# vim:syntax=apparmor # privacy-violations contains rules for common files that you want to explicity # deny access # privacy violations (don't audit files under $HOME otherwise get a # lot of false positives when reading contents of directories) deny @{HOME}/.*history mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.fetchmail* mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.viminfo* mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.*~ mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.*.swp mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.*~1~ mrwkl, deny @{HOME}/.*.bak mrwkl, # special attention to (potentially) executable files audit deny @{HOME}/bin/** wl, audit deny @{HOME}/.config/autostart/** wl, audit deny @{HOME}/.kde/Autostart/** wl, deny @{HOME}/.bash* mrk, audit deny @{HOME}/.bash* wl, deny @{HOME}/.profile* mrk, audit deny @{HOME}/.profile* wl, deny @{HOME}/.*rc mrk, audit deny @{HOME}/.*rc wl,