mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00
Reverting previous commit.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 70 additions and 484 deletions
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
@ -66,22 +64,21 @@
State *otherwise;
} Cases;
/* An abstract node in the syntax tree. */
class Node {
Node() :
nullable(false), refcount(1) { child[0] = child[1] = 0; }
nullable(false), left(0), right(0), refcount(1) { }
Node(Node *left) :
nullable(false), refcount(1) { child[0] = left; child[1] = 0; }
nullable(false), left(left), right(0), refcount(1) { }
Node(Node *left, Node *right) :
nullable(false), refcount(1) { child[0] = left; child[1] = right; }
nullable(false), left(left), right(right), refcount(1) { }
virtual ~Node()
if (child[0])
if (child[1])
if (left)
if (right)
@ -92,13 +89,12 @@
virtual void compute_firstpos() = 0;
virtual void compute_lastpos() = 0;
virtual void compute_followpos() { }
virtual int eq(Node *other) = 0;
virtual ostream& dump(ostream& os) = 0;
bool nullable;
State firstpos, lastpos, followpos;
/* child 0 is left, child 1 is right */
Node *child[2];
Node *left, *right;
* We need reference counting for AcceptNodes: sharing AcceptNodes
@ -111,9 +107,8 @@
return this;
void release(void) {
if (--refcount == 0) {
delete this;
if (--refcount == 0)
delete this;
@ -130,11 +125,6 @@
void compute_lastpos()
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<EpsNode *>(other))
return 1;
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
return os << "[]";
@ -174,13 +164,6 @@
(*x)->insert(followpos.begin(), followpos.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
CharNode *o = dynamic_cast<CharNode *>(other);
if (o) {
return c == o->c;
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
return os << c;
@ -206,19 +189,6 @@
(*x)->insert(followpos.begin(), followpos.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
CharSetNode *o = dynamic_cast<CharSetNode *>(other);
if (!o || chars.size() != o->chars.size())
return 0;
for (Chars::iterator i = chars.begin(), j = o->chars.begin();
i != chars.end() && j != o->chars.end();
i++, j++) {
if (*i != *j)
return 0;
return 1;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
os << '[';
@ -253,19 +223,6 @@
i->second->insert(followpos.begin(), followpos.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
NotCharSetNode *o = dynamic_cast<NotCharSetNode *>(other);
if (!o || chars.size() != o->chars.size())
return 0;
for (Chars::iterator i = chars.begin(), j = o->chars.begin();
i != chars.end() && j != o->chars.end();
i++, j++) {
if (*i != *j)
return 0;
return 1;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
os << "[^";
@ -289,11 +246,6 @@
for (Cases::iterator i = cases.begin(); i != cases.end(); i++)
i->second->insert(followpos.begin(), followpos.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<AnyCharNode *>(other))
return 1;
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os) {
return os << ".";
@ -310,12 +262,6 @@
/* Nothing to follow. */
/* requires accept nodes to be common by pointer */
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<AcceptNode *>(other))
return (this == other);
return 0;
/* Match a pair of consecutive nodes. */
@ -325,41 +271,31 @@
Node(left, right) { }
void compute_nullable()
nullable = child[0]->nullable && child[1]->nullable;
nullable = left->nullable && right->nullable;
void compute_firstpos()
if (child[0]->nullable)
firstpos = child[0]->firstpos + child[1]->firstpos;
if (left->nullable)
firstpos = left->firstpos + right->firstpos;
firstpos = child[0]->firstpos;
firstpos = left->firstpos;
void compute_lastpos()
if (child[1]->nullable)
lastpos = child[0]->lastpos + child[1]->lastpos;
if (right->nullable)
lastpos = left->lastpos + right->lastpos;
lastpos = child[1]->lastpos;
lastpos = right->lastpos;
void compute_followpos()
State from = child[0]->lastpos, to = child[1]->firstpos;
State from = left->lastpos, to = right->firstpos;
for(State::iterator i = from.begin(); i != from.end(); i++) {
(*i)->followpos.insert(to.begin(), to.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(other)) {
if (!child[0]->eq(other->child[0]))
return 0;
return child[1]->eq(other->child[1]);
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
return os;
//return os << ' ';
@ -375,29 +311,22 @@
void compute_firstpos()
firstpos = child[0]->firstpos;
firstpos = left->firstpos;
void compute_lastpos()
lastpos = child[0]->lastpos;
lastpos = left->lastpos;
void compute_followpos()
State from = child[0]->lastpos, to = child[0]->firstpos;
State from = left->lastpos, to = left->firstpos;
