(might get re-used later ;-)

Also add two tests for profile names not starting with / - the quoted
version wasn't catched as invalid before, so this change is actually
also a bugfix.

Acked-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org> for trunk and 2.9.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Boltz 2015-05-09 01:10:59 +02:00
parent 43a8d7703d
commit ea72078cc4
2 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ RE_OWNER = '(?P<owner>owner\s+)?' # optionally: <owner>
RE_EOL = '\s*(?P<comment>#.*?)?\s*$' # optional whitespace, optional <comment>, optional whitespace, end of the line
RE_COMMA_EOL = '\s*,' + RE_EOL # optional whitespace, comma + RE_EOL
RE_PROFILE_NAME = '(?P<%s>(\S+|"[^"]+"))' # string without spaces, or quoted string. %s is the match group name
RE_PROFILE_PATH = '(?P<%s>(/\S+|"/[^"]+"))' # filename (starting with '/') without spaces, or quoted filename. %s is the match group name
RE_PROFILE_END = re.compile('^\s*\}' + RE_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_CAP = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + 'capability(?P<capability>(\s+\S+)+)?' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
RE_PROFILE_LINK = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + 'link\s+(((subset)|(<=))\s+)?([\"\@\/].*?"??)\s+->\s*([\"\@\/].*?"??)' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
@ -64,9 +67,9 @@ RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT = re.compile('^(?P<not_comment>' + __re_no_or_quoted_hash +
RE_PROFILE_START = re.compile(
'^(?P<leadingspace>\s*)' +
'(' +
'(?P<plainprofile>(/\S+|"[^"]+"))' + # just a path
RE_PROFILE_PATH % 'plainprofile' + # just a path
'|' + # or
'(' + 'profile' + '\s+(?P<namedprofile>(\S+|"[^"]+"))' + '(\s+(?P<attachment>(/\S+|"/[^"]+")))?' + ')' + # 'profile', profile name, optionally attachment
'(' + 'profile' + '\s+' + RE_PROFILE_NAME % 'namedprofile' + '(\s+' + RE_PROFILE_PATH % 'attachment' + ')?' + ')' + # 'profile', profile name, optionally attachment
')' +
'\s+((flags=)?\((?P<flags>.+)\)\s+)?\{' +

View file

@ -403,6 +403,8 @@ class AANamedRegexProfileStart_2(AANamedRegexTest):
('/bin/foo /bin/bar', False), # missing 'profile' keyword
('profile {', False), # no attachment
(' profile foo bar /foo {', False), # missing quotes around "foo bar"
('bin/foo {', False), # not starting with '/'
('"bin/foo" {', False), # not starting with '/', quoted version
(' /foo {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
(' "/foo" {', { 'plainprofile': '"/foo"', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),