";
my $cancelkey = lc($1);
while($ans !~ /^(y|n|c)$/) {
print "\n$text\n";
if($default eq "y") {
print "\n[$yes] / $no / $cancel\n";
} elsif($default eq "n") {
print "\n$yes / [$no] / $cancel\n";
} else {
print "\n$yes / $no / [$cancel]\n";
$ans = getkey();
if($ans) {
# convert back from a localized answer to english y or n
$ans = lc($ans);
if($ans eq $yeskey) {
$ans = "y";
} elsif($ans eq $nokey) {
$ans = "n";
} elsif($ans eq $cancelkey) {
$ans = "c";
} else {
$ans = $default;
} else {
SendDataToYast( { type => "dialog-yesnocancel", question => $text } );
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
$ans = $yarg->{answer} || $default;
return $ans;
sub UI_GetString ($$) {
my $text = shift;
my $default = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_GetString: $UI_Mode: $text $default";
my $string;
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
if($term) {
$string = $term->readline($text, $default);
} else {
local $| = 1;
print "$text";
$string = <STDIN>;
} else {
SendDataToYast( { type => "dialog-getstring", label => $text, default => $default } );
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
$string = $yarg->{string};
return $string;
sub UI_GetFile ($) {
my $f = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "UI_GetFile: $UI_Mode";
my $filename;
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
local $| = 1;
print "$f->{description}\n";
$filename = <STDIN>;
} else {
$f->{type} = "dialog-getfile";
SendDataToYast( $f );
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
if($yarg->{answer} eq "okay") {
$filename = $yarg->{filename};
return $filename;
my %CMDS = (
CMD_ALLOW => "(A)llow",
CMD_DENY => "(D)eny",
CMD_ABORT => "Abo(r)t",
CMD_FINISHED => "(F)inish",
CMD_INHERIT => "(I)nherit",
CMD_PROFILE => "(P)rofile",
CMD_PROFILE_CLEAN => "(P)rofile Clean Exec",
CMD_UNCONFINED => "(U)nconfined",
CMD_UNCONFINED_CLEAN => "(U)nconfined Clean Exec",
CMD_NEW => "(N)ew",
CMD_GLOB => "(G)lob",
CMD_GLOBEXT => "Glob w/(E)xt",
CMD_ADDHAT => "(A)dd Requested Hat",
CMD_USEDEFAULT => "(U)se Default Hat",
CMD_SCAN => "(S)can system log for SubDomain events",
CMD_HELP => "(H)elp",
sub UI_PromptUser ($) {
my $q = shift;
my ($cmd, $arg);
if($UI_Mode eq "text") {
($cmd, $arg) = Text_PromptUser($q);
} else {
$q->{type} = "wizard";
my ($ypath, $yarg) = GetDataFromYast();
$cmd = $yarg->{selection} || "CMD_ABORT";
$arg = $yarg->{selected};
return ($cmd, $arg);
# here are the interface functions to send data back and forth between
# the yast frontend and the perl backend
# this is super ugly, but waits for the next ycp Read command and sends data
# back to the ycp front end.
sub SendDataToYast {
my $data = shift;
$DEBUGGING && debug "SendDataToYast: Waiting for YCP command";
while(<STDIN>) {
$DEBUGGING && debug "SendDataToYast: YCP: $_";
my ($ycommand, $ypath, $yargument) = Immunix::Ycp::ParseCommand ($_);
if($ycommand && $ycommand eq "Read") {
my $debugmsg = Data::Dumper->Dump([$data], [qw(*data)]);
debug "SendDataToYast: Sending--\n$debugmsg";
return 1;
} else {
$DEBUGGING && debug "SendDataToYast: Expected 'Read' but got-- $_";
# if we ever break out here, something's horribly wrong.
fatal_error "SendDataToYast: didn't receive YCP command before connection died";
# this is super ugly, but waits for the next ycp Write command and grabs
# whatever the ycp front end gives us
sub GetDataFromYast {
$DEBUGGING && debug "GetDataFromYast: Waiting for YCP command";
while(<STDIN>) {
$DEBUGGING && debug "GetDataFromYast: YCP: $_";
my ($ycmd, $ypath, $yarg) = Immunix::Ycp::ParseCommand ($_);
my $debugmsg = Data::Dumper->Dump([$yarg], [qw(*data)]);
debug "GetDataFromYast: Received--\n$debugmsg";
if($ycmd && $ycmd eq "Write") {
return ($ypath, $yarg);
} else {
$DEBUGGING && debug "GetDataFromYast: Expected 'Write' but got-- $_";
# if we ever break out here, something's horribly wrong.
fatal_error "GetDataFromYast: didn't receive YCP command before connection died";
# this is the hideously ugly function that descends down the flow/event
# trees that we've generated by parsing the logfile
sub handlechildren {
my $profile = shift;
my $hat = shift;
my $root = shift;
my @entries = @$root;
for my $entry (@entries) {
fatal_error "$entry is not a ref" if not ref($entry);
if(ref($entry->[0])) {
handlechildren($profile, $hat, $entry);
} else {
my @entry = @$entry;
my $type = shift @entry;
if($type eq "fork") {
my ($pid, $p, $h) = @entry;
if(($p !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/) &&
($h !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/)) {
$profile = $p;
$hat = $h;
$profilechanges{$pid} = $profile;
} elsif($type eq "unknown_hat") {
my ($pid, $p, $h, $sdmode, $uhat) = @entry;
if($p !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/) {
$profile = $p;
if($sd{$profile}{$uhat}) {
$hat = $uhat;
# figure out what our default hat for this application is.
my $defaulthat;
for my $hatglob (keys %defaulthat) {
$defaulthat = $defaulthat{$hatglob} if $profile =~ /$hatglob/;
# keep track of previous answers for this run...
my $context = $profile;
$context .= " -> ^$uhat";
my $ans = $transitions{$context} || "";
unless($ans) {
my $q = { };
$q->{headers} = [ ];
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Profile"), $profile;
if($defaulthat) {
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Default Hat"), $defaulthat;
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Requested Hat"), $uhat;
$q->{functions} = [ ];
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_ADDHAT";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_USEDEFAULT" if $defaulthat;
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_DENY";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_ABORT";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_FINISHED";
$q->{default} = ($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") ? "CMD_ADDHAT" : "CMD_DENY";
my $arg;
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
$transitions{$context} = $ans;
# ugh, there's a bug here. if they pick "abort" or "finish" and then
# say "well, no, I didn't really mean that", we need to ask the
# question again, but we currently go on to the next one. oops.
if($ans eq "CMD_ADDHAT") {
$hat = $uhat;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags} = $sd{$profile}{$profile}{flags};
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_USEDEFAULT") {
$hat = $defaulthat;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_ABORT") {
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to abandon this set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Abandoning all changes."));
exit 0;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_FINISHED") {
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to save the current set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Saving all changes."));
$finishing = 1;