for(State::iterator i = from.begin(); i != from.end(); i++) {
(*i)->followpos.insert(to.begin(), to.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<StarNode *>(other))
return child[0]->eq(other->child[0]);
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
os << '(';
return os << ")*";
return os << '*';
@ -408,33 +337,26 @@
Node(left) { }
void compute_nullable()
nullable = child[0]->nullable;
nullable = left->nullable;
void compute_firstpos()
firstpos = child[0]->firstpos;
firstpos = left->firstpos;
void compute_lastpos()
lastpos = child[0]->lastpos;
lastpos = left->lastpos;
void compute_followpos()
State from = child[0]->lastpos, to = child[0]->firstpos;
State from = left->lastpos, to = left->firstpos;
for(State::iterator i = from.begin(); i != from.end(); i++) {
(*i)->followpos.insert(to.begin(), to.end());
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<PlusNode *>(other))
return child[0]->eq(other->child[0]);
return 0;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
os << '(';
return os << ")+";
return os << '+';
@ -445,306 +367,21 @@
Node(left, right) { }
void compute_nullable()
nullable = child[0]->nullable || child[1]->nullable;
nullable = left->nullable || right->nullable;
void compute_lastpos()
lastpos = child[0]->lastpos + child[1]->lastpos;
lastpos = left->lastpos + right->lastpos;
void compute_firstpos()
firstpos = child[0]->firstpos + child[1]->firstpos;
int eq(Node *other) {
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(other)) {
if (!child[0]->eq(other->child[0]))
return 0;
return child[1]->eq(other->child[1]);
return 0;
firstpos = left->firstpos + right->firstpos;
ostream& dump(ostream& os)
os << '(';
os << '|';
os << ')';
return os;
// return os << '|';
return os << '|';
* Normalize the regex parse tree for factoring and cancelations
* left normalization (dir == 0) uses these rules
* (E | a) -> (a | E)
* (a | b) | c -> a | (b | c)
* (ab)c -> a(bc)
* right normalization (dir == 1) uses the same rules but reversed
* (a | E) -> (E | a)
* a | (b | c) -> (a | b) | c
* a(bc) -> (ab)c
bool normalize_tree(Node *t, int dir)
bool update = false;
if (dynamic_cast<ImportantNode *>(t))
return false;
for (;; update=true) {
if ((dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<EpsNode *>(t->child[dir])) ||
(dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<EpsNode *>(t->child[dir]))) {
// (E | a) -> (a | E)
// Ea -> aE
Node *c = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = c;
if ((dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t->child[dir])) ||
(dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[dir]))) {
// (a | b) | c -> a | (b | c)
// (ab)c -> a(bc)
Node *c = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = c->child[dir];
c->child[dir] = c->child[!dir];
c->child[!dir] = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = c;
} else {
if (t->child[dir] && normalize_tree(t->child[dir], dir))
if (t->child[!dir] && normalize_tree(t->child[!dir], dir))
return update;
* assumes a normalized tree. reductions shown for left normalization
* aE -> a
* (a | a) -> a
** factoring patterns
* a | (a | b) -> (a | b)
* a | (ab) -> a (E | b) -> a (b | E)
* (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
* returns t - if no simplifications were made
* a new root node - if simplifications were made
Node *simplify_tree_base(Node *t, int dir)
if (dynamic_cast<ImportantNode *>(t))
return t;
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {
if (t->child[i]) {
for (Node *c = simplify_tree_base(t->child[i], dir);
c != t->child[i];
c = simplify_tree_base(t->child[i], dir)) {
t->child[i] = c;
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<EpsNode *>(t->child[!dir])) {
// aE -> a
return t->child[dir]->dup();
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) && t->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir])) {
// (a | a) -> a
return t->child[dir]->dup();
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t->child[!dir])) {
// a | (a | b) -> (a | b)
// a | (b | (c | a)) -> (b | (c | a))
Node *i = t->child[!dir];
Node *l = i;
for (;dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(i); l = i, i = i->child[!dir]) {
if (t->child[dir]->eq(i->child[dir])) {
return t->child[!dir]->dup();
// last altnode of chain check other dir as well
if (t->child[dir]->eq(l->child[!dir])) {
return t->child[!dir]->dup();
//exact match didn't work, try factoring front
//a | (ac | (ad | () -> (a (E | c)) | (...)
//ab | (ac | (...)) -> (a (b | c)) | (...)
//ab | (a | (...)) -> (a (b | E)) | (...)
