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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00
Add BooleanRule and BooleanRuleset
These two classes are meant to handle the definition of boolean rules like `$foo = true`. Also extend RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN to provide named matches. As usual, add tests for the new classes.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 450 additions and 1 deletions
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ RE_PROFILE_END = re.compile('^\s*\}' + RE_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_CAP = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + 'capability(?P<capability>(\s+\S+)+)?' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_ALIAS = re.compile('^\s*alias\s+(?P<orig_path>"??.+?"??)\s+->\s*(?P<target>"??.+?"??)' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_RLIMIT = re.compile('^\s*set\s+rlimit\s+(?P<rlimit>[a-z]+)\s*<=\s*(?P<value>[^ ]+(\s+[a-zA-Z]+)?)' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN = re.compile('^\s*(\$\{?\w*\}?)\s*=\s*(true|false)\s*,?' + RE_EOL, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN = re.compile('^\s*(?P<varname>\$\{?\w*\}?)\s*=\s*(?P<value>true|false)\s*,?' + RE_EOL, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
RE_PROFILE_VARIABLE = re.compile('^\s*(?P<varname>@\{?\w+\}?)\s*(?P<mode>\+?=)\s*(?P<values>@*.+?)' + RE_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_CONDITIONAL = re.compile('^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?(\$\{?\w*\}?)\s*\{' + RE_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_CONDITIONAL_VARIABLE = re.compile('^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(@\{?\w+\}?)\s*\{\s*(#.*)?$')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2020 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
from apparmor.regex import RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN
from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug, AppArmorException, type_is_str
from apparmor.rule import BaseRule, BaseRuleset, parse_comment
# setup module translations
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
_ = init_translation()
class BooleanRule(BaseRule):
'''Class to handle and store a single variable rule'''
rule_name = 'boolean'
def __init__(self, varname, value, audit=False, deny=False, allow_keyword=False,
comment='', log_event=None):
super(BooleanRule, self).__init__(audit=audit, deny=deny,
# boolean variables don't support audit or deny
if audit:
raise AppArmorBug('Attempt to initialize %s with audit flag' % self.__class__.__name__)
if deny:
raise AppArmorBug('Attempt to initialize %s with deny flag' % self.__class__.__name__)
if not type_is_str(varname):
raise AppArmorBug('Passed unknown type for boolean variable to %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, varname))
if not varname.startswith('$'):
raise AppArmorException("Passed invalid boolean to %s (doesn't start with '$'): %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, varname))
if not type_is_str(value):
raise AppArmorBug('Passed unknown type for value to %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, value))
if not value:
raise AppArmorException('Passed empty value to %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, value))
value = value.lower()
if value not in ['true', 'false']:
raise AppArmorException('Passed invalid value to %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, value))
self.varname = varname
self.value = value
def _match(cls, raw_rule):
return RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN.search(raw_rule)
def _parse(cls, raw_rule):
'''parse raw_rule and return BooleanRule'''
matches = cls._match(raw_rule)
if not matches:
raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid boolean variable rule '%s'") % raw_rule)
comment = parse_comment(matches)
varname = matches.group('varname')
value = matches.group('value')
return BooleanRule(varname, value,
audit=False, deny=False, allow_keyword=False, comment=comment)
def get_clean(self, depth=0):
'''return rule (in clean/default formatting)'''
space = ' ' * depth
return '%s%s = %s' % (space, self.varname, self.value)
def is_covered_localvars(self, other_rule):
'''check if other_rule is covered by this rule object'''
if self.varname != other_rule.varname:
return False
if not self._is_covered_list(self.value, None, set(other_rule.value), None, 'value'):
return False
# still here? -> then it is covered
return True
def is_equal_localvars(self, rule_obj, strict):
'''compare if rule-specific variables are equal'''
if not type(rule_obj) == BooleanRule:
raise AppArmorBug('Passed non-boolean rule: %s' % str(rule_obj))
if self.varname != rule_obj.varname:
return False
if self.value != rule_obj.value:
return False
return True
def logprof_header_localvars(self):
headers = []
return headers + [
_('Boolean Variable'), self.get_clean(),
class BooleanRuleset(BaseRuleset):
'''Class to handle and store a collection of variable rules'''
def add(self, rule, cleanup=False):
''' Add boolean variable rule object
If the variable name is already known, raise an exception because re-defining a variable isn't allowed.