# XXX - BUGBUG - this is REALLY nasty, but i'm in a hurry...
} elsif($type eq "capability") {
my ($pid, $p, $h, $prog, $sdmode, $capability) = @entry;
if(($p !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/) &&
($h !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/)) {
$profile = $p;
$hat = $h;
# print "$pid $profile $hat $prog $sdmode capability $capability\n";
next unless $profile && $hat;
$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability} = 1;
} elsif(($type eq "path") || ($type eq "exec")) {
my ($pid, $p, $h, $prog, $sdmode, $mode, $detail) = @entry;
if(($p !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/) &&
($h !~ /null(-complain)*-profile/)) {
$profile = $p;
$hat = $h;
next unless $profile && $hat;
my $domainchange = ($type eq "exec" ) ? "change" : "nochange";
# escape special characters that show up in literal paths
$detail =~ s/(\[|\]|\+|\*|\{|\})/\\$1/g;
# we need to give the Execute dialog if they're requesting x access
# for something that's not a directory - we'll force a "ix" Path
# dialog for directories
my $do_execute = 0;
my $exec_target = $detail;
if($mode =~ s/x//g) {
if(-d $exec_target) {
$mode .= "ix";
} else {
$do_execute = 1;
if($mode eq "link") {
$mode = "l";
if($detail =~ m/^from (.+) to (.+)$/) {
my ($path, $target) = ($1, $2);
my $frommode = "lr";
if(defined $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path}) {
$frommode .= $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
$frommode = collapsemode($frommode);
$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path} = $frommode;
my $tomode = "lr";
if(defined $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$target}) {
$tomode .= $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$target};
$tomode = collapsemode($tomode);
$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$target} = $tomode;
# print "$pid $profile $hat $prog $sdmode $path:$frommode -> $target:$tomode\n";
} else {
} elsif ($mode) {
my $path = $detail;
if(defined $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path}) {
$mode .= $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
$mode = collapsemode($mode);
$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path} = $mode;
# print "$pid $profile $hat $prog $sdmode $mode $path\n";
if($do_execute) {
my $context = $profile;
$context .= "^$hat" if $profile ne $hat;
$context .= " -> $exec_target";
my $ans = $transitions{$context} || "";
my ($combinedmode, $cm, @m);
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $exec_target);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
($cm, @m) = matchincludes($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $exec_target);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
my $exec_mode;
if(contains($combinedmode, "ix")) {
$ans = "CMD_INHERIT";
$exec_mode = "ixr";
} elsif(contains($combinedmode, "px")) {
$ans = "CMD_PROFILE";
$exec_mode = "px";
} elsif(contains($combinedmode, "ux")) {
$exec_mode = "ux";
} elsif(contains($combinedmode, "Px")) {
$exec_mode = "Px";
} elsif(contains($combinedmode, "Ux")) {
$exec_mode = "Ux";
} else {
my $options = $qualifiers{$exec_target} || "ipu";
# force "ix" as the only option when the profiled program
# executes itself
$options = "i" if $exec_target eq $profile;
# we always need deny...
$options .= "d";
# figure out what our default option should be...
my $default;
if($options =~ /p/ && -e getprofilefilename($exec_target)) {
$default = "CMD_PROFILE";
} elsif($options =~ /i/) {
$default = "CMD_INHERIT";
} else {
$default = "CMD_DENY";
# ugh, this doesn't work if someone does an ix before calling
# this particular child process. at least it's only a hint
# instead of mandatory to get this right.
my $parent_uses_ld_xxx = check_for_LD_XXX($profile);
my $severity = $sevdb->rank($exec_target, "x");
# build up the prompt...
my $q = { };
$q->{headers} = [ ];
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Profile"), combine_name($profile, $hat);
if($prog && $prog ne "HINT") {
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Program"), $prog;
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Execute"), $exec_target;
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Severity"), $severity;
$q->{functions} = [ ];
my $prompt = "\n$context\n";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_INHERIT" if $options =~ /i/;
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_PROFILE" if $options =~ /p/;
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_UNCONFINED" if $options =~ /u/;
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_DENY";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_ABORT";
push @{$q->{functions}}, "CMD_FINISHED";
$q->{default} = $default;
$options = join("|", split(//, $options));
my $arg;
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
# check for Abort or Finish
if($ans eq "CMD_ABORT") {
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to abandon this set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
$DEBUGGING && debug "back from abort yesno";
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Abandoning all changes."));
exit 0;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_FINISHED") {
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to save the current set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Saving all changes."));
$finishing = 1;
# XXX - BUGBUG - this is REALLY nasty, but i'm in a hurry...
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_PROFILE") {
my $px_default = "n";
my $px_mesg = gettext("Should AppArmor sanitize the environment when\nswitching profiles?\n\nSanitizing the environment is more secure,\nbut some applications depend on the presence\nof LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH.");
if($parent_uses_ld_xxx) {
$px_mesg = gettext("Should AppArmor sanitize the environment when\nswitching profiles?\n\nSanitizing the environment is more secure,\nbut this application appears to use LD_PRELOAD\nor LD_LIBRARY_PATH and clearing these could\ncause functionality problems.");
my $ynans = UI_YesNo($px_mesg, $px_default);
if($ynans eq "y") {
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_UNCONFINED") {
my $ynans = UI_YesNo(sprintf(gettext("Launching processes in an unconfined state is a very\ndangerous operation and can cause serious security holes.\n\nAre you absolutely certain you wish to remove all\nAppArmor protection when executing \%s?"), $exec_target), "n");
if($ynans eq "y") {
my $ynans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Should AppArmor sanitize the environment when\nrunning this program unconfined?\n\nNot sanitizing the environment when unconfining\na program opens up significant security holes\nand should be avoided if at all possible."), "y");
if($ynans eq "y") {
} else {
$ans = "INVALID";
$transitions{$context} = $ans;
# if we're inheriting, things'll bitch unless we have r
if($ans eq "CMD_INHERIT") {
$exec_mode = "ixr";
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_PROFILE") {
$exec_mode = "px";
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_UNCONFINED") {
$exec_mode = "ux";
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_PROFILE_CLEAN") {
$exec_mode = "Px";
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_UNCONFINED_CLEAN") {
$exec_mode = "Ux";
} else {
# skip all remaining events if they say to deny the exec
return if $domainchange eq "change";
unless($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
if(defined $prelog{PERMITTING}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$exec_target}) {
$exec_mode .= $prelog{PERMITTING}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$exec_target};
$exec_mode = collapsemode($exec_mode);
$prelog{PERMITTING}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$exec_target} = $exec_mode;
$log{PERMITTING}{$profile} = { };
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$exec_target} = $exec_mode;
$changed{$profile} = 1; # mark this profile as changed
if($ans eq "CMD_INHERIT") {
if($exec_target =~ /perl/) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{"abstractions/perl"} = 1;
} elsif ($detail =~ m/\/bin\/(bash|sh)/) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{"abstractions/bash"} = 1;
my $hashbang = head($exec_target);
if($hashbang =~ /^#!\s*(\S+)/) {
my $interpreter = get_full_path($1);
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}->{$interpreter} = "ix";
if($interpreter =~ /perl/) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{"abstractions/perl"} = 1;
} elsif ($interpreter =~ m/\/bin\/(bash|sh)/) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{"abstractions/bash"} = 1;
} elsif($ans =~ /^CMD_PROFILE/) {
# if they want to use px, make sure a profile exists for the target.
unless(-e getprofilefilename($exec_target)) {
$helpers{$exec_target} = "enforce";
#print "$pid $profile $hat EXEC $exec_target $ans $exec_mode\n";
# update our tracking info based on what kind of change this is...
if($ans eq "CMD_INHERIT") {
$profilechanges{$pid} = $profile;
} elsif($ans =~ /^CMD_PROFILE/) {
if($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") {
if($domainchange eq "change") {
$profile = $exec_target;
$hat = $exec_target;
$profilechanges{$pid} = $profile;
} elsif ($ans =~ /^CMD_UNCONFINED/) {
$profilechanges{$pid} = "unconstrained";
return if $domainchange eq "change";
sub do_logprof_pass {
my $logmark = shift || "";
