Add the ability to control mounting and unmounting
The basic form of the rules are.
[audit] [deny] mount [conds]* [device] [ -> [conds] path],
[audit] [deny] remount [conds]* [path],
[audit] [deny] umount [conds]* [path],
[audit] [deny] pivotroot [oldroot=<value>] <path> -> <profile>
remount is just a short cut for mount options=remount
where [conds] can be
conds follow the extended conditional syntax of allowing either:
* a single value after the equals, which has the same character range as
regular IDS (ie most anything but it can't be terminated with a , (comma)
and if spaces or other characters are needed it can be quoted
options = foo
options="foo bar"
* a list of values after the equals, the list of values is enclosed within
parenthesis () and its has a slightly reduced character set but again
elements can be quoted.
the separation between elements is whitespace and commas.
options=(foo bar)
options=(foo, bar)
options=(foo , bar)
The rules are flexible and follow a similar pattern as network, capability,
mount, # allow all mounts, but not umount or pivotroot
mount fstype=procfs, # allow mounting procfs anywhere
mount options=(bind, ro) /foo -> /bar, # readonly bind mount
mount /dev/sda -> /mnt,
mount /dev/sd** -> /mnt/**,
mount fstype=overlayfs options=(rw,upperdir=/tmp/upper/,lowerdir=/) overlay -> /mnt/
umount /m*,
Currently variables and regexs are are supported on the device and mount
point. ie.
mount <devince> -> <mount point>,
Regexes are supported in fstype and options. The options have a further
caveat that regexs only work if the option is fs specific option.
eg. options=(upperdir=/tmp/*,lowerdir=/)
regex's will not currently work against the standard options like ro, rw
Conditionals (fstype) can only be applied to the device (source) at this
time and will be disregarded in situations where the mount is manipulating
an existing mount (bind, remount).
Options can be specified multiple times
mount option=rw option=(nosuid,upperdir=/foo),
and will be combined together into a single set of values
The ordering of the standard mount options (rw,ro, ...) does not matter
but the ordering of fs specific options does.
Specifying that the value of a particular option does not matter can be
acheived by providing both the positive and negative forms of and option
option=(rw,ro) options=(suid,nosuid)
For the fs specific options specifying that a particular value does not
matter is achieve using a regex with alternations.
Improvements to the syntax and order restrictions are planned for the
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>