Merge from trunk revision 1805:

Attached is a patch to make the initscript not fail if /tmp is full
  by converting the comm(1) usage on temporary files to an embedded
  awk script. On both Ubuntu and OpenSUSE, a version of awk (mawk in
  Ubuntu, gawk in OpenSUSE) is either a direct or indirect dependency
  on the minimal or base package set, and the original reporter also
  mentioned that an awk-based solution would be palatable in a way
  that converting to bash, or using perl or python here would not be.

  In the embedded awk script, I've tried to avoid gawk or mawk
  specific behaviors or extensions; e.g. this is the reason for the
  call to sort on the output of the awk script, rather than using
  gawk's asort(). But please let me know if you see anything that
  shouldn't be portable across awk implementations.

  An additional issue that is fixed in both scripts is handling
  child profiles (e.g. hats) during reload. If child profiles are
  filtered out (via grep -v '//') of the list to consider, then
  on reloading a profile where a child profile has been removed or
  renamed, that child profile will continue to stick around. However,
  if the profile containing child profiles is removed entirely,
  if the initscript attempts to unload the child profiles after the
  parent is removed, this will fail because they were unloaded when
  the parent was unloaded.  Thus I removed any filtering of child
  profiles out, but do a post-awk reverse sort which guarantees that
  any child profiles will be removed before their parent is. I also
  added the LC_COLLATE=C (based on the Ubuntu version) to the sort
  call to ensure a consistent sort order.

  To restate, the problem with the existing code is that it creates
  temporary files in $TMPDIR (by default /tmp) and if that partition
  is full, problems with the reload action ensue. Alternate solutions
  include switching the initscript to use bash and its <$() extension
  or setting TMPDIR to /dev/shm/. The former is unpalatable to some
  (particularly for an initscript), and for the latter, /dev/shm is
  only guaranteed to exist on GNU libc based systems (glibc apparently
  expects /dev/shm to exist for its POSIX shared memory implementation;
  see shm_overview(7)).  So to me, awk (sans GNU extensions) looks
  to be the least bad option here.

Nominated-By: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-By: John Johansen <>

This commit is contained in:
Steve Beattie 2011-08-26 16:03:03 -07:00
parent 3dfebc380d
commit 3186b09035

View file

@ -83,15 +83,6 @@ SECURITYFS=/sys/kernel/security
SUBDOMAINFS_MOUNTPOINT=$(grep subdomainfs /etc/fstab | \
sed -e 's|^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\+[[:space:]]\+\(/[^[:space:]]*\)[[:space:]]\+subdomainfs.*$|\1|' 2> /dev/null)
if [ -d "/var/lib/${MODULE}" ] ; then
elif [ -d "/var/lib/${OLD_MODULE}" ] ; then
# keep exit status from parser during profile load. 0 is good, 1 is bad
@ -223,7 +214,6 @@ parse_profiles() {
profiles_names_list() {
# run the parser on all of the apparmor profiles
if [ ! -f "$PARSER" ]; then
aa_log_failure_msg "- AppArmor parser not found"
exit 1
@ -236,9 +226,9 @@ profiles_names_list() {
for profile in $PROFILE_DIR/*; do
if skip_profile "${profile}" && [ -f "${profile}" ] ; then
LIST_ADD=$($PARSER $ABSTRACTIONS -N "$profile" | grep -v '//')
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$LIST_ADD"
@ -409,18 +399,16 @@ remove_profiles() {
#the list of profiles isn't stable once we start adding or removing
#them so store to tmp first (in reverse order so hat profiles are removed first)
sed -e "s/ (\(enforce\|complain\))$//" "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | sort -r > "$MODULE_PLIST"
cat "$MODULE_PLIST" | while read profile ; do
# We filter child profiles as removing the parent will remove
# the children
sed -e "s/ (\(enforce\|complain\))$//" "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" \
LC_COLLATE=C sort | grep -v // | while read profile ; do
echo -n "$profile" > "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/.remove"
if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ] ; then
return ${retval}
@ -462,17 +450,33 @@ __apparmor_restart() {
parse_profiles reload
profiles_names_list ${PNAMES_LIST}
# Clean out running profiles not associated with the current profile
# set, excluding the libvirt dynamically generated profiles.
sed -e "s/ (\(enforce\|complain\))$//" "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | egrep -v '^libvirt-[0-9a-f\-]+$' | sort >"$MODULE_PLIST"
sort "$PNAMES_LIST" | comm -2 -3 "$MODULE_PLIST" - | while IFS= read profile ; do
# Note that we reverse sort the list of profiles to remove to
# ensure that child profiles (e.g. hats) are removed before the
# parent. We *do* need to remove the child profile and not rely
# on removing the parent profile when the profile has had its
# child profile names changed.
profiles_names_list | awk '
while (getline < "'${SFS_MOUNTPOINT}'/profiles" ) {
str = sub(/ \((enforce|complain)\)$/, "", $0);
if (match($0, /^libvirt-[0-9a-f\-]+$/) == 0)
arr[$str] = $str
{ if (length(arr[$0]) > 0) { delete arr[$0] } }
for (key in arr)
if (length(arr[key]) > 0) {
printf("%s\n", arr[key])
' | LC_COLLATE=C sort -r | while IFS= read profile ; do
echo -n "$profile" > "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/.remove"
return 0