Node *a = t->child[dir];
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(a))
a = a->child[dir];
for (l = t, i = t->child[!dir];; l = i, i = i->child[!dir]) {
if ((dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(i->child[dir]) &&
a->eq(i->child[dir]->child[dir])) ||
(a->eq(i->child[dir]))) {
goto alt_factor;
// termination test
if (!dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(i->child[!dir])) {
// last altnode of chain check other dir as well
if ((dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(i->child[!dir]) &&
a->eq(i->child[!dir]->child[dir])) ||
(a->eq(i->child[!dir]))) {
// flip alt node to make it dir factor
Node *tmp = i->child[dir];
i->child[dir] = i->child[!dir];
i->child[!dir] = tmp;
goto alt_factor;
goto no_alt_factor;
// if the match is not the first entry on the
// alt tree move it ups so it is
if (i != t->child[!dir]) { // equiv to l != t
// i == child[!dir]
l->child[!dir] = i->child[!dir];
i->child[!dir] = t->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = i;
// now factor
Node *b, *c, *altnode, *cnode = NULL;
if (a == t->child[dir]) {
b = new EpsNode();
} else {
b = t->child[dir]->child[!dir]->dup();
if (dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(i->child[dir])) {
c = i->child[dir]->child[!dir];
cnode = i->child[dir];
} else {
c = new EpsNode();
altnode = new AltNode(b, c);
if (cnode) {
cnode->child[dir] = a->dup();
cnode->child[!dir] = altnode;
} else {
cnode = new CatNode(a->dup(), altnode);
i->child[dir] = cnode;
normalize_tree(i, dir);
return i->dup();
// a | (ab) -> a (E | b) -> a (b | E)
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[!dir])) {
if (t->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir]->child[dir])) {
// a | (ab) -> a (E | b) -> a (b | E)
Node *c = t->child[!dir];
t->child[dir] = c->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = new EpsNode();
c->child[!dir] = t->dup();
normalize_tree(c, dir);
return c;
// ab | (a) -> a (b | E)
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[dir])) {
if (t->child[dir]->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir])) {
Node *c = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = c->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = new EpsNode();
c->child[!dir] = t->dup();
normalize_tree(c, dir);
return c;
// (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
if (dynamic_cast<AltNode *>(t) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[dir]) &&
dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(t->child[!dir])) {
if (t->child[dir]->child[dir]->eq(t->child[!dir]->child[dir])) {
// (ab) | (ac) -> a(b|c)
Node *right = t->child[!dir];
Node *left = t->child[dir];
t->child[dir] = left->child[!dir];
t->child[!dir] = right->child[!dir]->dup();
left->child[!dir] = t->dup();
normalize_tree(left, dir);
return left;
return t;
int debug_tree(Node *t)
int nodes = 1;
if (t->refcount > 1 && !dynamic_cast<AcceptNode *>(t)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Node %p has a refcount of %d\n", t, t->refcount);
if (!dynamic_cast<ImportantNode *>(t)) {
if (t->child[0])
nodes += debug_tree(t->child[0]);
if (t->child[1])
nodes += debug_tree(t->child[1]);
return nodes;
Node *simplify_tree(Node *t)
int update;
do {
update = 0;
//do right normalize first as this reduces the number
//of trailing nodes which might follow an internal *
//or **, which is where state explosion can happen
//eg. in one test this makes the difference between
// the dfa having about 7 thousands states,
// and it having about 1.25 million states
for (int dir = 1; dir >= 0 ; dir--) {
while (normalize_tree(t, dir));
