
639 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* (C) 2006, 2007 Andreas Gruenbacher <>
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. (All rights reserved)
* Copyright 2009-2013 Canonical Ltd.
* The libapparmor library is licensed under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. Please see the file
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Functions to create/manipulate an expression tree for regular expressions
* that have been parsed.
* The expression tree can be used directly after the parse creates it, or
* it can be factored so that the set of important nodes is smaller.
* Having a reduced set of important nodes generally results in a dfa that
* is closer to minimum (fewer redundant states are created). It also
* results in fewer important nodes in a the state set during subset
* construction resulting in less memory used to create a dfa.
* Generally it is worth doing expression tree simplification before dfa
* construction, if the regular expression tree contains any alternations.
* Even if the regular expression doesn't simplification should be fast
* enough that it can be used with minimal overhead.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "expr-tree.h"
#include "apparmor_re.h"
/* Use a single static EpsNode as it carries no node specific information */
EpsNode epsnode;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, uchar c)
const char *search = "\a\033\f\n\r\t|*+[](). ",
*replace = "aefnrt|*+[](). ", *s;
if ((s = strchr(search, c)) && *s != '\0') {
os << '\\' << replace[s - search];
} else if (c < 32 || c >= 127) {
os << '\\' << '0' << char ('0' + (c >> 6))
<< char ('0' + ((c >> 3) & 7)) << char ('0' + (c & 7));
} else {
os << (char)c;
return os;
* Text-dump a state (for debugging).
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const NodeSet &state)
os << '{';
if (!state.empty()) {
NodeSet::iterator i = state.begin();
for (;;) {
os << (*i)->label;
if (++i == state.end())
os << ',';
os << '}';
return os;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Node &node)
return os;
* hash_NodeSet - generate a hash for the Nodes in the set
unsigned long hash_NodeSet(NodeSet *ns)
unsigned long hash = 5381;
for (NodeSet::iterator i = ns->begin(); i != ns->end(); i++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (unsigned long)*i;
return hash;
* label_nodes - label the node positions for pretty-printing debug output
* TODO: separate - node labels should be separate and optional, if not
* present pretty printing should use Node address
void label_nodes(Node *root)
int nodes = 1;
for (depth_first_traversal i(root); i; i++)
i->label = nodes++;
* Text-dump the syntax tree (for debugging).
void Node::dump_syntax_tree(ostream &os)
for (depth_first_traversal i(this); i; i++) {
os << i->label << '\t';
if ((*i)->child[0] == 0)
os << **i << '\t' << (*i)->followpos << endl;
else {
if ((*i)->child[1] == 0)
os << (*i)->child[0]->label << **i;
os << (*i)->child[0]->label << **i
<< (*i)->child[1]->label;
os << '\t' << (*i)->firstpos << (*i)->lastpos << endl;
os << endl;
* Normalize the regex parse tree for factoring and cancelations. Normalization
* reorganizes internal (alt and cat) nodes into a fixed "normalized" form that
* simplifies factoring code, in that it produces a canonicalized form for
* the direction being normalized so that the factoring code does not have
* to consider as many cases.
* left normalization (dir == 0) uses these rules
* (E | a) -> (a | E)
* (a | b) | c -> a | (b | c)
* (ab)c -> a(bc)
* right normalization (dir == 1) uses the same rules but reversed
* (a | E) -> (E | a)
* a | (b | c) -> (a | b) | c
* a(bc) -> (ab)c
* Note: This is written iteratively for a given node (the top node stays
* fixed and the children are rotated) instead of recursively.
* For a given node under examination rotate over nodes from
* dir to !dir. Until no dir direction node meets the criterial.
* Then recurse to the children (which will have a different node type)
* to make sure they are normalized.
* Normalization of a child node is guarenteed to not affect the
* normalization of the parent.
* For cat nodes the depth first traverse order is guarenteed to be
* maintained. This is not necessary for altnodes.
