John Johansen 954dc6f694 Fix hexdigit conversion in the pcre parser
The pcre parser in the dfa backend is not correctly converting escaped
hex string like 

This is the minimal patch to fix, and we should investigate just using
the C/C++ conversion routines here.

I also I nominated for the 2.7 series.

Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2012-02-24 04:20:46 -08:00

262 lines
5.2 KiB

* (C) 2006, 2007 Andreas Gruenbacher <>
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. (All rights reserved)
* Copyright 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.
* The libapparmor library is licensed under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. Please see the file
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Parsing of regular expression into expression trees as implemented in
* expr-tree
/* #define DEBUG_TREE */
#include "expr-tree.h"
%union {
char c;
Node *node;
Chars *cset;
void regex_error(Node **, const char *, const char *);
#define YYLEX_PARAM &text
int regex_lex(YYSTYPE *, const char **);
static inline Chars *insert_char(Chars* cset, uchar a)
return cset;
static inline Chars* insert_char_range(Chars* cset, uchar a, uchar b)
if (a > b)
swap(a, b);
for (uchar i = a; i <= b; i++)
return cset;
/* %error-verbose */
%parse-param {Node **root}
%parse-param {const char *text}
%name-prefix = "regex_"
%token <c> CHAR
%type <c> regex_char cset_char1 cset_char cset_charN
%type <cset> charset cset_chars
%type <node> regex expr terms0 terms qterm term
* Note: destroy all nodes upon failure, but *not* the start symbol once
* parsing succeeds!
%destructor { $$->release(); } expr terms0 terms qterm term
/* FIXME: Does not parse "[--]", "[---]", "[^^-x]". I don't actually know
which precise grammer Perl regexs use, and rediscovering that
is proving to be painful. */
regex : /* empty */ { *root = $$ = &epsnode; }
| expr { *root = $$ = $1; }
expr : terms
| expr '|' terms0 { $$ = new AltNode($1, $3); }
| '|' terms0 { $$ = new AltNode(&epsnode, $2); }
terms0 : /* empty */ { $$ = &epsnode; }
| terms
terms : qterm
| terms qterm { $$ = new CatNode($1, $2); }
qterm : term
| term '*' { $$ = new StarNode($1); }
| term '+' { $$ = new PlusNode($1); }
term : '.' { $$ = new AnyCharNode; }
| regex_char { $$ = new CharNode($1); }
| '[' charset ']' { $$ = new CharSetNode(*$2);
delete $2; }
| '[' '^' charset ']'
{ $$ = new NotCharSetNode(*$3);
delete $3; }
| '[' '^' '^' cset_chars ']'
{ $4->insert('^');
$$ = new NotCharSetNode(*$4);
delete $4; }
| '(' regex ')' { $$ = $2; }
regex_char : CHAR
| '^' { $$ = '^'; }
| '-' { $$ = '-'; }
| ']' { $$ = ']'; }
charset : cset_char1 cset_chars
{ $$ = insert_char($2, $1); }
| cset_char1 '-' cset_charN cset_chars
{ $$ = insert_char_range($4, $1, $3); }
cset_chars : /* nothing */ { $$ = new Chars; }
| cset_chars cset_charN
{ $$ = insert_char($1, $2); }
| cset_chars cset_charN '-' cset_charN
{ $$ = insert_char_range($1, $2, $4); }
cset_char1 : cset_char
| ']' { $$ = ']'; }
| '-' { $$ = '-'; }
cset_charN : cset_char
| '^' { $$ = '^'; }
cset_char : CHAR
| '[' { $$ = '['; }
| '*' { $$ = '*'; }
| '+' { $$ = '+'; }
| '.' { $$ = '.'; }
| '|' { $$ = '|'; }
| '(' { $$ = '('; }
| ')' { $$ = ')'; }
int octdigit(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '7')
return c - '0';
return -1;
int hexdigit(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return c - '0';
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return 10 + c - 'A';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
return 10 + c - 'a';
return -1;
int regex_lex(YYSTYPE *val, const char **pos)
int c;
val->c = **pos;
switch(*(*pos)++) {
case '\0':
return 0;
case '*': case '+': case '.': case '|': case '^': case '-':
case '[': case ']': case '(' : case ')':
return *(*pos - 1);
case '\\':
val->c = **pos;
switch(*(*pos)++) {
case '\0':
/* fall through */
case '\\':
val->c = '\\';
case '0':
val->c = 0;
if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
val->c = c;
if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
val->c = (val->c << 3) + c;
if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
val->c = (val->c << 3) + c;
case 'x':
val->c = 0;
if ((c = hexdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
val->c = c;
if ((c = hexdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
val->c = (val->c << 4) + c;
case 'a':
val->c = '\a';
case 'e':
val->c = 033 /* ESC */;
case 'f':
val->c = '\f';
case 'n':
val->c = '\n';
case 'r':
val->c = '\r';
case 't':
val->c = '\t';
return CHAR;
void regex_error(Node ** __attribute__((unused)),
const char *text __attribute__((unused)),
const char *error __attribute__((unused)))
/* We don't want the library to print error messages. */