mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:41:00 +01:00

2.11: Add basic support for abi rules to the tools
Add basic "understand and keep" support for abi rules, where
"understand" means to not error out when seeing an abi rule, and "keep"
simply means to keep the original abi rule when serializing a profile.
On the long term, abi rules should be parsed (similar to include rules),
but for now, this patch is the smallest possible changeset and easy to
Note that the only added test is via cleanprof_test.* which is used by
minitools_test.py - and does not run if you do a 'make check'.
Oh, and of course the simple_tests/abi/ files also get parsed by
BTW: Even serialize_profile_from_old_profile() can handle abi rules ;-)
This is a backport of 072d3e04
/ !202 (merged) to
2.11 (with some adjustments because that commit didn't appy cleanly)
I propose this patch for 2.10 and 2.11.
PR: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/merge_requests/223
Acked-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
3814 lines
155 KiB
3814 lines
155 KiB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# No old version logs, only 2.6 + supported
from __future__ import division, with_statement
import inspect
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
import atexit
import tempfile
import apparmor.config
import apparmor.logparser
import apparmor.severity
from copy import deepcopy
from apparmor.aare import AARE
from apparmor.common import (AppArmorException, AppArmorBug, open_file_read, valid_path, hasher,
open_file_write, DebugLogger)
import apparmor.ui as aaui
from apparmor.aamode import str_to_mode, split_mode
from apparmor.regex import (RE_PROFILE_START, RE_PROFILE_END, RE_PROFILE_LINK,
strip_quotes, parse_profile_start_line, re_match_include )
import apparmor.rules as aarules
from apparmor.rule.capability import CapabilityRuleset, CapabilityRule
from apparmor.rule.change_profile import ChangeProfileRuleset, ChangeProfileRule
from apparmor.rule.dbus import DbusRuleset, DbusRule
from apparmor.rule.file import FileRuleset, FileRule
from apparmor.rule.network import NetworkRuleset, NetworkRule
from apparmor.rule.ptrace import PtraceRuleset, PtraceRule
from apparmor.rule.rlimit import RlimitRuleset, RlimitRule
from apparmor.rule.signal import SignalRuleset, SignalRule
from apparmor.rule import quote_if_needed
ruletypes = ['capability', 'change_profile', 'dbus', 'file', 'network', 'ptrace', 'rlimit', 'signal']
from apparmor.yasti import SendDataToYast, GetDataFromYast, shutdown_yast
# setup module translations
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
_ = init_translation()
# Setup logging incase of debugging is enabled
debug_logger = DebugLogger('aa')
# The database for severity
sev_db = None
# The file to read log messages from
### Was our
logfile = None
conf = None
cfg = None
repo_cfg = None
parser = None
profile_dir = None
extra_profile_dir = None
### end our
# To keep track of previously included profile fragments
include = dict()
existing_profiles = dict()
# To store the globs entered by users so they can be provided again
# format: user_globs['/foo*'] = AARE('/foo*')
user_globs = {}
## Variables used under logprof
transitions = hasher()
aa = hasher() # Profiles originally in sd, replace by aa
original_aa = hasher()
extras = hasher() # Inactive profiles from extras
### end our
log = []
log_pid = dict() # handed over to ReadLog, gets filled in logparser.py. The only case the previous content of this variable _might_(?) be used is aa-genprof (multiple do_logprof_pass() runs)
profile_changes = hasher()
prelog = hasher()
changed = dict()
created = []
helpers = dict() # Preserve this between passes # was our
### logprof ends
filelist = hasher() # File level variables and stuff in config files
def on_exit():
"""Shutdowns the logger and records exit if debugging enabled"""
# Register the on_exit method with atexit
def check_for_LD_XXX(file):
"""Returns True if specified program contains references to LD_PRELOAD or
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to give the Px/Ux code better suggestions"""
if not os.path.isfile(file):
return False
size = os.stat(file).st_size
# Limit to checking files under 100k for the sake of speed
if size > 100000:
return False
with open(file, 'rb') as f_in:
for line in f_in:
if b'LD_PRELOAD' in line or b'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in line:
return True
return False
def fatal_error(message):
# Get the traceback to the message
tb_stack = traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())
tb_stack = ''.join(tb_stack)
# Add the traceback to message
message = tb_stack + '\n\n' + message
caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
# If caller is SendDataToYast or GetDatFromYast simply exit
if caller == 'SendDataToYast' or caller == 'GetDatFromYast':
# Else tell user what happened
def check_for_apparmor(filesystem='/proc/filesystems', mounts='/proc/mounts'):
"""Finds and returns the mountpoint for apparmor None otherwise"""
support_securityfs = False
aa_mountpoint = None
if valid_path(filesystem):
with open_file_read(filesystem) as f_in:
for line in f_in:
if 'securityfs' in line:
support_securityfs = True
if valid_path(mounts) and support_securityfs:
with open_file_read(mounts) as f_in:
for line in f_in:
split = line.split()
if len(split) > 2 and split[2] == 'securityfs':
mountpoint = split[1] + '/apparmor'
# Check if apparmor is actually mounted there
# XXX valid_path() only checks the syntax, but not if the directory exists!
if valid_path(mountpoint) and valid_path(mountpoint + '/profiles'):
aa_mountpoint = mountpoint
return aa_mountpoint
def which(file):
"""Returns the executable fullpath for the file, None otherwise"""
if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
return shutil.which(file)
env_dirs = os.getenv('PATH').split(':')
for env_dir in env_dirs:
env_path = env_dir + '/' + file
# Test if the path is executable or not
if os.access(env_path, os.X_OK):
return env_path
return None
def get_full_path(original_path):
"""Return the full path after resolving any symlinks"""
path = original_path
link_count = 0
if not path.startswith('/'):
path = os.getcwd() + '/' + path
while os.path.islink(path):
link_count += 1
if link_count > 64:
fatal_error(_("Followed too many links while resolving %s") % (original_path))
direc, file = os.path.split(path)
link = os.readlink(path)
# If the link an absolute path
if link.startswith('/'):
path = link
# Link is relative path
path = direc + '/' + link
return os.path.realpath(path)
def find_executable(bin_path):
"""Returns the full executable path for the given executable, None otherwise"""
full_bin = None
if os.path.exists(bin_path):
full_bin = get_full_path(bin_path)
if '/' not in bin_path:
env_bin = which(bin_path)
if env_bin:
full_bin = get_full_path(env_bin)
if full_bin and os.path.exists(full_bin):
return full_bin
return None
def get_profile_filename(profile):
"""Returns the full profile name"""
if existing_profiles.get(profile, False):
return existing_profiles[profile]
elif profile.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading /
profile = profile[1:]
profile = "profile_" + profile
profile = profile.replace('/', '.')
full_profilename = profile_dir + '/' + profile
return full_profilename
def name_to_prof_filename(prof_filename):
"""Returns the profile"""
if prof_filename.startswith(profile_dir):
profile = prof_filename.split(profile_dir, 1)[1]
return (prof_filename, profile)
bin_path = find_executable(prof_filename)
if bin_path:
prof_filename = get_profile_filename(bin_path)
if os.path.isfile(prof_filename):
return (prof_filename, bin_path)
return None, None
def complain(path):
"""Sets the profile to complain mode if it exists"""
prof_filename, name = name_to_prof_filename(path)
if not prof_filename:
fatal_error(_("Can't find %s") % path)
set_complain(prof_filename, name)
def enforce(path):
"""Sets the profile to enforce mode if it exists"""
prof_filename, name = name_to_prof_filename(path)
if not prof_filename:
fatal_error(_("Can't find %s") % path)
set_enforce(prof_filename, name)
def set_complain(filename, program):
"""Sets the profile to complain mode"""
aaui.UI_Info(_('Setting %s to complain mode.') % (filename if program is None else program))
# a force-complain symlink is more packaging-friendly, but breaks caching
# create_symlink('force-complain', filename)
delete_symlink('disable', filename)
change_profile_flags(filename, program, 'complain', True)
def set_enforce(filename, program):
"""Sets the profile to enforce mode"""
aaui.UI_Info(_('Setting %s to enforce mode.') % (filename if program is None else program))
delete_symlink('force-complain', filename)
delete_symlink('disable', filename)
change_profile_flags(filename, program, 'complain', False)
def delete_symlink(subdir, filename):
path = filename
link = re.sub('^%s' % profile_dir, '%s/%s' % (profile_dir, subdir), path)
if link != path and os.path.islink(link):
def create_symlink(subdir, filename):
path = filename
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
if not bname:
raise AppArmorException(_('Unable to find basename for %s.') % filename)
link = re.sub('^%s' % profile_dir, '%s/%s' % (profile_dir, subdir), path)
#link = link + '/%s'%bname
symlink_dir = os.path.dirname(link)
if not os.path.exists(symlink_dir):
# If the symlink directory does not exist create it
if not os.path.exists(link):
os.symlink(filename, link)
raise AppArmorException(_('Could not create %(link)s symlink to %(file)s.') % { 'link': link, 'file': filename })
def head(file):
"""Returns the first/head line of the file"""
first = ''
if os.path.isfile(file):
with open_file_read(file) as f_in:
first = f_in.readline().rstrip()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return first
raise AppArmorException(_('Unable to read first line from %s: File Not Found') % file)
def get_output(params):
'''Runs the program with the given args and returns the return code and stdout (as list of lines)'''
# Get the output of the program
output = subprocess.check_output(params)
ret = 0
except OSError as e:
raise AppArmorException(_("Unable to fork: %(program)s\n\t%(error)s") % { 'program': params[0], 'error': str(e) })
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # If exit code != 0
output = e.output
ret = e.returncode
output = output.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
# Remove the extra empty string caused due to \n if present
if output[len(output) - 1] == '':
return (ret, output)
def get_reqs(file):
"""Returns a list of paths from ldd output"""
pattern1 = re.compile('^\s*\S+ => (\/\S+)')
pattern2 = re.compile('^\s*(\/\S+)')
reqs = []
ldd = conf.find_first_file(cfg['settings'].get('ldd')) or '/usr/bin/ldd'
if not os.path.isfile(ldd) or not os.access(ldd, os.EX_OK):
raise AppArmorException('Can\'t find ldd')
ret, ldd_out = get_output([ldd, file])
if ret == 0 or ret == 1:
for line in ldd_out:
if 'not a dynamic executable' in line: # comes with ret == 1
if 'cannot read header' in line:
if 'statically linked' in line:
match = pattern1.search(line)
if match:
match = pattern2.search(line)
if match:
return reqs
def handle_binfmt(profile, path):
"""Modifies the profile to add the requirements"""
reqs_processed = dict()
reqs = get_reqs(path)
while reqs:
library = reqs.pop()
library = get_full_path(library) # resolve symlinks
if not reqs_processed.get(library, False):
if get_reqs(library):
reqs += get_reqs(library)
reqs_processed[library] = True
library_rule = FileRule(library, 'mr', None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(profile, 'file', library_rule):
globbed_library = glob_common(library)
if globbed_library:
# glob_common returns a list, just use the first element (typically '/lib/libfoo.so.*')
library_rule = FileRule(globbed_library[0], 'mr', None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False)
def get_interpreter_and_abstraction(exec_target):
'''Check if exec_target is a script.
If a hashbang is found, check if we have an abstraction for it.