* Eg. For left normalization
* |1 |1
* / \ / \
* |2 T -> a |2
* / \ / \
* |3 c b |3
* / \ / \
* a b c T
static void rotate_node(Node *t, int dir)
// (a | b) | c -> a | (b | c)
// (ab)c -> a(bc)
Node *left = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = left->child[dir];
left->child[dir] = left->child[!dir];
left->child[!dir] = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = left;
/* return False if no work done */
int TwoChildNode::normalize_eps(int dir)
if ((&epsnode == child[dir]) &&
(&epsnode != child[!dir])) {
// (E | a) -> (a | E)
// Ea -> aE
// Test for E | (E | E) and E . (E . E) which will
// result in an infinite loop
Node *c = child[!dir];
if (dynamic_cast<TwoChildNode *>(c) &&
&epsnode == c->child[dir] &&
&epsnode == c->child[!dir]) {
c = &epsnode;
child[!dir] = child[dir];
child[dir] = c;
return 1;
return 0;
void CatNode::normalize(int dir)
for (;;) {
if (normalize_eps(dir)) {
} else if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(child[dir])) {
// (ab)c -> a(bc)
rotate_node(this, dir);
} else {
if (child[dir])
if (child[!dir])
void AltNode::normalize(int dir)
for (;;) {
if (normalize_eps(dir)) {
} else if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(child[dir])) {
// (a | b) | c -> a | (b | c)
rotate_node(this, dir);
} else if (dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(child[dir]) &&
dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(child[!dir])) {
// [a] | b -> b | [a]
Node *c = child[dir];
child[dir] = child[!dir];
child[!dir] = c;
} else {
if (child[dir])
if (child[!dir])
//charset conversion is disabled for now,
//it hinders tree optimization in some cases, so it need to be either
//done post optimization, or have extra factoring rules added
#if 0
static Node *merge_charset(Node *a, Node *b)
if (dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(a) && dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(b)) {
Chars chars;
chars.insert(dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(a)->c);
chars.insert(dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(b)->c);
CharSetNode *n = new CharSetNode(chars);
return n;
} else if (dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(a) &&
dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(b)) {
Chars *chars = &dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(b)->chars;
chars->insert(dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(a)->c);
return b;
} else if (dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(a) &&
dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(b)) {
Chars *from = &dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(a)->chars;
Chars *to = &dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(b)->chars;
for (Chars::iterator i = from->begin(); i != from->end(); i++)
return b;
//return ???;
static Node *alt_to_charsets(Node *t, int dir)
Node *first = NULL;
Node *p = t;
Node *i = t;
for (;dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(i);) {
if (dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(i->child[dir]) ||
dynamic_cast<CharNodeSet *>(i->child[dir])) {
if (!first) {
first = i;
p = i;
i = i->child[!dir];
} else {
first->child[dir] = merge_charset(first->child[dir],
p->child[!dir] = i->child[!dir];
Node *tmp = i;
i = tmp->child[!dir];
tmp->child[!dir] = NULL;
} else {
p = i;
i = i->child[!dir];
// last altnode of chain check other dir as well
if (first && (dynamic_cast<charNode *>(i) ||
dynamic_cast<charNodeSet *>(i))) {
if (dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(t->child[dir]) ||
dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(t->child[dir]))
char_test = true;
(char_test &&
(dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(i->child[dir]) ||
dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(i->child[dir])))) {
return t;
static Node *basic_alt_factor(Node *t, int dir)
if (!dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t))
return t;
if (t->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir])) {
// (a | a) -> a
Node *tmp = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = NULL;
return tmp;
// (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[dir]) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[!dir]) &&
t->child[dir]->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir]->child[dir])) {
// (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
Node *left = t->child[dir];
Node *right = t->child[!dir];
t->child[dir] = left->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = right->child[!dir];
right->child[!dir] = NULL;
left->child[!dir] = t;
return left;
// a | (ab) -> a (E | b) -> a (b | E)
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[!dir]) &&
t->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir]->child[dir])) {
Node *c = t->child[!dir];
t->child[dir] = c->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = &epsnode;
c->child[!dir] = t;
return c;
// ab | (a) -> a (b | E)
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[dir]) &&
t->child[dir]->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir])) {
Node *c = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = c->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = &epsnode;
c->child[!dir] = t;
return c;
return t;
static Node *basic_simplify(Node *t, int dir)
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t) && &epsnode == t->child[!dir]) {
// aE -> a
Node *tmp = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = NULL;
return tmp;
return basic_alt_factor(t, dir);
* assumes a normalized tree. reductions shown for left normalization
* aE -> a
* (a | a) -> a
** factoring patterns
* a | (a | b) -> (a | b)
* a | (ab) -> a (E | b) -> a (b | E)
* (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
* returns t - if no simplifications were made
* a new root node - if simplifications were made
Node *simplify_tree_base(Node *t, int dir, bool &mod)
if (dynamic_cast<ImportantNode *>(t))
return t;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (t->child[i]) {
Node *c = simplify_tree_base(t->child[i], dir, mod);
if (c != t->child[i]) {
t->child[i] = c;
mod = true;
// only iterate on loop if modification made
for (;; mod = true) {
Node *tmp = basic_simplify(t, dir);
if (tmp != t) {
t = tmp;
/* all tests after this must meet 2 alt node condition */
if (!dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) ||
!dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t->child[!dir]))
// a | (a | b) -> (a | b)
// a | (b | (c | a)) -> (b | (c | a))
Node *p = t;
Node *i = t->child[!dir];
for (; dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(i); p = i, i = i->child[!dir]) {
if (t->child[dir]->eq(i->child[dir])) {
Node *tmp = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = NULL;
t = tmp;
// last altnode of chain check other dir as well
if (t->child[dir]->eq(p->child[!dir])) {
Node *tmp = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = NULL;
t = tmp;
//exact match didn't work, try factoring front
//a | (ac | (ad | () -> (a (E | c)) | (...)