for (Node *c = simplify_tree_base(t, dir);
c != t;
c = simplify_tree_base(t, dir)) {
t = c;
update = 1;
} while(update);
return t;
%union {
@ -892,10 +529,10 @@ class depth_first_traversal {
depth_first_traversal(Node *node) {
while (node->child[0]) {
while (node->left) {
node = node->child[0];
node = node->left;
Node *operator*()
@ -914,13 +551,13 @@ public:
if (!stack.empty()) {
if (!visited.back() && stack.back()->child[1]) {
if (!visited.back() && stack.back()->right) {
while (stack.back()->child[0]) {
while (stack.back()->left) {
} else
@ -1092,14 +729,14 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const State& state)
void dump_syntax_tree(ostream& os, Node *node) {
for (depth_first_traversal i(node); i; i++) {
os << node_label[*i] << '\t';
if ((*i)->child[0] == 0)
if ((*i)->left == 0)
os << **i << '\t' << (*i)->followpos << endl;
else {
if ((*i)->child[1] == 0)
os << node_label[(*i)->child[0]] << **i;
if ((*i)->right == 0)
os << node_label[(*i)->left] << **i;
os << node_label[(*i)->child[0]] << **i
<< node_label[(*i)->child[1]];
os << node_label[(*i)->left] << **i
<< node_label[(*i)->right];
os << '\t' << (*i)->firstpos
<< (*i)->lastpos << endl;
@ -1146,14 +783,11 @@ public:
DFA::DFA(Node *root) : root(root)
fprintf(stderr, "constructing dfa\n");
for (depth_first_traversal i(root); i; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "computing follow pos\n");
for (depth_first_traversal i(root); i; i++) {
@ -1166,15 +800,7 @@ fprintf(stderr, "computing follow pos\n");
list<State *> work_queue;
int i = 0;
int g = 0;
int b = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "entering work_queue loop\n");
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "queue: %d\t states: %d\t g %d, b %d\n", work_queue.size(), states.size(),g,b);
State *from = work_queue.front();
Cases cases;
@ -1182,22 +808,18 @@ if (i % 1000 == 0) {
if (cases.otherwise) {
pair <States::iterator, bool> x = states.insert(cases.otherwise);
if (x.second) {
if (x.second)
} else {
else {
delete cases.otherwise;
cases.otherwise = *x.first;
for (Cases::iterator j = cases.begin(); j != cases.end(); j++) {
pair <States::iterator, bool> x = states.insert(j->second);
if (x.second) {
if (x.second)
} else {
else {
delete j->second;
j->second = *x.first;
@ -1213,8 +835,6 @@ if (i % 1000 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "queue: %d\t states: %d\t g %d, b %d\n", work_queue.size(), states.size(),g,b);
fprintf(stderr, "done dfa construction\n");
@ -1469,7 +1089,7 @@ void flip_tree(Node *node)
for (depth_first_traversal i(node); i; i++) {
if (CatNode *cat = dynamic_cast<CatNode *>(*i)) {
swap(cat->child[0], cat->child[1]);
swap(cat->left, cat->right);
@ -1493,19 +1113,14 @@ private:
map<uchar, uchar>& eq;
uchar max_eq;
uint32_t min_base;
int resizes;
int hcases;
int cdiff;
* Construct the transition table.
TransitionTable::TransitionTable(DFA& dfa, map<uchar, uchar>& eq)
: eq(eq), min_base(0), resizes(0), hcases(0), cdiff(0)
: eq(eq), min_base(0)
fprintf(stderr, "building transition table\n");
/* Insert the dummy nonmatching transition by hand */
next_check.push_back(make_pair(dfa.nonmatching, dfa.nonmatching));
@ -1519,11 +1134,6 @@ fprintf(stderr, "building transition table\n");
/* At a minimum we need 1 entry per state + a an eq table size, so
* preallocate to cut down on number of resizes needed */
fprintf(stderr, "states %d, max_eq %d resizing to %d\n", dfa.states.size(), max_eq, dfa.states.size() + max_eq);
next_check.resize(dfa.states.size()*18 + max_eq);
* Insert all the DFA states into the transition table. The nonmatching
* and start states come first, followed by all other states.