Returns (interpreter_path, abstraction)
- interpreter_path is none if exec_target is not a script or doesn't have a hashbang line
- abstraction is None if no matching abstraction exists'''
if not os.path.exists(exec_target):
aaui.UI_Important(_('Execute target %s does not exist!') % exec_target)
return None, None
if not os.path.isfile(exec_target):
aaui.UI_Important(_('Execute target %s is not a file!') % exec_target)
return None, None
hashbang = head(exec_target)
if not hashbang.startswith('#!'):
return None, None
# get the interpreter (without parameters)
interpreter = hashbang[2:].strip().split()[0]
interpreter_path = get_full_path(interpreter)
interpreter = re.sub('^(/usr)?/bin/', '', interpreter_path)
if interpreter in ['bash', 'dash', 'sh']:
abstraction = 'abstractions/bash'
elif interpreter == 'perl':
abstraction = 'abstractions/perl'
elif re.search('^python([23]|[23]\.[0-9]+)?$', interpreter):
abstraction = 'abstractions/python'
elif re.search('^ruby([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)?$', interpreter):
abstraction = 'abstractions/ruby'
abstraction = None
return interpreter_path, abstraction
def get_inactive_profile(local_profile):
if extras.get(local_profile, False):
return {local_profile: extras[local_profile]}
return dict()
def profile_storage(profilename, hat, calledby):
# keys used in aa[profile][hat]:
# a) rules (as dict): alias, include, lvar
# b) rules (as hasher): allow, deny
# c) one for each rule class
# d) other: external, flags, name, profile, attachment, initial_comment, filename, info,
# profile_keyword, header_comment (these two are currently only set by set_profile_flags())
# Note that this function doesn't explicitely init all those keys (yet).
# It will be extended over time, with the final goal to get rid of hasher().
profile = hasher()
# profile['info'] isn't used anywhere, but can be helpful in debugging.
profile['info'] = {'profile': profilename, 'hat': hat, 'calledby': calledby}
profile['capability'] = CapabilityRuleset()
profile['dbus'] = DbusRuleset()
profile['file'] = FileRuleset()
profile['change_profile'] = ChangeProfileRuleset()
profile['network'] = NetworkRuleset()
profile['ptrace'] = PtraceRuleset()
profile['rlimit'] = RlimitRuleset()
profile['signal'] = SignalRuleset()
profile['allow']['mount'] = list()
profile['allow']['pivot_root'] = list()
return profile
def create_new_profile(localfile, is_stub=False):
local_profile = hasher()
local_profile[localfile] = profile_storage('NEW', localfile, 'create_new_profile()')
local_profile[localfile]['flags'] = 'complain'
local_profile[localfile]['include']['abstractions/base'] = 1
if os.path.exists(localfile) and os.path.isfile(localfile):
interpreter_path, abstraction = get_interpreter_and_abstraction(localfile)
if interpreter_path:
local_profile[localfile]['file'].add(FileRule(localfile, 'r', None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False))
local_profile[localfile]['file'].add(FileRule(interpreter_path, None, 'ix', FileRule.ALL, owner=False))
if abstraction:
local_profile[localfile]['include'][abstraction] = True
handle_binfmt(local_profile[localfile], interpreter_path)
local_profile[localfile]['file'].add(FileRule(localfile, 'mr', None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False))
handle_binfmt(local_profile[localfile], localfile)
# Add required hats to the profile if they match the localfile
for hatglob in cfg['required_hats'].keys():
if re.search(hatglob, localfile):
for hat in sorted(cfg['required_hats'][hatglob].split()):
if not local_profile.get(hat, False):
local_profile[hat] = profile_storage('NEW', hat, 'create_new_profile() required_hats')
local_profile[hat]['flags'] = 'complain'
if not is_stub:
changed[localfile] = True
debug_logger.debug("Profile for %s:\n\t%s" % (localfile, local_profile.__str__()))
return {localfile: local_profile}
def delete_profile(local_prof):
"""Deletes the specified file from the disk and remove it from our list"""
profile_file = get_profile_filename(local_prof)
if os.path.isfile(profile_file):
if aa.get(local_prof, False):
def confirm_and_abort():
ans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_('Are you sure you want to abandon this set of profile changes and exit?'), 'n')
if ans == 'y':
aaui.UI_Info(_('Abandoning all changes.'))
for prof in created:
def get_profile(prof_name):
profile_data = None
distro = cfg['repository']['distro']
repo_url = cfg['repository']['url']
# local_profiles = []
profile_hash = hasher()
if repo_is_enabled():
aaui.UI_BusyStart(_('Connecting to repository...'))
status_ok, ret = fetch_profiles_by_name(repo_url, distro, prof_name)
if status_ok:
profile_hash = ret
aaui.UI_Important(_('WARNING: Error fetching profiles from the repository'))
inactive_profile = get_inactive_profile(prof_name)
if inactive_profile:
uname = 'Inactive local profile for %s' % prof_name
inactive_profile[prof_name][prof_name]['flags'] = 'complain'
profile_hash[uname]['username'] = uname
profile_hash[uname]['profile_type'] = 'INACTIVE_LOCAL'
profile_hash[uname]['profile'] = serialize_profile(inactive_profile[prof_name], prof_name, None)
profile_hash[uname]['profile_data'] = inactive_profile
existing_profiles.pop(prof_name) # remove profile filename from list to force storing in /etc/apparmor.d/ instead of extra_profile_dir
# If no profiles in repo and no inactive profiles
if not profile_hash.keys():
return None
options = []
tmp_list = []
preferred_present = False
preferred_user = cfg['repository'].get('preferred_user', 'NOVELL')
for p in profile_hash.keys():
if profile_hash[p]['username'] == preferred_user:
preferred_present = True
if preferred_present:
options += tmp_list
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers = ['Profile', prof_name]
q.default = "CMD_VIEW_PROFILE"
q.options = options
q.selected = 0
ans = ''
while 'CMD_USE_PROFILE' not in ans and 'CMD_CREATE_PROFILE' not in ans:
ans, arg = q.promptUser()
p = profile_hash[options[arg]]
q.selected = options.index(options[arg])
if ans == 'CMD_VIEW_PROFILE':
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
SendDataToYast({'type': 'dialogue-view-profile',
'user': options[arg],
'profile': p['profile'],
'profile_type': p['profile_type']
ypath, yarg = GetDataFromYast()
pager = get_pager()
proc = subprocess.Popen(pager, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
# proc.communicate('Profile submitted by %s:\n\n%s\n\n' %
# (options[arg], p['profile']))
elif ans == 'CMD_USE_PROFILE':
if p['profile_type'] == 'INACTIVE_LOCAL':
profile_data = p['profile_data']
profile_data = parse_repo_profile(prof_name, repo_url, p)
return profile_data
def activate_repo_profiles(url, profiles, complain):
for p in profiles:
pname = p[0]
profile_data = parse_repo_profile(pname, url, p[1])
attach_profile_data(aa, profile_data)
if complain:
fname = get_profile_filename(pname)
set_profile_flags(profile_dir + fname, 'complain')
aaui.UI_Info(_('Setting %s to complain mode.') % pname)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(_("Error activating profiles: %s") % e)
def autodep(bin_name, pname=''):
bin_full = None
global repo_cfg
if not repo_cfg and not cfg['repository'].get('url', False):
repo_conf = apparmor.config.Config('shell', CONFDIR)
repo_cfg = repo_conf.read_config('repository.conf')
if not repo_cfg.get('repository', False) or repo_cfg['repository']['enabled'] == 'later':
if bin_name:
bin_full = find_executable(bin_name)
#if not bin_full:
# bin_full = bin_name
#if not bin_full.startswith('/'):
#return None
# Return if exectuable path not found
if not bin_full:
return None
bin_full = pname # for named profiles
pname = bin_full
profile_data = get_profile(pname)
# Create a new profile if no existing profile
if not profile_data:
profile_data = create_new_profile(pname)
file = get_profile_filename(pname)
profile_data[pname][pname]['filename'] = None # will be stored in /etc/apparmor.d when saving, so it shouldn't carry the extra_profile_dir filename
attach_profile_data(aa, profile_data)
attach_profile_data(original_aa, profile_data)
if os.path.isfile(profile_dir + '/tunables/global'):
if not filelist.get(file, False):
filelist[file] = hasher()
filelist[file]['include']['tunables/global'] = True
filelist[file]['profiles'][pname] = hasher()
filelist[file]['profiles'][pname][pname] = True
def get_profile_flags(filename, program):
# To-Do
# XXX If more than one profile in a file then second one is being ignored XXX
# Do we return flags for both or
flags = ''
with open_file_read(filename) as f_in:
for line in f_in:
if RE_PROFILE_START.search(line):
matches = parse_profile_start_line(line, filename)
profile = matches['profile']
flags = matches['flags']
if profile == program or program is None:
return flags
raise AppArmorException(_('%s contains no profile') % filename)
def change_profile_flags(filename, program, flag, set_flag):
old_flags = get_profile_flags(filename, program)
newflags = []
if old_flags:
# Flags maybe white-space and/or , separated
old_flags = old_flags.split(',')
if not isinstance(old_flags, str):
for i in old_flags:
newflags += i.split()
newflags = old_flags.split()
#newflags = [lambda x:x.strip(), oldflags]
if set_flag:
if flag not in newflags:
if flag in newflags:
newflags = ','.join(newflags)
set_profile_flags(filename, program, newflags)
def set_profile_flags(prof_filename, program, newflags):
"""Reads the old profile file and updates the flags accordingly"""
# TODO: count the number of matching lines (separated by profile and hat?) and return it
# so that code calling this function can make sure to only report success if there was a match
# TODO: existing (unrelated) flags of hats and child profiles are overwritten - ideally, we should
# keep them and only add or remove a given flag
# TODO: change child profile flags even if program is specified
found = False
if newflags and newflags.strip() == '':
raise AppArmorBug('New flags for %s contain only whitespace' % prof_filename)
with open_file_read(prof_filename) as f_in:
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix=prof_filename, suffix='~', delete=False, dir=profile_dir)
shutil.copymode(prof_filename, temp_file.name)
with open_file_write(temp_file.name) as f_out:
for line in f_in:
if RE_PROFILE_START.search(line):
matches = parse_profile_start_line(line, prof_filename)
space = matches['leadingspace'] or ''
profile = matches['profile']
if profile == program or program is None:
found = True
header_data = {
'attachment': matches['attachment'] or '',
'flags': newflags,
'profile_keyword': matches['profile_keyword'],
'header_comment': matches['comment'] or '',
line = write_header(header_data, len(space)/2, profile, False, True)
line = '%s\n' % line[0]
elif RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line)
space = matches.group('leadingspace') or ''
hat_keyword = matches.group('hat_keyword')
hat = matches.group('hat')
comment = matches.group('comment') or ''
if comment:
comment = ' %s' % comment
if newflags:
line = '%s%s%s flags=(%s) {%s\n' % (space, hat_keyword, hat, newflags, comment)
line = '%s%s%s {%s\n' % (space, hat_keyword, hat, comment)
os.rename(temp_file.name, prof_filename)
if not found:
if program is None:
raise AppArmorBug("%(file)s doesn't contain a valid profile (syntax error?)" % {'file': prof_filename})
raise AppArmorBug("%(file)s doesn't contain a valid profile for %(profile)s (syntax error?)" % {'file': prof_filename, 'profile': program})
def profile_exists(program):
"""Returns True if profile exists, False otherwise"""
# Check cache of profiles
if existing_profiles.get(program, False):
return True
# Check the disk for profile
prof_path = get_profile_filename(program)
if os.path.isfile(prof_path):
# Add to cache of profile
existing_profiles[program] = prof_path
return True
return False
def sync_profile():
user, passw = get_repo_user_pass()
if not user or not passw:
return None
repo_profiles = []
changed_profiles = []
new_profiles = []
serialize_opts = hasher()
status_ok, ret = fetch_profiles_by_user(cfg['repository']['url'],
cfg['repository']['distro'], user)
if not status_ok:
if not ret:
aaui.UI_Important(_('WARNING: Error synchronizing profiles with the repository:\n%s\n') % ret)
users_repo_profiles = ret
serialize_opts['NO_FLAGS'] = True
for prof in sorted(aa.keys()):
if is_repo_profile([aa[prof][prof]]):
if prof in created:
p_local = serialize_profile(aa[prof], prof, serialize_opts)
if not users_repo_profiles.get(prof, False):
p_repo = users_repo_profiles[prof]['profile']
if p_local != p_repo:
if repo_profiles:
for prof in repo_profiles:
p_local = serialize_profile(aa[prof], prof, serialize_opts)
if not users_repo_profiles.get(prof, False):
p_repo = ''
if aa[prof][prof]['repo']['user'] == user:
p_repo = users_repo_profiles[prof]['profile']
status_ok, ret = fetch_profile_by_id(cfg['repository']['url'],
if status_ok:
p_repo = ret['profile']
if not ret:
aaui.UI_Important(_('WARNING: Error synchronizing profiles with the repository\n%s') % ret)
if p_repo != p_local:
if changed_profiles:
if new_profiles:
def fetch_profile_by_id(url, id):
return None, None
def fetch_profiles_by_name(url, distro, user):
return None, None
def fetch_profiles_by_user(url, distro, user):
return None, None
def submit_created_profiles(new_profiles):
#url = cfg['repository']['url']
if new_profiles:
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
title = 'New Profiles'
message = 'Please select the newly created profiles that you would like to store in the repository'
yast_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, new_profiles)
title = 'Submit newly created profiles to the repository'
message = 'Would you like to upload newly created profiles?'
console_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, new_profiles)
def submit_changed_profiles(changed_profiles):
#url = cfg['repository']['url']
if changed_profiles:
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
title = 'Changed Profiles'
message = 'Please select which of the changed profiles would you like to upload to the repository'
yast_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, changed_profiles)
title = 'Submit changed profiles to the repository'
message = 'The following profiles from the repository were changed.\nWould you like to upload your changes?'