# zero out the state variables for this pass...
%t = ( );
%transitions = ( );
%seen = ( );
%sd = ( );
%profilechanges = ( );
%prelog = ( );
%log = ( );
%changed = ( );
%skip = ( );
%variables = ( );
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Reading log entries from %s.'), $filename));
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Updating subdomain profiles in %s.'), $profiledir));
my $seenmark = $logmark ? 0 : 1;
$sevdb = new Immunix::Severity("$confdir/severity.db", gettext("unknown"));
my @log;
my %pid;
sub add_to_tree ($@) {
my ($pid, $type, @event) = @_;
unless(exists $pid{$pid}) {
my $arrayref = [ ];
push @log, $arrayref;
$pid{$pid} = $arrayref;
push @{$pid{$pid}}, [ $type, $pid, @event ];
my $stuffed = undef;
my $last;
# okay, done loading the previous profiles, get on to the good stuff...
open(LOG, $filename) or fatal_error "Can't read AppArmor logfile $filename: $!";
while(($_ = $stuffed) || ($_ = <LOG>)) {
$stuffed = undef;
$seenmark = 1 if /$logmark/;
next unless $seenmark;
# all we care about is subdomain messages
next unless (/^.* audit\(/ || /type=APPARMOR msg=audit\([\d\.\:]+\):/ || /SubDomain/);
# workaround for syslog uglyness.
if(m/LOGPROF-HINT unknown_hat (\S+) pid=(\d+) profile=(.+) active=(.+)/) {
my ($uhat, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
add_to_tree($pid, "unknown_hat", $profile, $hat, "PERMITTING", $uhat);
} elsif(m/LOGPROF-HINT (unknown_profile|missing_mandatory_profile) image=(.+) pid=(\d+) profile=(.+) active=(.+)/) {
my ($image, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($2, $3, $4, $5);
next if $last =~ /PERMITTING x access to $image/;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
add_to_tree($pid, "exec", $profile, $hat, "HINT", "PERMITTING", "x", $image);
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) (\S+) access (.+) \((.+)\((\d+)\) profile (.+) active (.+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $mode, $detail, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
my $domainchange = "nochange";
if($mode =~ /x/) {
# we need to try to check if we're doing a domain transition this time
if($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") {
do {
$stuffed = <LOG>;
} until $stuffed =~ /AppArmor|audit/;
if($stuffed =~ m/changing_profile/) {
$domainchange = "change";
$stuffed = undef;
} else {
# we want to ignore duplicates for things other than executes...
next if $seen{$&};
$seen{$&} = 1;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
if(($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile))) {
$stuffed = undef;
# currently no way to stick pipe mediation in a profile, ignore any messages like this
next if $detail =~ /to pipe:/;
# strip out extra extended attribute info since we don't currently
# have a way to specify it in the profile and instead just need to
# provide the access to the base filename
$detail =~ s/\s+extended attribute \S+//;
# kerberos code checks to see if the krb5.conf file is world writable
# in a stupid way so we'll ignore any w accesses to krb5.conf
next if (($detail eq "to /etc/krb5.conf") && contains($mode, "w"));
# strip off the (deleted) tag that gets added if it's a deleted file
$detail =~ s/\s+\(deleted\)$//;
# next if (($detail =~ /to \/lib\/ld-/) && ($mode =~ /x/));
$detail =~ s/^to\s+//;
if($domainchange eq "change") {
add_to_tree($pid, "exec", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, $mode, $detail);
} else {
add_to_tree($pid, "path", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, $mode, $detail);
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) (?:mk|rm)dir on (.+) \((.+)\((\d+)\) profile (.+) active (.+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $path, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
# we want to ignore duplicates for things other than executes...
next if $seen{$&}++;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
add_to_tree($pid, "path", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, "w", $path);
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) xattr (\S+) on (.+) \((.+)\((\d+)\) profile (.+) active (.+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $xattr_op, $path, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
# we want to ignore duplicates for things other than executes...
next if $seen{$&}++;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
my $xattrmode;
if($xattr_op eq "get" || $xattr_op eq "list") {
$xattrmode = "r";
} elsif($xattr_op eq "set" || $xattr_op eq "remove") {
$xattrmode = "w";
if($xattrmode) {
add_to_tree($pid, "path", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, $xattrmode, $path);
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) attribute \((.*?)\) change to (.+) \((.+)\((\d+)\) profile (.+) active (.+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $change, $path, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
# we want to ignore duplicates for things other than executes...
next if $seen{$&};
$seen{$&} = 1;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
# kerberos code checks to see if the krb5.conf file is world writable
# in a stupid way so we'll ignore any w accesses to krb5.conf
next if $path eq "/etc/krb5.conf";
add_to_tree($pid, "path", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, "w", $path);
} elsif(m/(PERMITTING|REJECTING) access to capability '(\S+)' \((.+)\((\d+)\) profile (.+) active (.+)\)/) {
my ($sdmode, $capability, $prog, $pid, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
next if $seen{$&};
$seen{$&} = 1;
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
add_to_tree($pid, "capability", $profile, $hat, $prog, $sdmode, $capability);
} elsif(m/Fork parent (\d+) child (\d+) profile (.+) active (.+)/ ||
m/LOGPROF-HINT fork pid=(\d+) child=(\d+) profile=(.+) active=(.+)/ ||
m/LOGPROF-HINT fork pid=(\d+) child=(\d+)/) {
my ($parent, $child, $profile, $hat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$profile ||= "null-complain-profile";
$hat ||= "null-complain-profile";
$last = $&;
# we want to ignore entries for profiles that don't exist - they're
# most likely broken entries or old entries for deleted profiles
next if (($profile ne 'null-complain-profile') && (! profile_exists($profile)));
my $arrayref = [ ];
if(exists $pid{$parent}) {
push @{$pid{$parent}}, $arrayref;
} else {
push @log, $arrayref;
$pid{$child} = $arrayref;
push @{$arrayref}, [ "fork", $child. $profile, $hat ];
} else {
$DEBUGGING && debug "UNHANDLED: $_";
for my $root (@log) {
handlechildren(undef, undef, $root);
for my $pid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %profilechanges) {
setprocess($pid, $profilechanges{$pid});
my $found;
# do the magic foo-foo
for my $sdmode (sort keys %log) {
# let them know what sort of changes we're about to list...
if($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") {
UI_Info(gettext("Complain-mode changes:"));
} elsif($sdmode eq "REJECTING") {
UI_Info(gettext("Enforce-mode changes:"));