@ -1535,18 +1145,12 @@ fprintf(stderr, "building transition table\n");
insert_state(*i, dfa);
int e =0;
for (int i = 0; i < next_check.size(); i++) {
if (!next_check[i].second) e++;
fprintf(stderr, "1 resizes %d size %d empty %d hcases %d cdiff %d\n", resizes, next_check.size(), e, hcases, cdiff);
num.insert(make_pair(dfa.nonmatching, num.size()));
num.insert(make_pair(dfa.start, num.size()));
for (States::iterator i = dfa.states.begin(); i != dfa.states.end(); i++) {
if (*i != dfa.nonmatching && *i != dfa.start)
num.insert(make_pair(*i, num.size()));
fprintf(stderr, "2\n");
@ -1558,8 +1162,6 @@ fprintf(stderr, "2\n");
//if (accept[num[*i]] & AA_CHANGE_HAT)
// fprintf(stderr, "change_hat state %d - 0x%x\n", num[*i], accept[num[*i]]);
fprintf(stderr, "done transition table\n");
@ -1593,16 +1195,7 @@ void TransitionTable::insert_state(State *from, DFA& dfa)
if (cases.cases.empty())
goto insert_state;
size_t c;
int foo =0;
for (Cases::iterator i = cases.begin(); i != cases.end(); i++) {
if (c > i->first)
c = i->first;
if (foo > hcases) hcases = foo;
if (c != cases.begin()->first) cdiff++;
size_t c = cases.begin()->first;
if (c < min_base)
base = min_base - c;
/* Try inserting until we succeed. */
@ -1610,8 +1203,7 @@ void TransitionTable::insert_state(State *from, DFA& dfa)
if (next_check.size() <= base + max_eq)
next_check.resize(base + max_eq + 1), resizes++;
next_check.resize(base + max_eq + 1);
for (Cases::iterator j = cases.begin(); j != cases.end(); j++)
next_check[base + j->first] = make_pair(j->second, from);
@ -1878,11 +1470,11 @@ map<ImportantNode *, AcceptNodes> dominance(DFA& dfa)
void dump_regexp_rec(ostream& os, Node *tree)
if (tree->child[0])
dump_regexp_rec(os, tree->child[0]);
if (tree->left)
dump_regexp_rec(os, tree->left);
os << *tree;
if (tree->child[1])
dump_regexp_rec(os, tree->child[1]);
if (tree->right)
dump_regexp_rec(os, tree->right);
void dump_regexp(ostream& os, Node *tree)
@ -2151,7 +1743,6 @@ extern "C" void *aare_create_dfa(aare_ruleset_t *rules, int equiv_classes,
char *buffer = NULL;
rules->root = simplify_tree(rules->root);
DFA dfa(rules->root);
map<uchar, uchar> eq;
@ -2174,7 +1765,6 @@ extern "C" void *aare_create_dfa(aare_ruleset_t *rules, int equiv_classes,
*size = buf->in_avail();
//fprintf(stderr, "created dfa: size %d\n", *size);
buffer = (char *)malloc(*size);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
@ -34,13 +34,6 @@
#include "parser.h"
#include "parser_yacc.h"
foo() {
char *unsupported_perm = _("%s permission: not supported on current system.\n");
char *unsupported_rule = _("%s rule: not supported on current system.\n");
printf("%s%s\n", unsupported_perm, unsupported_rule);
/* #define DEBUG */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) printf("Lexer: " fmt, ## args)
@ -278,9 +278,15 @@ static pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
/* { is a PCRE special character */
STORE("\\{", dptr, 2);
} else {
if (ingrouping) {
error = e_parse_error;
PERROR(_("%s: Illegal open {, nesting groupings not allowed\n"),
} else {
ingrouping = 1;
ptype = ePatternRegex;
STORE("(", dptr, 1);
@ -289,7 +295,7 @@ static pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
/* { is a PCRE special character */
STORE("\\}", dptr, 2);
} else {
if (ingrouping < 1) {
if (ingrouping <= 1) {
error = e_parse_error;
@ -304,7 +310,7 @@ static pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
} else { /* ingrouping > 1 */
ingrouping = 0;
STORE(")", dptr, 1);
} /* bEscape */
@ -320,7 +326,7 @@ static pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
STORE(sptr, dptr, 1);
} else {
if (ingrouping) {
// ++ingrouping;
STORE("|", dptr, 1);
} else {
STORE(sptr, dptr, 1);
@ -582,11 +588,10 @@ int post_process_entries(struct codomain *cod)
return ret;
extern void p_node_count(void);
int process_regex(struct codomain *cod)
int error = -1;
if (regex_type == AARE_DFA) {
cod->dfarules = aare_new_ruleset(0);
if (!cod->dfarules)
@ -596,7 +601,6 @@ int process_regex(struct codomain *cod)
goto out;
if (regex_type == AARE_DFA && cod->dfarule_count > 0) {
cod->dfa = aare_create_dfa(cod->dfarules, 0, &cod->dfa_size);
cod->dfarules = NULL;
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ profilelist: profilelist profile
opt_profile_flag: { /* nothing */ $$ = 0; }
| TOK_PROFILE { $$ = 1; }
| hat_start { $$ = 2; }
| TOK_HAT { $$ = 2; }
profile: opt_profile_flag TOK_ID flags TOK_OPEN rules TOK_CLOSE
@ -344,8 +344,7 @@ apparmor_start() {
# if there is anything in the profiles file don't load
cat "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | if ! read line ; then
if [ $(wc -l "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | awk '{print $1}') -eq 0 ] ; then
parse_profiles load
aa_log_skipped_msg "Loading AppArmor profiles - AppArmor already loaded with profiles."
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# Provides: apparmor
# Required-Start: boot.cleanup
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Should-Start: $local_fs
# Default-Start: B
Add table
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