console_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, changed_profiles)
def yast_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, profiles_up):
url = cfg['repository']['url']
profile_changes = hasher()
profs = profiles_up[:]
for p in profs:
profile_changes[p[0]] = get_profile_diff(p[2], p[1])
SendDataToYast({'type': 'dialog-select-profiles',
'title': title,
'explanation': message,
'default_select': 'false',
'disable_ask_upload': 'true',
'profiles': profile_changes
ypath, yarg = GetDataFromYast()
selected_profiles = []
changelog = None
changelogs = None
single_changelog = False
if yarg['STATUS'] == 'cancel':
selected_profiles = yarg['PROFILES']
changelogs = yarg['CHANGELOG']
if changelogs.get('SINGLE_CHANGELOG', False):
changelog = changelogs['SINGLE_CHANGELOG']
single_changelog = True
user, passw = get_repo_user_pass()
for p in selected_profiles:
profile_string = serialize_profile(aa[p], p)
if not single_changelog:
changelog = changelogs[p]
status_ok, ret = upload_profile(url, user, passw, cfg['repository']['distro'],
p, profile_string, changelog)
if status_ok:
newprofile = ret
newid = newprofile['id']
set_repo_info(aa[p][p], url, user, newid)
if not ret:
aaui.UI_Important(_('WARNING: An error occurred while uploading the profile %(profile)s\n%(ret)s') % { 'profile': p, 'ret': ret })
aaui.UI_Info(_('Uploaded changes to repository.'))
if yarg.get('NEVER_ASK_AGAIN'):
unselected_profiles = []
for p in profs:
if p[0] not in selected_profiles:
def upload_profile(url, user, passw, distro, p, profile_string, changelog):
# To-Do
return None, None
def console_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, profiles_up):
url = cfg['repository']['url']
profs = profiles_up[:]
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.title = title
q.headers = ['Repository', url]
q.explanation = message
q.default = 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES'
q.options = [i[0] for i in profs]
q.selected = 0
ans = ''
while 'CMD_UPLOAD_CHANGES' not in ans and 'CMD_ASK_NEVER' not in ans and 'CMD_ASK_LATER' not in ans:
ans, arg = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES':
display_changes(profs[arg][2], profs[arg][1])
if ans == 'CMD_NEVER_ASK':
set_profiles_local_only([i[0] for i in profs])
elif ans == 'CMD_UPLOAD_CHANGES':
changelog = aaui.UI_GetString(_('Changelog Entry: '), '')
user, passw = get_repo_user_pass()
if user and passw:
for p_data in profs:
prof = p_data[0]
prof_string = p_data[1]
status_ok, ret = upload_profile(url, user, passw,
prof, prof_string, changelog)
if status_ok:
newprof = ret
newid = newprof['id']
set_repo_info(aa[prof][prof], url, user, newid)
aaui.UI_Info('Uploaded %s to repository' % prof)
if not ret:
aaui.UI_Important(_('WARNING: An error occurred while uploading the profile %(profile)s\n%(ret)s') % { 'profile': prof, 'ret': ret })
aaui.UI_Important(_('Repository Error\nRegistration or Signin was unsuccessful. User login\ninformation is required to upload profiles to the repository.\nThese changes could not be sent.'))
def set_profiles_local_only(profs):
for p in profs:
aa[profs][profs]['repo']['neversubmit'] = True
def build_x_functions(default, options, exec_toggle):
ret_list = []
fallback_toggle = False
if exec_toggle:
if 'i' in options:
if 'p' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if 'c' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if 'n' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if fallback_toggle:
if 'u' in options:
if 'i' in options:
if 'c' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if 'p' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if 'n' in options:
fallback_toggle = True
if 'u' in options:
if fallback_toggle:
ret_list += ['CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
return ret_list
def handle_children(profile, hat, root):
entries = root[:]
pid = None
p = None
h = None
prog = None
aamode = None
mode = None
detail = None
to_name = None
uhat = None
capability = None
family = None
sock_type = None
protocol = None
regex_nullcomplain = re.compile('^null(-complain)*-profile$')
for entry in entries:
if type(entry[0]) != str:
handle_children(profile, hat, entry)
typ = entry.pop(0)
if typ == 'fork':
# If type is fork then we (should) have pid, profile and hat
pid, p, h = entry[:3]
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if hat:
profile_changes[pid] = profile + '//' + hat
profile_changes[pid] = profile
elif typ == 'unknown_hat':
# If hat is not known then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, mode and unknown hat in entry
pid, p, h, aamode, uhat = entry[:5]
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p):
profile = p
if aa[profile].get(uhat, False):
hat = uhat
new_p = update_repo_profile(aa[profile][profile])
if new_p and UI_SelectUpdatedRepoProfile(profile, new_p) and aa[profile].get(uhat, False):
hat = uhat
default_hat = None
for hatglob in cfg.options('defaulthat'):
if re.search(hatglob, profile):
default_hat = cfg['defaulthat'][hatglob]
context = profile
context = context + ' -> ^%s' % uhat
ans = transitions.get(context, 'XXXINVALIDXXX')
while ans not in ['CMD_ADDHAT', 'CMD_USEDEFAULT', 'CMD_DENY']:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers += [_('Profile'), profile]
if default_hat:
q.headers += [_('Default Hat'), default_hat]
q.headers += [_('Requested Hat'), uhat]
if default_hat:
q.functions += ['CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
q.default = 'CMD_DENY'
if aamode == 'PERMITTING':
q.default = 'CMD_ADDHAT'
ans = q.promptUser()[0]
if ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
transitions[context] = ans
if ans == 'CMD_ADDHAT':
hat = uhat
aa[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'handle_children addhat')
aa[profile][hat]['flags'] = aa[profile][profile]['flags']
changed[profile] = True
elif ans == 'CMD_USEDEFAULT':
hat = default_hat
elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
# As unknown hat is denied no entry for it should be made
return None
elif typ == 'capability':
# If capability then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, capability
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, capability = entry[:6]
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not profile or not hat:
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['capability'][capability] = True
elif typ == 'dbus':
# If dbus then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, access, bus, name, path, interface, member, peer_profile
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, access, bus, path, name, interface, member, peer_profile = entry
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not profile or not hat:
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['dbus'][access][bus][path][name][interface][member][peer_profile] = True
elif typ == 'ptrace':
# If ptrace then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, access and peer
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, access, peer = entry
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not profile or not hat:
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['ptrace'][peer][access] = True
elif typ == 'signal':
# If signal then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, access, signal and peer
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, access, signal, peer = entry
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not profile or not hat:
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['signal'][peer][access][signal] = True
elif typ == 'path' or typ == 'exec':
# If path or exec then we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, details and to_name
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, mode, detail, to_name = entry[:8]
if not mode:
mode = set()
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not profile or not hat or not detail:
# Give Execute dialog if x access requested for something that's not a directory
# For directories force an 'ix' Path dialog
do_execute = False
exec_target = detail
if mode & str_to_mode('x'):
if os.path.isdir(exec_target):
raise AppArmorBug('exec permissions requested for directory %s. This should not happen - please open a bugreport!' % exec_target)
elif typ != 'exec':
raise AppArmorBug('exec permissions requested for %(exec_target)s, but mode is %(mode)s instead of exec. This should not happen - please open a bugreport!' % {'exec_target': exec_target, 'mode':mode})
do_execute = True
domainchange = 'change'
if mode and mode != str_to_mode('x'): # x is already handled in handle_children, so it must not become part of prelog
path = detail
if prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['path'].get(path, False):
mode |= prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['path'][path]
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['path'][path] = mode
if do_execute:
if not aa[profile][hat]:
continue # ignore log entries for non-existing profiles
exec_event = FileRule(exec_target, None, FileRule.ANY_EXEC, FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True)
if is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'file', exec_event):
p = update_repo_profile(aa[profile][profile])
if to_name:
if UI_SelectUpdatedRepoProfile(profile, p) and is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'file', exec_event): # we need an exec_event with target=to_name here
if UI_SelectUpdatedRepoProfile(profile, p) and is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'file', exec_event): # we need an exec_event with target=exec_target here
context_new = profile
if profile != hat:
context_new = context_new + '^%s' % hat
context_new = context_new + ' -> %s' % exec_target
# nx is not used in profiles but in log files.
# Log parsing methods will convert it to its profile form
# nx is internally cx/px/cix/pix + to_name
exec_mode = False
file_perm = None
if True:
options = cfg['qualifiers'].get(exec_target, 'ipcnu')
if to_name:
fatal_error(_('%s has transition name but not transition mode') % entry)
### If profiled program executes itself only 'ix' option
##if exec_target == profile:
##options = 'i'
# Don't allow hats to cx?
options.replace('c', '')
# Add deny to options
options += 'd'
# Define the default option
default = None
if 'p' in options and os.path.exists(get_profile_filename(exec_target)):
default = 'CMD_px'
sys.stdout.write(_('Target profile exists: %s\n') % get_profile_filename(exec_target))
elif 'i' in options:
default = 'CMD_ix'
elif 'c' in options:
default = 'CMD_cx'
elif 'n' in options:
default = 'CMD_nx'
default = 'DENY'
parent_uses_ld_xxx = check_for_LD_XXX(profile)
severity = sev_db.rank_path(exec_target, 'x')
# Prompt portion starts
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers += [_('Profile'), combine_name(profile, hat)]
if prog and prog != 'HINT':
q.headers += [_('Program'), prog]
# to_name should not exist here since, transitioning is already handeled
q.headers += [_('Execute'), exec_target]
q.headers += [_('Severity'), severity]
# prompt = '\n%s\n' % context_new # XXX
exec_toggle = False
q.functions += build_x_functions(default, options, exec_toggle)
# ask user about the exec mode to use
ans = ''
while ans not in ['CMD_ix', 'CMD_px', 'CMD_cx', 'CMD_nx', 'CMD_pix', 'CMD_cix', 'CMD_nix', 'CMD_ux', 'CMD_DENY']: # add '(I)gnore'? (hotkey conflict with '(i)x'!)
ans = q.promptUser()[0]
if ans.startswith('CMD_EXEC_IX_'):
exec_toggle = not exec_toggle
q.functions = build_x_functions(default, options, exec_toggle)
ans = ''
if ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
if ans == 'CMD_nx' or ans == 'CMD_nix':
arg = exec_target
ynans = 'n'
if profile == hat:
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_('Are you specifying a transition to a local profile?'), 'n')
if ynans == 'y':
if ans == 'CMD_nx':
ans = 'CMD_cx'
ans = 'CMD_cix'
if ans == 'CMD_nx':
ans = 'CMD_px'
ans = 'CMD_pix'
to_name = aaui.UI_GetString(_('Enter profile name to transition to: '), arg)
if ans == 'CMD_ix':
exec_mode = 'ix'
elif ans in ['CMD_px', 'CMD_cx', 'CMD_pix', 'CMD_cix']:
exec_mode = ans.replace('CMD_', '')
px_msg = _("Should AppArmor sanitise the environment when\nswitching profiles?\n\nSanitising environment is more secure,\nbut some applications depend on the presence\nof LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH.")
if parent_uses_ld_xxx:
px_msg = _("Should AppArmor sanitise the environment when\nswitching profiles?\n\nSanitising environment is more secure,\nbut this application appears to be using LD_PRELOAD\nor LD_LIBRARY_PATH and sanitising the environment\ncould cause functionality problems.")