for knownrule in self.rules:
if rule.varname == knownrule.varname:
raise AppArmorException(_('Redefining existing variable %(variable)s: %(value)s') % { 'variable': rule.varname, 'value': rule.value })
super(BooleanRuleset, self).add(rule, cleanup)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2020 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
from apparmor.rule.boolean import BooleanRule, BooleanRuleset
from apparmor.rule import BaseRule
from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
_ = init_translation()
exp = namedtuple('exp', ['comment',
'varname', 'value'])
# --- tests for single BooleanRule --- #
class BooleanTest(AATest):
def _compare_obj(self, obj, expected):
# boolean variables don't support the allow, audit or deny keyword
self.assertEqual(False, obj.allow_keyword)
self.assertEqual(False, obj.audit)
self.assertEqual(False, obj.deny)
self.assertEqual(expected.varname, obj.varname)
self.assertEqual(expected.value, obj.value)
self.assertEqual(expected.comment, obj.comment)
class BooleanTestParse(BooleanTest):
tests = [
# rawrule comment varname value
('$foo=true', exp('', '$foo', 'true' )),
('$foo = false', exp('', '$foo', 'false' )),
('$foo=TrUe', exp('', '$foo', 'true' )),
('$foo = FaLsE', exp('', '$foo', 'false' )),
(' $foo = true ', exp('', '$foo', 'true' )),
(' $foo = true # comment', exp(' # comment', '$foo', 'true' )),
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
obj = BooleanRule.parse(rawrule)
self.assertEqual(rawrule.strip(), obj.raw_rule)
self._compare_obj(obj, expected)
class BooleanTestParseInvalid(BooleanTest):
tests = [
# rawrule matches regex exception
('$foo =', (False, AppArmorException)),
('$ foo = # comment', (False, AppArmorException)),
('${foo = ', (False, AppArmorException)),
# XXX RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN allows a trailing comma even if the parser disallows it
# ('$foo = true,', (True, AppArmorException)), # trailing comma
# ('$foo = false , ', (True, AppArmorException)), # trailing comma
# ('$foo = true, # comment', (True, AppArmorException)), # trailing comma
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
self.assertEqual(BooleanRule.match(rawrule), expected[0])
with self.assertRaises(expected[1]):
class BooleanFromInit(BooleanTest):
# tests = [
# # BooleanRule object comment varname value
# (BooleanRule('$foo', True, exp('', '$foo', True ))),
# (BooleanRule('$foo', False, exp('', '$foo', False ))),
# (BooleanRule('$foo', True, comment='# cmt'), exp('# cmt', '$foo', True ))),
# (BooleanRule('$foo', False, comment='# cmt'), exp('# cmt', '$foo', False ))),
# ]
def _run_test(self, obj, expected):
self._compare_obj(obj, expected)
class InvalidBooleanInit(AATest):
tests = [
# init params expected exception
([None, True ], AppArmorBug), # varname not a str
(['', True ], AppArmorException), # empty varname
(['foo', True ], AppArmorException), # varname not starting with '$'
(['foo', True ], AppArmorException), # varname not starting with '$'
(['$foo', None ], AppArmorBug), # value not a string
(['$foo', '' ], AppArmorException), # empty value
(['$foo', 'maybe' ], AppArmorException), # invalid value
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
with self.assertRaises(expected):
BooleanRule(params[0], params[1])
def test_missing_params_1(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_missing_params_2(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_invalid_audit(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
BooleanRule('$foo', 'true', audit=True)
def test_invalid_deny(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
BooleanRule('$foo', 'true', deny=True)
class InvalidBooleanTest(AATest):
def _check_invalid_rawrule(self, rawrule, matches_regex=False):
obj = None
self.assertEqual(BooleanRule.match(rawrule), matches_regex)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
obj = BooleanRule.parse(rawrule)
self.assertIsNone(obj, 'BooleanRule handed back an object unexpectedly')
def test_invalid_missing_value(self):
self._check_invalid_rawrule('$foo = ', matches_regex=False) # missing value
def test_invalid_net_non_BooleanRule(self):
self._check_invalid_rawrule('dbus,') # not a boolean rule
class WriteBooleanTestAATest(AATest):
tests = [
# raw rule clean rule
(' $foo = true ', '$foo = true'),
(' $foo = true # comment', '$foo = true'),
(' $foo = false ', '$foo = false'),
(' $foo = false # comment', '$foo = false'),
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
obj = BooleanRule.parse(rawrule)
clean = obj.get_clean()
raw = obj.get_raw()