} else {
# if we're not permitting and not rejecting, something's broken.
# most likely the code we're using to build the hash tree of log
# entries - this should never ever happen
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('Invalid mode found: %s'), $sdmode));
for my $profile (sort keys %{$log{$sdmode}}) {
# this sorts the list of hats, but makes sure that the containing
# profile shows up in the list first to keep the question order
# rational
my @hats = grep { $_ ne $profile } keys %{$log{$sdmode}{$profile}};
unshift @hats, $profile if defined $log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$profile};
for my $hat (@hats) {
# step through all the capabilities first...
for my $capability (sort keys %{$log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{capability}}) {
# we don't care about it if we've already added it to the profile
next if $sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability};
my $severity = $sevdb->rank(uc("cap_$capability"));
my $q = { };
$q->{headers} = [ ];
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Profile"), combine_name($profile, $hat);
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Capability"), $capability;
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Severity"), $severity;
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_ALLOW", "CMD_DENY", "CMD_ABORT", "CMD_FINISHED" ];
# complain-mode events default to allow - enforce defaults to deny
$q->{default} = ($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") ? "CMD_ALLOW" : "CMD_DENY";
# what did the grand exalted master tell us to do?
my ($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if($ans eq "CMD_ALLOW") {
# they picked (a)llow, so...
# stick the capability into the profile
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability} = 1;
# mark this profile as changed
$changed{$profile} = 1;
# give a little feedback to the user
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Adding capability %s to profile.'), $capability));
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Denying capability %s to profile.'), $capability));
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_ABORT") {
# if we're in yast, they've already been asked for confirmation
if($UI_Mode eq "yast") {
UI_Info(gettext("Abandoning all changes."));
exit 0;
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to abandon this set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Abandoning all changes."));
exit 0;
} else {
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_FINISHED") {
# if we're in yast, they've already been asked for confirmation
if($UI_Mode eq "yast") {
UI_Info(gettext("Saving all changes."));
$finishing = 1;
# XXX - BUGBUG - this is REALLY nasty, but i'm in a hurry...
my $ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to save the current set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Saving all changes."));
$finishing = 1;
# XXX - BUGBUG - this is REALLY nasty, but i'm in a hurry...
} else {
# and then step through all of the path entries...
for my $path (sort keys %{$log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}}) {
my $mode = $log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
# if we had an access(X_OK) request or some other kind of event
# that generates a "PERMITTING x" syslog entry, first check if it
# was already dealt with by a i/p/x question due to a exec(). if
# not, ask about adding ix permission.
if($mode =~ /X/) {
# get rid of the access() markers.
$mode =~ s/X//g;
my $combinedmode = "";
my ($cm, @m);
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
($cm, @m) = matchincludes($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
if($combinedmode) {
if(contains($combinedmode, "ix") ||
contains($combinedmode, "px") ||
contains($combinedmode, "ux") ||
contains($combinedmode, "Px") ||
contains($combinedmode, "Ux")) {
} else {
$mode .= "ix";
} else {
$mode .= "ix";
# if we had an mmap(PROT_EXEC) request, first check if we already
# have added an ix rule to the profile
if($mode =~ /m/) {
my $combinedmode = "";
my ($cm, @m);
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
($cm, @m) = matchincludes($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
$combinedmode .= $cm if $cm;
# ix implies m. don't ask if they want to add an "m" rule when
# we already have a matching ix rule.
if($combinedmode && contains($combinedmode, "ix")) {
$mode =~ s/m//g;
next unless $mode;
my $combinedmode = "";
my @matches;
my ($cm, @m);
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
if($cm) {
$combinedmode .= $cm;
push @matches, @m;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
($cm, @m) = matchincludes($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
if($cm) {
$combinedmode .= $cm;
push @matches, @m;
unless($combinedmode && contains($combinedmode, $mode)) {
my $defaultoption = 1;
my @options = ( );
# check the path against the available set of include files
my @newincludes;
for my $incname (keys %include) {
# don't suggest it if we're already including it, that's dumb
next if $sd{$profile}{$hat}{$incname};
($cm, @m) = matchinclude($incname, $path);
if($cm && contains($cm, $mode)) {
unless(grep { $_ eq "/**" } @m) {
push @newincludes, $incname if $incname =~ /abstractions/;
# did any match? add them to the option list...
if(@newincludes) {
push @options, map { "#include <$_>" } sort(uniq(@newincludes));
# include the literal path in the option list...
push @options, $path;
# match the current path against the globbing list in logprof.conf
my @globs = globcommon($path);
if(@globs) {
push @matches, @globs;
# suggest any matching globs the user manually entered
for my $userglob (@userglobs) {
push @matches, $userglob if matchliteral($userglob, $path);
# we'll take the cheesy way and order the suggested globbing
# list by length, which is usually right, but not always always
push @options, sort { length($b) <=> length($a) }
grep { $_ ne $path }
$defaultoption = $#options + 1;
my $severity = $sevdb->rank($path, $mode);
my $done = 0;
while(not $done) {
my $q = { };
$q->{headers} = [ ];
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Profile"), combine_name($profile, $hat);
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Path"), $path;
# merge in any previous modes from this run
if($combinedmode) {
$combinedmode = collapsemode($combinedmode);
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Old Mode"), $combinedmode;
$mode = collapsemode("$mode$combinedmode");
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("New Mode"), $mode;
} else {
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Mode"), $mode;
push @{$q->{headers}}, gettext("Severity"), $severity;
$q->{options} = [ @options ];
$q->{selected} = $defaultoption - 1;
$q->{default} = ($sdmode eq "PERMITTING") ? "CMD_ALLOW" : "CMD_DENY";
# if they just hit return, use the default answer
my ($ans, $selected) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if($ans eq "CMD_ALLOW") {
$path = $selected;
$done = 1;
if($path =~ m/^#include <(.+)>$/) {
my $inc = $1;
my $deleted = 0;
for my $entry (keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}}) {
next if $path eq $entry;
my $cm = matchinclude($inc, $entry);
if($cm && contains($cm, $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$entry})) {
delete $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$entry};
# record the new entry
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{$inc} = 1;
$changed{$profile} = 1;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Adding #include <%s> to profile.'), $inc));
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.'), $deleted)) if $deleted;
} else {
if($sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path}) {
$mode = collapsemode($mode . $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path});
my $deleted = 0;
for my $entry (keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}}) {
next if $path eq $entry;
if(matchregexp($path, $entry)) {
# regexp matches, add it's mode to the list to check against
if(contains($mode, $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$entry})) {
delete $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$entry};
# record the new entry
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path} = $mode;
$changed{$profile} = 1;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Adding %s %s to profile.'), $path, $mode));
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.'), $deleted)) if $deleted;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
# go on to the next entry without saving this one
$done = 1;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_NEW") {
if($selected !~ /^#include/) {
$ans = UI_GetString(gettext("Enter new path: "), $selected);
if($ans) {
unless(matchliteral($ans, $path)) {
my $ynprompt = gettext("The specified path does not match this log entry:") . "\n\n";
$ynprompt .= " " . gettext("Log Entry") . ": $path\n";
$ynprompt .= " " . gettext("Entered Path") . ": $ans\n\n";
$ynprompt .= gettext("Do you really want to use this path?"). "\n";
