more audit support. file rules this time

This commit is contained in:
John Johansen 2008-04-18 21:10:25 +00:00
parent fe5a2b35ee
commit 3db6bd6c54

View file

@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ sub handle_binfmt ($$) {
next unless $library;
$profile->{allow}{path}->{$library}{mode} = str_to_mode("mr");
$profile->{allow}{path}->{$library}{audit} = 0;
@ -691,6 +692,7 @@ sub create_new_profile {
if ($hashbang =~ /^#!\s*(\S+)/) {
my $interpreter = get_full_path($1);
$profile->{$fqdbin}{allow}{path}->{$interpreter}{mode} = str_to_mode("ix");
$profile->{$fqdbin}{allow}{path}->{$interpreter}{audit} = 0;
if ($interpreter =~ /perl/) {
$profile->{$fqdbin}{include}->{"abstractions/perl"} = 1;
} elsif ($interpreter =~ m/\/bin\/(bash|sh)/) {
@ -1499,6 +1501,11 @@ sub UI_BusyStop {
my %CMDS = (
CMD_ALLOW => "(A)llow",
CMD_OTHER => "(M)ore",
CMD_AUDIT_NONE => "No (A)udit",
CMD_AUDIT_NEW => "Audit (N)ew",
CMD_AUDIT_FULL => "Audit (F)ull",
CMD_OTHER => "(O)pts",
CMD_DENY => "(D)eny",
CMD_ABORT => "Abo(r)t",
CMD_FINISHED => "(F)inish",
@ -1869,18 +1876,21 @@ sub handlechildren {
$context .= " -> $exec_target";
my $ans = $transitions{$context} || "";
my ($combinedmode, $cm, @m);
my ($combinedmode, $combinedaudit, $cm, $am, @m);
$combinedmode = 0;
$combinedaudit = 0;
# does path match any regexps in original profile?
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $exec_target);
$combinedmode |= $cm if $cm;
$combinedaudit |= $am if $am;
# does path match anything pulled in by includes in
# original profile?
($cm, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $exec_target);
$combinedmode |= $cm if $cm;
$combinedaudit |= $am if $am;
my $exec_mode = 0;
if (contains($combinedmode, "ix")) {
@ -1996,6 +2006,8 @@ sub handlechildren {
} else {
if ($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{deny}{path}{$exec_target}{mode} |= $AA_MAY_EXEC;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{deny}{path}{$exec_target}{audit} |= 0;
$changed{$profile} = 1;
@ -2011,6 +2023,7 @@ sub handlechildren {
$prelog{PERMITTING}{$profile}{$hat}{path}{$exec_target} |= $exec_mode;
$log{PERMITTING}{$profile} = {};
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{allow}{path}{$exec_target}{mode} = $exec_mode;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{allow}{path}{$exec_target}{audit} |= 0;
# mark this profile as changed
$changed{$profile} = 1;
@ -2025,6 +2038,7 @@ sub handlechildren {
if ($hashbang =~ /^#!\s*(\S+)/) {
my $interpreter = get_full_path($1);
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}->{$interpreter}{mode} = str_to_mode("ix");
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{path}->{$interpreter}{audit} |= 0;
if ($interpreter =~ /perl/) {
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{include}{"abstractions/perl"} = 1;
} elsif ($interpreter =~ m/\/bin\/(bash|sh)/) {
@ -2739,7 +2753,6 @@ sub UI_repo_signup {
return ($user, $pass);
sub UI_ask_to_enable_repo {
my $q = { };
@ -2905,6 +2918,34 @@ sub update_repo_profile {
return( $res );
sub UI_ask_mode_toggles ($$) {
my ($audit_toggle, $oldmode) = @_;
my $q = { };
$q->{headers} = [ ];
# "Repository", $cfg->{repository}{url},
# ];
$q->{explanation} = gettext( "Change mode modifiers");
if ($oldmode) {
} else {
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_AUDIT_NONE", "CMD_AUDIT_NEW", "CMD_CONTINUE" ];
my $cmd;
do {
$cmd = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($cmd eq "CMD_AUDIT_NONE") {
$audit_toggle = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "CMD_AUDIT_NEW") {
$audit_toggle = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "CMD_AUDIT_FULL") {
$audit_toggle = 2;
return $audit_toggle;
