#!/usr/bin/perl # Test for ssh use strict; use Carp; use Test; use Term::ReadKey; # For password input use Expect; # Testing of various things # Global Vars my $ssh = '/usr/bin/ssh'; # SSH binary my $host = ''; # Host to test my $timeout = 10; # Timeout for expect calls # Prompt for a username BEGIN { my $user = getlogin() || (getpwuid($<))[0]; ReadMode('normal'); print "Username to login as [$user]: "; my $result = ReadLine(0); chomp($result); $user = ($result ne '') ? $result : $user; # Prompt for a password print "password for $user: "; ReadMode('noecho'); my $password = ReadLine(0); ReadMode('normal'); chomp($password); croak "\nERROR: no password\n" if ($password eq ''); print "\n\n"; plan tests => 2; } ok(sshd_alive(),0,"sshd is not running or not reachable"); ok(sshd_pass(),0,"sshd did not take your password"); sub sshd_alive { my $exp; my $result = 1; my @options = ('-o RhostsAuthentication=no', '-o RhostsRSAAuthentication=no', '-o RSAAuthentication=no', '-o HostbasedAuthentication=no', '-o BatchMode=yes', '-o CheckHostIP=no', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', "-o User=$user", $host); $exp = new Expect; $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->spawn($ssh,@options) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->expect($timeout, ['Connection refused',sub { $result = 1}], ['No RSA',sub { $result = 0 }], ['Permission denied',sub { $result = 0}]) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->soft_close(); return $result; } sub sshd_pass { my $exp; my $result = 1; my @options = ('-o PasswordAuthentication=yes', '-o RhostsAuthentication=no', '-o RhostsRSAAuthentication=no', '-o RSAAuthentication=no', '-o HostbasedAuthentication=no', '-o CheckHostIP=no', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', "-o User=$user", $host); $exp = new Expect; $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->spawn($ssh,@options) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->expect($timeout, ['password:',sub { $exp->send("$password\r") }]) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->clear_accum(); $exp->expect($timeout, ['Permission denied', sub { $result = 1; }], ['Last login:',sub { $result = 0; }]) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->soft_close(); return $result; } sub sshd_rhosts { my $exp; my $result = 1; my @options = ('-o PasswordAuthentication=no', '-o RhostsAuthentication=yes', '-o RhostsRSAAuthentication=no', '-o RSAAuthentication=no', '-o HostbasedAuthentication=no', '-o CheckHostIP=no', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', "-o User=$user", $host); `cat $host $user > ~/.rhosts`; $exp = new Expect; $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->spawn($ssh,@options) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->expect($timeout, ['password:',sub { $exp->send("$password\r") }]) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->clear_accum(); $exp->expect($timeout, ['Permission denied', sub { $result = 1; }], ['Last login:',sub { $result = 0; }]) || return 1 && $exp->soft_close(); $exp->soft_close(); return $result; }