If apparmor_parser -N (in profiles_names_list()) fails,
aa-remove-unknown possibly gets an incomplete list of profiles in
/etc/apparmor.d/ and therefore might remove more profiles than it
Replace the profiles_names_list() call with a direct apparmor_parser
call, and abort aa-remove-unknown if it exits with $? != 0
aa-remove-unknown -n
AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/broken in profile /etc/apparmor.d/broken at line 1: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ID, expecting TOK_OPEN
Would remove 'delete_me'
./aa-remove-unknown -n
AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d in profile /etc/apparmor.d/zbroken at line 1: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ID, expecting TOK_OPEN
apparmor_parser exited with failure, aborting.
And of course, after fixing the broken profile:
./aa-remove-unknown -n
Would remove 'delete_me'
Known Bugs:
Will allow multiple letters in the () due to translation/unicode issues with regexing the key.
User input will probably bug out in a different locale.