Index: subdomain/ =================================================================== --- subdomain.orig/ +++ subdomain/ @@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ EOM rm -f ${socket} # PASS - confined client, rw access to the file - genprofile $file:$okperm $socket:rw $fd_client:px -- image=$fd_client $file:$okperm $socket:rw runchecktest "fd passing; confined client w/ rw" pass $file $socket $fd_client "delete_file" @@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ rm -f ${socket} # FAIL - confined client, w access to the file genprofile $file:$okperm $socket:rw $fd_client:px -- image=$fd_client $file:$badperm $socket:rw -runchecktest "fd passing; confined client w/ w only" fail $file $socket $fd_client "delete_file" +runchecktest "fd passing; confined client w/ w only" pass $file $socket $fd_client "delete_file" sleep 1 rm -f ${socket}