self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), clean, 'unexpected clean rule')
self.assertEqual(rawrule.strip(), raw, 'unexpected raw rule')
def test_write_manually_1(self):
obj = BooleanRule('$foo', 'true')
expected = ' $foo = true'
self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_clean(2), 'unexpected clean rule')
self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_raw(2), 'unexpected raw rule')
def test_write_manually_2(self):
obj = BooleanRule('$foo', 'false')
expected = ' $foo = false'
self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_clean(2), 'unexpected clean rule')
self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_raw(2), 'unexpected raw rule')
class BooleanCoveredTest(AATest):
def _run_test(self, param, expected):
obj = BooleanRule.parse(self.rule)
check_obj = BooleanRule.parse(param)
self.assertEqual(obj.is_equal(check_obj), expected[0], 'Mismatch in is_equal, expected %s' % expected[0])
self.assertEqual(obj.is_equal(check_obj, True), expected[1], 'Mismatch in is_equal/strict, expected %s' % expected[1])
self.assertEqual(obj.is_covered(check_obj), expected[2], 'Mismatch in is_covered, expected %s' % expected[2])
self.assertEqual(obj.is_covered(check_obj, True, True), expected[3], 'Mismatch in is_covered/exact, expected %s' % expected[3])
class BooleanCoveredTest_01(BooleanCoveredTest):
rule = '$foo = true'
tests = [
# rule equal strict equal covered covered exact
(' $foo = true' , [ True , True , True , True ]),
(' $foo = TRUE' , [ True , False , True , True ]), # upper vs. lower case
(' $foo = true # comment' , [ True , False , True , True ]),
(' $foo = false' , [ False , False , False , False ]),
(' $foo = false # cmt' , [ False , False , False , False ]),
(' $bar = true' , [ False , False , False , False ]), # different variable name
class BooleanCoveredTest_02(BooleanCoveredTest):
rule = '$foo = false'
tests = [
# rule equal strict equal covered covered exact
(' $foo = false' , [ True , True , True , True ]),
(' $foo = false # comment' , [ True , False , True , True ]),
(' $foo = true' , [ False , False , False , False ]),
(' $foo = true # cmt' , [ False , False , False , False ]),
(' $bar = false' , [ False , False , False , False ]), # different variable name
class BooleanCoveredTest_Invalid(AATest):
def test_borked_obj_is_covered_2(self):
obj = BooleanRule.parse('$foo = true')
testobj = BooleanRule('$foo', 'true')
testobj.value = ''
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
def test_invalid_is_covered_3(self):
obj = BooleanRule.parse('$foo = true')
testobj = BaseRule() # different type
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
def test_invalid_is_equal(self):
obj = BooleanRule.parse('$foo = true')
testobj = BaseRule() # different type
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
class BooleanLogprofHeaderTest(AATest):
tests = [
('$foo = true', [_('Boolean Variable'), '$foo = true' ]),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
obj = BooleanRule._parse(params)
self.assertEqual(obj.logprof_header(), expected)
# --- tests for BooleanRuleset --- #
class BooleanRulesTest(AATest):
def test_empty_ruleset(self):
ruleset = BooleanRuleset()
ruleset_2 = BooleanRuleset()
self.assertEqual([], ruleset.get_raw(2))
self.assertEqual([], ruleset.get_clean(2))
self.assertEqual([], ruleset_2.get_raw(2))
self.assertEqual([], ruleset_2.get_clean(2))
def test_ruleset_1(self):
ruleset = BooleanRuleset()
rules = [
'$foo = true',
'$baz= false',
expected_raw = [
'$foo = true',
'$baz= false',
expected_clean = [
'$baz = false',
'$foo = true',
expected_clean_unsorted = [
'$foo = true',
'$baz = false',
for rule in rules:
self.assertEqual(expected_raw, ruleset.get_raw())
self.assertEqual(expected_clean, ruleset.get_clean())
self.assertEqual(expected_clean_unsorted, ruleset.get_clean_unsorted())
def test_ruleset_overwrite(self):
ruleset = BooleanRuleset()
ruleset.add(BooleanRule.parse('$foo = true'))
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
ruleset.add(BooleanRule.parse('$foo = false')) # attempt to redefine @{foo}
class BooleanGlobTestAATest(AATest):
def setUp(self):
self.ruleset = BooleanRuleset()
# def test_glob_1(self):
# with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
# self.ruleset.get_glob('$foo = true')
def test_glob_ext(self):
with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
# get_glob_ext is not available for boolean rules
self.ruleset.get_glob_ext('$foo = true')
class BooleanDeleteTestAATest(AATest):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Add table
Reference in a new issue