sub ask_the_questions {
my $found; # do the magic foo-foo
@ -3039,18 +3080,24 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
# do original profile lookup once.
my $allow_mode = 0;
my $allow_audit = 0;
my $deny_mode = 0;
my $deny_audit = 0;
my ($fmode, $imode, @fm, @im, $cm, @m);
($fmode, @fm) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $path);
my ($fmode, $famode, $imode, $iamode, @fm, @im, $cm, $am, $cam, @m);
($fmode, $famode, @fm) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $path);
$allow_mode |= $fmode if $fmode;
($imode, @im) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $path);
$allow_audit |= $famode if $famode;
($imode, $iamode, @im) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'allow', $path);
$allow_mode |= $imode if $imode;
$allow_audit |= $iamode if $iamode;
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'deny', $path);
($cm, $cam, @m) = rematchfrag($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'deny', $path);
$deny_mode |= $cm if $cm;
($cm, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'deny', $path);
$deny_audit |= $cam if $cam;
($cm, $cam, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($sd{$profile}{$hat}, 'deny', $path);
$deny_mode |= $cm if $cm;
$deny_audit |= $cam if $cam;
if ($deny_mode & $AA_MAY_EXEC) {
$deny_mode |= $ALL_AA_EXEC_TYPE;
@ -3123,7 +3170,7 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
$includevalid = 1 if $incname =~ /abstractions/;
next if ($includevalid == 0);
($cm, @m) = match_include_to_path($incname, 'allow', $path);
($cm, $am, @m) = match_include_to_path($incname, 'allow', $path);
if ($cm && mode_contains($cm, $mode)) {
#make sure it doesn't deny $mode
my $dm = match_include_to_path($incname, 'deny', $path);
@ -3168,6 +3215,7 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
my $severity = $sevdb->rank($path, mode_to_str($mode));
my $audit_toggle = 0;
my $done = 0;
while (not $done) {
@ -3178,11 +3226,25 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
# merge in any previous modes from this run
if ($allow_mode) {
my $str;
if ($audit_toggle == 1) {
$str = mode_to_str($allow_mode);
$str .= ", audit " . mode_to_str($mode & ~$allow_mode);
} elsif ($audit_toggle == 2) {
$str = "audit " . mode_to_str($mode);
} else {
$str = mode_to_str($mode);
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("Old Mode"), mode_to_str($allow_mode);
$mode |= $allow_mode;
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("New Mode"), mode_to_str($mode);
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("New Mode"), $str;
} else {
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("Mode"), mode_to_str($mode);
my $str = "";
if ($audit_toggle) {
$str = "audit ";
$str .= mode_to_str($mode);
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("Mode"), $str;
push @{ $q->{headers} }, gettext("Severity"), $severity;
@ -3191,7 +3253,7 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
$q->{functions} = [
$q->{default} =
@ -3203,7 +3265,10 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
# if they just hit return, use the default answer
my ($ans, $selected) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($ans eq "CMD_ALLOW") {
if ($ans eq "CMD_OTHER") {
$audit_toggle = UI_ask_mode_toggles($audit_toggle, $allow_mode);
} elsif ($ans eq "CMD_ALLOW") {
$path = $options[$selected];
$done = 1;
if ($path =~ m/^#include <(.+)>$/) {
@ -3243,6 +3308,9 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
# record the new entry
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{allow}{path}{$path}{mode} = $mode;
my $tmpmode = ($audit_toggle == 1) ? $mode & ~$allow_mode : 0;
$tmpmode = ($audit_toggle == 2) ? $mode : $tmpmode;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{allow}{path}{$path}{audit} |= $tmpmode;
