John Johansen 4be07c3265 This adds a basic debug dump for the conversion of each rule in a profile to its expression
tree.  It is limited in that it doesn't currently handle the permissions of a rule.

conversion output presents an aare -> prce conversion followed by 1 or more expression
tree rules, governed by what the rule does.
  aare: /**   ->   /[^/\x00][^\x00]*
  rule: /[^/\x00][^\x00]*  ->  /[^\0000/]([^\0000])*

echo "/foo { /** rwlkmix, } " | ./apparmor_parser -QT -D rule-exprs -D expr-tree

aare: /foo   ->   /foo
aare: /**   ->   /[^/\x00][^\x00]*
rule: /[^/\x00][^\x00]*  ->  /[^\0000/]([^\0000])*

rule: /[^/\x00][^\x00]*\x00/[^/].*  ->  /[^\0000/]([^\0000])*\0000/[^/](.)*

DFA: Expression Tree

This simple example shows many things
1. The profile name under goes pcre conversion.  But since no regular expressions where found
   it doesn't generate any expr rules
2. /** is converted into the pcre expression /[^\0000/]([^\0000])*
3. The pcre expression /[^\0000/]([^\0000])* is converted into two rules that are then
   converted into expression trees.

   The reason for this can not be seen by the output as this is actually triggered by
   permissions separation for the rule.  In this case the link permission is separated
   into what is shown as the second rule: statement.
4. DFA: Expression Tree dump shows how these rules are combined together

You will notice that the rule conversion statement is fairly redundant currently as it just
show pcre to expression tree pcre.  This will change when direct aare parsing occurs,
but currently serves to verify the pcre conversion step.

It is not the prettiest patch, as its touching some ugly code that is schedule to be cleaned
up/replaced. eg. convert_aaregex_to_pcre is going to replaced with native parse conversion
from an aare straight to the expression tree, and dfaflag passing will become part of the
rule set.
2010-07-23 13:29:35 +02:00
apparmor_re.h This adds a basic debug dump for the conversion of each rule in a profile to its expression 2010-07-23 13:29:35 +02:00
flex-tables.h Update the parse to emit a 0 to seperate pairs in the dfa. 2008-03-13 16:46:19 +00:00
Makefile Make cache warning respect the quiet flag 2009-08-20 23:48:32 +00:00
README Add DFA table format README. 2007-04-03 13:53:24 +00:00
regexp.h Add dfa support to the parser 2007-02-27 02:29:16 +00:00
regexp.y This adds a basic debug dump for the conversion of each rule in a profile to its expression 2010-07-23 13:29:35 +02:00

Regular Expression Scanner Generator

Notes in the scanner File Format

The file format used is based on the GNU flex table file format
(--tables-file option; see Table File Format in the flex info pages and
the flex sources for documentation). The magic number used in the header
is set to 0x1B5E783D insted of 0xF13C57B1 though, which is meant to
indicate that the file format logically is not the same: the YY_ID_CHK
(check) and YY_ID_DEF (default) tables are used differently.

Flex uses state compression to store only the differences between states
for states that are similar. The amount of compresion influences the parse

The following two states could be stored as in the tables outlined

States and transitions on specific characters to next states
 1: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 4)
 2: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'd' => 5)

Flex-like table format
index: (default, base)
    0: (      0,    0)  <== dummy state (nonmatching)
    1: (      0,    0)
    2: (      1,  256)

  index: (next, check)
      0: (   0,     0)  <== unused entry
	 (   0,     1)  <== ord('a') identical entries
  0+'a': (   2,     1)
  0+'b': (   3,     1)
  0+'c': (   4,     1)
	 (   0,     1)  <== (255 - ord('c')) identical entries
256+'c': (   0,     2)
256+'d': (   5,     2)

Here, state 2 is described as ('c' => 0, 'd' => 5), and everything else
as in state 1. The matching algorithm is as follows.

Flex-like scanner algorithm
  /* current state is in <state>, input character <c> */
  while (check[base[state] + c] != state)
    state = default[state];
  state = next[state];
  /* continue with the next input character */

This state compression algorithm performs well, except when there are
many inverted or wildcard matches ("[^x]", "."). Each input character
may cause several iterations in the while loop.

We will have many inverted character classes ("[^/]") that wouldn't
compress very well. Therefore, the regexp matcher uses no state
compression, and uses the check and default tables differently. The
above states could be stored as follows:

Regexp table format

index: (default, base)
    0: (      0,    0)  <== dummy state (nonmatching)
    1: (      0,    0)
    2: (      1,    3)

  index: (next, check)
      0: (   0,     0)  <== unused entry
	 (   0,     0)  <== ord('a') identical, unused entries
  0+'a': (   2,     1)
  0+'b': (   3,     1)
  0+'c': (   4,     1)
  3+'a': (   2,     2)
  3+'b': (   3,     2)
  3+'c': (   0,     0)  <== entry is unused
  3+'d': (   5,     2)
	 (   0,     0)  <== (255 - ord('d')) identical, unused entries

All the entries with 0 in check (except the first entry, which is
deliberately reserved) are still available for other states that
fit in there.

Regexp scanner algorithm
  /* current state is in <state>, matching character <c> */
  if (check[base[state] + c] == state)
    state = next[state];
    state = default[state];
  /* continue with the next input character */

This representation and algorithm allows states which match more
characters than they do not match to be represented as their inverse. 
For example, a third state that accepts everything other than 'a' can
be added to the tables as one entry in (default, base) and one entry in
(next, check):

 3: ('a' => 0, everything else => 5)

Regexp tables
index: (default, base)
    0: (      0,    0)  <== dummy state (nonmatching)
    1: (      0,    0)
    2: (      1,    3)
    3: (      5,    7)

  index: (next, check)
      0: (   0,     0)  <== unused entry
	 (   0,     0)  <== ord('a') identical, unused entries
  0+'a': (   2,     1)
  0+'b': (   3,     1)
  0+'c': (   4,     1)
  3+'a': (   2,     2)
  3+'b': (   3,     2)
  3+'c': (   0,     0)  <== entry is unused
  3+'d': (   5,     2)
  7+'a': (   0,     3)
	 (   0,     0)  <== (255 - ord('a')) identical, unused entries

While the current code does not implement any form of state compression,
the flex state compression representation could be combined by
remembering (in a bit per state, for example) which default entries
refer to inverted matches, and which refer to parent states.