//ab | (ac | (...)) -> (a (b | c)) | (...)
//ab | (a | (...)) -> (a (b | E)) | (...)
Node *pp;
int count = 0;
Node *subject = t->child[dir];
Node *a = subject;
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(subject))
a = subject->child[dir];
for (pp = p = t, i = t->child[!dir];
dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(i);) {
if ((dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(i->child[dir]) &&
a->eq(i->child[dir]->child[dir])) ||
(a->eq(i->child[dir]))) {
// extract matching alt node
p->child[!dir] = i->child[!dir];
i->child[!dir] = subject;
subject = basic_simplify(i, dir);
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(subject))
a = subject->child[dir];
a = subject;
i = p->child[!dir];
} else {
pp = p;
p = i;
i = i->child[!dir];
// last altnode in chain check other dir as well
if ((dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(i) &&
a->eq(i->child[dir])) || (a->eq(i))) {
if (t == p) {
t->child[dir] = subject;
t = basic_simplify(t, dir);
} else {
t->child[dir] = p->child[dir];
p->child[dir] = subject;
pp->child[!dir] = basic_simplify(p, dir);
} else {
t->child[dir] = i;
p->child[!dir] = subject;
if (count == 0)
return t;
int debug_tree(Node *t)
int nodes = 1;
if (!dynamic_cast<ImportantNode *>(t)) {
if (t->child[0])
nodes += debug_tree(t->child[0]);
if (t->child[1])
nodes += debug_tree(t->child[1]);
return nodes;
static void count_tree_nodes(Node *t, struct node_counts *counts)
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t)) {
count_tree_nodes(t->child[0], counts);
count_tree_nodes(t->child[1], counts);
} else if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t)) {
count_tree_nodes(t->child[0], counts);
count_tree_nodes(t->child[1], counts);
} else if (dynamic_cast<PlusNode *>(t)) {
count_tree_nodes(t->child[0], counts);
} else if (dynamic_cast<StarNode *>(t)) {
count_tree_nodes(t->child[0], counts);
} else if (dynamic_cast<OptionalNode *>(t)) {
count_tree_nodes(t->child[0], counts);
} else if (dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(t)) {
} else if (dynamic_cast<AnyCharNode *>(t)) {
} else if (dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(t)) {
} else if (dynamic_cast<NotCharSetNode *>(t)) {
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "apparmor_re.h"
parser: limit the number of passes expr tree simplification does Expr tree simplification makes multiple passes at simplifying the expression tree trying to use fatoring rules and heuristics to achieve the minimum tree, so that dfa construction has fewer nodes to deal with. Unfortunately expr tree simplification can slow some policy compiles, dependent on the type of expressions generated, down, and even worse is currently subject to never terminating on some expressions as the left and right passes keep undoing each others work. Limiting the number of passes that expr tree simplification does can provide most of its benefits (later passes generally have diminishing returns), reduces the overhead it has on simple policy where it is of little benefit, and insures that simplifications can not get stuck in an infinite loop due to the left and right passes ping-ponging on each others factoring. Note: This also results in a performance improvement in evince compiles, and general policy compiles because it achieves a better balance between time spent on simplifying the tree to remove nodes and time the dfa build requires to build with extra nodes and then eliminate with minimization. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.744s user 0m2.714s sys 0m0.028s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.992s user 0m2.979s sys 0m0.012s and $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.568s user 0m14.529s sys 0m0.152s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.741s user 0m15.400s sys 0m0.179s PR: Signed-off-by: John Johansen <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2018-10-20 15:59:51 -07:00
// maximum number of passes to iterate on the expression tree doing
// simplification passes. Simplification may exit sooner if no changes
// are made.
