# $Id$ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 NOVELL (All rights reserved) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public # License published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # norootforbuild # Check first to see if distro is already defined. # I hate rpm macros %if ! %{?distro:1}0 %if %{?suse_version:1}0 %define distro suse %endif %if %{?fedora_version:1}0 %define distro redhat %endif %endif %if ! %{?distro:1}0 %define distro suse %endif # this is required to be underscore %define module_name mod_apparmor Summary: AppArmor module for apache2. Name: apache2-mod_apparmor Version: @@immunix_version@@ Release: @@repo_version@@ Group: Applications/System Source0: %{name}-%{version}-@@repo_version@@.tar.gz License: LGPL BuildRoot: %{?_tmppath:}%{!?_tmppath:/var/tmp}/%{name}-%{version}-build Url: http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor Obsoletes: mod_change_hat mod-change-hat mod-apparmor apache2-mod-apparmor Provides: mod_change_hat mod-change-hat mod-apparmor apache2-mod-apparmor %if %{distro} == "suse" %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1010 BuildRequires: libimmunix %else %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1030 BuildRequires: libapparmor %else BuildRequires: libapparmor-devel %endif %endif %else BuildRequires: libapparmor-devel %endif %if %{distro} == "suse" %define apxs /usr/sbin/apxs2 %define apache_mmn %(MMN=$(%{apxs} -q LIBEXECDIR)_MMN; test -x $MMN && $MMN) Prereq: apache2-prefork Prereq: apparmor-parser BuildRequires: apache2-devel Requires: apache2 %{apache_mmn} %else %if %{distro} == "redhat" || %{distro} == "rhel4" %define apxs /usr/sbin/apxs Prereq: httpd BuildRequires: httpd-devel %endif %endif %define module_path %(%{apxs} -q LIBEXECDIR) %define apache_sysconfdir %(%{apxs} -q SYSCONFDIR) %description apache2-mod_apparmor adds support to apache2 to provide AppArmor confinement to individual cgi scripts handled by apache modules like mod_php and mod_perl. This package is part of a suite of tools that used to be named SubDomain. %prep %setup -q %build make APXS=%{apxs} %install make install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} DISTRO=%{distro} MANDIR=%{_mandir} %if %{distro} == "suse" mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/apache2-prefork/ ln -s %{module_path}/%{module_name}.so ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/apache2-prefork/%{module_name}.so %else %if %{distro} == "redhat" || %{distro} == "rhel4" mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{apache_sysconfdir}.d/ install -m 644 %{module_name}.conf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{apache_sysconfdir}.d/ %endif %endif %clean [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{module_path} %if %{distro} == "suse" %{_libdir}/apache2-prefork/%{module_name}.so %else %if %{distro} == "redhat" || %{distro} == "rhel4" %{apache_sysconfdir}.d/%{module_name}.conf %endif %endif %doc COPYING.LGPL %{_mandir}/man*/* %doc *.[0-9].html %doc common/apparmor.css %post %if %{distro} == "suse" /usr/sbin/a2enmod apparmor %endif %preun %if %{distro} == "suse" if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then /usr/sbin/a2dismod apparmor fi %endif %triggerpostun -- mod_change_hat mod-change-hat %if %{distro} == "suse" /usr/sbin/a2enmod apparmor %endif %changelog * Sun Jul 29 2007 - sbeattie@suse.de - Convert builddep on libapparmor to libapparmor-devel * Tue Apr 3 2007 - sbeattie@suse.de - Add mod_apparmor manpage to package * Wed Sep 06 2006 - poeml@suse.de - rename to apache2-mod_apparmor - use a2enmod instead of frob_sysconfig - remove SuSEconfig calls * Fri May 26 2006 - schwab@suse.de - Don't strip binaries. * Wed Apr 12 2006 - Steve Beattie - Move to novell forge svn repo; fix build issue with new layout * Thu Mar 30 2006 - Seth Arnold 2.0-7.2 - Relicense to LGPL * Mon Jan 30 2006 - Steve Beattie 2.0-7.1 - Renamed apache config options: ImmhatName -> AAHatName ImmDefaultHatName -> AADefaultHatName * Mon Jan 30 2006 - poeml@suse.de - removed libapr-util1-devel from BuildRequires (apache2-devel does require it) * Fri Jan 27 2006 Steve Beattie 2.0-6.1 - No more neededforbuild in STABLE * Wed Jan 25 2006 Steve Beattie 2.0-6 - Fix linking against libapparmor.so * Sun Jan 8 2006 Steve Beattie 2.0-5 - More SUSE autobuild fixups. * Wed Jan 4 2006 Steve Beattie 2.0-4 - Fixup SUSE autobuild require on apache-devel-packages - Add svn revision to the source tarball * Sun Dec 18 2005 Steve Beattie 2.0-3 - Include symlink in %{_libdir}/apache2-prefork/ * Thu Dec 8 2005 Steve Beattie 2.0-2 - Rename to apache2-mod-apparmor for consistency w/SUSE packages - Rename module to mod_apparmor.so * Wed Dec 7 2005 Steve Beattie 2.0-1 - Reset version for inclusion in SUSE autobuild * Mon Dec 5 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-9 - Rename package to mod-apparmor * Wed Nov 30 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-8 - Minor packaging cleanups * Wed Nov 30 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-7_imnx - Convert license to GPL * Thu Jun 23 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-6_imnx - Add trigger for mod_change_hat => mod-change-hat upgrades - Don't run SuSEconfig on SuSE 9.3 or newer * Mon May 23 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-5_imnx - Fix package uninstall on RHEL4. * Fri Mar 11 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-4_imnx - Rename to be consistent with other packages * Fri Feb 18 2005 Steve Beattie 1.99-3_imnx - Cleanup some non-64bit clean code, sigh. - Fix install locations on 64-bit platform. * Fri Feb 4 2005 Seth Arnold 1.99-1_imnx - Reversion to 1.99 * Fri Nov 12 2004 Steve Beattie 1.2-2_imnx - Add configuration file for redhat build * Tue Oct 12 2004 Steve Beattie 1.2-1_imnx - Bump version after shass-1.1 branched off * Mon Sep 20 2004 Dominic Reynolds 1.0-7_imnx_(redhat|suse) - Modified to build separate versions for suse/redhat (EL3). - Note:RH version does not currently setup the module configuraiton - in apache. * Tue Aug 31 2004 Steve Beattie 1.0-6_imnx - Got location and per server config directives working somewhat correctly :-) - copyright fixups. * Fri Aug 20 2004 Steve Beattie 1.0-5_imnx - added support for hatname * Wed Jul 21 2004 Steve Beattie 1.0-4_imnx - reduced loglevel of some debug messages - add change_hat to list of apache modules * Tue Jul 20 2004 Steve Beattie 1.0-2_imnx - got module actually working, at least in simple cases. * Thu Jul 15 2004 Steve Beattie 1.0-1_imnx - Initial package creation.