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(px_msg, 'y')
if ynans == 'y':
# Disable the unsafe mode
exec_mode = exec_mode.capitalize()
elif ans == 'CMD_ux':
exec_mode = 'ux'
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_("Launching processes in an unconfined state is a very\ndangerous operation and can cause serious security holes.\n\nAre you absolutely certain you wish to remove all\nAppArmor protection when executing %s ?") % exec_target, 'n')
if ynans == 'y':
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_("Should AppArmor sanitise the environment when\nrunning this program unconfined?\n\nNot sanitising the environment when unconfining\na program opens up significant security holes\nand should be avoided if at all possible."), 'y')
if ynans == 'y':
# Disable the unsafe mode
exec_mode = exec_mode.capitalize()
ans = 'INVALID'
if exec_mode and 'i' in exec_mode:
# For inherit we need mr
file_perm = 'mr'
if ans == 'CMD_DENY':
aa[profile][hat]['file'].add(FileRule(exec_target, None, 'x', FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True, deny=True))
changed[profile] = True
# Skip remaining events if they ask to deny exec
if domainchange == 'change':
return None
if ans != 'CMD_DENY':
if to_name:
rule_to_name = to_name
rule_to_name = FileRule.ALL
aa[profile][hat]['file'].add(FileRule(exec_target, file_perm, exec_mode, rule_to_name, owner=False, log_event=True))
changed[profile] = True
if 'i' in exec_mode:
interpreter_path, abstraction = get_interpreter_and_abstraction(exec_target)
if interpreter_path:
aa[profile][hat]['file'].add(FileRule(exec_target, 'r', None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False))
aa[profile][hat]['file'].add(FileRule(interpreter_path, None, 'ix', FileRule.ALL, owner=False))
if abstraction:
aa[profile][hat]['include'][abstraction] = True
handle_binfmt(aa[profile][hat], interpreter_path)
# Update tracking info based on kind of change
if ans == 'CMD_ix':
if hat:
profile_changes[pid] = '%s//%s' % (profile, hat)
profile_changes[pid] = '%s//' % profile
elif re.search('^CMD_(px|nx|pix|nix)', ans):
if to_name:
exec_target = to_name
if aamode == 'PERMITTING':
if domainchange == 'change':
profile = exec_target
hat = exec_target
profile_changes[pid] = '%s' % profile
# Check profile exists for px
if not os.path.exists(get_profile_filename(exec_target)):
ynans = 'y'
if 'i' in exec_mode:
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_('A profile for %s does not exist.\nDo you want to create one?') % exec_target, 'n')
if ynans == 'y':
helpers[exec_target] = 'enforce'
if to_name:
autodep('', exec_target)
autodep(exec_target, '')
elif ans.startswith('CMD_cx') or ans.startswith('CMD_cix'):
if to_name:
exec_target = to_name
if aamode == 'PERMITTING':
if domainchange == 'change':
profile_changes[pid] = '%s//%s' % (profile, exec_target)
if not aa[profile].get(exec_target, False):
ynans = 'y'
if 'i' in exec_mode:
ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_('A profile for %s does not exist.\nDo you want to create one?') % exec_target, 'n')
if ynans == 'y':
hat = exec_target
if not aa[profile].get(hat, False):
stub_profile = create_new_profile(hat, True)
aa[profile][hat] = stub_profile[hat][hat]
aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = True
if profile != hat:
aa[profile][hat]['flags'] = aa[profile][profile]['flags']
aa[profile][hat]['flags'] = 'complain'
file_name = aa[profile][profile]['filename']
filelist[file_name]['profiles'][profile][hat] = True
elif ans.startswith('CMD_ux'):
profile_changes[pid] = 'unconfined'
if domainchange == 'change':
return None
elif typ == 'netdomain':
# If netdomain we (should) have pid, profile, hat, program, mode, network family, socket type and protocol
pid, p, h, prog, aamode, family, sock_type, protocol = entry[:8]
if not regex_nullcomplain.search(p) and not regex_nullcomplain.search(h):
profile = p
hat = h
if not hat or not profile:
if family and sock_type:
prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain'][family][sock_type] = True
return None
##### Repo related functions
def UI_SelectUpdatedRepoProfile(profile, p):
# To-Do
return False
def UI_repo_signup():
# To-Do
return None, None
def UI_ask_to_enable_repo():
# To-Do
def UI_ask_to_upload_profiles():
# To-Do
def UI_ask_mode_toggles(audit_toggle, owner_toggle, oldmode):
# To-Do
return (audit_toggle, owner_toggle)
def parse_repo_profile(fqdbin, repo_url, profile):
# To-Do
def set_repo_info(profile_data, repo_url, username, iden):
# To-Do
def is_repo_profile(profile_data):
# To-Do
def get_repo_user_pass():
# To-Do
def get_preferred_user(repo_url):
# To-Do
def repo_is_enabled():
# To-Do
return False
def update_repo_profile(profile):
# To-Do
return None
def order_globs(globs, original_path):
"""Returns the globs in sorted order, more specific behind"""
# To-Do
# ATM its lexicographic, should be done to allow better matches later
globs = sorted(globs)
# make sure the original path is always the last option
if original_path in globs:
return globs
def ask_the_questions(log_dict):
for aamode in sorted(log_dict.keys()):
# Describe the type of changes
if aamode == 'PERMITTING':
aaui.UI_Info(_('Complain-mode changes:'))
elif aamode == 'REJECTING':
aaui.UI_Info(_('Enforce-mode changes:'))
elif aamode == 'merge':
pass # aa-mergeprof
raise AppArmorBug(_('Invalid mode found: %s') % aamode)
for profile in sorted(log_dict[aamode].keys()):
# Update the repo profiles
p = update_repo_profile(aa[profile][profile])
if p:
UI_SelectUpdatedRepoProfile(profile, p)
# Sorted list of hats with the profile name coming first
hats = list(filter(lambda key: key != profile, sorted(log_dict[aamode][profile].keys())))
if log_dict[aamode][profile].get(profile, False):
hats = [profile] + hats
for hat in hats:
if not aa[profile].get(hat, {}).get('file'):
if aamode != 'merge':
# Ignore log events for a non-existing profile or child profile. Such events can occour
# after deleting a profile or hat manually, or when processing a foreign log.
# (Checking for 'file' is a simplified way to check if it's a profile_storage() struct.)
debug_logger.debug("Ignoring events for non-existing profile %s" % combine_name(profile, hat))
ans = ''
while ans not in ['CMD_ADDHAT', 'CMD_ADDSUBPROFILE', 'CMD_DENY']:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers += [_('Profile'), profile]
if log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['profile']:
q.headers += [_('Requested Subprofile'), hat]
q.headers += [_('Requested Hat'), hat]
q.functions += ['CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
q.default = 'CMD_DENY'
ans = q.promptUser()[0]
if ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
if ans == 'CMD_DENY':
continue # don't ask about individual rules if the user doesn't want the additional subprofile/hat
if log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['profile']:
aa[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'mergeprof ask_the_questions() - missing subprofile')
aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = True
aa[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'mergeprof ask_the_questions() - missing hat')
aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = False
#Add the includes from the other profile to the user profile
done = False
options = []
for inc in log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['include'].keys():
if not inc in aa[profile][hat]['include'].keys():
options.append('#include <%s>' %inc)
default_option = 1
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
q.default = 'CMD_ALLOW'
while not done and options:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
selection = options[selected]
inc = re_match_include(selection)
deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(aa[profile][hat], inc)
aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
# check for and ask about conflicting exec modes
ask_conflict_mode(profile, hat, aa[profile][hat], log_dict[aamode][profile][hat])
for ruletype in ruletypes:
for rule_obj in log_dict[aamode][profile][hat][ruletype].rules:
if is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], ruletype, rule_obj):
default_option = 1
options = []
newincludes = match_includes(aa[profile][hat], ruletype, rule_obj)
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
if newincludes:
options += list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' % inc, sorted(set(newincludes))))
if ruletype == 'file' and rule_obj.path:
options += propose_file_rules(aa[profile][hat], rule_obj)
done = False
while not done:
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('Profile'), combine_name(profile, hat)]
q.headers += rule_obj.logprof_header()
# Load variables into sev_db? Not needed/used for capabilities and network rules.
severity = rule_obj.severity(sev_db)
if severity != sev_db.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
q.headers += [_('Severity'), severity]
q.functions = available_buttons(rule_obj)
# In complain mode: events default to allow
# In enforce mode: events default to deny
# XXX does this behaviour really make sense, except for "historical reasons"[tm]?
q.default = 'CMD_DENY'
if rule_obj.log_event == 'PERMITTING':
q.default = 'CMD_ALLOW'
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
selection = options[selected]
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
elif ans.startswith('CMD_AUDIT'):
if ans == 'CMD_AUDIT_NEW':
rule_obj.audit = True
rule_obj.raw_rule = None
rule_obj.audit = False
rule_obj.raw_rule = None
options = set_options_audit_mode(rule_obj, options)
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
done = True
changed[profile] = True
inc = re_match_include(selection)
if inc:
deleted = delete_duplicates(aa[profile][hat], inc)
aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % selection)
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
deleted = aa[profile][hat][ruletype].add(rule_obj, cleanup=True)
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % rule_obj.get_clean())
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
if re_match_include(selection):
aaui.UI_Important("Denying via an include file isn't supported by the AppArmor tools")
done = True
changed[profile] = True
rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
rule_obj.deny = True
rule_obj.raw_rule = None # reset raw rule after manually modifying rule_obj
deleted = aa[profile][hat][ruletype].add(rule_obj, cleanup=True)
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % rule_obj.get_clean())
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_GLOB':
if not re_match_include(selection):
globbed_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
elif ans == 'CMD_GLOBEXT':
if not re_match_include(selection):
globbed_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
elif ans == 'CMD_NEW':
if not re_match_include(selection):
edit_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
prompt, oldpath = edit_rule_obj.edit_header()
newpath = aaui.UI_GetString(prompt, oldpath)
if newpath:
input_matches_path = rule_obj.validate_edit(newpath) # note that we check against the original rule_obj here, not edit_rule_obj (which might be based on a globbed path)
except AppArmorException:
aaui.UI_Important(_('The path you entered is invalid (not starting with / or a variable)!'))
if not input_matches_path:
ynprompt = _('The specified path does not match this log entry:\n\n Log Entry: %(path)s\n Entered Path: %(ans)s\nDo you really want to use this path?') % { 'path': oldpath, 'ans': newpath }
key = aaui.UI_YesNo(ynprompt, 'n')
if key == 'n':
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
user_globs[newpath] = AARE(newpath, True)
done = False
def selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection):
rule_type = type(rule_obj)
return rule_type.parse(selection)
def set_options_audit_mode(rule_obj, options):
'''change audit state in options (proposed rules) to audit state in rule_obj.
#include options will be kept unchanged
new_options = []
for rule in options:
if re_match_include(rule):
parsed_rule = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, rule)
parsed_rule.audit = rule_obj.audit
parsed_rule.raw_rule = None
return new_options
def available_buttons(rule_obj):
buttons = []
if not rule_obj.deny:
buttons += ['CMD_ALLOW']
buttons += ['CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY']
if rule_obj.can_glob:
buttons += ['CMD_GLOB']
if rule_obj.can_glob_ext:
buttons += ['CMD_GLOBEXT']
if rule_obj.can_edit:
buttons += ['CMD_NEW']
if rule_obj.audit:
buttons += ['CMD_AUDIT_OFF']
buttons += ['CMD_AUDIT_NEW']
buttons += ['CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
return buttons
def add_to_options(options, newpath):
if newpath not in options:
default_option = options.index(newpath) + 1
return (options, default_option)
def delete_duplicates(profile, incname):
deleted = 0
# Allow rules covered by denied rules shouldn't be deleted
# only a subset allow rules may actually be denied
if include.get(incname, False):
for rule_type in ruletypes:
deleted += profile[rule_type].delete_duplicates(include[incname][incname][rule_type])
elif filelist.get(incname, False):
for rule_type in ruletypes:
deleted += profile[rule_type].delete_duplicates(filelist[incname][incname][rule_type])
return deleted
def ask_conflict_mode(profile, hat, old_profile, merge_profile):
'''ask user about conflicting exec rules'''
for oldrule in old_profile['file'].rules:
conflictingrules = merge_profile['file'].get_exec_conflict_rules(oldrule)
if conflictingrules.rules:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers = [_('Path'), oldrule.path.regex]
q.headers += [_('Select the appropriate mode'), '']
options = []
for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
q.options = options
q.functions = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_ABORT']
done = False
while not done:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
if selected == 0:
pass # just keep the existing rule
elif selected > 0:
# replace existing rule with merged one
old_profile['file'].add(conflictingrules.rules[selected - 1])
raise AppArmorException(_('Unknown selection'))
for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
merge_profile['file'].delete(rule) # make sure aa-mergeprof doesn't ask to add conflicting rules later
done = True
def match_includes(profile, rule_type, rule_obj):
newincludes = []
for incname in include.keys():
# XXX type check should go away once we init all profiles correctly
if valid_include(profile, incname) and include[incname][incname].get(rule_type, False) and include[incname][incname][rule_type].is_covered(rule_obj):
return newincludes
def valid_include(profile, incname):
if profile and profile['include'].get(incname, False):
return False
if cfg['settings']['custom_includes']:
for incm in cfg['settings']['custom_includes'].split():
if incm == incname:
return True
if incname.startswith('abstractions/') and os.path.isfile(profile_dir + '/' + incname):
return True
return False
def set_logfile(filename):
''' set logfile to a) the specified filename or b) if not given, the first existing logfile from logprof.conf'''
global logfile
if filename:
logfile = filename
logfile = conf.find_first_file(cfg['settings']['logfiles']) or '/var/log/syslog'
if not os.path.exists(logfile):
if filename:
raise AppArmorException(_('The logfile %s does not exist. Please check the path') % logfile)
raise AppArmorException('Can\'t find system log "%s".' % (logfile))
elif os.path.isdir(logfile):
raise AppArmorException(_('%s is a directory. Please specify a file as logfile') % logfile)
def do_logprof_pass(logmark='', passno=0, log_pid=log_pid):
# set up variables for this pass
# transitions = hasher()
global log
log = []
global existing_profiles
global sev_db
# aa = hasher()
# profile_changes = hasher()
# prelog = hasher()
# changed = dict()
# filelist = hasher()
aaui.UI_Info(_('Reading log entries from %s.') % logfile)
if not passno:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Updating AppArmor profiles in %s.') % profile_dir)
if not sev_db:
sev_db = apparmor.severity.Severity(CONFDIR + '/severity.db', _('unknown'))
##if not repo_cf and cfg['repostory']['url']:
## repo_cfg = read_config('repository.conf')
## if not repo_cfg['repository'].get('enabled', False) or repo_cfg['repository]['enabled'] not in ['yes', 'no']:
## UI_ask_to_enable_repo()
log_reader = apparmor.logparser.ReadLog(log_pid, logfile, existing_profiles, profile_dir, log)
log = log_reader.read_log(logmark)
for root in log:
handle_children('', '', root)
#for root in range(len(log)):
#log[root] = handle_children('', '', log[root])
for pid in sorted(profile_changes.keys()):
set_process(pid, profile_changes[pid])
log_dict = collapse_log()
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
# To-Do
finishing = False
# Check for finished
##if not repo_cfg['repository'].get('upload', False) or repo['repository']['upload'] == 'later':
## UI_ask_to_upload_profiles()
##if repo_enabled():
## if repo_cgf['repository']['upload'] == 'yes':
## sync_profiles()
## created = []
# If user selects 'Finish' then we want to exit logprof
if finishing:
return 'FINISHED'
return 'NORMAL'
def save_profiles():
# Ensure the changed profiles are actual active profiles
for prof_name in changed.keys():
if not is_active_profile(prof_name):
print("*** save_profiles(): removing %s" % prof_name)
print('*** This should not happen. Please open a bugreport!')