$changed{$profile} = 1;
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Adding %s %s to profile.'), $path, mode_to_str($mode)));
@ -3251,6 +3319,7 @@ sub ask_the_questions {
} elsif ($ans eq "CMD_DENY") {
# record the new entry
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{deny}{path}{$path}{mode} |= $mode & ~$allow_mode;
$sd{$profile}{$hat}{deny}{path}{$path}{audit} |= 0;
$changed{$profile} = 1;
@ -3530,9 +3599,10 @@ sub delete_path_duplicates ($$$) {
for my $entry (keys %{ $profile->{$allow}{path} }) {
next if $entry eq "#include <$incname>";
my $cm = match_include_to_path($incname, $allow, $entry);
my ($cm, $am, @m) = match_include_to_path($incname, $allow, $entry);
if ($cm
&& mode_contains($cm, $profile->{$allow}{path}{$entry}{mode}))
&& mode_contains($cm, $profile->{$allow}{path}{$entry}{mode})
&& mode_contains($am, $profile->{$allow}{path}{$entry}{audit}))
delete $profile->{$allow}{path}{$entry};
@ -4447,15 +4517,15 @@ sub parse_profile_data {
} elsif (m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*\}?)\s*\{\s*(#.*)?$/) { # conditional -- boolean
} elsif (m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(@\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*(#.*)?$/) { # conditional -- variable defined
} elsif (m/^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(\$\{?[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]+\}?)\s*\{\s*(#.*)?$/) { # conditional -- boolean defined
} elsif (m/^\s*(deny\s+)?([\"\@\/].*)\s+(\S+)\s*,\s*(#.*)?$/) { # path entry
} elsif (m/^\s*(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?([\"\@\/].*)\s+(\S+)\s*,\s*(#.*)?$/) { # path entry
if (not $profile) {
die sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors.'), $file) . "\n";
my ($path, $mode) = ($2, $3);
my ($path, $mode) = ($3, $4);
my $audit = ($1) ? 1 : 0;
my $allow = ($2) ? 'deny' : 'allow';
my $allow = 'allow';
$allow = 'deny' if ($1);
# strip off any trailing spaces.
$path =~ s/\s+$//;
@ -4475,7 +4545,11 @@ sub parse_profile_data {
$profile_data->{$profile}{$hat}{$allow}{path}{$path}{mode} = str_to_mode($mode);
if ($audit) {
$profile_data->{$profile}{$hat}{$allow}{path}{$path}{audit} = str_to_mode($mode);
} else {
$profile_data->{$profile}{$hat}{$allow}{path}{$path}{audit} = 0;
} elsif (m/^\s*#include <(.+)>\s*$/) { # include stuff
my $include = $1;
@ -4963,13 +5037,28 @@ sub writepath_rules ($$$) {
my @data;
if (exists $profile_data->{$allow}{path}) {
for my $path (sort keys %{$profile_data->{$allow}{path}}) {
my $mode = mode_to_str($profile_data->{$allow}{path}{$path}{mode});
my $mode = $profile_data->{$allow}{path}{$path}{mode};
my $audit = $profile_data->{$allow}{path}{$path}{audit};
if ($mode & $audit) {
my $amode = $mode & $audit;
my $modestr = mode_to_str($amode);
if ($path =~ /\s/) {
push @data, "${pre}audit ${allowstr}\"$path\" $modestr,";
} else {
push @data, "${pre}audit ${allowstr}$path $modestr,";
# mask off the bits we have already written
$mode &= ~$audit;
if ($mode) {
my $modestr = mode_to_str($mode);
# deal with whitespace in path names
if ($path =~ /\s/) {
push @data, "${pre}${allowstr}\"$path\" $mode,";
push @data, "${pre}${allowstr}\"$path\" $modestr,";
} else {
push @data, "${pre}${allowstr}$path $mode,";
push @data, "${pre}${allowstr}$path $modestr,";
push @data, "";
@ -5197,25 +5286,25 @@ sub matchliteral {
sub profile_known_exec (\%$$) {
my ($profile, $type, $exec_target) = @_;
if ( $type eq "exec" ) {
my ($cm, @m);
my ($cm, $am, @m);
# test denies first
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($profile, 'deny', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = rematchfrag($profile, 'deny', $exec_target);
if ($cm & $AA_MAY_EXEC) {
return -1;
($cm, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($profile, 'deny', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($profile, 'deny', $exec_target);