# we default to no if they just hit return...
my $key = UI_YesNo($ynprompt, "n");
next if $key eq "n";
# save this one for later
push @userglobs, $ans;
push @options, $ans;
$defaultoption = $#options + 1;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_GLOB") {
# do globbing if they don't have an include selected
unless($selected =~ /^#include/) {
my $newpath = $selected;
# do we collapse to /* or /**?
if($newpath =~ m/\/\*{1,2}$/) {
$newpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\*{1,2}$/\/\*\*/;
} else {
$newpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+$/\/\*/;
if($newpath ne $selected) {
push @options, $newpath;
$defaultoption = $#options + 1;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_GLOBEXT") {
# do globbing if they don't have an include selected
unless($selected =~ /^#include/) {
my $newpath = $selected;
# do we collapse to /*.ext or /**.ext?
if($newpath =~ m/\/\*{1,2}\.[^\/]+$/) {
$newpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\*{1,2}(\.[^\/]+)$/\/\*\*$1/;
} else {
$newpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+(\.[^\/]+)$/\/\*$1/;
if($newpath ne $selected) {
push @options, $newpath;
$defaultoption = $#options + 1;
} elsif($ans =~ /\d/) {
$defaultoption = $ans;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_ABORT") {
$ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to abandon this set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Abandoning all changes."));
exit 0;
} elsif($ans eq "CMD_FINISHED") {
$ans = UI_YesNo(gettext("Are you sure you want to save the current set of profile changes and exit?"), "n");
if($ans eq "y") {
UI_Info(gettext("Saving all changes."));
$finishing = 1;
# XXX - BUGBUG - this is REALLY nasty, but i'm in a hurry...
if($UI_Mode eq "yast") {
if(not $running_under_genprof) {
if($seenevents) {
my $w = { type => "wizard" };
$w->{explanation} = gettext("The profile analyzer has completed processing the log files.
All updated profiles will be reloaded");
$w->{functions} = [ "CMD_ABORT", "CMD_FINISHED" ];
my $foo = GetDataFromYast();
} else {
my $w = { type => "wizard" };
$w->{explanation} = gettext("No unhandled AppArmor events were found in the system log.");
$w->{functions} = [ "CMD_ABORT", "CMD_FINISHED" ];
my $foo = GetDataFromYast();
# make sure the profile changes we've made are saved to disk...
for my $profile (sort keys %changed) {
# if they hit "Finish" we need to tell the caller that so we can exit
# all the way instead of just going back to the genprof prompt
return $finishing ? "FINISHED" : "NORMAL";
sub setprocess ($$) {
my ($pid, $profile) = @_;
# don't do anything if the process exited already...
return unless -e "/proc/$pid/attr/current";
return unless open(CURR, "/proc/$pid/attr/current");
my $current = <CURR>;
chomp $current;
# only change null profiles
return unless $current =~ /null(-complain)*-profile/;
return unless open(STAT, "/proc/$pid/stat");
my $stat = <STAT>;
chomp $stat;
return unless $stat =~ /^\d+ \((\S+)\) /;
my $currprog = $1;
open(CURR, ">/proc/$pid/attr/current") or return;
print CURR "setprofile $profile";
sub collapselog () {
for my $sdmode (keys %prelog) {
for my $profile (keys %{$prelog{$sdmode}}) {
for my $hat (keys %{$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}}) {
for my $path (keys %{$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}}) {
my $mode = $prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
# we want to ignore anything from the log that's already in the profile
my $combinedmode = "";
# is it in the original profile?
if($sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path}) {
$combinedmode .= $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
$combinedmode .= rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in original profile?
$combinedmode .= matchincludes($sd{$profile}{$hat}, $path);
# if we found any matching entries, do the modes match?
unless($combinedmode && contains($combinedmode, $mode)) {
# merge in any previous modes from this run
if($log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path}) {
$mode = collapsemode($mode . $log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path});
# record the new entry
$log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path} = collapsemode($mode);
for my $capability (keys %{$prelog{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{capability}}) {
# if we don't already have this capability in the profile, add it
unless($sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability}) {
$log{$sdmode}{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability} = 1;
sub profilemode ($) {
my $mode = shift;
my $modifier = ($mode =~ m/[iupUP]/)[0];
if($modifier) {
$mode =~ s/[iupUPx]//g;
$mode .= $modifier . "x";
return $mode;
# kinky.
sub commonprefix (@) { (join( "\0", @_) =~ m/^([^\0]*)[^\0]*(\0\1[^\0]*)*$/)[0] }
sub commonsuffix (@) { reverse(((reverse join( "\0", @_)) =~ m/^([^\0]*)[^\0]*(\0\1[^\0]*)*$/)[0]) }
sub uniq (@) {
my %seen;
my @result = sort grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } @_;
return @result;
sub collapsemode ($) {
my $old = shift;
my %seen;
my $new = join "",
grep { ! $seen{$_}++ }
$old =~ m/\G(r|w|l|m|ix|px|ux|Px|Ux)/g;
return $new;
sub contains ($$) {
my ($glob, $single) = @_;
$glob = "" unless defined $glob;
my %h;
$h{$_}++ for ($glob =~ m/\G(r|w|l|m|ix|px|ux|Px|Ux)/g);
for my $mode ($single =~ m/\G(r|w|l|m|ix|px|ux|Px|Ux)/g) {
return 0 unless $h{$mode};
return 1;
sub readprofiles () {
opendir(SDDIR, $profiledir) or fatal_error "Can't read AppArmor profiles in $profiledir.";
for my $file (grep { -f "$profiledir/$_" } readdir(SDDIR)) {
next if $file =~ /\.rpm(save|new)$/;
sub readprofile ($) {
my $file = shift;
if(open(SDPROF, "$file")) {
my ($profile, $hat, $in_contained_hat);
my $initial_comment = "";
while(<SDPROF>) {
# we don't care about blank lines
next if /^\s*$/;
# start of a profile...
if(m/^\s*("??\/.+?"??)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$/) {
# if we run into the start of a profile while we're already in a
# profile, something's wrong...
if($profile) {
fatal_error "$profile profile in $file contains syntax errors.";
# we hit the start of a profile, keep track of it...
$profile = $1;
my $flags = $2;
$in_contained_hat = 0;
# hat is same as profile name if we're not in a hat
($profile, $hat) = split /\^/, $profile;
# deal with whitespace in profile and hat names.
$profile = $1 if $profile =~ /^"(.+)"$/;
$hat = $1 if $hat =~ /^"(.+)"$/;
# if we run into old-style hat declarations mark the profile as
# changed so we'll write it out as new-style
if($hat && $hat ne $profile) {
$changed{$profile} = 1;
$hat ||= $profile;
# keep track of profile flags
if($flags && $flags =~ /^flags=\((.+)\)\s*$/) {
$flags = $1;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags} = $flags;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain} = [];
# store off initial comment if they have one
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{initial_comment} = $initial_comment if $initial_comment;
$initial_comment = "";
} elsif(m/^\s*\}\s*$/) { # end of a profile...
