John Johansen dd44858e60 parser: first step implementing fine grained mediation for unix domain sockets
This patch implements parsing of fine grained mediation for unix domain
sockets, that have abstract and anonymous paths. Sockets with file
system paths are handled by regular file access rules.

The unix network rules follow the general fine grained network
rule pattern of

  [<qualifiers>] af_name [<access expr>] [<rule conds>] [<local expr>] [<peer expr>]

specifically for af_unix this is

  [<qualifiers>] 'unix' [<access expr>] [<rule conds>] [<local expr>] [<peer expr>]

  <qualifiers> = [ 'audit' ] [ 'allow' | 'deny' ]

  <access expr> = ( <access> | <access list> )

  <access> = ( 'server' | 'create' | 'bind' | 'listen' | 'accept' |
               'connect' | 'shutdown' | 'getattr' | 'setattr' |
	       'getopt' | 'setopt' |
               'send' | 'receive' | 'r' | 'w' | 'rw' )
  (some access modes are incompatible with some rules or require additional

  <access list> = '(' <access> ( [','] <WS> <access> )* ')'

  <WS> = white space

  <rule conds> = ( <type cond> | <protocol cond> )*
     each cond can appear at most once

  <type cond> = 'type' '='  ( <AARE> | '(' ( '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> )+ ')' )

  <protocol cond> = 'protocol' '='  ( <AARE> | '(' ( '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> )+ ')' )

  <local expr> = ( <path cond> | <attr cond> | <opt cond> )*
     each cond can appear at most once

  <peer expr> = 'peer' '=' ( <path cond> | <label cond> )+
     each cond can appear at most once

  <path cond> = 'path' '=' ( <AARE> | '(' '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> ')' )

  <label cond> = 'label' '=' ( <AARE> | '(' '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> ')')

  <attr cond> = 'attr' '=' ( <AARE> | '(' '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> ')' )

  <opt cond> = 'opt' '=' ( <AARE> | '(' '"' <AARE> '"' | <AARE> ')' )

  <AARE> = ?*[]{}^ ( see man page )

 unix domain socket rules are accumulated so that the granted unix
 socket permissions are the union of all the listed unix rule permissions.

 unix domain socket rules are broad and general and become more restrictive
 as further information is specified. Policy may be specified down to
 the path and label level. The content of the communication is not

 Some permissions are not compatible with all unix rules.

 unix socket rule permissions are implied when a rule does not explicitly
 state an access list. By default if a rule does not have an access list
 all permissions that are compatible with the specified set of local
 and peer conditionals are implied.

 The 'server', 'r', 'w' and 'rw' permissions are aliases for other permissions.
 server = (create, bind, listen, accept)
 r = (receive, getattr, getopt)
 w = (create, connect, send, setattr, setopt)

In addition it supports the v7 kernel abi semantics around generic
network rules. The v7 abi removes the masking unix and netlink
address families from the generic masking and uses fine grained
mediation for an address type if supplied.

This means that the rules

  network unix,
  network netlink,

are now enforced instead of ignored. The parser previously could accept
these but the kernel would ignore anything written to them. If a network
rule is supplied it takes precedence over the finer grained mediation
rule. If permission is not granted via a broad network access rule
fine grained mediation is applied.

Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2014-09-03 13:22:26 -07:00

437 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
* NOVELL (All rights reserved)
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012
* Canonical Ltd. (All rights reserved)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
* License published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc. or Canonical
* Ltd.
#ifndef __AA_PARSER_H
#define __AA_PARSER_H
#include <endian.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(s) gettext(s)
#include "immunix.h"
#include "libapparmor_re/apparmor_re.h"
#include "libapparmor_re/aare_rules.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <set>
class Profile;
class rule_t;
/* Global variable to pass token to lexer. Will be replaced by parameter
* when lexer and parser are made reentrant
extern int parser_token;
typedef enum pattern_t pattern_t;
struct prefixes {
int audit;
int deny;
int owner;
struct named_transition {
int present;
char *ns;
char *name;
struct cod_pattern {
char *regex; // posix regex
struct value_list {
char *value;
struct value_list *next;
struct cond_entry {
char *name;
int eq; /* where equals was used in specifying list */
struct value_list *vals;
struct cond_entry *next;
struct cond_entry_list {
char *name;
struct cond_entry *list;
struct cod_entry {
char *ns;
char *name;
char *link_name;
char *nt_name;
Profile *prof; /* Special profile defined
* just for this executable */
int mode; /* mode is 'or' of AA_* bits */
int audit; /* audit flags for mode */
int deny; /* TRUE or FALSE */
int alias_ignore; /* ignore for alias processing */
int subset;
pattern_t pattern_type;
struct cod_pattern pat;
struct cod_entry *next;
struct aa_rlimits {
unsigned int specified; /* limits that are set */
rlim_t limits[RLIMIT_NLIMITS];
struct alt_name {
char *name;
struct alt_name *next;
struct sd_hat {
char *hat_name;
unsigned int hat_magic;
struct var_string {
char *prefix;
char *var;
char *suffix;
#define COD_READ_CHAR 'r'
#define COD_WRITE_CHAR 'w'
#define COD_APPEND_CHAR 'a'
#define COD_EXEC_CHAR 'x'
#define COD_LINK_CHAR 'l'
#define COD_LOCK_CHAR 'k'
#define COD_MMAP_CHAR 'm'
#define COD_INHERIT_CHAR 'i'
#define COD_LOCAL_CHAR 'C'
#define OPTION_ADD 1
#define OPTION_OFILE 5
#define BOOL int
extern int preprocess_only;
#define PATH_CHROOT_REL 0x1
#define PATH_NS_REL 0x2
#define PATH_ATTACH 0x40
#define PATH_NO_ATTACH 0x80
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) printf("parser: " fmt, ## args)
#define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) /* Do nothing */
#define NPDEBUG(fmt, args...) /* Do nothing */
#define PERROR(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## args)
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1)
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (0)
#define MIN_PORT 0
#define MAX_PORT 65535
#ifndef __unused
#define __unused __attribute__ ((unused))
#define list_for_each(LIST, ENTRY) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST); (ENTRY); (ENTRY) = (ENTRY)->next)
#define list_for_each_safe(LIST, ENTRY, TMP) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST), (TMP) = (LIST) ? (LIST)->next : NULL; (ENTRY); (ENTRY) = (TMP), (TMP) = (TMP) ? (TMP)->next : NULL)
#define list_last_entry(LIST, ENTRY) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST); (ENTRY) && (ENTRY)->next; (ENTRY) = (ENTRY)->next)
#define list_append(LISTA, LISTB) \
do { \
typeof(LISTA) ___tmp; \
list_last_entry((LISTA), ___tmp);\
___tmp->next = (LISTB); \
} while (0)
#define list_len(LIST) \
({ \
int len = 0; \
typeof(LIST) tmp; \
list_for_each((LIST), tmp) \
len++; \
len; \
#define list_find_prev(LIST, ENTRY) \
({ \
typeof(ENTRY) tmp, prev = NULL; \
list_for_each((LIST), tmp) { \
if (tmp == (ENTRY)) \
break; \
prev = tmp; \
} \
prev; \
#define list_remove_at(LIST, PREV, ENTRY) \
if (PREV) \
(PREV)->next = (ENTRY)->next; \
if ((ENTRY) == (LIST)) \
(LIST) = (ENTRY)->next; \
(ENTRY)->next = NULL; \
#define list_remove(LIST, ENTRY) \
do { \
typeof(ENTRY) prev = list_find_prev((LIST), (ENTRY)); \
list_remove_at((LIST), prev, (ENTRY)); \
} while (0)
#define DUP_STRING(orig, new, field, fail_target) \
do { \
(new)->field = ((orig)->field) ? strdup((orig)->field) : NULL; \
if (((orig)->field) && !((new)->field)) \
goto fail_target; \
} while (0)
#define u8 unsigned char
#define u16 uint16_t
#define u32 uint32_t
#define u64 uint64_t
#define cpu_to_le16(x) ((u16)(htole16 ((u16) x)))
#define cpu_to_le32(x) ((u32)(htole32 ((u32) x)))
#define cpu_to_le64(x) ((u64)(htole64 ((u64) x)))
/* The encoding for kernal abi > 5 is
* 28-31: reserved
* 20-27: policy version
* 12-19: policy abi version
* 11: force complain flag
* 10: reserved
* 0-9: kernel abi version
({ \
u32 version = (KABI) & 0x3ff; \
if ((KABI) > 5) { \
version |= (C) ? 1 << 11 : 0; \
version |= ((PABI) & 0xff) << 12; \
version |= ((P) & 0xff) << 20; \
} \
version; \
/* The parser fills this variable in automatically */
#define PROFILE_NAME_VARIABLE "profile_name"
/* from parser_common.c */
extern uint32_t policy_version;
extern uint32_t parser_abi_version;
extern uint32_t kernel_abi_version;
extern int force_complain;
extern int perms_create;
extern int net_af_max_override;
extern int kernel_load;
extern int kernel_supports_setload;
extern int kernel_supports_network;
extern int kernel_supports_policydb;
extern int kernel_supports_diff_encode;
extern int kernel_supports_mount;
extern int kernel_supports_dbus;
extern int kernel_supports_signal;
extern int kernel_supports_ptrace;
