project: apparmor backends: google: key: '$(HOST: echo "$SPREAD_GOOGLE_KEY")' halt-timeout: 1h # Run only when explicitly named. This backend requires a Google Compute # Engine (GCE) account and incurs cost on every use. It is most practical # to scale-out tests once spread can express sufficient concurrency. manual: true # TODO: This needs to be adjusted to properly account for apparmor tests. location: snapd-spread/europe-west2-b systems: - ubuntu-22.04-64: workers: 4 - ubuntu-24.04-64: workers: 4 - ubuntu-24.10-64: workers: 4 garden: # The garden backend relies on # TODO: Switch to a released version for better stability. type: adhoc # Use 2GB of RAM and four cores as otherwise we may not have enough memory # to link the parser. It is better to have more workers than to have one # big worker with lots of resources. allocate: ADDRESS "$(QEMU_MEM_OPTION="-m 2048" QEMU_SMP_OPTION="-smp 4" image-garden allocate "$SPREAD_SYSTEM".$(uname -m))" discard: image-garden discard "$SPREAD_SYSTEM_ADDRESS" systems: # All systems except for the one Ubuntu system are marked as manual. # This way we don't accidentally spin up everything when someone runs # spread without knowing better. - opensuse-cloud-15.6: username: opensuse password: opensuse workers: 2 manual: true # Run only when explicitly named. environment: # openSUSE 15 ships very old default python. PYTHON: /usr/bin/python3.11 PYTHON_CONFIG: /usr/bin/python3.11-config - opensuse-cloud-tumbleweed: username: opensuse password: opensuse workers: 2 manual: true - debian-cloud-12: username: debian password: debian workers: 2 manual: true - debian-cloud-13: username: debian password: debian workers: 2 manual: true - ubuntu-cloud-22.04: username: ubuntu password: ubuntu workers: 2 manual: true - ubuntu-cloud-24.04: username: ubuntu password: ubuntu workers: 2 manual: true - ubuntu-cloud-24.10: username: ubuntu password: ubuntu workers: 2 exclude: - .git - "*.qcow2" - "*.iso" - "*.img" - "*.log" - "*.run" # Copy the project to this path on the test system. # This is also available as $SPREAD_PATH. path: /tmp/apparmor prepare: | # Install build dependencies, depending on the type of system running. case "$SPREAD_SYSTEM" in debian-*|ubuntu-*) apt-get update -qq # TODO: extract this from libapparmor section and unifiy with what is in .gitlab-ci.yml. DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ attr \ autoconf \ autoconf-archive \ automake \ bison \ build-essential \ dejagnu \ flake8 \ flex \ gettext \ libdbus-1-dev \ libtool \ liburing-dev \ pkg-config \ python3-all-dev \ python3-gi \ python3-notify2 \ python3-psutil \ python3-setuptools \ python3-tk \ python3-ttkthemes \ swig ;; opensuse-*) # On openSUSE the default gcc and python are very old. We can use more # recent version of Python quite easily but perl extension module system # does not want us to modify the CC that's baked into perl and all my # attempts at using gcc-14 have failed. zypper install -y \ attr \ autoconf \ autoconf-archive \ automake \ bison \ dbus-1-devel \ dejagnu \ flex \ gcc \ gcc-c++ \ gettext \ gobject-introspection \ libtool \ liburing2-devel \ make \ pkg-config \ python3-flake8 \ python3-notify2 \ python3-psutil \ python3-setuptools \ python3-setuptools \ python3-tk \ python311 \ python311-devel \ swig ;; *) echo "Please add support for $SPREAD_SYSTEM to spread.yaml" exit 1 ;; esac # TODO: add logic to skip this build phase and use prebuild binaries from # GitLab pipeline. This should also reduce the number of dependencies we need # to install above. # Configure libapparmor. We have to pass CC and CXX explicitly if provided in # the environment. ( cd $SPREAD_PATH/libraries/libapparmor sh ./ && sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-perl --with-python ) # Build libapparmor. make -C $SPREAD_PATH/libraries/libapparmor -j"$(nproc)" # Build apparmor_parser. # The alternative builds sequentially to use less memory. make -C $SPREAD_PATH/parser -j"$(nproc)" # Build binary utilities (aa-exec and firends). make -C $SPREAD_PATH/binutils -j"$(nproc)" # Build python utilities. make -C $SPREAD_PATH/utils -j"$(nproc)" # In case of failure, include the kernel version in the log. debug-each: | uname -a suites: tests/unit/: summary: Unit tests that do not exercise the kernel layer. tests/regression/: summary: Regression tests for parser-kernel interaction. prepare: | # FIXME: `make -C tests/regression` does not do anything. make -C "$SPREAD_PATH/tests/regression/apparmor" -j"$(nproc)"