# if we hit the end of a profile when we're not in one, something's
# wrong...
if(not $profile) {
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
if($in_contained_hat) {
$hat = $profile;
$in_contained_hat = 0;
} else {
# if we're finishing a profile, make sure that any required
# infrastructure hats for this changehat application exist
for my $hatglob (keys %required_hats) {
if($profile =~ /$hatglob/) {
for my $hat (split(/\s+/, $required_hats{$hatglob})) {
unless($sd{$profile}{$hat}) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat} = { };
# if we had to auto-instantiate a hat, we want to write out
# an updated version of the profile
$changed{$profile} = 1;
# mark that we're outside of a profile now...
$profile = undef;
$initial_comment = "";
} elsif(m/^\s*capability\s+(\S+)\s*,\s*$/) { # capability entry
if(not $profile) {
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
my $capability = $1;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}{$capability} = 1;
} elsif(/^\s*(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\}?)\s*=\s*(true|false)\s*$/i) { # boolean definition
} elsif(/^\s*(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\+=\s*(.+)\s*$/) { # variable additions
} elsif(/^\s*(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/) { # variable definitions
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- boolean
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- variable defined
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- boolean defined
} elsif(m/^\s*([\"\@\/].*)\s+(\S+)\s*,\s*$/) { # path entry
if(not $profile) {
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
my ($path, $mode) = ($1, $2);
# strip off any trailing spaces.
$path =~ s/\s+$//;
$path = $1 if $path =~ /^"(.+)"$/;
# make sure they don't have broken regexps in the profile
my $p_re = convert_regexp($path);
eval { "foo" =~ m/^$p_re$/; };
if($@) {
fatal_error sprintf(gettext('Profile %s contains invalid regexp %s.'), $file, $path);
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path} = $mode;
} elsif(m/^\s*#include <(.+)>\s*$/) { # include stuff
my $include = $1;
if ($profile) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{$include} = 1;
} else {
unless (exists $variables{$file}) {
$variables{$file} = { };
$variables{$file}{"#" . $include} = 1; # sorry
} elsif(/^\s*(tcp_connect|tcp_accept|udp_send|udp_receive)/) {
if(not $profile) {
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
# XXX - BUGBUGBUG - don't strip netdomain entries
unless($sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain}) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain} = [ ];
# strip leading spaces and trailing comma
# keep track of netdomain entries...
push @{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain}}, $_;
} elsif(m/^\s*\^(\"?.+?)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$/) { # start of a hat
# if we hit the start of a contained hat when we're not in a profile
# something is wrong...
if(not $profile) {
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
$in_contained_hat = 1;
# we hit the start of a hat inside the current profile
$hat = $1;
my $flags = $2;
# deal with whitespace in hat names.
$hat = $1 if $hat =~ /^"(.+)"$/;
# keep track of profile flags
if($flags && $flags =~ /^flags=\((.+)\)\s*$/) {
$flags = $1;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags} = $flags;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path} = { };
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain} = [];
# store off initial comment if they have one
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{initial_comment} = $initial_comment if $initial_comment;
$initial_comment = "";
} elsif(/^\s*\#/) {
# we only currently handle initial comments
if(not $profile) {
# ignore vim syntax highlighting lines
next if /^\s*\# vim:syntax/;
# ignore Last Modified: lines
next if /^\s*\# Last Modified:/;
$initial_comment .= "$_\n";
} else {
# we hit something we don't understand in a profile...
fatal_error(sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file));
# if we're still in a profile when we hit the end of the file, it's bad
if($profile) {
fatal_error "Reached the end of $file while we were still inside the $profile profile.";
} else {
$DEBUGGING && debug "readprofile: can't read $file - skipping";
sub escape($) {
my $dangerous = shift;
if ($dangerous =~ m/^"(.+)"$/) {
$dangerous = $1;
$dangerous =~ s/((?<!\\))"/$1\\"/g;
if ($dangerous =~ m/(\s|^$|")/) {
$dangerous = "\"$dangerous\"";
return $dangerous;
sub writeheader ($$$$) {
my ($fh, $profile, $hat, $indent) = @_;
# deal with whitespace in profile names...
my $p = $profile;
$p = "\"$p\"" if $p =~ /\s/;
if($sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags}) {
print $fh "$p flags=($sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags}) {\n";
} else {
print $fh "$p {\n";
sub writeincludes ($$$$) {
my ($fh, $profile, $hat, $indent) = @_;
# dump out the includes
if(exists $sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}) {
for my $include (sort keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}}) {
print $fh "$indent #include <$include>\n";
print $fh "\n" if keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}};
sub writecapabilities ($$$$) {
my ($fh, $profile, $hat, $indent) = @_;
# dump out the capability entries...
if(exists $sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}) {
for my $capability (sort keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}}) {
print $fh "$indent capability $capability,\n";
print $fh "\n" if keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{capability}};
sub writenetdomain ($$$$) {
my ($fh, $profile, $hat, $indent) = @_;
# dump out the netdomain entries...
if(exists $sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain}) {
for my $nd (sort @{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain}}) {
print $fh "$indent $nd,\n";
print $fh "\n" if @{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{netdomain}};
sub writepaths ($$$$) {
my ($fh, $profile, $hat, $indent) = @_;
if(exists $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}) {
for my $path (sort keys %{$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}}) {
my $mode = $sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$path};
# strip out any fake access() modes that might have slipped through
$mode =~ s/X//g;
# deal with whitespace in path names
if($path =~ /\s/) {
print $fh "$indent \"$path\" $mode,\n";
} else {
print $fh "$indent $path $mode,\n";
sub writepiece ($$) {
my ($sdprof, $profile) = @_;
writeheader ($sdprof, $profile, $profile, "");
writeincludes ($sdprof, $profile, $profile, "");
writecapabilities ($sdprof, $profile, $profile, "");
writenetdomain ($sdprof, $profile, $profile, "");
writepaths ($sdprof, $profile, $profile, "");