if ($cm & $AA_MAY_EXEC) {
return -1;
# now test the generally longer allow lists
($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($profile, 'allow', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = rematchfrag($profile, 'allow', $exec_target);
if ($cm & $AA_MAY_EXEC) {
return 1;
($cm, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($profile, 'allow', $exec_target);
($cm, $am, @m) = match_prof_incs_to_path($profile, 'allow', $exec_target);
if ($cm & $AA_MAY_EXEC) {
return 1;
@ -5329,6 +5418,7 @@ sub rematchfrag ($$$) {
my ($frag, $allow, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = 0;
my $combinedaudit = 0;
my @matches;
for my $entry (keys %{ $frag->{$allow}{path} }) {
@ -5340,32 +5430,36 @@ sub rematchfrag ($$$) {
# regexp matches, add it's mode to the list to check against
$combinedmode |= $frag->{$allow}{path}{$entry}{mode};
$combinedaudit |= $frag->{$allow}{path}{$entry}{audit};
push @matches, $entry;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, $combinedaudit, @matches) : $combinedmode;
sub match_include_to_path ($$$) {
my ($incname, $allow, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = 0;
my $combinedaudit = 0;
my @matches;
my @includelist = ( $incname );
while (my $incfile = shift @includelist) {
my $ret = eval { loadinclude($incfile); };
if ($@) { fatal_error $@; }
my ($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$incfile}{$incfile}, $allow, $path);
my ($cm, $am, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$incfile}{$incfile}, $allow, $path);
if ($cm) {
$combinedmode |= $cm;
$combinedaudit |= $am;
push @matches, @m;
# check if a literal version is in the current include fragment
if ($include{$incfile}{$incfile}{$allow}{path}{$path}) {
$combinedmode |= $include{$incfile}{$incfile}{$allow}{path}{$path}{mode};
$combinedaudit |= $include{$incfile}{$incfile}{$allow}{path}{$path}{audit};
# if this fragment includes others, check them too
@ -5374,26 +5468,28 @@ sub match_include_to_path ($$$) {
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, $combinedaudit, @matches) : $combinedmode;
sub match_prof_incs_to_path ($$$) {
my ($frag, $allow, $path) = @_;
my $combinedmode = 0;
my $combinedaudit = 0;
my @matches;
# scan the include fragments for this profile looking for matches
my @includelist = keys %{ $frag->{include} };
while (my $include = shift @includelist) {
my ($cm, @m) = match_include_to_path($include, $allow, $path);
my ($cm, $am, @m) = match_include_to_path($include, $allow, $path);
if ($cm) {
$combinedmode |= $cm;
$combinedaudit |= $am;
push @matches, @m;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, $combinedaudit, @matches) : $combinedmode;
#find includes that match the path to suggest
@ -5402,20 +5498,23 @@ sub suggest_incs_for_path {
my $combinedmode = 0;
my $combinedaudit = 0;
my @matches;
# scan the include fragments looking for matches
my @includelist = ($incname);
while (my $include = shift @includelist) {
my ($cm, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$include}{$include}, 'allow', $path);
my ($cm, $am, @m) = rematchfrag($include{$include}{$include}, 'allow', $path);
if ($cm) {
$combinedmode |= $cm;
$combinedaudit |= $am;
push @matches, @m;
# check if a literal version is in the current include fragment
if ($include{$include}{$include}{allow}{path}{$path}) {
$combinedmode |= $include{$include}{$include}{allow}{path}{$path}{mode};
$combinedaudit |= $include{$include}{$include}{allow}{path}{$path}{audit};
# if this fragment includes others, check them too
@ -5425,7 +5524,7 @@ sub suggest_incs_for_path {
if ($combinedmode) {
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, @matches) : $combinedmode;
return wantarray ? ($combinedmode, $combinedaudit, @matches) : $combinedmode;
} else {