changed_list = sorted(changed.keys())
if changed_list:
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
# To-Do
# selected_profiles = [] # XXX selected_profiles_ref?
profile_changes = dict()
for prof in changed_list:
oldprofile = serialize_profile(original_aa[prof], prof)
newprofile = serialize_profile(aa[prof], prof)
profile_changes[prof] = get_profile_diff(oldprofile, newprofile)
explanation = _('Select which profile changes you would like to save to the\nlocal profile set.')
title = _('Local profile changes')
SendDataToYast({'type': 'dialog-select-profiles',
'title': title,
'explanation': explanation,
'dialog_select': 'true',
'get_changelog': 'false',
'profiles': profile_changes
ypath, yarg = GetDataFromYast()
if yarg['STATUS'] == 'cancel':
return None
selected_profiles_ref = yarg['PROFILES']
for profile_name in selected_profiles_ref:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.title = 'Changed Local Profiles'
q.explanation = _('The following local profiles were changed. Would you like to save them?')
q.default = 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES'
q.selected = 0
ans = ''
arg = None
while ans != 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
if not changed:
options = sorted(changed.keys())
q.options = options
ans, arg = q.promptUser()
q.selected = arg # remember selection
which = options[arg]
if ans == 'CMD_SAVE_SELECTED':
q.selected = 0 # saving the selected profile removes it from the list, therefore reset selection
elif ans == 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES':
oldprofile = None
if aa[which][which].get('filename', False):
oldprofile = aa[which][which]['filename']
oldprofile = get_profile_filename(which)
newprofile = serialize_profile_from_old_profile(aa[which], which, '')
except AttributeError:
# see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1528139
newprofile = "###\n###\n### Internal error while generating diff, please use '%s' instead\n###\n###\n" % _('View Changes b/w (C)lean profiles')
display_changes_with_comments(oldprofile, newprofile)
oldprofile = serialize_profile(original_aa[which], which, '')
newprofile = serialize_profile(aa[which], which, '')
display_changes(oldprofile, newprofile)
for profile_name in sorted(changed.keys()):
def get_pager():
return 'less'
def generate_diff(oldprofile, newprofile):
oldtemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
newtemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
difftemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False)
subprocess.call('diff -u -p %s %s > %s' % (oldtemp.name, newtemp.name, difftemp.name), shell=True)
return difftemp
def get_profile_diff(oldprofile, newprofile):
difftemp = generate_diff(oldprofile, newprofile)
diff = []
with open_file_read(difftemp.name) as f_in:
for line in f_in:
if not (line.startswith('---') and line .startswith('+++') and line.startswith('@@')):
difftemp.delete = True
return ''.join(diff)
def display_changes(oldprofile, newprofile):
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
aaui.UI_LongMessage(_('Profile Changes'), get_profile_diff(oldprofile, newprofile))
difftemp = generate_diff(oldprofile, newprofile)
subprocess.call('less %s' % difftemp.name, shell=True)
difftemp.delete = True
def display_changes_with_comments(oldprofile, newprofile):
"""Compare the new profile with the existing profile inclusive of all the comments"""
if not os.path.exists(oldprofile):
raise AppArmorException(_("Can't find existing profile %s to compare changes.") % oldprofile)
if aaui.UI_mode == 'yast':
newtemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
difftemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
subprocess.call('diff -u -p %s %s > %s' % (oldprofile, newtemp.name, difftemp.name), shell=True)
subprocess.call('less %s' % difftemp.name, shell=True)
def set_process(pid, profile):
# If process not running don't do anything
if not os.path.exists('/proc/%s/attr/current' % pid):
return None
process = None
process = open_file_read('/proc/%s/attr/current' % pid)
except IOError:
return None
current = process.readline().strip()
if not re.search('^null(-complain)*-profile$', current):
return None
stats = None
stats = open_file_read('/proc/%s/stat' % pid)
except IOError:
return None
stat = stats.readline().strip()
match = re.search('^\d+ \((\S+)\) ', stat)
if not match:
return None
process = open_file_write('/proc/%s/attr/current' % pid)
except IOError:
return None
process.write('setprofile %s' % profile)
def collapse_log():
log_dict = hasher()
for aamode in prelog.keys():
for profile in prelog[aamode].keys():
for hat in prelog[aamode][profile].keys():
log_dict[aamode][profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'collapse_log()')
for path in prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['path'].keys():
mode = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['path'][path]
user, other = split_mode(mode)
# logparser.py doesn't preserve 'owner' information, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1538340
# XXX re-check this code after fixing this bug
if other:
owner = False
mode = other
owner = True
mode = user
# python3 aa-logprof -f <(echo '[55826.822365] audit: type=1400 audit(1454355221.096:85479): apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="file_receive" profile="/usr/sbin/smbd" name="/foo.png" pid=28185 comm="smbd" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=100 ouid=100')
# happens via log_str_to_mode() called in logparser.py parse_event_for_tree()
# XXX fix this in the log parsing!
if 'a' in mode and 'w' in mode:
file_event = FileRule(path, mode, None, FileRule.ALL, owner=owner, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'file', file_event):
for cap in prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['capability'].keys():
cap_event = CapabilityRule(cap, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'capability', cap_event):
dbus = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['dbus']
for access in dbus:
for bus in dbus[access]:
for path in dbus[access][bus]:
for name in dbus[access][bus][path]:
for interface in dbus[access][bus][path][name]:
for member in dbus[access][bus][path][name][interface]:
for peer_profile in dbus[access][bus][path][name][interface][member]:
# Depending on the access type, not all parameters are allowed.
# Ignore them, even if some of them appear in the log.
# Also, the log doesn't provide a peer name, therefore always use ALL.
if access in ['send', 'receive']:
dbus_event = DbusRule(access, bus, path, DbusRule.ALL, interface, member, DbusRule.ALL, peer_profile, log_event=True)
elif access == 'bind':
dbus_event = DbusRule(access, bus, DbusRule.ALL, name, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, log_event=True)
elif access == 'eavesdrop':
dbus_event = DbusRule(access, bus, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, DbusRule.ALL, log_event=True)
raise AppArmorBug('unexpected dbus access: %s')
nd = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain']
for family in nd.keys():
for sock_type in nd[family].keys():
net_event = NetworkRule(family, sock_type, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'network', net_event):
ptrace = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['ptrace']
for peer in ptrace.keys():
for access in ptrace[peer].keys():
ptrace_event = PtraceRule(access, peer, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'ptrace', ptrace_event):
sig = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['signal']
for peer in sig.keys():
for access in sig[peer].keys():
for signal in sig[peer][access].keys():
signal_event = SignalRule(access, signal, peer, log_event=True)
if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'signal', signal_event):
return log_dict
def is_skippable_file(path):
"""Returns True if filename matches something to be skipped (rpm or dpkg backup files, hidden files etc.)
The list of skippable files needs to be synced with apparmor initscript and libapparmor _aa_is_blacklisted()
path: filename (with or without directory)"""
basename = os.path.basename(path)
if not basename or basename[0] == '.' or basename == 'README':
return True
skippable_suffix = ('.dpkg-new', '.dpkg-old', '.dpkg-dist', '.dpkg-bak', '.rpmnew', '.rpmsave', '.orig', '.rej', '~')
if basename.endswith(skippable_suffix):
return True
return False
def is_skippable_dir(path):
if re.search('^(.*/)?(disable|cache|cache\.d|force-complain|lxc|\.git)/?$', path):
return True
return False
def read_profiles():
# we'll read all profiles from disk, so reset the storage first (autodep() might have created/stored
# a profile already, which would cause a 'Conflicting profile' error in attach_profile_data())
global aa, original_aa
aa = hasher()
original_aa = hasher()
fatal_error(_("Can't read AppArmor profiles in %s") % profile_dir)
for file in os.listdir(profile_dir):
if os.path.isfile(profile_dir + '/' + file):
if is_skippable_file(file):
read_profile(profile_dir + '/' + file, True)
def read_inactive_profiles():
if hasattr(read_inactive_profiles, 'already_read'):
# each autodep() run calls read_inactive_profiles, but that's a) superfluous and b) triggers a conflict because the inactive profiles are already loaded
# therefore don't do anything if the inactive profiles were already loaded
read_inactive_profiles.already_read = True
if not os.path.exists(extra_profile_dir):
return None
fatal_error(_("Can't read AppArmor profiles in %s") % extra_profile_dir)
for file in os.listdir(extra_profile_dir):
if os.path.isfile(extra_profile_dir + '/' + file):
if is_skippable_file(file):
read_profile(extra_profile_dir + '/' + file, False)
def read_profile(file, active_profile):
data = None
with open_file_read(file) as f_in:
data = f_in.readlines()
except IOError:
debug_logger.debug("read_profile: can't read %s - skipping" % file)
return None
profile_data = parse_profile_data(data, file, 0)
if profile_data and active_profile:
attach_profile_data(aa, profile_data)
attach_profile_data(original_aa, profile_data)
elif profile_data:
attach_profile_data(extras, profile_data)
def attach_profile_data(profiles, profile_data):
# Make deep copy of data to avoid changes to
# arising due to mutables
for p in profile_data.keys():
if profiles.get(p, False):
for hat in profile_data[p].keys():
if profiles[p].get(hat, False):
raise AppArmorException(_("Conflicting profiles for %s defined in two files:\n- %s\n- %s") %
(combine_name(p, hat), profiles[p][hat]['filename'], profile_data[p][hat]['filename']))
profiles[p] = deepcopy(profile_data[p])
def parse_profile_start(line, file, lineno, profile, hat):
matches = parse_profile_start_line(line, file)
if profile: # we are inside a profile, so we expect a child profile
if not matches['profile_keyword']:
raise AppArmorException(_('%(profile)s profile in %(file)s contains syntax errors in line %(line)s: missing "profile" keyword.') % {
'profile': profile, 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
if profile != hat:
# nesting limit reached - a child profile can't contain another child profile
raise AppArmorException(_('%(profile)s profile in %(file)s contains syntax errors in line %(line)s: a child profile inside another child profile is not allowed.') % {
'profile': profile, 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
hat = matches['profile']
in_contained_hat = True
pps_set_profile = True
pps_set_hat_external = False
else: # stand-alone profile
profile = matches['profile']
if len(profile.split('//')) > 2:
raise AppArmorException("Nested child profiles ('%(profile)s', found in %(file)s) are not supported by the AppArmor tools yet." % {'profile': profile, 'file': file})
elif len(profile.split('//')) == 2:
profile, hat = profile.split('//')
pps_set_hat_external = True
hat = profile
pps_set_hat_external = False
in_contained_hat = False
pps_set_profile = False
attachment = matches['attachment']
flags = matches['flags']
return (profile, hat, attachment, flags, in_contained_hat, pps_set_profile, pps_set_hat_external)
def parse_profile_data(data, file, do_include):
profile_data = hasher()
profile = None
hat = None
in_contained_hat = None
repo_data = None
parsed_profiles = []
initial_comment = ''
lastline = None
if do_include:
profile = file
hat = file
profile_data[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'parse_profile_data() do_include')