for my $hat (grep { $_ ne $profile } sort keys %{$sd{$profile}}) {
# deal with whitespace in profile names...
my $h = $hat;
$h = "\"$h\"" if $h =~ /\s/;
if($sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags}) {
print $sdprof "\n ^$h flags=($sd{$profile}{$hat}{flags}) {\n";
} else {
print $sdprof "\n ^$h {\n";
writeincludes ($sdprof, $profile, $hat, " ");
writecapabilities ($sdprof, $profile, $hat, " ");
writenetdomain ($sdprof, $profile, $hat, " ");
writepaths ($sdprof, $profile, $hat, " ");
print $sdprof " }\n";
print $sdprof "}\n";
sub writeprofile ($) {
my $profile = shift;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Writing updated profile for %s.'), $profile));
my $filename = getprofilefilename($profile);
open(SDPROF, ">$filename") or fatal_error "Can't write new AppArmor profile $filename: $!";
# stick in a vim mode line to turn on subdomain syntax highlighting
print SDPROF "# vim:syntax=apparmor\n";
# keep track of when the file was last updated
print SDPROF "# Last Modified: " . localtime(time) . "\n";
# print out initial comment
if($sd{$profile}{$profile}{initial_comment}) {
$sd{$profile}{$profile}{initial_comment} =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
print SDPROF $sd{$profile}{$profile}{initial_comment};
print SDPROF "\n";
# dump variables defined in this file
if($variables{$filename}) {
for my $var (sort keys %{$variables{$filename}}) {
if ($var =~ m/^@/) {
my @values = sort @{$variables{$filename}{$var}};
@values = map { escape($_) } @values;
my $values = join (" ", @values);
print SDPROF "$var = ";
print SDPROF $values;
} elsif ($var =~ m/^\$/) {
print SDPROF "$var = ";
print SDPROF ${$variables{$filename}{$var}};
} elsif ($var =~ m/^\#/) {
my $inc = $var;
$inc =~ s/^\#//;
print SDPROF "#include <$inc>";
print SDPROF "\n";
print SDPROF "\n";
writepiece(\*SDPROF, $profile);
sub getprofileflags {
my $filename = shift;
my $flags = "enforce";
if(open(PROFILE, "$filename")) {
while(<PROFILE>) {
if(m/^\s*\/\S+\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*{\s*$/) {
$flags = $1;
$flags =~ s/flags=\((.+)\)/$1/;
return $flags;
return $flags;
sub matchliteral {
my ($sd_regexp, $literal) = @_;
my $p_regexp = convert_regexp($sd_regexp);
# check the log entry against our converted regexp...
my $matches = eval { $literal =~ /^$p_regexp$/; };
# doesn't match if we've got a broken regexp
return undef if $@;
return $matches;
sub reload ($) {
my $bin = shift;
# don't try to reload profile if subdomain is not running
return unless check_for_subdomain();
# don't reload the profile if the corresponding executable doesn't exist
my $fqdbin = findexecutable($bin) or return;
my $filename = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
system("/bin/cat '$filename' | $parser -I$profiledir -r >/dev/null 2>&1");
sub loadinclude {
my $which= shift;
# don't bother loading it again if we already have
return if $include{$which};
my @loadincludes = ( $which );
while(my $incfile = shift @loadincludes) {
# load the include from the directory we found earlier...
open(INCLUDE, "$profiledir/$incfile") or fatal_error "Can't find include file $incfile: $!";
while(<INCLUDE>) {
if(/^\s*(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\}?)\s*=\s*(true|false)\s*$/i) { # boolean definition
} elsif(/^\s*(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\+=\s*(.+)\s*$/) { # variable additions
} elsif(/^\s*(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/) { # variable definitions
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- boolean
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- variable defined
} elsif(m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*$/) { # conditional -- boolean defined
} elsif(m/^\s*\}\s*$/) { # end of a profile or conditional
} elsif(m/^\s*([\"\@\/].*)\s+(\S+)\s*,\s*$/) { # path entry
my ($path, $mode) = ($1, $2);
# strip off any trailing spaces.
$path =~ s/\s+$//;
$path = $1 if $path =~ /^"(.+)"$/;
# make sure they don't have broken regexps in the profile
my $p_re = convert_regexp($path);
eval { "foo" =~ m/^$p_re$/; };
if($@) {
fatal_error sprintf(gettext('Include %s contains invalid regexp %s.'), $incfile, $path);
$include{$incfile}{path}{$path} = $mode;
} elsif(/^\s*capability\s+(.+)\s*,\s*$/) {
my $capability = $1;
$include{$incfile}{capability}{$capability} = 1;
} elsif(/^\s*#include <(.+)>\s*$/) { # include stuff
my $newinclude = $1;
push @loadincludes, $newinclude unless $include{$newinclude};
$include{$incfile}{include}{$newinclude} = 1;
} elsif(/^\s*(tcp_connect|tcp_accept|udp_send|udp_receive)/) {
} else {
# we don't care about blank lines or comments
next if /^\s*$/;
next if /^\s*\#/;
# we hit something we don't understand in a profile...
fatal_error sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $incfile);
sub rematchfrag{
my ($frag, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = "";
my @matches;
for my $entry (keys %{$frag->{path}}) {
my $regexp = convert_regexp($entry);
# check the log entry against our converted regexp...
if($path =~ /^$regexp$/) {
# regexp matches, add it's mode to the list to check against
$combinedmode .= $frag->{path}{$entry};
push @matches, $entry;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
sub matchincludes {
my ($frag, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = "";
my @matches;
# scan the include fragments for this profile looking for matches
my @includelist = keys %{$frag->{include}};
while(my $include = shift @includelist) {
my ($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$include}, $path);
if($cm) {
$combinedmode .= $cm;
push @matches, @m;
# check if a literal version is in the current include fragment
if($include{$include}{path}{$path}) {
$combinedmode .= $include{$include}{path}{$path};
# if this fragment includes others, check them too
if(keys %{$include{$include}{include}}) {
push @includelist, keys %{$include{$include}{include}};
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
sub matchinclude {
my ($incname, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = "";
my @matches;
# scan the include fragments for this profile looking for matches
my @includelist = ( $incname );
while(my $include = shift @includelist) {
my ($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$include}, $path);
if($cm) {
$combinedmode .= $cm;
push @matches, @m;
# check if a literal version is in the current include fragment
if($include{$include}{path}{$path}) {
$combinedmode .= $include{$include}{path}{$path};
# if this fragment includes others, check them too
if(keys %{$include{$include}{include}}) {
push @includelist, keys %{$include{$include}{include}};
if($combinedmode) {
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
} else {
sub readconfig () {
my $which;
if(open(LPCONF, "$confdir/logprof.conf")) {
while(<LPCONF>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
if(m/^\[(\S+)\]/) {
$which = $1;
} elsif(m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/) {
my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
if($which eq "defaulthat") {
$defaulthat{$key} = $value;
} elsif($which eq "qualifiers") {
$qualifiers{$key} = $value;
} elsif($which eq "globs") {
$globmap{$key} = $value;
} elsif($which eq "required_hats") {
$required_hats{$key} = $value;
sub loadincludes {
if(opendir(SDDIR, $profiledir )) {
my @incdirs = grep { (! /^\./) && (-d "$profiledir/$_") } readdir(SDDIR);
while(my $id = shift @incdirs) {
if(opendir(SDDIR, "$profiledir/$id" )) {
for my $path (grep { ! /^\./ } readdir(SDDIR)) {
next if $path =~ /\.rpm(save|new)$/;
if(-f "$profiledir/$id/$path") {
my $file = "$id/$path";
$file =~ s/$profiledir\///;
} elsif(-d "$id/$path") {
push @incdirs, "$id/$path";
sub globcommon ($) {
my $path = shift;
my @globs;
# glob library versions in both and form
if($path =~ m/[\d\.]+\.so$/ || $path =~ m/\.so\.[\d\.]+$/) {
my $libpath = $path;
$libpath =~ s/[\d\.]+\.so$/*.so/;
$libpath =~ s/\.so\.[\d\.]+$/.so.*/;
push @globs, $libpath if $libpath ne $path;
for my $glob (keys %globmap) {
if($path =~ /$glob/) {
my $globbedpath = $path;
$globbedpath =~ s/$glob/$globmap{$glob}/g;
push @globs, $globbedpath if $globbedpath ne $path;
if(wantarray) {
return sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } uniq(@globs);
} else {
my @list = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } uniq(@globs);
return $list[$#list];
# this is an ugly, nasty function that attempts to see if one regexp
# is a subset of another regexp
sub matchregexp ($$) {
my ($new, $old) = @_;
# bail out if old pattern has {foo,bar,baz} stuff in it
return undef if $old =~ /\{.*(\,.*)*\}/;
