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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00

With the recent addition of features like ptrace and signals that give warnings and then ignore the subset of rules when the features directory indicates that the kernel does not support mediating such features, at least one of the language tests fails in a chroot environment where the apparmor securityfs tree is not mounted inside it. To compensate, a features file containing the current supported features is included, and the simple.pl test driver is modified to pass it as an argument to the parser, so that it will act as if the environment supports all our current features. A simple python script is included that was used to generate the features file based on the current feature set. Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <seth.arnold@canonical.com>
172 lines
4 KiB
Executable file
172 lines
4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A simple driver for testing the subdomain parser.
# All files in $CWD named *.sd will be tested against the parser.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Test::More;
my %config;
$config{'parser'} = "/sbin/apparmor_parser";
$config{'profiledir'} = "./simple_tests/";
$config{'timeout'} = 120; # in seconds
my $help;
my $pwd = `pwd`;
"help|h" => \$help,
sub usage {
print STDERR "Usage $0 profile_directory\n";
print STDERR "\tTests the subdomain parser on the given profile directory\n";
print STDOUT "Bail out! Got the usage statement\n";
exit 0;
&usage if ($help);
# let environment variable override config file, for use in automated
# test suites
$config{'parser'} = $ENV{APPARMOR_PARSER};
# Override config file profile location when passed on command line
if (@ARGV >= 1) {
$config{'profiledir'} = shift;
if ($config{'profiledir'} =~ /^\//) {
$config{'includedir'} = $config{'profiledir'};
} else {
$config{'includedir'} = "$pwd/$config{'profiledir'}";
sub read_config {
my $which;
if(open(CONF, "uservars.conf")) {
while(<CONF>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
if (m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/) {
my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
$config{$key} = $value;
sub test_profile {
my $profile = shift;
my $description = "no description for testcase";
my $expass = 1;
my $istodo = 0;
my $isdisabled = 0;
my $result = 1;
my $signal = 0;
my $coredump = 0;
my $child;
$child = open(PARSER, "|-");
if ($child == 0) {
# child
open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null") or die "Failed to redirect STDOUT";
open(STDERR, ">/dev/null") or die "Failed to redirect STDERR";
exec("$config{'parser'}", "-M", "features_files/features.all", "-S", "-I", "$config{'includedir'}") or die "Bail out! couldn't open parser";
# noreturn
# parent
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
kill PIPE => $child;
$description = "$description - TESTCASE TIMED OUT";
alarm $config{'timeout'};
open(PROFILE, $profile) or die "Bail out! couldn't open profile $profile";
while (<PROFILE>) {
if (/^#=DESCRIPTION\s*(.*)/i) {
$description = $1;
} elsif (/^#=EXRESULT\s*(\w+)/) {
if ($1 eq "PASS") {
$expass = 1;
} elsif ($1 eq "FAIL") {
$expass = 0;
} else {
die "Bail out! unknown expected result '$1' in $profile";
} elsif (/^#=TODO\s*/) {
$istodo = 1;
} elsif (/^#=DISABLED\s*/) {
$isdisabled = 1;
} else {
print PARSER if not $isdisabled;
close(PARSER) or ($! and die "Bail out! couldn't close parser pipe");
$result = $? >> 8;
$signal = $? & 127;
$coredump = $signal ? $? & 128 : 0;
alarm 0;
alarm 0;
if ($isdisabled) {
local $TODO = "Disabled testcase.";
ok(0, "TODO: $profile: $description");
} elsif ($coredump) {
ok(0, "$profile: Produced core dump (signal $signal): $description");
} elsif ($istodo) {
local $TODO = "Unfixed testcase.";
ok($expass ? !$result : $result, "TODO: $profile: $description");
} else {
ok($expass ? !$result : $result, "$profile: $description");
sub find_all_tests {
my $testdir = shift;
opendir(DIR, $testdir) or die "Bail out! can't opendir $testdir: $!";
my @files = sort grep { /\.sd$/ && -f "$testdir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
my @profiles;
foreach my $profile (@files) {
push (@profiles, "$testdir/$profile");
opendir(DIR, $testdir) or die "Bail out! can't opendir $testdir: $!";
my @dirs = sort grep { /^[^\.]/ && -d "$testdir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
push(@profiles, find_all_tests("$testdir/$dir"));
return @profiles;
my @profiles = find_all_tests($config{'profiledir'});
plan tests => scalar(@profiles);
foreach my $profile (@profiles) {
test_profile ("$profile");