profile_data[profile][hat]['filename'] = file
for lineno, line in enumerate(data):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
# we're dealing with a multiline statement
if lastline:
line = '%s %s' % (lastline, line)
lastline = None
# Starting line of a profile
if RE_PROFILE_START.search(line):
(profile, hat, attachment, flags, in_contained_hat, pps_set_profile, pps_set_hat_external) = parse_profile_start(line, file, lineno, profile, hat)
if profile_data[profile].get(hat, False):
raise AppArmorException('Profile %(profile)s defined twice in %(file)s, last found in line %(line)s' %
{ 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1, 'profile': combine_name(profile, hat) })
profile_data[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'parse_profile_data() profile_start')
if attachment:
profile_data[profile][hat]['attachment'] = attachment
if pps_set_profile:
profile_data[profile][hat]['profile'] = True
if pps_set_hat_external:
profile_data[profile][hat]['external'] = True
# Profile stored
existing_profiles[profile] = file
# save profile name and filename
profile_data[profile][hat]['name'] = profile
profile_data[profile][hat]['filename'] = file
filelist[file]['profiles'][profile][hat] = True
profile_data[profile][hat]['flags'] = flags
# Save the initial comment
if initial_comment:
profile_data[profile][hat]['initial_comment'] = initial_comment
initial_comment = ''
if repo_data:
profile_data[profile][profile]['repo']['url'] = repo_data['url']
profile_data[profile][profile]['repo']['user'] = repo_data['user']
elif RE_PROFILE_END.search(line):
# If profile ends and we're not in one
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected End of Profile reached in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
if in_contained_hat:
hat = profile
in_contained_hat = False
profile = None
initial_comment = ''
elif CapabilityRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected capability entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_LINK.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_LINK.search(line).groups()
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected link entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
audit = False
if matches[0]:
audit = True
allow = 'allow'
if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
allow = 'deny'
subset = matches[3]
link = strip_quotes(matches[6])
value = strip_quotes(matches[7])
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link]['to'] = value
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link]['mode'] = profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link].get('mode', set()) | apparmor.aamode.AA_MAY_LINK
if subset:
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link]['mode'] |= apparmor.aamode.AA_LINK_SUBSET
if audit:
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link]['audit'] = profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link].get('audit', set()) | apparmor.aamode.AA_LINK_SUBSET
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['link'][link]['audit'] = set()
elif ChangeProfileRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected change profile entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_ALIAS.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_ALIAS.search(line).groups()
from_name = strip_quotes(matches[0])
to_name = strip_quotes(matches[1])
if profile:
profile_data[profile][hat]['alias'][from_name] = to_name
if not filelist.get(file, False):
filelist[file] = hasher()
filelist[file]['alias'][from_name] = to_name
elif RlimitRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected rlimit entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN.search(line).groups()
if profile and not do_include:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected boolean definition found inside profile in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % {
'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
bool_var = matches[0]
value = matches[1]
profile_data[profile][hat]['lvar'][bool_var] = value
elif RE_PROFILE_VARIABLE.search(line):
# variable additions += and =
matches = RE_PROFILE_VARIABLE.search(line).groups()
list_var = strip_quotes(matches[0])
var_operation = matches[1]
value = matches[2]
if profile:
if not profile_data[profile][hat].get('lvar', False):
profile_data[profile][hat]['lvar'][list_var] = []
store_list_var(profile_data[profile]['lvar'], list_var, value, var_operation, file)
if not filelist[file].get('lvar', False):
filelist[file]['lvar'][list_var] = []
store_list_var(filelist[file]['lvar'], list_var, value, var_operation, file)
elif RE_PROFILE_CONDITIONAL.search(line):
# Conditional Boolean
# Conditional Variable defines
# Conditional Boolean defined
elif RE_ABI.search(line):
if profile:
if not profile_data[profile][hat].get('abi'):
profile_data[profile][hat]['abi'] = []
if not filelist.get(file):
filelist[file] = hasher()
if not filelist[file].get('abi'):
filelist[file]['abi'] = []
elif re_match_include(line):
# Include files
include_name = re_match_include(line)
if include_name.startswith('local/'):
profile_data[profile][hat]['localinclude'][include_name] = True
if profile:
profile_data[profile][hat]['include'][include_name] = True
if not filelist.get(file):
filelist[file] = hasher()
filelist[file]['include'][include_name] = True
# If include is a directory
if os.path.isdir(profile_dir + '/' + include_name):
for file_name in include_dir_filelist(profile_dir, include_name):
if not include.get(file_name, False):
if not include.get(include_name, False):
elif NetworkRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected network entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
# init rule class (if not done yet)
if not profile_data[profile][hat].get('network', False):
profile_data[profile][hat]['network'] = NetworkRuleset()
elif DbusRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected dbus entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % {'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_MOUNT.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_MOUNT.search(line).groups()
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected mount entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
audit = False
if matches[0]:
audit = True
allow = 'allow'
if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
allow = 'deny'
mount = matches[2]
mount_rule = parse_mount_rule(mount)
mount_rule.audit = audit
mount_rule.deny = (allow == 'deny')
mount_rules = profile_data[profile][hat][allow].get('mount', list())
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['mount'] = mount_rules
elif SignalRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected signal entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif PtraceRule.match(line):
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected ptrace entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_PIVOT_ROOT.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_PIVOT_ROOT.search(line).groups()
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected pivot_root entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
audit = False
if matches[0]:
audit = True
allow = 'allow'
if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
allow = 'deny'
pivot_root = matches[2].strip()
pivot_root_rule = parse_pivot_root_rule(pivot_root)
pivot_root_rule.audit = audit
pivot_root_rule.deny = (allow == 'deny')
pivot_root_rules = profile_data[profile][hat][allow].get('pivot_root', list())
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['pivot_root'] = pivot_root_rules
elif RE_PROFILE_UNIX.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_UNIX.search(line).groups()
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected unix entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
audit = False
if matches[0]:
audit = True
allow = 'allow'
if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
allow = 'deny'
unix = matches[2].strip()
unix_rule = parse_unix_rule(unix)
unix_rule.audit = audit
unix_rule.deny = (allow == 'deny')
unix_rules = profile_data[profile][hat][allow].get('unix', list())
profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['unix'] = unix_rules
elif RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line).groups()
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected change hat declaration found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
aaui.UI_Important(_('Ignoring no longer supported change hat declaration "^%(hat)s," found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % {
'hat': matches[0], 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line):
# An embedded hat syntax definition starts
matches = RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line)
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected hat definition found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
in_contained_hat = True
hat = matches.group('hat')
hat = strip_quotes(hat)
# if hat is already known, the filelist check some lines below will error out.
# nevertheless, just to be sure, don't overwrite existing profile_data.
if not profile_data[profile].get(hat, False):
profile_data[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'parse_profile_data() hat_def')
profile_data[profile][hat]['filename'] = file
flags = matches.group('flags')
profile_data[profile][hat]['flags'] = flags
if initial_comment:
profile_data[profile][hat]['initial_comment'] = initial_comment
initial_comment = ''
if filelist[file]['profiles'][profile].get(hat, False) and not do_include:
raise AppArmorException(_('Error: Multiple definitions for hat %(hat)s in profile %(profile)s.') % { 'hat': hat, 'profile': profile })
filelist[file]['profiles'][profile][hat] = True
elif line[0] == '#':
# Handle initial comments
if not profile:
if line.startswith('# Last Modified:'):
elif line.startswith('# REPOSITORY:'): # TODO: allow any number of spaces/tabs
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) == 3 and parts[2] == 'NEVERSUBMIT':
repo_data = {'neversubmit': True}
elif len(parts) == 5:
repo_data = {'url': parts[2],
'user': parts[3],
'id': parts[4]}
aaui.UI_Important(_('Warning: invalid "REPOSITORY:" line in %s, ignoring.') % file)
initial_comment = initial_comment + line + '\n'
initial_comment = initial_comment + line + '\n'
elif FileRule.match(line):
# leading permissions could look like a keyword, therefore handle file rules after everything else
if not profile:
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected path entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
elif not RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA.search(line):
# Bah, line continues on to the next line
if RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT.search(line):
# filter trailing comments
lastline = RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT.search(line).group('not_comment')
lastline = line
raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unknown line found in file %(file)s line %(lineno)s:\n %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'lineno': lineno + 1, 'line': line })
# Below is not required I'd say
if not do_include:
for hatglob in cfg['required_hats'].keys():
for parsed_prof in sorted(parsed_profiles):
if re.search(hatglob, parsed_prof):
for hat in cfg['required_hats'][hatglob].split():
if not profile_data[parsed_prof].get(hat, False):
profile_data[parsed_prof][hat] = profile_storage(parsed_prof, hat, 'parse_profile_data() required_hats')
# End of file reached but we're stuck in a profile
if profile and not do_include:
raise AppArmorException(_("Syntax Error: Missing '}' or ','. Reached end of file %(file)s while inside profile %(profile)s") % { 'file': file, 'profile': profile })
return profile_data
def parse_mount_rule(line):
# XXX Do real parsing here
return aarules.Raw_Mount_Rule(line)
def parse_pivot_root_rule(line):
# XXX Do real parsing here
return aarules.Raw_Pivot_Root_Rule(line)
def parse_unix_rule(line):
# XXX Do real parsing here
return aarules.Raw_Unix_Rule(line)
def separate_vars(vs):
"""Returns a list of all the values for a variable"""
data = set()
vs = vs.strip()
RE_VARS = re.compile('^(("[^"]*")|([^"\s]+))\s*(.*)$')
while RE_VARS.search(vs):
matches = RE_VARS.search(vs).groups()
