stress tests on the parser, by dropping the maximum number of rules
each profile can have, as well as reducing the number of profiles to
generate by default to 50. It also cleans up the emitted profiles
a little, creates the profile names with the suffix .sd [1], fixes to actually honor the -p (alternate parser) argument, fixes
the profile flags generation to not generate duplicates flags, and
fixes the file rules to always start with a constant randomly-generated
prefix element (rather than a regex or variable) to greatly reduce
the possibility of X dominance collisions in the parser
killall-ing a few things in order to make it stop. And alas, it does seem
to eventually cause kernel hangs with 2.6.32-16. (Committing now before ext4
eats my changes and brain.)
Needs love in the form of enhancements to support regexs, all the added
features in upcoming 2.3 release, etc.
Could also stand a bit of refactoring to make the ruby program not suck
up so much ram by writing out profiles as things go along rather than
generating a bunch of large objects and keeping them around.