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synced 2025-03-04 16:35:02 +01:00

When matching an AARE against another AARE, most AARE objects don't contain orig_regex (only AARE instances originating from a log event contain orig_regex). In this case, match() will use is_equal() to error out on the safe side. Unfortunately this also means that there are lots of false negative cases where match() returns False errornously. With this patch, match() checks the given AARE regex and, if it doesn't contain any special characters (wildcards, alternations or variables), handles it as plain path. This avoids most of the false negatives. Also extend the AARE tests to check a bunch of plain path regexes using AARE matching instead of only str matching. Acked-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org>
148 lines
6.6 KiB
148 lines
6.6 KiB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import re
from apparmor.common import convert_regexp, type_is_str, AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
class AARE(object):
'''AARE (AppArmor Regular Expression) wrapper class'''
def __init__(self, regex, is_path, log_event=None):
'''create an AARE instance for the given AppArmor regex
If is_path is true, the regex is expected to be a path and therefore must start with / or a variable.'''
# using the specified variables when matching.
if is_path:
if regex.startswith('/'):
elif regex.startswith('@{'):
pass # XXX ideally check variable content - each part must start with / - or another variable, which must start with /
raise AppArmorException("Path doesn't start with / or variable: %s" % regex)
if log_event:
self.orig_regex = regex
self.regex = convert_expression_to_aare(regex)
self.orig_regex = None
self.regex = regex
self._regex_compiled = None # done on first use in match() - that saves us some re.compile() calls
# self.variables = variables # XXX
def __repr__(self):
'''returns a "printable" representation of AARE'''
return "AARE('%s')" % self.regex
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# thanks to http://bugs.python.org/issue10076, we need to implement this ourself
if self.orig_regex:
return AARE(self.orig_regex, is_path=False, log_event=True)
return AARE(self.regex, is_path=False)
# check if a regex is a plain path (not containing variables, alternations or wildcards)
# some special characters are probably not covered by the plain_path regex (if in doubt, better error out on the safe side)
plain_path = re.compile('^[0-9a-zA-Z/._-]+$')
def match(self, expression):
'''check if the given expression (string or AARE) matches the regex'''
if type(expression) == AARE:
if expression.orig_regex:
expression = expression.orig_regex
elif self.plain_path.match(expression.regex):
# regex doesn't contain variables or wildcards, therefore handle it as plain path
expression = expression.regex
return self.is_equal(expression) # better safe than sorry
elif not type_is_str(expression):
raise AppArmorBug('AARE.match() called with unknown object: %s' % str(expression))
if self._regex_compiled is None:
self._regex_compiled = re.compile(convert_regexp(self.regex))
return bool(self._regex_compiled.match(expression))
def is_equal(self, expression):
'''check if the given expression is equal'''
if type(expression) == AARE:
return self.regex == expression.regex
elif type_is_str(expression):
return self.regex == expression
raise AppArmorBug('AARE.is_equal() called with unknown object: %s' % str(expression))
def glob_path(self):
'''Glob the given file or directory path'''
if self.regex[-1] == '/':
if self.regex[-4:] == '/**/' or self.regex[-3:] == '/*/':
# /foo/**/ and /foo/*/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+/\*{1,2}/$', '/**/', self.regex) # re.sub('/[^/]+/\*{1,2}$/', '/\*\*/', self.regex)
elif re.search('/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*/$', self.regex):
# /foo**/ and /foo**bar/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*/$', '/**/', self.regex)
elif re.search('/\*\*[^/]+/$', self.regex):
# /**bar/ => /**/
newpath = re.sub('/\*\*[^/]+/$', '/**/', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+/$', '/*/', self.regex)
if self.regex[-3:] == '/**' or self.regex[-2:] == '/*':
# /foo/** and /foo/* => /**
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+/\*{1,2}$', '/**', self.regex)
elif re.search('/[^/]*\*\*[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /**foo and /foor**bar => /**
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]*\*\*[^/]+$', '/**', self.regex)
elif re.search('/[^/]+\*\*$', self.regex):
# /foo** => /**
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+\*\*$', '/**', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+$', '/*', self.regex)
return AARE(newpath, False)
def glob_path_withext(self):
'''Glob given file path with extension
Files without extensions and directories won't be changed'''
# match /**.ext and /*.ext
match = re.search('/\*{1,2}(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
if match:
# /foo/**.ext and /foo/*.ext => /**.ext
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+/\*{1,2}\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
elif re.search('/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*\.[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /foo**.ext and /foo**bar.ext => /**.ext
match = re.search('/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+\*\*[^/]*\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
elif re.search('/\*\*[^/]+\.[^/]+$', self.regex):
# /**foo.ext => /**.ext
match = re.search('/\*\*[^/]+(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
newpath = re.sub('/\*\*[^/]+\.[^/]+$', '/**' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
newpath = self.regex
match = re.search('(\.[^/]+)$', self.regex)
if match:
newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+(\.[^/]+)$', '/*' + match.groups()[0], self.regex)
return AARE(newpath, False)
def convert_expression_to_aare(expression):
'''convert an expression (taken from audit.log) to an AARE string'''
aare_escape_chars = ['\\', '?', '*', '[', ']', '{', '}', '"', '!']
for char in aare_escape_chars:
expression = expression.replace(char, '\\' + char)
return expression