extern int kernel_supports_unix;
extern int conf_verbose;
extern int conf_quiet;
extern int names_only;
extern int option;
extern int current_lineno;
extern dfaflags_t dfaflags;
extern const char *progname;
extern char *subdomainbase;
extern char *profilename;
extern char *profile_ns;
extern char *current_filename;
extern FILE *ofile;
extern int read_implies_exec;
extern void pwarn(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
/* from parser_main (cannot be used in tst builds) */
extern int force_complain;
extern struct timespec mru_tstamp;
extern void update_mru_tstamp(FILE *file);
extern void display_version(void);
/* provided by parser_lex.l (cannot be used in tst builds) */
extern FILE *yyin;
extern void yyrestart(FILE *fp);
extern int yyparse(void);
extern void yyerror(const char *msg, ...);
extern int yylex(void);
/* parser_include.c */
extern const char *basedir;
/* parser_regex.c */
#define default_match_pattern "[^\\000]*"
#define anyone_match_pattern "[^\\000]+"
extern pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
std::string& pcre, int *first_re_pos);
extern int build_list_val_expr(std::string& buffer, struct value_list *list);
extern int convert_entry(std::string& buffer, char *entry);
extern int clear_and_convert_entry(std::string& buffer, char *entry);
extern int process_regex(Profile *prof);
extern int post_process_entry(struct cod_entry *entry);
extern void reset_regex(void);
extern int process_policydb(Profile *prof);
extern int process_policy_ents(Profile *prof);
/* parser_variable.c */
int expand_entry_variables(char **name);
extern int process_variables(Profile *prof);
extern struct var_string *split_out_var(const char *string);
extern void free_var_string(struct var_string *var);
/* parser_misc.c */
extern void warn_uppercase(void);
extern int is_blacklisted(const char *name, const char *path);
extern struct value_list *new_value_list(char *value);
extern struct value_list *dup_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern void free_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern void print_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern struct cond_entry *new_cond_entry(char *name, int eq, struct value_list *list);
extern void move_conditional_value(const char *rulename, char **dst_ptr,
struct cond_entry *cond_ent);
extern void free_cond_entry(struct cond_entry *ent);
extern void free_cond_list(struct cond_entry *ents);
extern void print_cond_entry(struct cond_entry *ent);
extern char *processid(const char *string, int len);
extern char *processquoted(const char *string, int len);
extern char *processunquoted(const char *string, int len);
extern int get_keyword_token(const char *keyword);
extern int name_to_capability(const char *keyword);
extern int get_rlimit(const char *name);
extern char *process_var(const char *var);
extern int parse_mode(const char *mode);
extern int parse_X_mode(const char *X, int valid, const char *str_mode, int *mode, int fail);
extern struct cod_entry *new_entry(char *ns, char *id, int mode, char *link_id);
/* returns -1 if value != true or false, otherwise 0 == false, 1 == true */
extern int str_to_boolean(const char* str);
extern struct cod_entry *copy_cod_entry(struct cod_entry *cod);
extern void free_cod_entries(struct cod_entry *list);
extern void __debug_capabilities(uint64_t capset, const char *name);
void debug_cod_entries(struct cod_entry *list);
/* parser_symtab.c */
struct set_value {
char *val;
struct set_value *next;
extern int add_boolean_var(const char *var, int boolean);
extern int get_boolean_var(const char *var);
extern int new_set_var(const char *var, const char *value);
extern int add_set_value(const char *var, const char *value);
extern struct set_value *get_set_var(const char *var);
extern char *get_next_set_value(struct set_value **context);
extern int delete_set_var(const char *var_name);
extern void dump_symtab(void);
extern void dump_expanded_symtab(void);
void free_symtabs(void);
/* parser_alias.c */
extern int new_alias(const char *from, const char *to);
extern int replace_profile_aliases(Profile *prof);
extern void free_aliases(void);
/* parser_merge.c */
extern int profile_merge_rules(Profile *prof);
/* parser_interface.c */
extern int load_profile(int option, Profile *prof);
extern void sd_serialize_profile(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *prof,
int flatten);
extern int sd_load_buffer(int option, char *buffer, int size);
extern int cache_fd;
/* parser_policy.c */
extern void add_to_list(Profile *profile);
extern void add_hat_to_policy(Profile *policy, Profile *hat);
extern int add_entry_to_x_table(Profile *prof, char *name);
extern void add_entry_to_policy(Profile *policy, struct cod_entry *entry);
extern void post_process_file_entries(Profile *prof);
extern void post_process_rule_entries(Profile *prof);
extern int post_process_policy(int debug_only);
extern int process_profile_regex(Profile *prof);
extern int process_profile_variables(Profile *prof);
extern int process_profile_policydb(Profile *prof);
extern int post_merge_rules(void);
extern int merge_hat_rules(Profile *prof);
extern Profile *merge_policy(Profile *a, Profile *b);
extern int load_policy(int option);
extern int load_hats(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *prof);
extern int load_flattened_hats(Profile *prof, int option);
extern void dump_policy_hats(Profile *prof);
extern void dump_policy_names(void);
void dump_policy(void);
void free_policies(void);
#endif /** __AA_PARSER_H */