vs = matches[3].strip()
if vs:
raise AppArmorException('Variable assignments contains invalid parts (unbalanced quotes?): %s' % vs)
return data
def is_active_profile(pname):
if aa.get(pname, False):
return True
return False
def store_list_var(var, list_var, value, var_operation, filename):
"""Store(add new variable or add values to variable) the variables encountered in the given list_var
- the 'var' parameter will be modified
- 'list_var' is the variable name, for example '@{foo}'
vlist = separate_vars(value)
if var_operation == '=':
if not var.get(list_var, False):
var[list_var] = set(vlist)
raise AppArmorException(_('Redefining existing variable %(variable)s: %(value)s in %(file)s') % { 'variable': list_var, 'value': value, 'file': filename })
elif var_operation == '+=':
if var.get(list_var, False):
var[list_var] |= vlist
raise AppArmorException(_('Values added to a non-existing variable %(variable)s: %(value)s in %(file)s') % { 'variable': list_var, 'value': value, 'file': filename })
raise AppArmorException(_('Unknown variable operation %(operation)s for variable %(variable)s in %(file)s') % { 'operation': var_operation, 'variable': list_var, 'file': filename })
def write_header(prof_data, depth, name, embedded_hat, write_flags):
pre = ' ' * int(depth * 2)
data = []
unquoted_name = name
name = quote_if_needed(name)
attachment = ''
if prof_data['attachment']:
attachment = ' %s' % quote_if_needed(prof_data['attachment'])
comment = ''
if prof_data['header_comment']:
comment = ' %s' % prof_data['header_comment']
if (not embedded_hat and re.search('^[^/]', unquoted_name)) or (embedded_hat and re.search('^[^^]', unquoted_name)) or prof_data['attachment'] or prof_data['profile_keyword']:
name = 'profile %s%s' % (name, attachment)
flags = ''
if write_flags and prof_data['flags']:
flags = ' flags=(%s)' % prof_data['flags']
data.append('%s%s%s {%s' % (pre, name, flags, comment))
return data
def write_single(prof_data, depth, allow, name, prefix, tail):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
ref, allow = set_ref_allow(prof_data, allow)
if ref.get(name, False):
for key in sorted(ref[name].keys()):
qkey = quote_if_needed(key)
data.append('%s%s%s%s%s' % (pre, allow, prefix, qkey, tail))
if ref[name].keys():
return data
def set_allow_str(allow):
if allow == 'deny':
return 'deny '
elif allow == 'allow':
return ''
elif allow == '':
return ''
raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid allow string: %(allow)s"))
def set_ref_allow(prof_data, allow):
if allow:
return prof_data[allow], set_allow_str(allow)
return prof_data, ''
def write_pair(prof_data, depth, allow, name, prefix, sep, tail, fn):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
ref, allow = set_ref_allow(prof_data, allow)
if ref.get(name, False):
for key in sorted(ref[name].keys()):
value = fn(ref[name][key]) # eval('%s(%s)' % (fn, ref[name][key]))
data.append('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (pre, allow, prefix, key, sep, value, tail))
if ref[name].keys():
return data
def write_includes(prof_data, depth):
return write_single(prof_data, depth, '', 'include', '#include <', '>')
def write_change_profile(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('change_profile', False):
data = prof_data['change_profile'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_abi(ref, depth):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
if ref.get('abi'):
for line in ref.get('abi'):
data.append('%s%s' % (pre, line))
return data
def write_alias(prof_data, depth):
return write_pair(prof_data, depth, '', 'alias', 'alias ', ' -> ', ',', quote_if_needed)
def write_rlimits(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('rlimit', False):
data = prof_data['rlimit'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def var_transform(ref):
data = []
for value in ref:
if not value:
value = '""'
return ' '.join(data)
def write_list_vars(prof_data, depth):
return write_pair(prof_data, depth, '', 'lvar', '', ' = ', '', var_transform)
def write_capabilities(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('capability', False):
data = prof_data['capability'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_netdomain(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('network', False):
data = prof_data['network'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_dbus(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('dbus', False):
data = prof_data['dbus'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_mount_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
# no mount rules, so return
if not prof_data[allow].get('mount', False):
return data
for mount_rule in prof_data[allow]['mount']:
data.append('%s%s' % (pre, mount_rule.serialize()))
return data
def write_mount(prof_data, depth):
data = write_mount_rules(prof_data, depth, 'deny')
data += write_mount_rules(prof_data, depth, 'allow')
return data
def write_signal(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('signal', False):
data = prof_data['signal'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_ptrace(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('ptrace', False):
data = prof_data['ptrace'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_pivot_root_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
# no pivot_root rules, so return
if not prof_data[allow].get('pivot_root', False):
return data
for pivot_root_rule in prof_data[allow]['pivot_root']:
data.append('%s%s' % (pre, pivot_root_rule.serialize()))
return data
def write_pivot_root(prof_data, depth):
data = write_pivot_root_rules(prof_data, depth, 'deny')
data += write_pivot_root_rules(prof_data, depth, 'allow')
return data
def write_unix_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
# no unix rules, so return
if not prof_data[allow].get('unix', False):
return data
for unix_rule in prof_data[allow]['unix']:
data.append('%s%s' % (pre, unix_rule.serialize()))
return data
def write_unix(prof_data, depth):
data = write_unix_rules(prof_data, depth, 'deny')
data += write_unix_rules(prof_data, depth, 'allow')
return data
def write_link_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
allowstr = set_allow_str(allow)
if prof_data[allow].get('link', False):
for path in sorted(prof_data[allow]['link'].keys()):
to_name = prof_data[allow]['link'][path]['to']
subset = ''
if prof_data[allow]['link'][path]['mode'] & apparmor.aamode.AA_LINK_SUBSET:
subset = 'subset '
audit = ''
if prof_data[allow]['link'][path].get('audit', False):
audit = 'audit '
path = quote_if_needed(path)
to_name = quote_if_needed(to_name)
data.append('%s%s%slink %s%s -> %s,' % (pre, audit, allowstr, subset, path, to_name))
return data
def write_links(prof_data, depth):
data = write_link_rules(prof_data, depth, 'deny')
data += write_link_rules(prof_data, depth, 'allow')
return data
def write_file(prof_data, depth):
data = []
if prof_data.get('file', False):
data = prof_data['file'].get_clean(depth)
return data
def write_rules(prof_data, depth):
data = write_abi(prof_data, depth)
data += write_alias(prof_data, depth)
data += write_list_vars(prof_data, depth)
data += write_includes(prof_data, depth)
data += write_rlimits(prof_data, depth)
data += write_capabilities(prof_data, depth)
data += write_netdomain(prof_data, depth)
data += write_dbus(prof_data, depth)
data += write_mount(prof_data, depth)
data += write_signal(prof_data, depth)
data += write_ptrace(prof_data, depth)
data += write_pivot_root(prof_data, depth)
data += write_unix(prof_data, depth)
data += write_links(prof_data, depth)
data += write_file(prof_data, depth)
data += write_change_profile(prof_data, depth)
return data
def write_piece(profile_data, depth, name, nhat, write_flags):
pre = ' ' * depth
data = []
wname = None
inhat = False
if name == nhat:
wname = name
wname = name + '//' + nhat
name = nhat
inhat = True
data += write_header(profile_data[name], depth, wname, False, write_flags)
data += write_rules(profile_data[name], depth + 1)
pre2 = ' ' * (depth + 1)
if not inhat:
# Embedded hats
for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
if not profile_data[hat]['external']:
if profile_data[hat]['profile']:
data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, hat, True, write_flags)))
data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, '^' + hat, True, write_flags)))
data += list(map(str, write_rules(profile_data[hat], depth + 2)))
data.append('%s}' % pre2)
data.append('%s}' % pre)
# External hats
for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
if name == nhat and profile_data[hat].get('external', False):
data += list(map(lambda x: ' %s' % x, write_piece(profile_data, depth - 1, name, nhat, write_flags)))
data.append(' }')
return data
def serialize_profile(profile_data, name, options):
string = ''
include_metadata = False
include_flags = True
data = []
if options: # and type(options) == dict:
if options.get('METADATA', False):
include_metadata = True
if options.get('NO_FLAGS', False):
include_flags = False
if include_metadata:
string = '# Last Modified: %s\n' % time.asctime()
if (profile_data[name].get('repo', False) and
profile_data[name]['repo']['url'] and
profile_data[name]['repo']['user'] and
repo = profile_data[name]['repo']
string += '# REPOSITORY: %s %s %s\n' % (repo['url'], repo['user'], repo['id'])
elif profile_data[name]['repo']['neversubmit']:
# if profile_data[name].get('initial_comment', False):
# comment = profile_data[name]['initial_comment']
# comment.replace('\\n', '\n')
# string += comment + '\n'
prof_filename = get_profile_filename(name)
if filelist.get(prof_filename, False):
data += write_abi(filelist[prof_filename], 0)
data += write_alias(filelist[prof_filename], 0)
data += write_list_vars(filelist[prof_filename], 0)
data += write_includes(filelist[prof_filename], 0)
#Here should be all the profiles from the files added write after global/common stuff
for prof in sorted(filelist[prof_filename]['profiles'].keys()):
if prof != name:
if original_aa[prof][prof].get('initial_comment', False):
comment = original_aa[prof][prof]['initial_comment']
comment.replace('\\n', '\n')
data += [comment + '\n']
data += write_piece(original_aa[prof], 0, prof, prof, include_flags)
if profile_data[name].get('initial_comment', False):
comment = profile_data[name]['initial_comment']
comment.replace('\\n', '\n')
data += [comment + '\n']
data += write_piece(profile_data, 0, name, name, include_flags)
string += '\n'.join(data)
return string + '\n'
def serialize_parse_profile_start(line, file, lineno, profile, hat, prof_data_profile, prof_data_external, correct):
(profile, hat, attachment, flags, in_contained_hat, pps_set_profile, pps_set_hat_external) = parse_profile_start(line, file, lineno, profile, hat)
if hat and profile != hat and '%s//%s'%(profile, hat) in line and not prof_data_external:
correct = False
return (profile, hat, attachment, flags, in_contained_hat, correct)
def serialize_profile_from_old_profile(profile_data, name, options):
data = []
string = ''
include_metadata = False
include_flags = True
prof_filename = get_profile_filename(name)
write_filelist = deepcopy(filelist[prof_filename])
write_prof_data = deepcopy(profile_data)
# XXX profile_data / write_prof_data contain only one profile with its hats
# XXX this will explode if a file contains multiple profiles, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1528139
# XXX fixing this needs lots of write_prof_data[hat] -> write_prof_data[profile][hat] changes (and of course also a change in the calling code)
# XXX (the better option is a full rewrite of serialize_profile_from_old_profile())
if options: # and type(options) == dict:
if options.get('METADATA', False):
include_metadata = True
if options.get('NO_FLAGS', False):
include_flags = False
if include_metadata:
string = '# Last Modified: %s\n' % time.asctime()
if (profile_data[name].get('repo', False) and
profile_data[name]['repo']['url'] and
profile_data[name]['repo']['user'] and
repo = profile_data[name]['repo']
string += '# REPOSITORY: %s %s %s\n' % (repo['url'], repo['user'], repo['id'])
elif profile_data[name]['repo']['neversubmit']:
if not os.path.isfile(prof_filename):
raise AppArmorException(_("Can't find existing profile to modify"))
# profiles_list = filelist[prof_filename].keys() # XXX
with open_file_read(prof_filename) as f_in:
