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synced 2025-03-04 16:35:02 +01:00

Annotate exceptions with ' # noqa: ERROR' Signed-off-by: Georgia Garcia <georgia.garcia@canonical.com>
244 lines
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244 lines
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#! /usr/bin/python3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
from apparmor.profile_storage import ProfileStorage, add_or_remove_flag, split_flags, var_transform
from apparmor.rule.capability import CapabilityRule
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
class TestUnknownKey(AATest):
def AASetup(self):
self.storage = ProfileStorage('/test/foo', 'hat', 'TEST')
def test_read(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
def test_get(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
def test_get_with_fallback(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self.storage.get('foo', 'bar')
def test_set(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self.storage['foo'] = 'bar'
class AaTest_get_header(AATest):
tests = (
# name embedded_hat depth flags attachment xattrs prof.keyw. comment expected
(('/foo', False, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', True, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo sp', False, 2, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' "/foo sp" flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', True, 2, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', False, 0, None, '', '', False, ''), '/foo {'),
(('/foo', False, 0, None, '', 'user.foo=bar', False, ''), '/foo xattrs=(user.foo=bar) {'),
(('/foo', True, 0, None, '', '', False, ''), 'profile /foo {'),
(('bar', False, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' profile bar flags=(complain) {'),
(('bar', False, 1, 'complain', '/foo', '', False, ''), ' profile bar /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('bar', True, 1, 'complain', '/foo', '', False, ''), ' profile bar /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('bar baz', False, 1, None, '/foo', '', False, ''), ' profile "bar baz" /foo {'),
(('bar', True, 1, None, '/foo', '', False, ''), ' profile bar /foo {'),
(('bar baz', False, 1, 'complain', '/foo sp', '', False, ''), ' profile "bar baz" "/foo sp" flags=(complain) {'),
(('bar baz', False, 1, 'complain', '/foo sp', 'user.foo=bar', False, ''), ' profile "bar baz" "/foo sp" xattrs=(user.foo=bar) flags=(complain) {'),
(('^foo', False, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' profile ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('^foo', True, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('^foo', True, 1.5, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('^foo', True, 1.3, 'complain', '', '', False, ''), ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', False, 1, 'complain', '', '', True, ''), ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', True, 1, 'complain', '', '', True, ''), ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(('/foo', False, 1, 'complain', '', '', False, '# x'), ' /foo flags=(complain) { # x'),
(('/foo', True, 1, None, '', '', False, '# x'), ' profile /foo { # x'),
(('/foo', False, 1, None, '', '', True, '# x'), ' profile /foo { # x'),
(('/foo', True, 1, 'complain', '', '', True, '# x'), ' profile /foo flags=(complain) { # x'),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
name = params[0]
embedded_hat = params[1]
depth = params[2]
prof_storage = ProfileStorage(name, '', 'test')
prof_storage['flags'] = params[3]
prof_storage['attachment'] = params[4]
prof_storage['xattrs'] = params[5]
prof_storage['profile_keyword'] = params[6]
prof_storage['header_comment'] = params[7]
result = prof_storage.get_header(depth, name, embedded_hat)
self.assertEqual(result, [expected])
class AaTest_get_header_01(AATest):
tests = (
({'name': '/foo', 'depth': 1, 'flags': 'complain'}, ' /foo flags=(complain) {'),
({'name': '/foo', 'depth': 1, 'flags': 'complain', 'profile_keyword': True}, ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
({'name': '/foo', 'flags': 'complain'}, '/foo flags=(complain) {'),
({'name': '/foo', 'xattrs': 'user.foo=bar', 'flags': 'complain'}, '/foo xattrs=(user.foo=bar) flags=(complain) {'),
({'name': '/foo', 'xattrs': 'user.foo=bar', 'embedded_hat': True}, 'profile /foo xattrs=(user.foo=bar) {'),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
name = params['name']
embedded_hat = params.get('embedded_hat', False)
depth = params.get('depth', 0)
prof_storage = ProfileStorage(name, '', 'test')
for param in ('flags', 'attachment', 'profile_keyword', 'header_comment', 'xattrs'):
if params.get(param) is not None:
prof_storage[param] = params[param]
result = prof_storage.get_header(depth, name, embedded_hat)
self.assertEqual(result, [expected])
class TestSetInvalid(AATest):
tests = (
(('profile_keyword', None), AppArmorBug), # expects bool
(('profile_keyword', 'foo'), AppArmorBug),
(('attachment', False), AppArmorBug), # expects string
(('attachment', None), AppArmorBug),
