Split hfa into hfa and compressed_hfa files. The hfa portion focuses on
creating an manipulating hfas, while compressed_hfa is used for creating
compressed hfas that can be used/reused at run time with much less memory
usage than the full blown hfa.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com>
Split out the aare_rule bits that encapsulate the convertion of apparmor
rules into the final compressed dfa.
This patch will not compile because of the it needs hfa to export an interface
but hfa is going to be split so just delay until hfa and transtable are
split and they can each export their own interface.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com>
Start of splitting regexp.y into logical components instead of the mess
it is today. Split out the expr-tree and parsing components from regexp.y
int expr-tree.x and parse.y and since regexp.y no longer does parsing
rename it to hfa.cc
Some code cleanups snuck their way into this patch and since I am to
lazy to redo it, I have left them in.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com>
If the apparmor_parser is updated (outside of current packaging), when
doing profile loads it will use the existing cache of compiled profiles,
instead of forcing a recompile on profiles.
This can cause apparmor to load bad policy if the parser contains a bug
fix for the previous version of the parser.
This can be worked around in packaging by invalidating the cache and
forcing a profile reload when the parser is upgraded.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
attachment specification doesn't contain globbing.
# profile name and attachment the same - attaches as expected
profile /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser
# profile without attachment specification - does not attach as expected
profile chromium-browser
# profile with name and attachment specification where the attachment specification uses globbing - attaches as expected
profile chromium-browser /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-broswer*
# profile with name and attachment specification without globbing - FAILS to attach when it should
profile chromium-browser /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser
This occurs because the xmatch_len is not set correctly for the profiles that specify
a name and an attachment specification, where the attachment specification does not
contain globbing characters.
In this situation the correct length for the xmatch_len is the length of the name, as
the shortest possible unambiguous match is the name length.
This patch does not fix a related bug where an attachment specification of ** will not
match (/**) will.
Older versions of the apparmor kernel patches didn't handle receiving
network tables of a larger size than expected.
Allow the parser to detect the kernel version and override the AF_MAX
value for those kernels.
This also replaces the hack using a hardcoded limit of 36 for kernels
missing the features flag.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Acked-by: Kees Cook <kees.cook@canonical.com>
reload. For now just special-case libvirt's profiles. If more applications
use dynamic profiles, this should be generalized in some way to flag profiles
as dynamic. (LP: #702774)
reload. For now just special-case libvirt's profiles. If more applications
use dynamic profiles, this should be generalized in some way to flag profiles
as dynamic.
The apparmor_parser translation files where using the old subdomain_parser
domain, but the parser was binding to apparmor-parser. Create a new
apparmor-parser.pot file and remove the subdomain_parser.pot file.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Output a better failure message when a conflict of x permissions cause
policy compilation to fail. We don't have enough information available
to output which rules during the dfa compilation so just improve the
message to let people know that it means there are conflicting x modifiers
in the rules.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Description: the Ubuntu buildds do not have the AppArmor securityfs mounted, so
the cache tests fail. This patch skips these tests if the introspection
directory is not mounted, but runs them if it is. This should allow testing of
local builds while still allowing builds on the official buildds.
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com> - both Ubuntu and
OpenSUSE were carrying patches that disabled the caching test,
though OpenSUSE's disabled it completely rather than checking. The
parser builds need to complete even when the kernel it's building on
doesn't support AppArmor or all the extensions that the parser needs
at runtime.
Subject: apparmor-docs: Fix grammar error in techdoc.pdf
References: bnc#588235
This patch fixes a grammar error in techdoc.pdf.
Signed-off-by: Jeff Mahoney <jeffm@suse.com>
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com>
"SubDomain" in some way. This leaves only "subdomain.conf" and the
function names internally.
Additionally, I added a "make check" rule to the utils/Makefile to do a
simple "perl -c" sanity check just for good measure.
When doing permission merging in the dfa minimization phase the information
about whether a rule is dominant or not has been lost so the merge of
xtransitions can not be handled correctly.
When two conflicting x transitions are merged the results are unpredicitable
and not currently detected. So default dfa minimization to set up its
initial partitions with permission hashing, this ensures that dfa states
that have different xtransitions in the minimization stage will never
be merged thus will not result in a conflict.
x permission checking is still enforced at the dfa creation phase where
the originial information is available to check whether the conflicting
permissions came from exact match or re rules so that conflict resolution
can be properly applied.
The end result is that dfa minimization does not result in a truely minimal
dfa (the minimization phase is also slightly faster).
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Currently apparmor provides the unsafe keyword to indicate an xtransition
is not scrubbing its environment variables. This can be used to be
explicit about which transition are unsafe instead of relying on people
remembering which of px Px is safe or unsafe.
Add the orthogonal keyword safe to allow specifying a transition is
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
x Permissions when specified as a the start of the rule had a differnt
meaning than when they appeared at the tail of a rule.
Specifically px,cx,ux were not treated as unsafe when they appeared at
the start of the rule.
px /foo,
instead of at the tail of the rule
/foo px,
the keyword unsafe had to be used to force the rule to cause the x transitio
to be its unsafe variant.
Fix leading permissions so that they are consistent with file rules that
use trailing permissions.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Test the leading permission form of an xrule against its trailing permission
form, to verify that they are generating the same xtransition and thus
don't conflict (assumes xtransition conflict checking is working).
px /foo,
/foo px,
should generate the same rule and thus not result in any conflicts
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
All the combiniation of xtransition conflics where not well represented in
the regression test suite. Instead of relying on multiple static test
files, automatically generate all possible conflicts.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
The is_merged_x_consistend macro was incorrect in that is tested for
USER_EXEC_TYPE to determine if there was an x transition. This fails
for unconfined execs so an unconfined exec would not correctly conflict
with another exec type.
The dfa match flag table for xtransitions was not large enough and not
indexed properly for pux, and cux transitions. The index calculation did
not take into account the pux flag so that pux and px aliased to the same
location and cux and cx aliased to the same location.
This would result in the first rule being processed defining what the
transition type was for all following rules of the type following. So
if a px transition was processed first all pux, transitions in the profile
would be treated pux.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
The dfa engine uses the defines from immunix.h for permission conflict
checking, so make the build depend on it.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
During some of the dfa cleanups, the checks for conflicting xtransition
was removed. This adds the conflict checking back in and makes it part
of dfa creation.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Several of the x-trans tests where failing because of the include file was
bad. This kept the test from testing what it was supposed as the test
was expected to fail. Thus hidding a bug :(
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Add the ability to specify the name and attachment of the profile
separately. It does not allow for the attachment specification to
begin with a variable however since variables in profile names is not
currently support this shouldn't be and issue.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
clean up profile parsing by merging profile and :namespace:profile parsing
into a single rule.
This also fixes a bug where the profile keyword was not allowed to proceed
profiles with a namespace declaration.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
Acked-By: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com>
Short summary: Unloading of profiles with a space in the name fails,
therefore "rcapparmor stop" (or restart) causes a funny message - and
the profile is still loaded.
Thanks to Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
parser that interact with the regex DFA generation library, and thus
need to be recompiled when the header file changes.
(This patch isn't particularly of interest to distros, as they
typically won't be doing incremental compilation.)