profile = None
hat = None
write_methods = {'abi': write_abi,
'alias': write_alias,
'lvar': write_list_vars,
'include': write_includes,
'rlimit': write_rlimits,
'capability': write_capabilities,
'network': write_netdomain,
'dbus': write_dbus,
'mount': write_mount,
'signal': write_signal,
'ptrace': write_ptrace,
'pivot_root': write_pivot_root,
'unix': write_unix,
'link': write_links,
'file': write_file,
'change_profile': write_change_profile,
default_write_order = [ 'alias',
# prof_correct = True # XXX correct?
segments = {'alias': False,
'lvar': False,
'include': False,
'rlimit': False,
'capability': False,
'network': False,
'dbus': False,
'mount': True, # not handled otherwise yet
'signal': True, # not handled otherwise yet
'ptrace': True, # not handled otherwise yet
'pivot_root': True, # not handled otherwise yet
'unix': True, # not handled otherwise yet
'link': False,
'file': False,
'change_profile': False,
'include_local_started': False, # unused
def write_prior_segments(prof_data, segments, line):
data = []
for segs in list(filter(lambda x: segments[x], segments.keys())):
depth = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
data += write_methods[segs](prof_data, int(depth / 2))
segments[segs] = False
# delete rules from prof_data to avoid duplication (they are in data now)
if prof_data['allow'].get(segs, False):
if prof_data['deny'].get(segs, False):
if prof_data.get(segs, False):
t = type(prof_data[segs])
prof_data[segs] = t()
return data
#data.append('reading prof')
for line in f_in:
correct = True
line = line.rstrip('\n')
#data.append(' ')#data.append('read: '+line)
if RE_PROFILE_START.search(line):
(profile, hat, attachment, flags, in_contained_hat, correct) = serialize_parse_profile_start(
line, prof_filename, None, profile, hat, write_prof_data[hat]['profile'], write_prof_data[hat]['external'], correct)
if not write_prof_data[hat]['name'] == profile:
correct = False
if not write_filelist['profiles'][profile][hat] is True:
correct = False
if not write_prof_data[hat]['flags'] == flags:
correct = False
#Write the profile start
if correct:
if write_filelist:
data += write_alias(write_filelist, 0)
data += write_list_vars(write_filelist, 0)
data += write_includes(write_filelist, 0)
if write_prof_data[hat]['name'] == profile:
depth = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
data += write_header(write_prof_data[name], int(depth / 2), name, False, include_flags)
elif RE_PROFILE_END.search(line):
if profile:
depth = int(len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) / 2) + 1
# first write sections that were modified
#for segs in write_methods.keys():
for segs in default_write_order:
if segments[segs]:
data += write_methods[segs](write_prof_data[name], depth)
segments[segs] = False
# delete rules from write_prof_data to avoid duplication (they are in data now)
if write_prof_data[name]['allow'].get(segs, False):
if write_prof_data[name]['deny'].get(segs, False):
if write_prof_data[name].get(segs, False):
t = type(write_prof_data[name][segs])
write_prof_data[name][segs] = t()
# then write everything else
for segs in default_write_order:
data += write_methods[segs](write_prof_data[name], depth)
#Append local includes
if not in_contained_hat:
# Embedded hats
depth = int((len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) / 2)
pre2 = ' ' * (depth + 1)
for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
if not profile_data[hat]['external']:
if profile_data[hat]['profile']:
data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, hat, True, include_flags)))
data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, '^' + hat, True, include_flags)))
data += list(map(str, write_rules(profile_data[hat], depth + 2)))
data.append('%s}' % pre2)
# External hats
for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
if profile_data[hat].get('external', False):
data += list(map(lambda x: ' %s' % x, write_piece(profile_data, depth - 1, name, name, include_flags)))
data.append(' }')
if in_contained_hat:
#Hat processed, remove it
hat = profile
in_contained_hat = False
profile = None
elif CapabilityRule.match(line):
cap = CapabilityRule.parse(line)
if write_prof_data[hat]['capability'].is_covered(cap, True, True):
if not segments['capability'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['capability'] = True
# To-Do
elif RE_PROFILE_LINK.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_LINK.search(line).groups()
audit = False
if matches[0]:
audit = True
allow = 'allow'
if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
allow = 'deny'
subset = matches[3]
link = strip_quotes(matches[6])
value = strip_quotes(matches[7])
if not write_prof_data[hat][allow]['link'][link]['to'] == value:
correct = False
if not write_prof_data[hat][allow]['link'][link]['mode'] & apparmor.aamode.AA_MAY_LINK:
correct = False
if subset and not write_prof_data[hat][allow]['link'][link]['mode'] & apparmor.aamode.AA_LINK_SUBSET:
correct = False
if audit and not write_prof_data[hat][allow]['link'][link]['audit'] & apparmor.aamode.AA_LINK_SUBSET:
correct = False
if correct:
if not segments['link'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['link'] = True
# To-Do
elif ChangeProfileRule.match(line):
change_profile_obj = ChangeProfileRule.parse(line)
if write_prof_data[hat]['change_profile'].is_covered(change_profile_obj, True, True):
if not segments['change_profile'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['change_profile'] = True
elif RE_PROFILE_ALIAS.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_ALIAS.search(line).groups()
from_name = strip_quotes(matches[0])
to_name = strip_quotes(matches[1])
if profile:
if not write_prof_data[hat]['alias'][from_name] == to_name:
correct = False
if not write_filelist['alias'][from_name] == to_name:
correct = False
if correct:
if not segments['alias'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['alias'] = True
if profile:
elif RlimitRule.match(line):
rlimit_obj = RlimitRule.parse(line)
if write_prof_data[hat]['rlimit'].is_covered(rlimit_obj, True, True):
if not segments['rlimit'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['rlimit'] = True
elif RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_BOOLEAN.search(line).groups()
bool_var = matches[0]
value = matches[1]
if not write_prof_data[hat]['lvar'][bool_var] == value:
correct = False
if correct:
if not segments['lvar'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['lvar'] = True
elif RE_PROFILE_VARIABLE.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_VARIABLE.search(line).groups()
list_var = strip_quotes(matches[0])
var_operation = matches[1]
value = strip_quotes(matches[2])
var_set = hasher()
if var_operation == '+=':
correct = False # adding proper support for "add to variable" needs big changes
# (like storing a variable's "history" - where it was initially defined and what got added where)
# so just skip any comparison and assume a non-match
elif profile:
store_list_var(var_set, list_var, value, var_operation, prof_filename)
if not var_set[list_var] == write_prof_data['lvar'].get(list_var, False):
correct = False
store_list_var(var_set, list_var, value, var_operation, prof_filename)
if not var_set[list_var] == write_filelist['lvar'].get(list_var, False):
correct = False
if correct:
if not segments['lvar'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['lvar'] = True
if profile:
elif re_match_include(line):
include_name = re_match_include(line)
if profile:
if write_prof_data[hat]['include'].get(include_name, False):
if not segments['include'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['include'] = True
if write_filelist['include'].get(include_name, False):
elif NetworkRule.match(line):
network_obj = NetworkRule.parse(line)
if write_prof_data[hat]['network'].is_covered(network_obj, True, True):
if not segments['network'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['network'] = True
elif RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line):
# "^hat," declarations are no longer supported, ignore them and don't write out the line
# (parse_profile_data() already prints a warning about that)
elif RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line):
matches = RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line)
in_contained_hat = True
hat = matches.group('hat')
hat = strip_quotes(hat)
flags = matches.group('flags')
if not write_prof_data[hat]['flags'] == flags:
correct = False
if not write_filelist['profile'][profile][hat]:
correct = False
if correct:
elif FileRule.match(line):
# leading permissions could look like a keyword, therefore handle file rules after everything else
file_obj = FileRule.parse(line)
if write_prof_data[hat]['file'].is_covered(file_obj, True, True):
if not segments['file'] and True in segments.values():
data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
segments['file'] = True
if correct:
# data.append('prof done')
# if write_filelist:
# data += write_alias(write_filelist, 0)
# data += write_list_vars(write_filelist, 0)
# data += write_includes(write_filelist, 0)
# data.append('from filelist over')
# data += write_piece(write_prof_data, 0, name, name, include_flags)
string += '\n'.join(data)
return string + '\n'
def write_profile_ui_feedback(profile):
aaui.UI_Info(_('Writing updated profile for %s.') % profile)
def write_profile(profile):
prof_filename = None
if aa[profile][profile].get('filename', False):
prof_filename = aa[profile][profile]['filename']
prof_filename = get_profile_filename(profile)
newprof = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='~', delete=False, dir=profile_dir)
if os.path.exists(prof_filename):
shutil.copymode(prof_filename, newprof.name)
#permission_600 = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR # Owner read and write
#os.chmod(newprof.name, permission_600)
serialize_options = {}
serialize_options['METADATA'] = True
profile_string = serialize_profile(aa[profile], profile, serialize_options)
os.rename(newprof.name, prof_filename)
if profile in changed:
debug_logger.info("Unchanged profile written: %s (not listed in 'changed' list)" % profile)
original_aa[profile] = deepcopy(aa[profile])
def is_known_rule(profile, rule_type, rule_obj):
# XXX get rid of get() checks after we have a proper function to initialize a profile
if profile.get(rule_type, False):
if profile[rule_type].is_covered(rule_obj, False):
return True
includelist = list(profile['include'].keys())
checked = []
while includelist:
incname = includelist.pop(0)
if os.path.isdir(profile_dir + '/' + incname):
includelist += include_dir_filelist(profile_dir, incname)
if include[incname][incname].get(rule_type, False):
if include[incname][incname][rule_type].is_covered(rule_obj, False):
return True
for childinc in include[incname][incname]['include'].keys():
if childinc not in checked:
includelist += [childinc]
return False
def get_file_perms(profile, path, audit, deny):
'''get the current permissions for the given path'''
perms = profile['file'].get_perms_for_path(path, audit, deny)
includelist = list(profile['include'].keys())
checked = []
while includelist:
incname = includelist.pop(0)
if incname in checked:
if os.path.isdir(profile_dir + '/' + incname):
includelist += include_dir_filelist(profile_dir, incname)
incperms = include[incname][incname]['file'].get_perms_for_path(path, audit, deny)
for allow_or_deny in ['allow', 'deny']:
for owner_or_all in ['all', 'owner']:
for perm in incperms[allow_or_deny][owner_or_all]:
if 'a' in perms[allow_or_deny][owner_or_all] and 'w' in perms[allow_or_deny][owner_or_all]:
perms[allow_or_deny][owner_or_all].remove('a') # a is a subset of w, so remove it
for incpath in incperms['paths']:
for childinc in include[incname][incname]['include'].keys():
if childinc not in checked:
includelist += [childinc]
return perms
def propose_file_rules(profile_obj, rule_obj):
'''Propose merged file rules based on the existing profile and the log events
- permissions get merged
- matching paths from existing rules, common_glob() and user_globs get proposed
- IMPORTANT: modifies rule_obj.original_perms and rule_obj.perms'''
options = []
original_path = rule_obj.path.regex
merged_rule_obj = deepcopy(rule_obj) # make sure not to modify the original rule object (with exceptions, see end of this function)
existing_perms = get_file_perms(profile_obj, rule_obj.path, False, False)
for perm in existing_perms['allow']['all']: # XXX also handle owner-only perms
merged_rule_obj.raw_rule = None
if 'a' in merged_rule_obj.perms and 'w' in merged_rule_obj.perms:
merged_rule_obj.perms.remove('a') # a is a subset of w, so remove it
pathlist = {original_path} | existing_perms['paths'] | set(glob_common(original_path))
for user_glob in user_globs:
if user_globs[user_glob].match(original_path):
pathlist = order_globs(pathlist, original_path)
# paths in existing rules that match the original path
for path in pathlist:
merged_rule_obj.raw_rule = None
merged_rule_obj.exec_perms = None
rule_obj.original_perms = existing_perms
if rule_obj.perms != merged_rule_obj.perms:
rule_obj.perms = merged_rule_obj.perms
rule_obj.raw_rule = None
return options
def reload_base(bin_path):
if not check_for_apparmor():
return None
prof_filename = get_profile_filename(bin_path)
# XXX use reload_profile() from tools.py instead (and don't hide output in /dev/null)
subprocess.call("cat '%s' | %s -I%s -r >/dev/null 2>&1" % (prof_filename, parser, profile_dir), shell=True)
def reload(bin_path):
bin_path = find_executable(bin_path)
if not bin_path:
return None
return reload_base(bin_path)
def get_include_data(filename):
data = []
filename = profile_dir + '/' + filename
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open_file_read(filename) as f_in:
data = f_in.readlines()
raise AppArmorException(_('File Not Found: %s') % filename)
return data
def include_dir_filelist(profile_dir, include_name):
'''returns a list of files in the given profile_dir/include_name directory, except skippable files'''
files = []
for path in os.listdir(profile_dir + '/' + include_name):
path = path.strip()
if is_skippable_file(path):
if os.path.isfile(profile_dir + '/' + include_name + '/' + path):
file_name = include_name + '/' + path
file_name = file_name.replace(profile_dir + '/', '')
return files
def load_include(incname):
load_includeslist = [incname]
while load_includeslist:
incfile = load_includeslist.pop(0)
if include.get(incfile, {}).get(incfile, False):
pass # already read, do nothing
elif os.path.isfile(profile_dir + '/' + incfile):
data = get_include_data(incfile)
incdata = parse_profile_data(data, incfile, True)
attach_profile_data(include, incdata)
#If the include is a directory means include all subfiles
elif os.path.isdir(profile_dir + '/' + incfile):
load_includeslist += include_dir_filelist(profile_dir, incfile)
raise AppArmorException("Include file %s not found" % (profile_dir + '/' + incfile) )
return 0
def check_qualifiers(program):
if cfg['qualifiers'].get(program, False):
if cfg['qualifiers'][program] != 'p':
fatal_error(_("%s is currently marked as a program that should not have its own\nprofile. Usually, programs are marked this way if creating a profile for \nthem is likely to break the rest of the system. If you know what you\'re\ndoing and are certain you want to create a profile for this program, edit\nthe corresponding entry in the [qualifiers] section in /etc/apparmor/logprof.conf.") % program)
return False
def get_subdirectories(current_dir):
"""Returns a list of all directories directly inside given directory"""
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
return os.walk(current_dir).next()[1]
return os.walk(current_dir).__next__()[1]
def loadincludes():
incdirs = get_subdirectories(profile_dir)
for idir in incdirs:
if is_skippable_dir(idir):
for dirpath, dirname, files in os.walk(profile_dir + '/' + idir):
if is_skippable_dir(dirpath):
for fi in files:
if is_skippable_file(fi):
fi = dirpath + '/' + fi
fi = fi.replace(profile_dir + '/', '', 1)
def glob_common(path):
globs = []
if re.search('[\d\.]+\.so$', path) or re.search('\.so\.[\d\.]+$', path):
libpath = path
libpath = re.sub('[\d\.]+\.so$', '*.so', libpath)
libpath = re.sub('\.so\.[\d\.]+$', '.so.*', libpath)
if libpath != path:
for glob in cfg['globs']:
if re.search(glob, path):
globbedpath = path
globbedpath = re.sub(glob, cfg['globs'][glob], path)
if globbedpath != path:
return sorted(set(globs))
def combine_name(name1, name2):
if name1 == name2:
return name1
return '%s^%s' % (name1, name2)
def logger_path():
logger = conf.find_first_file(cfg['settings']['logger']) or '/bin/logger'
if not os.path.isfile(logger) or not os.access(logger, os.EX_OK):
raise AppArmorException("Can't find logger!\nPlease make sure %s exists, or update the 'logger' path in logprof.conf." % logger)
return logger
def init_aa(confdir="/etc/apparmor"):
global CONFDIR
global conf
global cfg
global profile_dir
global extra_profile_dir
global parser
return # config already initialized (and possibly changed afterwards), so don't overwrite the config variables
CONFDIR = confdir
conf = apparmor.config.Config('ini', CONFDIR)
cfg = conf.read_config('logprof.conf')
# prevent various failures if logprof.conf doesn't exist
if not cfg.sections():
if cfg['settings'].get('default_owner_prompt', False):
cfg['settings']['default_owner_prompt'] = ''
profile_dir = conf.find_first_dir(cfg['settings'].get('profiledir')) or '/etc/apparmor.d'
if not os.path.isdir(profile_dir):
raise AppArmorException('Can\'t find AppArmor profiles in %s' % (profile_dir))
extra_profile_dir = conf.find_first_dir(cfg['settings'].get('inactive_profiledir')) or '/usr/share/apparmor/extra-profiles/'
parser = conf.find_first_file(cfg['settings'].get('parser')) or '/sbin/apparmor_parser'
if not os.path.isfile(parser) or not os.access(parser, os.EX_OK):
raise AppArmorException('Can\'t find apparmor_parser at %s' % (parser))