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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import re
from apparmor.common import convert_regexp, AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
class AARE:
"""AARE (AppArmor Regular Expression) wrapper class"""
def __init__(self, regex, is_path, log_event=None):
"""Initialize instance for the given AppArmor regex.
If is_path is true, the regex is expected to be a path and therefore must start with / or a variable."""
# using the specified variables when matching.
if is_path:
if regex.startswith('/'):
elif regex.startswith('@{'):
pass # XXX ideally check variable content - each part must start with / - or another variable, which must start with /
raise AppArmorException("Path doesn't start with / or variable: %s" % regex)
if log_event:
self.orig_regex = regex
self.regex = convert_expression_to_aare(regex)
self.orig_regex = None
self.regex = regex
self._regex_compiled = None # done on first use in match() - that saves us some re.compile() calls
# self.variables = variables # XXX
def __repr__(self):
"""returns a "printable" representation of object"""
return type(self).__name__ + "('%s')" % self.regex
def __eq__(self, other):
"""check if the given object is equal
Note that the == check is more strict than is_equal() - it doesn't accept if other is a string instead of AARE"""
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return self.regex == other.regex
return False
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# thanks to http://bugs.python.org/issue10076, we need to implement this ourself
if self.orig_regex:
return type(self)(self.orig_regex, is_path=False, log_event=True)
return type(self)(self.regex, is_path=False)
# check if a regex is a plain path (not containing variables, alternations or wildcards)
# some special characters are probably not covered by the plain_path regex (if in doubt, better error out on the safe side)
plain_path = re.compile('^[0-9a-zA-Z/._-]+$')
def match(self, expression):
"""check if the given expression (string or instance of this class) matches the regex"""
if isinstance(expression, type(self)):
if expression.orig_regex:
expression = expression.orig_regex
elif self.plain_path.match(expression.regex):
# regex doesn't contain variables or wildcards, therefore handle it as plain path
expression = expression.regex
return self.is_equal(expression) # better safe than sorry
elif not isinstance(expression, str):
raise AppArmorBug('match() called with unknown object: %s' % str(expression))
if self._regex_compiled is None:
self._regex_compiled = re.compile(convert_regexp(self.regex))
return bool(self._regex_compiled.match(expression))
def is_equal(self, expression):
"""check if the given expression is equal"""
if isinstance(expression, type(self)):
return self.regex == expression.regex
elif isinstance(expression, str):
return self.regex == expression
raise AppArmorBug('is_equal() called with unknown object: %s' % str(expression))
def glob_path(self):
"""Glob the given file or directory path"""
if self.regex.endswith('/'):
if self.regex.endswith(('/**/', '/*/')):
# /foo/**/ and /foo/*/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+/\*{1,2}/$', '/**/', self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*/$', self.regex):
# /foo**/ and /foo**bar/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*/$', '/**/', self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/\*\*[^/]+/$', self.regex):
# /**bar/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub(r'/\*\*[^/]+/$', '/**/', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+/$', '/*/', self.regex)
if self.regex.endswith(('/**', '/*')):
# /foo/** and /foo/* => /**
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+/\*{1,2}$', '/**', self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/[^/]*\*\*[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /**foo and /foor**bar => /**
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]*\*\*[^/]+$', '/**', self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/[^/]+\*\*$', self.regex):
# /foo** => /**
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+\*\*$', '/**', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+$', '/*', self.regex)
return type(self)(newpath, False)
def glob_path_withext(self):
"""Glob given file path with extension
Files without extensions and directories won't be changed"""
# match /**.ext and /*.ext
match = re.search(r'/\*{1,2}(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
if match:
# /foo/**.ext and /foo/*.ext => /**.ext
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+/\*{1,2}\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*\.[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /foo**.ext and /foo**bar.ext => /**.ext
match = re.search(r'/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
elif re.search(r'/\*\*[^/]+\.[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /**foo.ext => /**.ext
match = re.search(r'/\*\*[^/]+(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub(r'/\*\*[^/]+\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
newpath = self.regex
match = re.search(r'(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
if match:
newpath = re.sub(r'/[^/]+(\.[^/]+)$', '/*' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
return type(self)(newpath, False)
def convert_expression_to_aare(expression):
"""convert an expression (taken from audit.log) to an AARE string"""
aare_escape_chars = ['\\', '?', '*', '[', ']', '{', '}', '"', '!']
for char in aare_escape_chars:
expression = expression.replace(char, '\\' + char)
return expression