(('filename', True), AppArmorBug), # expects string or None
(('allow', None), AppArmorBug), # doesn't allow overwriting at all
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.storage = ProfileStorage('/test/foo', 'hat', 'TEST')
with self.assertRaises(expected):
self.storage[params[0]] = params[1]
def testInvalidTypeChange(self):
storage = ProfileStorage('/test/foo', 'hat', 'TEST')
storage.data['invalid'] = 42 # manually set behind __setitem__'s back to avoid checks
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
storage['invalid'] = 'foo' # attempt to change type from int to str
class AaTest_repr(AATest):
def testRepr(self):
prof_storage = ProfileStorage('/test/foo', 'hat', 'TEST')
prof_storage['name'] = 'foo'
prof_storage['xattrs'] = 'user.bar=bar'
self.assertEqual(str(prof_storage), '\n<ProfileStorage>\nprofile foo xattrs=(user.bar=bar) {\n capability dac_override,\n\n}\n</ProfileStorage>\n')
class AaTest_parse_profile_start(AATest):
tests = (
# profile start line profile hat profile hat attachment xattrs flags pps_set_hat_external
(('/foo {', None, None), ('/foo', '/foo', '', '', None, False)),
(('/foo (complain) {', None, None), ('/foo', '/foo', '', '', 'complain', False)),
(('profile foo /foo {', None, None), ('foo', 'foo', '/foo', '', None, False)), # named profile
(('profile /foo {', '/bar', None), ('/bar', '/foo', '', '', None, False)), # child profile
(('/foo//bar {', None, None), ('/foo', 'bar', '', '', None, True)), # external hat
(('profile "/foo" (complain) {', None, None), ('/foo', '/foo', '', '', 'complain', False)),
(('profile "/foo" xattrs=(user.bar=bar) {', None, None), ('/foo', '/foo', '', 'user.bar=bar', None, False)),
(('profile "/foo" xattrs=(user.bar=bar user.foo=*) {', None, None), ('/foo', '/foo', '', 'user.bar=bar user.foo=*', None, False)),
(('/usr/bin/xattrs-test xattrs=(myvalue="foo.bar") {', None, None), ('/usr/bin/xattrs-test', '/usr/bin/xattrs-test', '', 'myvalue="foo.bar"', None, False)),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
(profile, hat, prof_storage) = ProfileStorage.parse(params[0], 'somefile', 1, params[1], params[2])
self.assertEqual(profile, expected[0])
self.assertEqual(hat, expected[1])
self.assertEqual(prof_storage['attachment'], expected[2])
self.assertEqual(prof_storage['xattrs'], expected[3])
self.assertEqual(prof_storage['flags'], expected[4])
self.assertEqual(prof_storage['is_hat'], False)
self.assertEqual(prof_storage['external'], expected[5])
class AaTest_parse_profile_start_errors(AATest):
tests = (
(('/foo///bar///baz {', None, None), AppArmorException), # XXX deeply nested external hat
(('profile asdf {', '/foo', '/bar'), AppArmorException), # nested child profile
(('/foo {', '/bar', None), AppArmorException), # child profile without profile keyword
(('/foo {', '/bar', '/bar'), AppArmorException), # child profile without profile keyword
(('xy', '/bar', None), AppArmorBug), # not a profile start
(('xy', '/bar', '/bar'), AppArmorBug), # not a profile start
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
with self.assertRaises(expected):
ProfileStorage.parse(params[0], 'somefile', 1, params[1], params[2])
class AaTest_add_or_remove_flag(AATest):
tests = (
# existing flag(s) flag to change add or remove? expected flags
(([], 'complain', True), ['complain']),
(([], 'complain', False), []),
((['complain'], 'complain', True), ['complain']),
((['complain'], 'complain', False), []),
(([], 'audit', True), ['audit']),
(([], 'audit', False), []),
((['complain'], 'audit', True), ['audit', 'complain']),
((['complain'], 'audit', False), ['complain']),
(('', 'audit', True), ['audit']),
((None, 'audit', False), []),
(('complain', 'audit', True), ['audit', 'complain']),
((' complain ', 'audit', False), ['complain']),
(('audit complain', ('audit', 'complain'), False), []),
(('audit complain', 'audit complain', False), []),
(('audit complain', ('audit', 'enforce'), False), ['complain']),
(('audit complain', 'audit enforce', False), ['complain']),
(('', ('audit', 'complain'), True), ['audit', 'complain']),
(('', 'audit complain', True), ['audit', 'complain']),
(('audit', ('audit', 'enforce'), True), ['audit', 'enforce']),
(('audit', 'audit enforce', True), ['audit', 'enforce']),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
new_flags = add_or_remove_flag(*params)
self.assertEqual(new_flags, expected)
class AaTest_split_flags(AATest):
tests = (
(None, []),
('', []),
(' ', []),
(' , ', []),
('complain', ['complain']),
(' complain attach_disconnected', ['attach_disconnected', 'complain']),
(' complain , attach_disconnected', ['attach_disconnected', 'complain']),
(' complain , , audit , , ', ['audit', 'complain']),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
split = split_flags(params)
self.assertEqual(split, expected)
class AaTest_var_transform(AATest):
tests = (
(('foo', ''), '"" foo'),
(('foo', 'bar'), 'bar foo'),
(('',), '""'),
(('bar baz', 'foo'), '"bar baz" foo'),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.assertEqual(var_transform(params), expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':