#define MAX_PASSES 1
Node *simplify_tree(Node *t, dfaflags_t flags)
parser: limit the number of passes expr tree simplification does Expr tree simplification makes multiple passes at simplifying the expression tree trying to use fatoring rules and heuristics to achieve the minimum tree, so that dfa construction has fewer nodes to deal with. Unfortunately expr tree simplification can slow some policy compiles, dependent on the type of expressions generated, down, and even worse is currently subject to never terminating on some expressions as the left and right passes keep undoing each others work. Limiting the number of passes that expr tree simplification does can provide most of its benefits (later passes generally have diminishing returns), reduces the overhead it has on simple policy where it is of little benefit, and insures that simplifications can not get stuck in an infinite loop due to the left and right passes ping-ponging on each others factoring. Note: This also results in a performance improvement in evince compiles, and general policy compiles because it achieves a better balance between time spent on simplifying the tree to remove nodes and time the dfa build requires to build with extra nodes and then eliminate with minimization. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.744s user 0m2.714s sys 0m0.028s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.992s user 0m2.979s sys 0m0.012s and $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.568s user 0m14.529s sys 0m0.152s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.741s user 0m15.400s sys 0m0.179s PR: Signed-off-by: John Johansen <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2018-10-20 15:59:51 -07:00
bool update = true;
int i;
if (flags & DFA_DUMP_TREE_STATS) {
struct node_counts counts = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
count_tree_nodes(t, &counts);
"expr tree: c %d, [] %d, [^] %d, | %d, + %d, * %d, . %d, cat %d\n",
counts.charnode, counts.charset, counts.notcharset,
counts.alt,,, counts.any,;
parser: limit the number of passes expr tree simplification does Expr tree simplification makes multiple passes at simplifying the expression tree trying to use fatoring rules and heuristics to achieve the minimum tree, so that dfa construction has fewer nodes to deal with. Unfortunately expr tree simplification can slow some policy compiles, dependent on the type of expressions generated, down, and even worse is currently subject to never terminating on some expressions as the left and right passes keep undoing each others work. Limiting the number of passes that expr tree simplification does can provide most of its benefits (later passes generally have diminishing returns), reduces the overhead it has on simple policy where it is of little benefit, and insures that simplifications can not get stuck in an infinite loop due to the left and right passes ping-ponging on each others factoring. Note: This also results in a performance improvement in evince compiles, and general policy compiles because it achieves a better balance between time spent on simplifying the tree to remove nodes and time the dfa build requires to build with extra nodes and then eliminate with minimization. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.744s user 0m2.714s sys 0m0.028s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.992s user 0m2.979s sys 0m0.012s and $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.568s user 0m14.529s sys 0m0.152s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.741s user 0m15.400s sys 0m0.179s PR: Signed-off-by: John Johansen <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2018-10-20 15:59:51 -07:00
for (i = 0; update && i < MAX_PASSES; i++) {
update = false;
//default to right normalize first as this reduces the number
//of trailing nodes which might follow an internal *
//or **, which is where state explosion can happen
//eg. in one test this makes the difference between
// the dfa having about 7 thousands states,
// and it having about 1.25 million states
int dir = 1;
dir = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
bool modified;
do {
modified = false;
t = simplify_tree_base(t, dir, modified);
if (modified)
update = true;
} while (modified);
parser: limit the number of passes expr tree simplification does Expr tree simplification makes multiple passes at simplifying the expression tree trying to use fatoring rules and heuristics to achieve the minimum tree, so that dfa construction has fewer nodes to deal with. Unfortunately expr tree simplification can slow some policy compiles, dependent on the type of expressions generated, down, and even worse is currently subject to never terminating on some expressions as the left and right passes keep undoing each others work. Limiting the number of passes that expr tree simplification does can provide most of its benefits (later passes generally have diminishing returns), reduces the overhead it has on simple policy where it is of little benefit, and insures that simplifications can not get stuck in an infinite loop due to the left and right passes ping-ponging on each others factoring. Note: This also results in a performance improvement in evince compiles, and general policy compiles because it achieves a better balance between time spent on simplifying the tree to remove nodes and time the dfa build requires to build with extra nodes and then eliminate with minimization. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.744s user 0m2.714s sys 0m0.028s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince real 0m2.992s user 0m2.979s sys 0m0.012s and $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.568s user 0m14.529s sys 0m0.152s vs. $ time apparmor_parser -QT /etc/apparmor.d/ real 0m3.741s user 0m15.400s sys 0m0.179s PR: Signed-off-by: John Johansen <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2018-10-20 15:59:51 -07:00
if (flags & DFA_DUMP_TREE_STATS) {
struct node_counts counts = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
count_tree_nodes(t, &counts);
"simplified expr tree: c %d, [] %d, [^] %d, | %d, + %d, * %d, . %d, cat %d\n",
counts.charnode, counts.charset, counts.notcharset,
counts.alt,,, counts.any,;
return t;
* Flip the children of all cat nodes. This causes strings to be matched
* back-forth.
void flip_tree(Node *node)
for (depth_first_traversal i(node); i; i++) {
if (CatNode *cat = dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(*i)) {
swap(cat->child[0], cat->child[1]);
void dump_regex_rec(ostream &os, Node *tree)
if (tree->child[0])
dump_regex_rec(os, tree->child[0]);
os << *tree;
if (tree->child[1])
dump_regex_rec(os, tree->child[1]);
void dump_regex(ostream &os, Node *tree)
dump_regex_rec(os, tree);
os << endl;