#!/bin/bash # a brain dead script to provide kernel patches from the apparmor svn module # for snapshot releases # gen-k-patches.sh linux- ~/immunix/forge-svn/trunk/module/apparmor/ ~/immunix/forge-svn/trunk/kernel-patches/2.6.16 ~/linux-kernels/ usage() { echo "Usage: $0 kernelsource module patches destination" exit 0 } # $1 - module dir get_repo_version() { local origWD=`pwd` cd "$1" if [ -x /usr/bin/svn ] ; then REPO_VERSION=`/usr/bin/svn info . 2> /dev/null | grep "^Last Changed Rev:" | sed "s/^Last Changed Rev: //"` fi if [ -z ${REPO_VERSION} ] ; then REPO_VERSION="unknown" fi cd "${origWD}" echo "Done Getting Repo version ${REPO_VERSION}" } cleanup() { # ???? echo "cleanup" } add_files() { local f for f in $1/* ; do if [ -d "$f" ] ; then add_files "$f" "$2" else quilt add security/apparmor/${f#$2} fi done } # $1 - kernel dir # $2 - dir with patches # $3 - module # $4 - kernel ver # # $5 - svn ver # # $6 - destination patches_for_kernel() { local WD=`pwd` if [ -d $2/patches ] ; then cp -r $2/patches $6/ cp -r $2/../README.snapshot $6/ cp -r $2/patches $1 else mkdir $6/patches fi cd $1 quilt push -a quilt new apparmor.diff add_files $3 $3 cp -r $3 security/apparmor quilt refresh if [ -d $2/postapply/module ] ; then mv patches/series patches/series.bak cp -r $2/postapply/module/* patches/ cp patches/series.bak patches/series cat $2/postapply/module/series >>patches/series quilt push -a fi echo "creating patches in $6" quilt diff -p ab --combine apparmor.diff >foo echo "AppArmor kernel patches for repo version $5" >$6/patches/apparmor-$4-v$5.diff diffstat foo >>$6/patches/apparmor-$4-v$5.diff cat foo >>$6/patches/apparmor-$4-v$5.diff cat patches/series.bak | sed "s/apparmor.diff/apparmor-$4-v$5.diff/" > $6/patches/series quilt diff -p ab --combine - >foo echo "AppArmor kernel patches for repo version $5" >$6/apparmor-$4-v$5-fullseries.diff diffstat foo >>$6/apparmor-$4-v$5-fullseries.diff cat foo >>$6/apparmor-$4-v$5-fullseries.diff quilt pop -a rm -rf foo rm -rf security/apparmor rm -rf patches rm -rf .pc cd $WD } VERSION=`expr "$1" : '.*\(2\.6\.[^ /\t]*\)' ` if [ -z ${VERSION} ]; then echo "script expects a kernelsource dir with embedded version tag." echo " eg. linux-2.6.16rc1" exit 1; fi if ! [ -e "$4/$VERSION" ] ; then echo "Making destination $4/$VERSION" mkdir "$4/$VERSION" else echo "Destination $4/$VERSION already exists" fi get_repo_version $2 patches_for_kernel $1 $3 $2 $VERSION $REPO_VERSION "$4/$VERSION" WD=`pwd` cd $4 tar --exclude=.svn -cf "apparmor-kernel-patches-$VERSION.tar" "$VERSION" gzip "apparmor-kernel-patches-$VERSION.tar" cd $WD