# are there any regexps at all in the old pattern?
if($old =~ /\[.+\]/ or $old =~ /\*/ or $old =~ /\?/) {
# convert {foo,baz} to (foo|baz)
$new =~ y/\{\}\,/\(\)\|/ if $new =~ /\{.*\,.*\}/;
$new =~ s/\*\*/\001/g;
$new =~ s/\*/\002/g;
$old =~ s/\*\*/\001/g;
$old =~ s/\*/\002/g;
# strip common prefix
my $prefix = commonprefix($new, $old);
if($prefix) {
# make sure we don't accidentally gobble up a trailing * or **
$prefix =~ s/(\001|\002)$//;
$new =~ s/^$prefix//;
$old =~ s/^$prefix//;
# strip common suffix
my $suffix = commonsuffix($new, $old);
if($suffix) {
# make sure we don't accidentally gobble up a leading * or **
$suffix =~ s/^(\001|\002)//;
$new =~ s/$suffix$//;
$old =~ s/$suffix$//;
# if we boiled the differences down to a ** in the new entry, it matches
# whatever's in the old entry
return 1 if $new eq "\001";
# if we've paired things down to a * in new, old matches if there are no
# slashes left in the path
return 1 if ($new eq "\002" && $old =~ /^[^\/]+$/);
# we'll bail out if we have more globs in the old version
return undef if $old =~ /\001|\002/;
# see if we can match * globs in new against literal elements in old
$new =~ s/\002/[^\/]*/g;
return 1 if $old =~ /^$new$/;
} else {
my $new_regexp = convert_regexp($new);
# check the log entry against our converted regexp...
return 1 if $old =~ /^$new_regexp$/;
return undef;
sub combine_name($$) { return ($_[0] eq $_[1]) ? $_[0] : "$_[0]^$_[1]"; }
sub split_name ($) { my ($p, $h) = split(/\^/, $_[0]); $h ||= $p; ($p, $h); }
# prompt_user($headers, $functions, $default, $options, $selected);
# $headers:
# a required arrayref made up of "key, value" pairs in the order you'd
# like them displayed to user
# $functions:
# a required arrayref of the different options to display at the bottom
# of the prompt like "(A)llow", "(D)eny", and "Ba(c)on". the character
# contained by ( and ) will be used as the key to select the specified
# option.
# $default:
# a required character which is the default "key" to enter when they
# just hit enter
# $options:
# an optional arrayref of the choices like the glob suggestions to be
# presented to the user
# $selected:
# specifies which option is currently selected
# when prompt_user() is called without an $options list, it returns a
# single value which is the key for the specified "function".
# when prompt_user() is called with an $options list, it returns an array
# of two elements, the key for the specified function as well as which
# option was currently selected
sub Text_PromptUser ($) {
my $question = shift;
my @headers = ( @{$question->{headers}} );
my @functions = ( @{$question->{functions}} );
my $default = $question->{default};
my $options = $question->{options};
my $selected = $question->{selected};
my $helptext = $question->{helptext};
push @functions, "CMD_HELP" if $helptext;
my %keys;
my @menu_items;
for my $cmd (@functions) {
# make sure we know about this particular command
fatal_error "PromptUser: Unknown command $cmd" unless $CMDS{$cmd};
# grab the localized text to use for the menu for this command
my $menutext = gettext($CMDS{$cmd});
# figure out what the hotkey for this menu item is
$menutext =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey in '$menutext'";
# we want case insensitive comparisons so we'll force things to lowercase
my $key = lc($1);
# check if we're already using this hotkey for this prompt
fatal_error "PromptUser: Duplicate hotkey for $cmd: $menutext" if $keys{$key};
# keep track of which command they're picking if they hit this hotkey
$keys{$key} = $cmd;
if($default && $default eq $cmd) {
$menutext = "[$menutext]";
push @menu_items, $menutext;
# figure out the key for the default option
my $default_key;
if($default && $CMDS{$default}) {
my $defaulttext = gettext($CMDS{$default});
# figure out what the hotkey for this menu item is
$defaulttext =~ /\((\S)\)/ or fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid hotkey in default item '$defaulttext'";
# we want case insensitive comparisons so we'll force things to lowercase
$default_key = lc($1);
fatal_error "PromptUser: Invalid default $default" unless $keys{$default_key};
my $widest = 0;
my @poo = @headers;
while(my $header = shift @poo) {
my $value = shift @poo;
$widest = length($header) if length($header) > $widest;
my $format = '%-' . $widest . "s \%s\n";
my $function_regexp = '^(';
$function_regexp .= join("|", keys %keys);
$function_regexp .= '|\d' if $options;
$function_regexp .= ')$';
my $ans = "XXXINVALIDXXX";
while($ans !~ /$function_regexp/i) {
# build up the prompt...
my $prompt = "\n";
my @poo = @headers;
while(my $header = shift @poo) {
my $value = shift @poo;
$prompt .= sprintf($format, "$header:", $value);
$prompt .= "\n";
if($options) {
for (my $i = 0; $options->[$i]; $i++) {
my $f = ($selected == $i) ? ' [%d - %s]' : ' %d - %s ';
$prompt .= sprintf("$f\n", $i+1, $options->[$i]);
$prompt .= "\n";
$prompt .= join(" / ", @menu_items);
print "$prompt\n";
# get their input...
$ans = lc(getkey);
if($ans && $keys{$ans} && $keys{$ans} eq "CMD_HELP") {
print "\n$helptext\n";
$ans = undef;
# pick the default if they hit return...
$ans = $default_key if ord($ans) == 10;
# ugly code to handle escape sequences so you can up/down in the list
if(ord($ans) == 27) {
$ans = getkey;
if(ord($ans) == 91) {
$ans = getkey;
if(ord($ans) == 65) {
if($options) {
if($selected > 0) {
$ans = $selected;
} else {
$ans = "again";
} else {
$ans = "again";
} elsif(ord($ans) == 66) {
if($options) {
if($selected <= scalar(@$options)) {
$ans = $selected + 2;
} else {
$ans = "again";
} else {
$ans = "again";
} else {
$ans = "again";
# handle option poo
if($options && ($ans =~ /^\d$/)) {
if($ans > 0 && $ans <= scalar(@$options)) {
$selected = $ans - 1;
$ans = undef;
# pull our command back from our hotkey map
$ans = $keys{$ans} if $keys{$ans};
# if($options) {
# die "ERROR: not looking for array when options passed" unless wantarray;
if($options) {
return ($ans, $options->[$selected]);
} else {
return ($ans, $selected);
# } else {
# die "ERROR: looking for list when options not passed" if wantarray;
# return $ans;
# }
unless(-x $ldd) {
$ldd = which("ldd") or fatal_error "Can't find ldd.";
unless(-x $parser) {
$parser = which("apparmor_parser") || which("subdomain_parser")
or fatal_error "Can't find apparmor_parser.";