#!/usr/bin/perl # Look in the po directory and check the files for missing shortcuts - where the # msgid has a string "(B)lah" and the msgstr contains no character surrounded by # parens use Data::Dumper; my $dir = "./po"; opendir(PODIR, $dir) || die "Can't open directory $dir."; my $errors = {}; for my $file (grep { /.*\.po$/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(PODIR)) { #print STDOUT "Processing $file\n"; check_po_for_shortcuts( "$dir/$file", $errors ); } my $msg = Data::Dumper->Dump([$errors], [qw(*ERRORS)]); my $count = 0; for my $f ( keys %$errors ) { for my $err ( keys %{$errors->{$f}} ) { $count++; } } print STDOUT "$count missing shortcuts in the po files\n.$msg\n"; closedir(PODIR); sub check_po_for_shortcuts { my ($filename, $errors) = @_; my $line = 0; if (open(PO, "$filename")) { while () { $line++; chomp; if ( /^.*msgid.*\(\w{1}?\)*/ ) { $looking_for_msgstr = 1; $msgid = $_; } if ( /^.*msgstr*/ && $looking_for_msgstr ) { unless (/^.*msgstr.*\(\w{1}?\)*/) { $errors->{$filename}{$line} = { "msgid" => $msgid, "msgstr" => $_, }; } $msgid = ""; $looking_for_msgstr = 0; } } close(PO); } return $config; }