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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3]
D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <seth.arnold@canonical.com> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 145 additions and 1 deletions
@ -2615,7 +2615,15 @@ RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT = re.compile('^\s*\^(\"??.+?\"??)\s*,\s*(#.*)?$')
RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF = re.compile('^\s*\^(\"??.+?\"??)\s+((flags=)?\((.+)\)\s+)*\{\s*(#.*)?$')
RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE = re.compile('\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*,$')
RE_NETWORK_FAMILY = re.compile('\s+(\S+)\s*,$')
RE_PROFILE_DBUS = re.compile('^\s*(audit\s+)?(allow\s+|deny\s+)?(dbus[^#]*)\s*(#.*)?$')
RE_PROFILE_DBUS = re.compile('^\s*(audit\s+)?(allow\s+|deny\s+)?(dbus[^#]*\s*,)\s*(#.*)?$')
# match anything that's not " or #, or matching quotes with anything except quotes inside
__re_no_or_quoted_hash = '([^#"]|"[^"]*")*'
RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA = re.compile('^' + __re_no_or_quoted_hash +
',\s*(#.*)?$') # match comma plus any trailing comment
RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT = re.compile('^(?P<not_comment>' + __re_no_or_quoted_hash + ')' + # store in 'not_comment' group
'(?P<comment>#.*)$') # match trailing comment and store in 'comment' group
def parse_profile_data(data, file, do_include):
profile_data = hasher()
@ -2625,6 +2633,7 @@ def parse_profile_data(data, file, do_include):
repo_data = None
parsed_profiles = []
initial_comment = ''
lastline = None
if do_include:
profile = file
@ -2633,6 +2642,10 @@ def parse_profile_data(data, file, do_include):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
# we're dealing with a multiline statement
if lastline:
line = '%s %s' % (lastline, line)
lastline = None
# Starting line of a profile
if RE_PROFILE_START.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_START.search(line).groups()
@ -3007,6 +3020,13 @@ def parse_profile_data(data, file, do_include):
initial_comment = initial_comment + line + '\n'
elif not RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA.search(line):
# Bah, line continues on to the next line
if RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT.search(line):
# filter trailing comments
lastline = RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT.search(line).group('not_comment')
lastline = line
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unknown line found in file: %s line: %s') % (file, lineno + 1))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import apparmor.aa as aa
import unittest
class AARegexHasComma(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for apparmor.aa.RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA'''
def _check(self, line, expected=True):
result = aa.RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA.search(line)
if expected:
self.assertTrue(result, 'Couldn\'t find a comma in "%s"' % line)
self.assertEqual(None, result, 'Found an unexpected comma in "%s"' % line)
regex_has_comma_testcases = [
('dbus send%s', 'simple'),
('dbus (r, w, bind, eavesdrop)%s', 'embedded parens 01'),
('dbus (r, w,, bind, eavesdrop) %s', 'embedded parens 02'),
('dbus (r, w,, ) %s', 'embedded parens 03'),
('dbus () %s', 'empty parens'),
('member={Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch,GetNameOwner,NameHasOwner,StartServiceByName} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 01'),
('member={Hello,,,,,,AddMatch,,,NameHasOwner,StartServiceByName} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 02'),
('member={,Hello,,,,,,AddMatch,,,NameHasOwner,} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 03'),
('member={} %s ', 'empty curly braces'),
('dbus send%s# this is a comment', 'comment 01'),
('dbus send%s# this is a comment,', 'comment 02'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, bar" rw%s', 'quotes 01'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, bar" rw%s # comment', 'quotes 02'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw%s', 'comment embedded in quote 01'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw%s # comment', 'comment embedded in quote 02'),
# lifted from parser/tst/simple_tests/vars/vars_alternation_3.sd
('/does/not/@{BAR},exist,notexist} r%s', 'partial alternation')
# the following fail due to inadequacies in the regex
# ('dbus (r, w, %s', 'incomplete dbus action'),
# ('member="{Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch, %s', 'incomplete {} regex'), # also invalid policy
# ('member={Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch, %s', 'incomplete {} regex'), # also invalid policy when trailing comma exists
# the following passes the tests, but variable declarations are
# odd in that they *don't* allow trailing commas; commas at the end
# of the line need to be quoted.
# ('@{BAR}={bar,baz,blort %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# ('@{BAR}="{bar,baz,blort," %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# The following fails the no comma test, but is invalid
# ('@{BAR}={bar,baz,blort, %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# The following fails the comma test, because it's really a no comma situation
# ('@{BAR}="{bar,baz,blort%s" ', 'tricksy variable declaration')
def setup_has_comma_testcases():
i = 0
for (test_string, description) in regex_has_comma_testcases:
i += 1
def stub_test_comma(self, test_string=test_string):
self._check(test_string % ',')
def stub_test_no_comma(self, test_string=test_string):
self._check(test_string % ' ', False)
stub_test_comma.__doc__ = "test %s (w/comma)" % (description)
stub_test_no_comma.__doc__ = "test %s (no comma)" % (description)
setattr(AARegexHasComma, 'test_comma_%d' % (i), stub_test_comma)
setattr(AARegexHasComma, 'test_no_comma_%d' % (i), stub_test_no_comma)
class AARegexSplitComment(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT'''
def _check(self, line, expected, comment=None, not_comment=None):
result = aa.RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT.search(line)
if expected:
self.assertTrue(result, 'Couldn\'t find a comment in "%s"' % line)
self.assertEqual(result.group('comment'), comment, 'Expected comment "%s", got "%s"'
% (comment, result.group('comment')))
self.assertEqual(result.group('not_comment'), not_comment, 'Expected not comment "%s", got "%s"'
% (not_comment, result.group('not_comment')))
self.assertEqual(None, result, 'Found an unexpected comment "%s" in "%s"'
% ("" if result is None else result.group('comment'), line ))
# Tuples of (string, expected result), where expected result is False if
# the string should not be considered as having a comment, or a second
# tuple of the not comment and comment sections split apart
regex_split_comment_testcases = [
('dbus send # this is a comment', ('dbus send ', '# this is a comment')),
('dbus send member=no_comment', False),
('dbus send member=no_comment, ', False),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw', False),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw # comment', ('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw ', '# comment')),
def setup_split_comment_testcases():
i = 0
for (test_string, result) in regex_split_comment_testcases:
i += 1
def stub_test(self, test_string=test_string, result=result):
if result is False:
self._check(test_string, False)
self._check(test_string, True, not_comment=result[0], comment=result[1])
stub_test.__doc__ = "test '%s'" % (test_string)
setattr(AARegexSplitComment, 'test_split_comment_%d' % (i), stub_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbosity = 2
test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(test_suite)
if not result.wasSuccessful():
Add table
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